Blending Data from Remote Sources (Preview)

The Anzo Graph Data Interface (GDI) service (sometimes called the Data Toolkit) is an extremely flexible and configurable service component that enables users to write SPARQL queries that access a variety of remote data sources. The GDI service has built-in, native support for various file format types as well as HTTP/REST endpoints. And the GDI service can be extended to access relational database sources by adding JDBC drivers to AnzoGraph. The data that you retrieve can be incorporated into a data layer to augment the data that is stored in Anzo without requiring you to ingest all of the data into Anzo up front.

The capabilities of the Graph Data Interface are potentially endless because it enables users to freely write a multitude of SPARQL queries against virtually any Data Source or endpoint. For this reason, we have labeled the GDI as a Preview release. Features are considered "Preview" when the implementation has recently been incorporated into the product, significant development is still underway, or when Quality Assurance testing cannot cover all possible use cases of the feature. When employing a Preview feature, Cambridge Semantics recommends that you thoroughly test your specific use cases in a development environment before relying on the feature in a production environment.

The topics in this section introduce you to the GDI and provide instructions for exploring, analyzing, and ingesting data from remote data sources.