Accessing a Graph's Metadata

Important The anzo CLI is an advanced administration tool for managing Anzo. It is primarily used for migrations and deployments. To script user interface operations or control Anzo with the CLI, please contact Cambridge Semantics.

Each graph has a metadata graph associated with it. The metadata graph includes details such as ACL information, the last modified date, and which user created and modified the graph. To include the metadata graph when you retrieve graph details, use the get subcommand with the -m option:

anzo get -m URI

The -m option indicates that you want to see the metadata graph for the specified URI. For example, the following command retrieves the metadata graph for a graphmart:

anzo get -m

In addition to showing the graphmart details for the <> graph, the results include the additional metadata for the graph:

  <> a anzo:NamedGraph ;
    anzo:createdBy <> ;
    anzo:lastModifiedByUser <> ;
    anzo:created "2020-03-24T17:25:48.004Z"^^xsd:dateTime ;
    anzo:datasource datasource:systemDatasource ;