Graphmart Settings Reference

This topic describes the configuration settings that are available on the Overview tab for each Graphmart.

Load Priority

If you want Anzo to prioritize the order in which Graphmarts are activated when reconnecting to AnzoGraph or resetting and reloading the AnzoGraph server, you can designate a Load Priority for each Graphmart. When reloading AnzoGraph, Anzo activates the Graphmarts in sequence, starting with the lowest Load Priority number. The default value is 100.

Profile Data Upon Activation

This setting is disabled by default and controls whether a Graphmart Data Profile is automatically generated each time the Graphmart is activated. For information about data profiles, see Generating a Graphmart Data Profile.

Disable Populating Counts During Load Operations

This setting is disabled by default controls whether Anzo periodically sends select (count(*) as ?count)... queries to AnzoGraph to count the total number of statements that are being loaded in each Data Layer. Disabling the load counts may increase load performance as it decreases the number of queries that run during Graphmart activation.

Load Layers that Do Not Fail

This setting is enabled by default and controls what to do if a Data Layer fails during Graphmart activation. When enabled (the default setting), the Graphmart is configured to load all Data Layers that succeed and skip any Layers that fail. When disabled, the entire Graphmart activation is aborted if any Layer fails.

Leave Graphmart Online During Refresh

This setting is disabled by default and controls whether a Graphmart remains online while it is being refreshed in AnzoGraph. When this option is enabled, if a user clicks the Refresh button to refresh a Graphmart (or the Refresh icon on a Data Layer), Anzo copies the existing Data Layers into temporary graphs so that the data remains online while the original graphs are refreshed. When the refresh is complete, the temporary graphs are deleted.

This setting applies only to Refresh operations. If Leave Graphmart Online During Refresh is enabled and a user clicks Reload, the Data Layers will not remain online. During reloads all of the data is dropped and then loaded again.

Manual Refresh Graphmart

This setting is enabled by default and controls whether changes to a data set in this Graphmart are automatically deployed to AnzoGraph without requiring a manual refresh or reload of the Graphmart. This setting only applies to Graphmarts with Load Data Steps that load a journal-based data set, such as a system metadata graph. When this option is enabled, changes to the journal-based data set are only deployed to AnzoGraph when the Graphmart is manually reloaded or refreshed. When this option is disabled, changes to the data set are automatically loaded to AnzoGraph without requiring a manual refresh.

Generate Statistics After Each Layer

Typically the AnzoGraph connection is configured to automatically initiate AnzoGraph's internal statistics gathering queries after loading a Graphmart. However, if a user refreshes individual Data Layers rather than the entire Graphmart, those queries are not triggered. Enabling this setting initiates the statistics gathering queries each time a layer is loaded. This helps the AnzoGraph query planner generate ideal query execution plans for queries that are run against the refreshed Data Layers.

Require Elasticsearch

This setting is disabled by default. If you plan to include Unstructured Datasets in this Graphmart or configure Data Layers to incorporate Graph Data Interface queries against Elasticsearch, you can enable this option to ensure that Anzo validates the connection to Elasticsearch whenever this Graphmart is activated, reloaded, or refreshed.

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