Generating Diagnostic Files with the System Manager

When Cambridge Semantics Support requests AnzoGraph diagnostic files for troubleshooting an issue, you can use the AnzoGraph system manager to generate the required system information. If you encounter an error and the database remains running, you run an XRAY command to produce the diagnostic files. If you encounter an error that crashes the database, you run a CRASHFETCH command to produce a "crashdump" that includes the diagnostic files. This section provides instructions for generating the diagnostic files using the AnzoGraph system manager. For instructions on retrieving diagnostic files from the Anzo console, see Retrieving AnzoGraph Diagnostic Files.

Generating an X-ray on a Running Database

If you encounter an error and the database remains running, run the following command to take an x-ray from the command line on the AnzoGraph leader server. This command creates a tarball that includes the necessary diagnostic files:

/install_path/bin/azgctl -xray /path/name.xray
  • path: The location on the server where you want to save the tarball.
  • name: The name for the tarball. The name must be unique; AnzoGraph will not overwrite existing files.
  • .xray: All x-ray files must be named with the .xray extension.

For example, this command runs an x-ray on the leader server:

/opt/anzograph/bin/azgctl -xray /tmp/query_error.xray

Generating a Crashdump after a Crash

If you encounter an issue that stops the database, AnzoGraph automatically generates diagnostic files for Support. Follow the instructions below to retrieve the files after a crash.

Note: The database does not need to be running to collect the crashdump.

  1. Run the following command on the leader server to view a list of the available crash diagnostics.
    /install_path/bin/azgctl -crashlist

    The results show a list of available crash dumps by timestamp. For example:

    Crash ID               Time
    520460982     2017-06-28 20:30:35
    520457655     2017-06-28 20:28:25
  2. Run the following command to retrieve the appropriate crash files. This command creates a tarball that includes the necessary files:
    ./gqe/bin/azgctl -crashfetch crash_id /path/name.xray
    • crash_id: The ID for the crash that you want to retrieve, as shown in the crashlist from the previous step. To automatically retrieve the latest crash files, omit the crash_id.
    • path: The location on the server where you want to save the tarball.
    • name: The name for the tarball. The name must be unique; AnzoGraph will not overwrite existing files.
    • .xray: All crashdumps files must be named with the .xray extension.

    For example, this command runs a crashfetch to capture the diagnostics with the ID 520457655:

    /opt/anzograph/bin/azgctl -crashfetch 520457655 /tmp/query_crash.xray

    This command captures the most recent crash diagnostic files:

    /opt/anzograph/bin/azgctl -crashfetch /tmp/query_crash.xray
Tip You can run the following command to remove all crash dumps from the server.
/install_path/bin/azgctl -crashtoss