Access & Analyze

Once data has been onboarded, users have several options for accessing and analyzing the data. Anzo includes the Hi-Res Analytics application where users can create dashboards for exploring and visualizing the data without needing to have specialized query knowledge. The Query Builder enables users to find specific statements or run SPARQL queries. Users can also access data from the SPARQL endpoint or by using the Data on Demand service to generate data feeds for third-party business intelligence tools. The topics in this section provide information about the ways to access data in Anzo as well as information about sharing, versioning, and migrating artifacts.

Guidance on getting started with Hi-Res Analytics dashboards and instructions on creating dashboards, filters, and lenses.

Information on using the Query Builder to write and run queries or search for quads by subject, object, predicate, or graph.

Information on accessing Data on Demand endpoints using the OData API or the Anzo ODBC and JDBC drivers.

Information on accessing data from the Anzo HTTP(S) SPARQL endpoint.

Information on invoking Anzo client operations over HTTP so that client applications can interact with Anzo semantic services.

Background information on permission inheritance and instructions on sharing artifacts like data sources, schemas, and models with other users.

Guidance on creating backup versions of artifacts and migrating artifacts from one Anzo server to another.

Best practices and query templates that you can use as a starting point for writing SPARQL queries.

Reference information for the built-in functions that are available when working with Hi-Res Analytics or writing queries.