OData Reference
The Anzo Data on Demand service follows the OData Version 4.0 specification, which defines the standard URL conventions and query options. This topic provides a quick reference for viewing the supported string operators and output formats. It also provides some example queries.
Note: The Anzo Data on Demand service does not impose limitations on the data that can be retrieved. However, some third-party applications do not support multi-value properties.
Supported String Operators
The Data on Demand service supports the following OData query string operators:
- $count
- $expand
- $filter
- $format
- $orderby
- $select
- $skip
- $top
Supported Output Formats
The Data on Demand service supports the following output formats:
- text/CSV
Use the $format operator to specify the output format. For example, the following query produces output in JSON format:
And this query returns output in CSV format:
Example OData Queries
This section provides examples of common types of OData queries. The queries run against a sample graphmart that contains data from electronic medical records.
The query below selects all of the properties from the top 10 observations:
This query selects the patientID property of the top 10 Observations.
The query below selects the patientID and medication properties for the top 10 Observations:
This query selects the medication property of the top 10 Observations and filters on values with an optimal property value of True:
https://csi.com/dataondemand/EMR-Graphmart/Observations?$top=10$select=medication& $filter=optimal%20eq%20%27True%27