Install AnzoGraph

This topic provides instructions for using the installer to install AnzoGraph on a single server or cluster. Before installing AnzoGraph, make sure that the prerequisites are configured. See Prepare the AnzoGraph Host Servers for details.

Installing AnzoGraph on a Single Server

Follow the instructions below to install AnzoGraph on a single server.

Complete the following steps as the Anzo service user.
  1. If necessary, run the following command to become the Anzo service user:
    su <name>

    Where name is the name of the service user. For example:

    su anzo
  2. If necessary, run the following command to make the AnzoGraph installation script executable:
    chmod +x <script_name>
  3. Run the following command to start the installation wizard:

    The script unpacks the JRE and then waits for input before starting the installation.

  4. Press Enter to proceed with the installation. The wizard displays the AnzoGraph license agreement.
  5. Review the license agreement. Press Enter to scroll through the terms. At the end of the agreement, type 1 to accept the terms or type 2 to disagree and stop the installation.
  6. The wizard prompts you to specify which components to install. Specify 1 (AnzoGraph) and press Enter.
  7. Specify the path and directory for the AnzoGraph installation. Press Enter to accept the default installation path or type an alternate path and then press Enter.
  8. At the server installation type prompt, accept the default option 1 (Standalone) and press Enter.
  9. Indicate whether this installation is for use with Anzo. Press Enter for Yes. Answering yes configures AnzoGraph to use the settings that are optimal for Anzo. Answering no configures the settings that are optimal for AnzoGraph standalone use.
  10. Set up the AnzoGraph admin user. Type a username to use for authentication. Anzo will use this username to connect to AnzoGraph. Then press Enter.
  11. Type a password for the Anzo username and press Enter.

    Some special characters, such as $ and *, are treated as parameters in bash. When typing a password, avoid or escape special characters to remove their special meaning to the command line. For more information, see Quoting in the Bash Reference Manual.

  12. Configure any additional AnzoGraph settings. If Cambridge Semantics Support provided custom settings to use for your configuration, type the supplied values and then press Enter.

    The AnzoGraph CLI, azgi, makes an SSL connection to AnzoGraph on the SPARQL HTTPS port. SSL protocol is disabled by default, however. If you want to be able to use azgi, you can enable SSL protocol by specifying the following value in this prompt: enable_ssl_protocol=true. Note that enabling SSL protocol also makes the HTTPS port available to external applications. You may want to check that firewall rules are in place to block external access before enabling SSL protocol. For azgi usage information, see Using the AnzoGraph CLI.

  13. The wizard extracts the AnzoGraph files and completes the installation. Proceed to Complete the Post-Installation Configuration to complete the initial configuration and start the database.

Installing AnzoGraph on a Cluster

Follow the instructions in this section to install AnzoGraph on multiple servers in a cluster. There are two steps in the process:

  1. Install AnzoGraph on the Compute Servers
  2. Install AnzoGraph on the Leader Server

Install AnzoGraph on the Compute Servers

Follow the instructions below to install AnzoGraph on each compute server.

Complete the following steps as the Anzo service user.
  1. If necessary, run the following command to become the Anzo service user:
    su <name>

    Where <name> is the name of the service user. For example:

    su anzo
  2. If necessary, run the following command to make the AnzoGraph installation script executable:
    chmod +x <script_name>
  3. Run the following command to start the installation wizard:

    The script unpacks the JRE and then waits for input before starting the installation.

  4. Press Enter to proceed with the installation. The wizard displays the AnzoGraph license agreement.
  5. Review the license agreement. Press Enter to scroll through the terms. At the end of the agreement, type 1 to accept the terms or type 2 to disagree and stop the installation.
  6. The wizard prompts you to specify which components to install. Specify 1 (AnzoGraph) and press Enter.
  7. Specify the path and directory for the AnzoGraph installation. Specify the same location on each server. Press Enter to accept the default installation path or type an alternate path and then press Enter.
  8. At the server installation type prompt, specify option 3 (Cluster Compute) and press Enter.
  9. Indicate whether this installation is for use with Anzo. Press Enter for Yes. Answering yes configures AnzoGraph to use the settings that are optimal for Anzo. Answering no configures the settings that are optimal for AnzoGraph standalone use.
  10. Type a comma-separated list of the IP addresses for each server in the cluster. Type the leader server IP address first, followed by each compute IP address. For example, on a cluster with 4 servers where is the leader server:,,,

    Make sure that you enter this value exactly the same, with IP addresses in the same order, during the installation on each server.

  11. After typing the list of IP addresses, press Enter. The wizard extracts the AnzoGraph files and completes the installation.
  12. Repeat the steps above to install AnzoGraph on each compute server. Then proceed to Install AnzoGraph on the Leader Server below.

Install AnzoGraph on the Leader Server

Follow the instructions below to install AnzoGraph on the leader server.

Complete the steps below as the Anzo service user.
  1. If necessary, run the following command to become the Anzo service user:
    # su <name>

    Where <name> is the name of the service user. For example:

    # su anzo
  2. If necessary, run the following command to make the AnzoGraph installation script executable:
    chmod +x <script_name>
  3. Run the following command to start the installation wizard:

    The script unpacks the JRE and then waits for input before starting the installation.

  4. Press Enter to proceed with the installation. The wizard displays the AnzoGraph license agreement.
  5. Review the license agreement. Press Enter to scroll through the terms. At the end of the agreement, type 1 to accept the terms or type 2 to disagree and stop the installation.
  6. The wizard prompts you to specify which components to install. Specify 1 (AnzoGraph) and press Enter.
  7. Specify the path and directory for the AnzoGraph installation. Specify the same location as the compute server installations. Press Enter to accept the default installation path or type an alternate path and then press Enter.
  8. At the server installation type prompt, specify option 2 (Cluster Leader) and press Enter.
  9. Indicate whether this installation is for use with Anzo. Press Enter for Yes. Answering yes configures AnzoGraph to use the settings that are optimal for Anzo. Answering no configures the settings that are optimal for AnzoGraph standalone use.
  10. Set up the AnzoGraph admin user. Type a username to use for authentication. Anzo will use this username to connect to AnzoGraph. Then press Enter.
  11. Type a password for the Anzo username and press Enter.

    Some special characters, such as $ and *, are treated as parameters in bash. When typing a password, avoid or escape special characters to remove their special meaning to the command line. For more information, see Quoting in the Bash Reference Manual.

  12. Type a comma-separated list of the IP addresses for each server in the cluster. Type the leader server IP address first, followed by each compute IP address. For example, on a cluster with 4 servers where is the leader server:,,,

    Make sure that you enter this value exactly the same, with IP addresses in the same order, as the compute servers.

  13. After typing the list of IP addresses, press Enter. Configure any additional AnzoGraph settings. If Cambridge Semantics Support provided custom settings to use for your configuration, type the supplied values and then press Enter.

    The AnzoGraph CLI, azgi, makes an SSL connection to AnzoGraph on the SPARQL HTTPS port. SSL protocol is disabled by default, however. If you want to be able to use azgi, you can enable SSL protocol by specifying the following value in this prompt: enable_ssl_protocol=true. Note that enabling SSL protocol also makes the HTTPS port available to external applications. You may want to check that firewall rules are in place to block external access before enabling SSL protocol. For azgi usage information, see Using the AnzoGraph CLI.

  14. The wizard extracts the AnzoGraph files and completes the installation. Proceed to Complete the Post-Installation Configuration to complete the initial cluster configuration and start AnzoGraph.
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