Making Values Replaceable on Export

When exporting artifacts, Anzo enables users to replace the existing values for properties like the user name and password for database data sources, the base folder location for file connections, and the file path for graph data sources. This topic provides instructions for configuring additional properties so that their values can be modified in the exported version of an entity.

To configure a property so that its value is replaceable on export, add the following statement to the graph:

class_URI property_URI

Where class_URI is the URI for the class that defines the property whose value should be replaceable. And property_URI is the URI of the property.

Note The specified property must be a Datatype property that contains a literal value.

For reference, the following TriG file is used to define the default properties with replaceable values:

@prefix ds:  <> .
@prefix exp: <> .
@prefix ann: <> .


ann:replaceStatements {
  ds:PathConnection exp:replaceStatement ds:filePath .
  ds:FileConnection exp:replaceStatement ds:fileConnectionBaseFolder .
  ds:DbDataSource exp:replaceStatement ds:dbUser , ds:dbDatabase, ds:dbPassword .
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