Setting the Default File Upload Path

By default, if a user uploads a file (such as a CSV, XML, or JSON file) to a data source from their computer, Anzo is configured to copy the file to the server's data directory, <install_path>/Anzo/Server/data/userUploads. This is the path that is selected by default in the Upload To field on the Add New File screen. For example, the image below shows the default upload path for the sysadmin user:

When the file is in the server installation path and not the shared File Store it is not accessible by applications like AnzoGraph. In addition, other users cannot onboard data from that source because they typically do not have access to the file. Source files that are routinely updated and re-ingested should be hosted on the shared File Store.

Follow the instructions below to configure the base upload path so that it points to a location on the File Store by default.

  1. If necessary, create a directory on the shared File Store that you can designate as the base location for saving uploaded files.
  2. In the Administration application, expand the Servers menu and click Advanced Configuration. Click I understand and accept the risk.
  3. Search for the Anzo File Upload bundle and view its details.
  4. Click the Services tab and expand the com.cambridgesemantics.anzo.fileupload.FileUploadServlet service.
  5. Click Add Property next to the service name. The Add Property dialog box is displayed.

  6. In the Name field, specify com.cambridgesemantics.fileupload.baseUploadPath, and then set the Value to the location on the file store where uploaded files should be saved. The base directory that you specify must exist on the file store. For example:

  7. Click Save to add the new property. And restart Anzo to apply the configuration changes.

When the base upload path is configured, the location that you specified becomes the default path in the Upload To field on the Add New File dialog box. For example, the image below shows the Add New File screen for the sysadmin user when baseUploadPath is set to /nfs/data/fileUploads.