Install AnzoGraph 2.5

Follow the appropriate instructions below to review the prerequisites and install a 2.5 version of AnzoGraph on a single server or cluster.

Review the Prerequisites

Before installing AnzoGraph, double-check that the following requirements are met. If any of the items are incomplete, complete those tasks before starting the installation:

Install AnzoGraph on a Single Server

Follow the steps below to install AnzoGraph on a single server.

  1. Download the installer to the host server. The installer is an interactive shell script that prompts you to choose configuration options for your deployment.
  2. Change directories to the location where you copied the script and run the following command to make the script executable:
    chmod +x <script_name>

    For example:

    chmod +x
  3. Before you run the script, make sure that you are logged in as the service user that has been designated to install and run all platform software. If necessary, you can run the following command to become the appropriate user:
    su <name>

    Where <name> is the name of the platform service user. For example:

    su anzo
  4. Run the following command to start the installation wizard:

    The script displays a reminder about installing the prerequisite software as well as a note about the optional C++ extensions.

  5. Press Enter to proceed with the installation. The wizard displays the AnzoGraph license agreement:
    Please read the following License Agreement. You must accept the terms of
    this agreement before continuing with the installation.
    SOFTWARE. . .
  6. Review the license agreement. Press Enter to scroll through the terms. At the end of the agreement, type 1 to accept the terms or type 2 to disagree and stop the installation.

    After you accept the license agreement, the wizard prompts you to specify the AnzoGraph installation location:

    Where should AnzoGraph DB be installed?
  7. Press Enter to accept the default installation path, /opt/cambridgesemantics, or specify an alternate path and directory for the AnzoGraph installation.

    A number of subdirectories and an uninstall script are created inside the directory that you specify. One subdirectory is named anzograph and includes the installation files. Because an anzograph directory will be created, you may not want to specify /opt/anzograph as the install location because that will result in an /opt/anzograph/anzograph directory.

    After you specify the installation path, the wizard prompts you to specify the installation type: single, standalone server, leader server, or compute server:

    Type of server being installed.
    Server Installation Type
    Standalone [1, Enter], Cluster Leader [2], Cluster Compute/Worker [3]
  8. At the server installation type prompt, press Enter to accept the default option Standalone (1).

    The next prompt asks you to create the username for the Admin user.

    Setup the AnzoGraph Admin User.
    AnzoGraph DB Admin user
  9. Specify the username to use for the Admin user. This username will be specified when the connection between Anzo and AnzoGraph is created. Press Enter to set the username and display the next prompt, which asks you to create the password for the Admin user.
  10. Type the password to use for the Admin user. This password will also be specified when setting up the AnzoGraph connection in Anzo.

    Some special characters, such as $ and *, are treated as parameters in bash. When typing the password, avoid special characters. For more information, see Quoting in the Bash Reference Manual.

    The next prompt asks if the installation is for use with Anzo:

    Is this AnzoGraph DB installation intended for use with Anzo?
    Yes [y, Enter], No [n]
  11. Press Enter for Yes. Answering yes configures AnzoGraph to use the settings that are optimal for Anzo. Answering no would configure the settings that are optimal for AnzoGraph standalone use without Anzo.

    The next prompt asks about the optional C++ extensions. These extensions include the advanced Data Science functions as well as Apache Arrow integration.

    Server Configurations
    Do you want to install C++ UDXs packaged with AnzoGraph DB?
    Yes [y], No [n, Enter]
  12. To skip the installation of the C++ extensions, press Enter. To install the extensions, type y and press Enter. If you choose to install the extensions, additional dependencies must be installed after the AnzoGraph installation is complete. (See Install the Optional C++ Extension Dependencies for details.)

    Next, the wizard gives you the opportunity to configure a system setting. The setting and value will be added to the configuration file, <install_path>/config/settings.conf:

    Extra configuration settings for server
    Optionally, specify additional configuration settings for the AnzoGraph DB
    server. See the System Settings Reference in the AnzoGraph DB Users Guide
    for a description. The settings you enter here will be appended to the
    default settings.conf file:
    WARNING: Additional settings should be added after consultation with
    Cambridge Semantics to address specific user needs.
  13. If you do not have a setting to add, press Enter. If Cambridge Semantics Support provided a custom setting to use for your configuration, type the supplied setting=value and then press Enter.
  14. The wizard extracts the AnzoGraph files and completes the installation.

  15. Now that AnzoGraph is installed, proceed to Complete the 2.5 Post-Installation Configuration to complete the initial configuration, set up AnzoGraph services, and start the database.

Install AnzoGraph on a Cluster

Follow the steps below to install AnzoGraph on multiple servers in a cluster. There are two steps in the process:

  1. Install AnzoGraph on the Compute Servers
  2. Install AnzoGraph on the Leader Server

Install AnzoGraph on the Compute Servers

Follow the instructions below to install AnzoGraph on each compute server.

  1. Download the installer to the AnzoGraph host server. The installer is an interactive shell script that prompts you to choose configuration options for the deployment.
  2. Change directories to the location where you copied the script and run the following command to make the script executable:
    chmod +x <script_name>

    For example:

    chmod +x
  3. Before you run the script, make sure that you are logged in as the service user that has been designated to install and run all platform software. If necessary, you can run the following command to become the appropriate user:
    su <name>

    Where <name> is the name of the platform service user. For example:

    su anzo
  4. Run the following command to start the installation wizard:

    The script displays a reminder about installing the prerequisite software as well as a note about the optional C++ extensions.

  5. Press Enter to proceed with the installation. The wizard displays the AnzoGraph license agreement:
    Please read the following License Agreement. You must accept the terms of
    this agreement before continuing with the installation.
    SOFTWARE. . .
  6. Review the license agreement. Press Enter to scroll through the terms. At the end of the agreement, type 1 to accept the terms or type 2 to disagree and stop the installation.

    After you accept the license agreement, the wizard prompts you to specify the AnzoGraph installation location:

    Where should AnzoGraph DB be installed?
  7. Press Enter to accept the default installation path, /opt/cambridgesemantics, or specify an alternate path and directory for the AnzoGraph installation. The installation path must be the same on all servers in the cluster.

    A number of subdirectories and an uninstall script are created inside the directory that you specify. One subdirectory is named anzograph and includes the installation files. Because an anzograph directory will be created, you may not want to specify /opt/anzograph as the install location because that will result in an /opt/anzograph/anzograph directory.

    After you specify the installation path, the wizard prompts you to specify the installation type: single, standalone server, leader server, or compute server:

    Type of server being installed.
    Server Installation Type
    Standalone [1, Enter], Cluster Leader [2], Cluster Compute/Worker [3]
  8. At the server installation type prompt, type 3 (Cluster Compute/Worker) and press Enter.

    Next, the wizard prompts you to specify the IP addresses for each of the servers in the cluster:

    Ip Address of nodes in cluster.
    Comma separated list of Cluster Nodes' IP Addresses. Leader node address is
    always first. Order must be the same on all nodes in cluster.
  9. Type a comma-separated list of the IP addresses for each server in the cluster. Type the leader server IP address first, followed by each compute IP address. For example, on a cluster with 4 servers where is the leader server:,,,

    Make sure that you enter this value exactly the same, with IP addresses in the same order, during the installation on each server.

  10. After typing the list of IP addresses, press Enter. The wizard extracts the AnzoGraph files and completes the installation.

Repeat the steps above to install AnzoGraph on each compute server. Then proceed to Install AnzoGraph on the Leader Server below.

Install AnzoGraph on the Leader Server

Follow the instructions below to install AnzoGraph on the leader server.

  1. Download the installer to the host server. The installer is an interactive shell script that prompts you to choose configuration options for the deployment.
  2. Change directories to the location where you copied the script and run the following command to make the script executable:
    chmod +x <script_name>

    For example:

    chmod +x
  3. Before you run the script, make sure that you are logged in as the service user that has been designated to install and run all platform software. If necessary, you can run the following command to become the appropriate user:
    su <name>

    Where <name> is the name of the platform service user. For example:

    su anzo
  4. Run the following command to start the installation wizard:

    The script displays a reminder about installing the prerequisite software as well as a note about the optional C++ extensions.

  5. Press Enter to proceed with the installation. The wizard displays the AnzoGraph license agreement:
    Please read the following License Agreement. You must accept the terms of
    this agreement before continuing with the installation.
    SOFTWARE. . .
  6. Review the license agreement. Press Enter to scroll through the terms. At the end of the agreement, type 1 to accept the terms or type 2 to disagree and stop the installation.

    After you accept the license agreement, the wizard prompts you to specify the AnzoGraph installation location:

    Where should AnzoGraph DB be installed?
  7. Press Enter to accept the default installation path, /opt/cambridgesemantics, or specify an alternate path and directory for the AnzoGraph installation. The installation path must be the same on all servers in the cluster.

    After you specify the installation path, the wizard prompts you to specify the installation type: single, standalone server, leader server, or compute server:

    Type of server being installed.
    Server Installation Type
    Standalone [1, Enter], Cluster Leader [2], Cluster Compute/Worker [3]
  8. At the server installation type prompt, type 2 (Cluster Leader) and press Enter.

    The next prompt asks you to create the username for the Admin user:

    Setup the AnzoGraph Admin User.
    AnzoGraph DB Admin user
  9. Specify the username to use for the Admin user. This username will be specified when the connection between Anzo and AnzoGraph is created. Press Enter to set the username and display the next prompt, which asks you to create the password for the Admin user.
  10. Type the password to use for the Admin user. This password will also be specified when setting up the AnzoGraph connection in Anzo.

    Some special characters, such as $ and *, are treated as parameters in bash. When typing the password, avoid special characters. For more information, see Quoting in the Bash Reference Manual.

    The next prompt asks if the installation is for use with Anzo:

    Is this AnzoGraph DB installation intended for use with Anzo?
    Yes [y, Enter], No [n]
  11. Press Enter for Yes. Answering yes configures AnzoGraph to use the settings that are optimal for Anzo. Answering no would configure the settings that are optimal for AnzoGraph standalone use without Anzo.

    The next prompt asks about the optional C++ extensions. These extensions include the advanced Data Science functions as well as Apache Arrow integration.

    Server Configurations
    Do you want to install C++ UDXs packaged with AnzoGraph DB?
    Yes [y], No [n, Enter]
  12. To skip the installation of the C++ extensions, press Enter. To install the extensions, type y and press Enter. If you choose to install the extensions, additional dependencies must be installed after the AnzoGraph installation is complete. (See Install the Optional C++ Extension Dependencies for details.)

    Next, the wizard prompts you to specify the IP addresses for each of the servers in the cluster:

    Ip Address of nodes in cluster.
    Comma separated list of Cluster Nodes' IP Addresses. Leader node address is
    always first. Order must be the same on all nodes in cluster.
  13. Type a comma-separated list of the IP addresses for each server in the cluster. Type the leader server IP address first, followed by each compute IP address. For example, on a cluster with 4 servers where is the leader server:,,,

    Make sure that you enter this value exactly the same, with IP addresses in the same order, as the compute servers.

  14. After typing the list of IP addresses, press Enter.

    Next, the wizard gives you the opportunity to configure a system setting. The setting and value will be added to the configuration file, <install_path>/config/settings.conf:

    Extra configuration settings for server
    Optionally, specify additional configuration settings for the AnzoGraph DB
    server. See the System Settings Reference in the AnzoGraph DB Users Guide
    for a description. The settings you enter here will be appended to the
    default settings.conf file:
    WARNING: Additional settings should be added after consultation with
    Cambridge Semantics to address specific user needs.
  15. If you do not have a setting to add, press Enter. If Cambridge Semantics Support provided a custom setting to use for your configuration, type the supplied setting=value and then press Enter.
  16. The wizard extracts the AnzoGraph files and completes the installation.

Now that AnzoGraph is installed, proceed to Complete the 2.5 Post-Installation Configuration to complete the initial configuration, set up AnzoGraph services, and start the database.