Upgrading Anzo

Before you upgrade Anzo, Cambridge Semantics recommends that you make a backup copy of the current Anzo installation in case you have issues and need to revert to the original version. There are three commonly used methods for backing up Anzo:

  • Some users choose to make a copy of the Anzo system volume or journal, install_path/Server/data/journal/anzo.jnl. If you keep a copy of anzo.jnl, you can restore the original Anzo version by reinstalling that release and then copying the backed up journal file into the installation.
  • Some users choose to copy or create a tarball of the entire Anzo installation directory, install_path/Anzo. A backup of the directory can be large, however, and you might want to remove log files to reduce the overall size of the directory before copying or compressing it. If you keep a copy of install_path/Anzo, you can restore that version by uninstalling the new version and moving the backed up directory to the original installation location.
  • Some users choose to take a snapshot of the application disk.

Follow the instructions below to upgrade Anzo.

Important Complete the steps below as the Anzo service user. When Anzo is initially installed, a server ID is generated based on a number of system properties, including the user account that runs the installation script. The Anzo server license is tied to that server ID. If Anzo is re-installed (for instance, during an upgrade) by a different user account, a new server ID is generated and the existing license will no longer be valid for the installation. For more information, see Licensing and User Account Best Practices.
  1. Stop the existing Anzo server if it is running. Then copy the new Anzo installation script to the server and run the following command to make the script executable:
    chmod +x script_file_name
  2. Run the following command to start the installation wizard and perform the upgrade:

    The wizard unpacks the JRE and then waits for input before starting the upgrade.

  3. Press Enter to start the upgrade. The wizard detects the existing installation and asks if you want to update it.
  4. Press Enter to update the existing installation.
  5. Review the software license agreement. Press Enter to scroll through the terms. At the end of the agreement, type 1 and press Enter to accept the terms or type 2 and press Enter to disagree and stop the update.
  6. Specify the components to install. Accept the default entry by pressing Enter. Or type 1 to install only the server components or 2 to install only the command line client, then press Enter.
  7. Specify the maximum amount of memory (in MB) that the server can use and then press Enter. The wizard lists the amount of memory you have dedicated to the existing Anzo installation. You can type a different value if necessary, and then press Enter. The wizard starts the upgrade and then asks if you want to start the server automatically when the upgrade completes.
  8. Press Enter to start Anzo when the upgrade completes. If you do not want to start the server, type n and then press Enter. The setup wizard completes the upgrade process.
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