Configuring the Max Page Size for OData Feeds

When a user sends a request to an Anzo Data on Demand endpoint, they do not necessarily know the total number of results that will be returned. In some cases, the result set can be hundreds of millions of values, and the request times out before the results can be returned. You can configure the Data on Demand service to specify a maximum limit on the number of results that can be returned for a single OData feed request. If a user sends a request and the result set is larger than the maximum value, Anzo will limit the results to the configured maximum value. Follow the instructions below to configure the Data on Demand service to enforce a maximum page size.

  1. In the Administration application, expand the Servers menu and click Advanced Configuration. Click I understand and accept the risk.
  2. Search for the Anzo DataOnDemand bundle and view its details.
  3. Click the Services tab and expand DataOnDemandServiceActivator.
  4. Click Add Property next to the service name. Anzo opens the Add Property dialog box.

  5. In the Name field, specify com.cambridgesemantics.anzo.dataondemand.enforcePageSize, and set the Value to true. Then click Save.
  6. Click Add Property again. In the Name field, specify com.cambridgesemantics.anzo.dataondemand.maxPageSize, and set the Value to the maximum number of results that to return per request. Then click Save. The two settings are displayed on the Services screen. For example:

  7. Restart Anzo to apply the configuration changes.