Reporting on Binary Store Access Events

By default, binary store access events are not captured in the Audit log. You can configure the audit logging framework to capture information about binary store requests, however. Data such as the time of the request, the user who made the request, and the document that was accessed will be captured. Follow the instructions below to configure the log to report on binary store events.

  1. In the Administration application, expand the Servers menu and click Advanced Configuration. Click I understand and accept the risk.
  2. Search for the Anzo Audit Logging Framework bundle and view its details.
  3. Click the Services tab and expand com.cambridgesemantics.anzo.AuditLog.
  4. Select the checkbox next to the com.cambridgesemantics.anzo.auditlog.rdfLog property to enable the option.
  5. Make sure that the com.cambridgesemantics.anzo.auditlog.splitByType property is selected/enabled (it is enabled by default).
  6. Restart Anzo to apply the configuration change.

New binary store access audit events will be added to the logs in the subdirectories under <install_path>/Server/logs/audit/audit-flds.

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