Limiting the Size and Number of anzo_full Logs

Follow the instructions below if you want to configure the Pax Logging SLF4j Listener Service to limit the size and number of anzo_full logs that are retained on disk. You can also set a limit on the total size of all anzo_* logs.

  1. In the Administration application, expand the Servers menu and click Advanced Configuration. Click I understand and accept the risk.
  2. Search for the Pax Logging SLF4j Listener bundle and view its details.
  3. Click the Services tab and expand the SLF4j Log Listener service.
  4. Find the maxLogFileSize, maxHistory, and totalSizeCap properties (shown below).

  5. Edit any of the following properties to set them to the desired values:
    • pax.logging.logback.maxLogFileSize: This property sets the maximum file size for anzo_full.log. When the maximum size is reached, Anzo stops writing to that file and creates a new one.
    • pax.logging.logback.maxHistory: This property specifies the maximum number of historical anzo_full.log files to keep. When this limit is reached, Anzo deletes the oldest file.
    • pax.logging.logback.totalSizeCap: This property sets the total size limit for all anzo_* log files combined.
  6. After editing a property, click the checkmark icon () for that property to save the change.
  7. Restart Anzo to apply the configuration changes.

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