AnzoGraph 2.0 Installation and Upgrade Notes

This topic highlights changes to the installation or upgrade process for the most recent 2.0.x release of AnzoGraph.

AnzoGraph Version 2.0.1 uses the same installation and upgrade process as Version 2.0.0, which changed the wording and order of the prompts that are presented during the installation. Version 2.0.0 also eliminated the option to install and configure an Nginx SSL Authentication Proxy since Anzo connects to AnzoGraph over gRPC (and AnzoGraph includes an SSL protocol port that can be enabled if needed). To view installation instructions for AnzoGraph, see Installing AnzoGraph in the Anzo Deployment and User Guide.

Configuring AnzoGraph for Use with Elasticsearch

AnzoGraph Version 2.0.1 introduces new requirements for configuring AnzoGraph to work with Elasticsearch and Anzo 4.4.2. If you use Anzo Unstructured in Anzo Version 4.4.2, after installing AnzoGraph Version 2.0.1, follow the instructions below to configure the AnzoGraph servers.

  1. Configure the Host Servers
  2. Configure AnzoGraph

Configure the Host Servers

Follow the instructions below to configure the AnzoGraph host servers for use with Elasticsearch. Make sure that the azgmgrd and anzograph services are stopped before proceeding.

  1. AnzoGraph requires Java Development Kit version 11. Follow these steps to install OpenJDK 11 and set $JAVA_HOME to the Java Runtime Environment. Perform these steps on all servers in the cluster:
    1. Run the following command to install OpenJDK 11:
      sudo yum install java-11-openjdk
    2. Modify the AnzoGraph system management service, azgmgrd.service, to set the $JAVA_HOME variable to the java runtime environment for the OpenJDK that you installed. To set the variable, add the following line to /usr/lib/systemd/system/azgmgrd.service:
  2. Copy the Elasticsearch plugin, elasticsearch-1.0.0.jar, provided by Cambridge Semantics to the AnzoGraph_install_dir/lib/udx directory on the AnzoGraph leader server. This jar file contains the client interface that AnzoGraph uses to communicate with Elasticsearch. The AnzoGraph leader broadcasts the jar to the compute nodes when the database is started.
  3. Make sure that the AnzoGraph leader server can access Elasticsearch via the Elasticsearch server's IP address. To test the connection, Cambridge Semantics recommends running the following telnet command from the AnzoGraph leader server:
    telnet Elasticsearch_server_IP 9200 
  4. Start the azgmgrd service on each AnzoGraph server:
    systemctl start azgmgrd

Configure AnzoGraph

Once the server requirements are in place, follow the instructions below to configure AnzoGraph to load and use the Elasticsearch client plugin that you copied to the leader server.

  1. On the AnzoGraph leader server, open the settings file <install_path>/config/settings.conf for editing and add the following two lines to the end of the file:

    For example:

  2. On the leader node, start the anzograph service:
    systemctl start anzograph
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