Adding a Load Data Step

Follow the instructions below to add a step that loads a new data set into a data layer in a graphmart. The data set to load must be available in the Dataset catalog.

You cannot clone and reuse existing Load Data Steps. The steps below guide you through creating new Load Data Steps.

  1. In the Anzo application, expand the Blend menu and click Graphmarts. Anzo displays a list of the existing graphmarts. For example:

  2. On the Graphmarts screen, click the name of the graphmart that you want to change.
  3. Click the Data Layers tab. Anzo displays the existing data layers.
  4. Click the menu icon () on the layer for which you want to create a step, and then select Add Step/View. Anzo opens the Add step dialog box.

  5. Select Load Data Step on the Add screen, and then click OK. Anzo opens the Create load data step screen.

  6. On the Create screen, type a name for the step in the Title field and add an optional description in the Description field.
  7. Click the Linked Dataset drop-down list and select the data set that you want this step to load. The list displays all of the data sets in the Dataset catalog. If you want to choose a system data set, select the Include System Data checkbox. The Linked Dataset drop-down list will display the system data sets in addition to the data sets in the catalog.
  8. By default the current working edition (Default Edition) of the data set is selected. If you want to select a different edition, follow these steps:
    1. click Modify Edition. The Modify Edition dialog box is displayed. For example:

    2. To choose a different edition, click the drop-down list at the top of the screen and select the edition to use.
    3. If you want to make changes to the selected edition, select or clear the Job checkboxes on the left side of the screen. Each time you select a Job checkbox, the data components for that job are displayed on the right side of the screen. Select or clear the Data Component checkboxes to include or exclude components.

      When you make changes to an edition while creating or changing a graphmart, Anzo creates a copy of the edition (with the changes) and uses the copy as a data set in the graphmart. The original published edition remains unchanged.

    4. When you are finished making changes, choose one of the following options for saving the changes:
      • If you want to save the changes as a new Saved Edition, click Save As New Edition. Anzo displays the Create New Edition dialog box. Specify a Title and optional Description for the edition, and click Save.

      • If you want to save the changes as a copy of the existing edition, click Save Customizations. Anzo clones the edition and adds the copy to the list on the screen. For example, the image below shows a Saved Edition that has been modified. A copy of the edition with the modifications was added to the Datasets list.

  9. By default the Enabled option is selected, indicating that the step is enabled and will run when the layer is loaded. If you want to disable the step so that it is not processed, clear the Enabled check box.
  10. If you want this step to watch the FLDS directory and indicate when any of the load files change, select the Watch FLDS Directory checkbox. When Watch FLDS Directory is enabled, Anzo will indicate that this step (and data layer) need to be refreshed if any of the files in the FLDS directory are changed.
  11. Optional: Filter the load data. If you want to load all of the statements in the linked data set, proceed to step 9. If you do not want to load all of the data in the data set, follow the instructions in this step to filter the load data.

    Anzo provides two options for filtering data. To view the instructions for an option, click the How do I... text for that option:

    1. Exclude certain triples from the load by selecting predicates to filter out (masked predicates).
    2. If the data set is a graph source (file-based linked data set), you can hand-pick the data to load by writing a query that inserts specific values or filters out certain values.
  12. Click Save to add the step to the data layer. Anzo adds the step as the last step in the layer. If you want to change the order of the steps, click the black bar on the left side of a step and drag it up or down.

Example Load Data Step

The example below creates a step that loads an additional "Tickit" data set to the Movie Data graphmart:

The example excludes triples that include user's credit card numbers from the load by masking the "card" predicate:

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