Changing the Anzo Ports

This topic provides instructions for changing or disabling Anzo server ports.

  1. In the Anzo console, expand the Administration menu and click Server Settings. Anzo displays the Server Settings screen.

  2. On the left side of the screen, click Ports to navigate to the Ports section in the main screen. Then click the Edit icon () next to Ports. The settings become editable. For example:

  3. Change the values in the Port fields to designate alternate ports. If you want to disable a port, move the Enable slider to the left for that port.
    • Anzo Port and Anzo SSL Port: Anzo server ports.
    • Application and Application SSL: Anzo client application ports.
    • Admin and Admin SSL: Anzo administration client ports.

    For information about managing the certificates to use for the SSL ports, see Using a Signed Certificate for Anzo.

  4. Click Save to save the port changes.
  5. Restart Anzo to complete the port configuration. You can restart the server by clicking the Restart button () at the top of the Server Settings screen.
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