Patched Vulnerabilities

This page provides information about the common security vulnerabilities that were patched in Anzo and AnzoGraph releases.

Anzo Releases

AnzoGraph Releases

Anzo Releases

Anzo 5.3.12

  • CVE-2022-25168: The Apache Hadoop file utility dependency was updated to version 3.3.4 to remediate this vulnerability.
  • CVE-2022-38900: The decode-uri-component dependency was updated to remediate a potential Denial of Service (DOS) vulnerability.
  • CVE-2022-40146, CVE-2022-38398, CVE-2022-38648, CVE-2022-41704, and CVE-2022-42890: The Batik of Apache XML Graphics dependency was updated to version 1.16 to remediate a Server-Side Request Forgery (SSRF) vulnerability as well as a vulnerability that could allow an attacker to run Java code from untrusted SVG via JavaScript.
  • CVE-2022-1471: Modified the SnakeYaml dependency to use the SafeConstructor when parsing content.
  • CVE-2022-40152: The Woodstox dependency was updated to version 6.4.0 to remediate a potential Denial of Service (DOS) vulnerability.
  • CVE-2021-37533: The Apache Commons Net dependency was updated to version 3.9.0 to remediate this vulnerability.
  • CVE-2022-40150: The Jettison dependency was updated to version 1.5.3 to remediate a possible Denial of Service (DOS) vulnerability.
  • CVE-2022-45047: The Apache SSHD dependency was updated to version 2.9.2 to remediate this vulnerability.
  • SONATYPE-2019-0870, SONATYPE-2021-0887, SONATYPE-2019-0992, and SONATYPE-2014-0257: The freemarker, passay, jcommander, and javaassit dependencies were updated to remediate these vulnerabilities.

Anzo 5.3.11

  • CVE-2022-42003: The FasterXML jackson-databind dependency was updated to remediate a possible resource exhaustion vulnerability.
  • CVE-2022-40146, CVE-2022-38398, CVE-2022-38648, CVE-2022-41704, and CVE-2022-42890: The Batik of Apache XML Graphics dependency was updated to remediate a Server-Side Request Forgery (SSRF) vulnerability as well as a vulnerability that could allow an attacker to run Java code from untrusted SVG via JavaScript.
  • CVE-2022-40149 and CVE-2022-40150: The Jettison dependency was updated to remediate a possible Denial of Service (DOS) vulnerability.
  • CVE-2022-42889: The Apache Commons Text (commons-text) dependency was updated to remediate this vulnerability.
  • CVE-2022-3171: The protobuf dependency was updated to remediate a possible Denial of Service (DOS) vulnerability.
  • CVE-2022-36944: The Scala library dependency for Anzo Unstructured was updated to remediate this possible deserialization of untrusted data vulnerability.
  • CVE-2021-0341: The com.squareup.okhttp dependency for Anzo Unstructured was updated to remediate this possible improper certificate validation vulnerability.
  • CVE-2022-25857, CVE-2022-38749, CVE-2022-38750, CVE-2022-38751, and CVE-2022-38752: The snakeYAML dependency for Anzo Unstructured was updated to remediate these possible Denial of Service (DOS) vulnerabilities.
  • CVE-2022-36033: The jsoup dependency for Anzo Unstructured was updated to remediate this possible cross-site scripting (XSS) vulnerability.
  • CVE-2018-12536: The Eclipse Jetty Server dependency for Anzo Unstructured was updated to remediate this vulnerability.
  • CVE-2022-33879: The org.apache.tika dependency for Anzo Unstructured was updated to remediate this vulnerability.

Anzo 5.3.10

Anzo 5.3.9

  • CVE-2022-2047: The Eclipse jetty dependency was updated to version 9.4.46 to remediate a vulnerability that could lead to failures in a Proxy scenario.
  • CVE-2022-33980: The Apache Commons Configuration (commons-configuration) dependency was updated to version 2.8 to remediate this vulnerability.

Anzo 5.3.8

  • CVE-2022-25169: The Apache Tika dependency was updated to version 1.28.3 to remediate a BPG parser vulnerability.
  • CVE-2022-31129: The moment JavaScript library dependency was upgraded to remediate this vulnerability.

Anzo 5.3.6

Anzo 5.3.4

  • CVE-2021-22144, CVE-2021-22145, and CVE-2021-22147: The Elasticsearch dependencies were updated to version 7.14.1 to resolve the listed vulnerabilities.
  • CVE-2021-35515, CVE-2021-35516, CVE-2021-35517, and CVE-2021-36090: The Apache Commons Compress (org.apache.commons.commons-compress) library was updated to version 1.21.0 to remediate Denial of Service (DoS) vulnerabilities.
  • CVE-2021-34429: The Eclipse Jetty dependency was updated to version 9.4.43.v20210629 to remediate a security constraint vulnerability.
  • CVE-2021-37714: The jsoup Java library was updated to version 1.14.2 to remediate Denial of Service (DoS) vulnerability.
  • CVE-2021-41616: The unused Apache DB DdlUtils (org.apache.ddlutils) .jar file was removed from Anzo to remediate this vulnerability.
  • The netty dependency was updated to version 4.1.70.

Anzo 5.3.2

The following vulnerabilities were remediated in Anzo Unstructured Leader and Worker software dependencies.

Anzo 5.3.0

  • CVE-2021-22134: The Elasticsearch dependency was upgraded to version 7.12 to remediate a document disclosure flaw when Document or Field Level Security was used.
  • CVE-2020-28491: The Jackson Dataformat XML dependency was upgraded to version 2.12.1 to remediate an unchecked allocation of byte buffers that could cause a java.lang.OutOfMemoryError exception.
  • CVE-2021-29425: The Apache Commons IO dependency was upgraded to version 2.8 to remediate an issue where an improper input string to a subdirectory could result in access to the parent directory.
  • CVE-2021-28657: The Apache Tika dependency was upgraded to version 1.26 to remediate an issue where a corrupt file could trigger an infinite loop in Tika's MP3Parser.
  • CVE-2020-27223, CVE-2021-28163, and CVE-2021-28165: The Eclipse Jetty dependency was updated to version 9.4.40.v20210413 to remediate a Denial of Service (DoS) vulnerability.
  • CVE-2020-13947 and CVE-2021-26117: The Apache ActiveMQ dependency was upgraded to version 5.16.2 to remediate a Cross-Site Scripting (XSS) vulnerability as well as a vulnerability that could result in a failure to check passwords.
  • CVE-2020-8554 and CVE-2020-8570: The Kubernetes API and Java client libraries were upgraded to remediate these vulnerabilities.
  • The JQuery dependencies were updated to resolve Cross-Site Scripting (XSS) vulnerabilities.

AnzoGraph Releases

AnzoGraph 2.5.17

  • CVE-2023-30535: The Snowflake JDBC driver was updated to version 3.13.29 to remediate a possible command injection vulnerability.

AnzoGraph 2.5.15

  • CVE-2023-1370: The json-smart dependency for the frontend user interface was updated to remediate this vulnerability.

AnzoGraph 2.5.14

  • CVE-2022-2191: The Eclipse Jetty dependency for the frontend user interface was updated to version 11.0.14 to remediate this vulnerability.

AnzoGraph 2.5.12

  • SONATYPE-2022-6438: The jackson-core and jackon-databind dependencies were updated to version 2.14.1 to remediate this vulnerability.
  • GHSA-h4h5-3hr4-j3g2: The and woodstox-core dependencies were updated to remediate this vulnerability.

AnzoGraph 2.5.11

  • CVE-2022-42889: The Apache Commons Text (commons-text) dependency was updated to remediate this vulnerability.
  • CVE-2022-42003 and CVE-2022-42004: The FasterXML jackson-databind dependencies were updated to remediate these vulnerabilities.
  • CVE-2022-41853: To mitigate this vulnerability, the HyperSQL DataBase driver was removed from the product.
  • CVE-2022-36944: The Scala library was updated to version 2.13.9 to remediate this vulnerability.
  • CVE-2020-15250: The JUnit dependency was updated to version 4.13.1 to remediate this vulnerability.

AnzoGraph 2.5.10

  • CVE-2015-6420: The Apache Commons Collections (ACC) library (commons-collections) dependency was updated to remediate this vulnerability.
  • CVE-2022-25168: The Apache Hadoop file utility (hadoop-common) dependency was updated to remediate this vulnerability.
  • CVE-2022-2309: The python2-lxml dependency was updated to remediate this vulnerability.

AnzoGraph 2.5.8

  • CVE-2022-31129: The moment JavaScript library dependency in the AnzoGraph user interface was upgraded to remediate this vulnerability.

AnzoGraph 2.5.7

  • CVE-2021-0341: The unused Java component was removed from the AnzoGraph user interface to remediate this vulnerability.

AnzoGraph 2.5.6

  • CVE-2020-8908: Updated the GDI Guava dependency to remediate a temp directory creation vulnerability.
  • CVE-2021-22573: Updated the GDI dependency to version 1.33.3 to remediate a vulnerability where the IDToken verifier did not verify if a token was properly signed.
  • CVE-2022-24823: Updated the GDI Netty IO dependency to version 4.1.77.Final to remediate this vulnerability.

AnzoGraph 2.5.5

  • CVE-2020-36518: The jackson-databind dependency for AnzoGraph extensions and the frontend user interface was updated to remediate a Java StackOverflow exception and Denial of Service (DoS) vulnerability.

AnzoGraph 2.5.4

  • CVE-2021-3807: The ansi-regex dependency in the frontend user interface was updated to remediate an Inefficient Regular Expression Complexity vulnerability.
  • CVE-2022-0778: The MySQL driver was updated to remediate a Denial of Service (DoS) vulnerability related to certificate parsing.
  • CVE-2022-29078: The Embedded JavaScript templates package for Node.js, which is used in the frontend user interface, was updated to remediate a vulnerability that could allow server-side template injection.

AnzoGraph 2.5.3

  • CVE-2022-24785: The Moment.js JavaScript date library frontend user interface dependency was updated to remediate a path traversal vulnerability.
  • CVE-2020-15366, CVE-2021-3757, CVE-2021-3918, CVE-2021-23807: The Another JSON Schema Validator (AJV), json-schema, jsonpointer, and immer frontend user interface dependencies were updated to remediate "prototype pollution" vulnerabilities.
  • CVE-2021-23364, CVE-2021-27290, and CVE-2021-23382: The package browserslist, ssri, and postcss frontend user interface dependencies were updated to remediate a Regular Expression Denial of Service (ReDoS) vulnerability.
  • CVE-2021-3803: The nth-check frontend user interface dependency was updated to remediate an Inefficient Regular Expression Complexity vulnerability.

AnzoGraph 2.5.2

  • CVE-2020-36518: The jackson-databind dependency in the GDI and Neptune and Geospatial extensions was updated to remediate a Java StackOverflow exception and Denial of Service (DoS) vulnerability.
  • CVE-2021-3807 and CVE-2021-44906: The ansi-regex and Minimist dependencies in the AnzoGraph frontend container were updated to remediate vulnerabilities.
  • CVE-2022-25315: The Expat library for Red Hat Enterprise Linux and CentOS 7 was updated to remediate the integer overflow flaw in libexpat.

AnzoGraph 2.5.1

Updated 2.5.1 Docker Images

The following Docker images were re-released to resolve the vulnerabilities listed below:
  • CVE-2022-24407: The Cyrus SASL dependency was upgraded to remediate a flaw found in the SQL plugin.
  • CVE-2020-25709: The OpenLDAP dependency was upgraded to remediate a vulnerability that could allow an attacker to send a malicious packet to be processed by OpenLDAP’s slapd server.

Released 2.5.1 Red Hat Marketplace Images

The following release of Red Hat Marketplace images resolve the vulnerabilities listed below:

  • CVE-2022-24407: The Cyrus SASL dependency was upgraded to remediate a flaw found in the SQL plugin.
  • CVE-2020-25709: The OpenLDAP dependency was upgraded to remediate a vulnerability that could allow an attacker to send a malicious packet to be processed by OpenLDAP’s slapd server.

Initial 2.5.1 Release of all Deployment Methods Except Red Hat Marketplace

AnzoGraph 2.4.1

Updated 2.4.1 Docker Images

The following Docker images were re-released to resolve the vulnerabilities listed below:
  • CVE-2022-24407: The Cyrus SASL dependency was upgraded to remediate a flaw found in the SQL plugin.
  • CVE-2020-25709: The OpenLDAP dependency was upgraded to remediate a vulnerability that could allow an attacker to send a malicious packet to be processed by OpenLDAP’s slapd server.

Updated 2.4.1 Red Hat Marketplace Images

The following Red Hat Marketplace images were re-released to resolve the vulnerabilities listed below:

  • CVE-2022-24407: The Cyrus SASL dependency was upgraded to remediate a flaw found in the SQL plugin.
  • CVE-2020-25709: The OpenLDAP dependency was upgraded to remediate a vulnerability that could allow an attacker to send a malicious packet to be processed by OpenLDAP’s slapd server.

Initial 2.4.1 Release of all Deployment Methods

AnzoGraph 2.3.3, 2.4.0, 2.5.0

  • CVE-2021-33502: The normalize-url library that is used in the AnzoGraph front end user interface was upgraded to remediate a Regular Expression Denial of Service (ReDoS) CVE.

    This issue does not affect most Anzo deployments because the AnzoGraph front end is typically not installed when AnzoGraph is integrated with Anzo.

  • CVE-2021-35517, CVE-2021-35516, and CVE-2021-35515: The Apache Commons Compress libraries (commons-compress and commons-io) that are used in the Graph Data Interface (GDI) plugin were upgraded.

AnzoGraph 2.1.8

  • CVE-2020-25649: The FasterXML Jackson Databind package that is used in the AnzoGraph Geospatial extension and front end user interface was upgraded to version 2.11.0 to remediate a vulnerability to XML external entity (XXE) attacks.

    This issue does not affect most Anzo deployments because the Geospatial extension is not included by default in AnzoGraph "static" deployments that use the installer. The extension is included in dynamic, Kubernetes-based AnzoGraph deployments.

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