Changing AnzoGraph Configuration Settings

The default AnzoGraph system configuration is optimized for most AnzoGraph installations. If Cambridge Semantics Support recommends that you change the configuration, you can edit the configuration file, install_path/config/settings.conf, to modify or add settings. Each time you start the database, AnzoGraph reads this file and stores the configuration in memory. On a cluster, change settings.conf on the leader server only. See the AnzoGraph System Settings Reference for information about the units of measurement for the settings as well as any special instructions.

  • To modify an existing setting value, uncomment the line and edit the value portion of the line setting_name=value.
  • To add settings to settings.conf, add the setting and new value in the format below. Type each setting and value pair on a new line.
    NoteAnzoGraph applies settings from the top to the bottom of the file. If the same setting appears more than once, AnzoGraph applies the value for the last instance of the setting. The last instance overrides any previous instances.
  • To revert AnzoGraph to a previous configuration from a backup file, rename the existing settings.conf file and then change the name of the desired backup file to settings.conf.
Important After you change settings.conf, you must restart AnzoGraph for the settings to take effect. See Starting and Stopping AnzoGraph for instructions.
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