Inference Rule Reference

This topic provides reference information for the RDFS-plus and OWL 2 RL rules that inference steps run.

RDFS-Plus Rules

The tables below define the RDFS-plus inference rules.

Semantics of Class Axioms

Rule Description IF THEN
cax-eqc1 Two classes are synonymous. T(?c1, owl:equivalentClass, ?c2)
T(?x, rdf:type, ?c1)
T(?x, rdf:type, ?c2)
cax-eqc2 Two classes are synonymous. T(?c1, owl:equivalentClass, ?c2)
T(?x, rdf:type, ?c2)
T(?x, rdf:type, ?c1)
cax-sco Members of a subclass are also members of the superclass. T(?c1, rdfs:subClassOf, ?c2)
T(?x, rdf:type, ?c1)
T(?x, rdf:type, ?c2)

Semantics of Axioms about Properties

Rule Description IF THEN
prp-dom Infer the subject's type from the predicate's domain. T(?p, rdfs:domain, ?c)
T(?x, ?p, ?y)
T(?x, rdf:type, ?c)
prp-eqp1 Two properties are synonymous. T(?p1, owl:equivalentProperty, ?p2)
T(?x, ?p1, ?y)
T(?x, ?p2, ?y)
prp-eqp2 Two properties are synonymous. T(?p1, owl:equivalentProperty, ?p2)
T(?x, ?p2, ?y)
T(?x, ?p1, ?y)
prp-fp If predicate p is a functional property, then a subject can be related to only one specific object by p. T(?p, rdf:type, owl:FunctionalProperty)
T(?x, ?p, ?y1)
T(?x, ?p, ?y2)
T(?y1, owl:sameAs, ?y2)
prp-ifp If predicate p is an inverse functional property, then a specific object can be related to only one subject by p. T(?p, rdf:type, owl:InverseFunctionalProperty)
T(?x1, ?p, ?y)
T(?x2, ?p, ?y)
T(?x1, owl:sameAs, ?x2)
prp-inv1 Two properties are the inverse of each other. T(?p1, owl:inverseOf, ?p2)
T(?x, ?p1, ?y)
T(?y, ?p2, ?x)
prp-inv2 Two properties are the inverse of each other. T(?p1, owl:inverseOf, ?p2)
T(?x, ?p2, ?y)
T(?y, ?p1, ?x)
prp-rng Infer the object's type from the predicate's range. T(?p, rdfs:range, ?c)
T(?x, ?p, ?y)
T(?y, rdf:type, ?c)
prp-spo1 Relationships that are described by a subproperty also hold for the superproperty. T(?p1, rdfs:subPropertyOf, ?p2)
T(?x, ?p1, ?y)
T(?x, ?p2, ?y)
prp-symp The inverse is true for a property. T(?p, rdf:type, owl:SymmetricProperty)
T(?x, ?p, ?y)
T(?y, ?p, ?x)
prp-trp Chains of relationships collapse into a single relationship. T(?p, rdf:type, owl:TransitiveProperty)
T(?x, ?p, ?y)
T(?y, ?p, ?z)
T(?x, ?p, ?z)

Semantics of Schema Vocabulary

Rule Description IF THEN
scm-cls Every class is its own subclass and equivalent class, and it is a subclass of owl:Thing. T(?c, rdf:type, owl:Class) T(?c, rdfs:subClassOf, ?c)
T(?c, owl:equivalentClass, ?c)
T(?c, rdfs:subClassOf, owl:Thing)
T(owl:Nothing, rdfs:subClassOf, ?c)
scm-dom1 A property with domain c also has domain c's superclasses. T(?p, rdfs:domain, ?c1)
T(?c1, rdfs:subClassOf, ?c2)
T(?p, rdfs:domain, ?c2)
scm-dom2 A subproperty inherits the domains of the superproperties. T(?p2, rdfs:domain, ?c)
T(?p1, rdfs:subPropertyOf, ?p2)
T(?p1, rdfs:domain, ?c)
scm-eqc1 Equivalent classes are subclasses of each other. T(?c1, owl:equivalentClass, ?c2) T(?c1, rdfs:subClassOf, ?c2)
T(?c2, rdfs:subClassOf, ?c1)
scm-eqc2 If two classes are subclasses, they are also equivalent classes. T(?c1, rdfs:subClassOf, ?c2)
T(?c2, rdfs:subClassOf, ?c1)
T(?c1, owl:equivalentClass, ?c2)
scm-eqp1 Equivalent properties are subproperties of each other. T(?p1, owl:equivalentProperty, ?p2) T(?p1, rdfs:subPropertyOf, ?p2)
T(?p2, rdfs:subPropertyOf, ?p1)
scm-eqp2 If two properties are subproperties, they are also equivalent properties. T(?p1, rdfs:subPropertyOf, ?p2)
T(?p2, rdfs:subPropertyOf, ?p1)
T(?p1, owl:equivalentProperty, ?p2)
scm-rng1 A property with range c also has range c's superclasses. T(?p, rdfs:range, ?c1)
T(?c1, rdfs:subClassOf, ?c2)
T(?p, rdfs:range, ?c2)
scm-rng2 A subproperty inherits the ranges of its superproperties. T(?p2, rdfs:range, ?c)
T(?p1, rdfs:subPropertyOf, ?p2)
T(?p1, rdfs:range, ?c)
scm-sco owl:subClassOf relationships are transitive T(?c1, rdfs:subClassOf, ?c2)
T(?c2, rdfs:subClassOf, ?c3)
T(?c1, rdfs:subClassOf, ?c3)
scm-spo owl:subPropertyOf relationships are transitive. T(?p1, rdfs:subPropertyOf, ?p2)
T(?p2, rdfs:subPropertyOf, ?p3)
T(?p1, rdfs:subPropertyOf, ?p3)

Note: The scm-dp and scm-op schema vocabulary rules are not run. Those rules add significant compute overhead but do not result in meaningful inference results.

OWL 2 RL Rules

The tables below define the OWL 2 RL inference rules.

Semantics of Schema Vocabulary

Rule Description IF THEN
scm-svf1 A property restriction c1 is a subclass of c2 if they are both someValuesFrom restrictions on the same property and c1's target class is a subclass of c2's target class. T(?c1, owl:someValuesFrom, ?y1)
T(?c1, owl:onProperty, ?p)
T(?c2, owl:someValuesFrom, ?y2)
T(?c2, owl:onProperty, ?p)
T(?y1, rdfs:subClassOf, ?y2)
T(?c1, rdfs:subClassOf, ?c2)
scm-svf2 A property restriction c1 is a subclass of c2 if they are both someValuesFrom restrictions on the same class where c1's target property is a subproperty of c2's target property. T(?c1, owl:someValuesFrom, ?y)
T(?c1, owl:onProperty, ?p1)
T(?c2, owl:someValuesFrom, ?y)
T(?c2, owl:onProperty, ?p2)
T(?p1, rdfs:subPropertyOf, ?p2)
T(?c1, rdfs:subClassOf, ?c2)
scm-int   T(?c, owl:intersectionOf, ?x)
LIST[?x, ?c1, ..., ?cn]
T(?c, rdfs:subClassOf, ?c1)
T(?c, rdfs:subClassOf, ?c2)
T(?c, rdfs:subClassOf, ?cn)

Semantics of Classes

Rule Description IF THEN
cls-svf1 At least one object of a property is a member of the specified class. T(?x, owl:someValuesFrom, ?y)
T(?x, owl:onProperty, ?p)
T(?u, ?p, ?v)
T(?v, rdf:type, ?y)
T(?u, rdf:type, ?x)
cls-int1 An instance belongs to every one of the specified classes. T(?c, owl:intersectionOf, ?x)
LIST[?x, ?c1, ..., ?cn]
T(?y, rdf:type, ?c1)
T(?y, rdf:type, ?c2)
T(?y, rdf:type, ?cn)
T(?y, rdf:type, ?c)
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