Dataset FAQ

This topic provides answers to frequently asked questions about datasets.

How do I find the URI for a dataset?

Anzo displays dataset details on the Overview screen for the dataset. To view and copy a dataset URI, go to the Overview tab for the dataset. The URI is under General information on the right side of the screen. You can click the clipboard icon () to copy the URI.

How do I find the catalog entry URI for a dataset?

To query from a remote client (such as over the SPARQL endpoint) a linked data set (LDS) that is stored in a local volume, you need to specify the catalog entry URI for that LDS as the target data set. The catalog entry URI uniquely identifies an LDS because it encodes both the LDS and its data source (local volume) in the URI. Follow the steps below to find the catalog entry for an LDS.

  1. First, retrieve the URI for the dataset whose catalog entry URI you want to find. For instructions, see How do I find the URI for a dataset? above.
  2. Next, open the Find tab in the Query Builder. In the Anzo application, expand the Access menu and click Query Builder. Then click the Find tab. The Find screen opens and the System Datasource is selected as the target data source.

  3. If the LDS is in a different volume, click the Source drop-down list and select the appropriate volume. Typically, linked data sets are stored in the system volume.
  4. Paste in the Object field the LDS URI that you copied in the first step. Then click Find. Anzo returns the set of quads for which the LDS URI is the object. For example:

  5. In the Subject field in the results, look for a URI that begins with The value is the catalog entry URI for the LDS. For example:

  6. Copy the entire URI. This is the URI to use as the target data source for SPARQL endpoint queries against the LDS. For more information about the SPARQL endpoint, see Access the SPARQL Endpoint.

How do I associate a model with a dataset?

Follow the instructions below to associate a model that is in Anzo with an onboarded dataset.

  1. In the Anzo application, expand the Blend menu and click Datasets. Anzo displays the Datasets catalog, which lists the existing datasets.
  2. Click the dataset that you want to add a model to. Anzo displays the Explore screen for the dataset.
  3. Click the Overview tab. Under the Description field, click Advanced to display the advanced options. For example:

  4. Click in the Models field to make it editable, then click the Models drop-down and select the model to add to this dataset. To include a system model, select the Include System Data checkbox. To select multiple models, click the drop-down list again and select another model.
  5. When you have finished selecting models, click the checkmark icon () to save the change and associate the model or models with the dataset.

How do I clear the components from the Managed Edition?

Follow the instructions below if you want to clear out all of the existing components from the Managed Edition so that the edition is recreated from scratch the next time the pipeline is published or the dataset is exported from a graphmart.

Permission to Manage Semantic Services is required to complete this task.

  1. First, copy the URI of the dataset for which you want to clear the Managed Edition. How do I find the URI for a dataset?
  2. Next, In the Administration application, expand the Monitoring & Diagnostics menu and select Semantic Services.
  3. Search for the LinkedDataService and view its details. Then click the Service Builder tab in Semantic Service Details.
  4. Click the Please Select an Operation field and select clearWorkingEdition from the drop-down list. The Request Statements for the service call are populated:

  5. Toward the bottom of the request, replace the <temp://value_to_fill_in_1> placeholder URI with the URI for the dataset.
    <http://serviceRequesta9e72cca-a79b-42f6-94a7-1ef9dfb1e65c> {
      <http://serviceRequesta9e72cca-a79b-42f6-94a7-1ef9dfb1e65c> a ld:ClearWorkingEditionRequest ;
        ld:fldsToClear <temp://value_to_fill_in_1> ;
        ld:typesToClear <temp://value_to_fill_in_0> .
    <temp://value_to_fill_in_1> a ld:FileBasedLinkedDataSet .

    For example:

    <http://serviceRequesta9e72cca-a79b-42f6-94a7-1ef9dfb1e65c> {
      <http://serviceRequesta9e72cca-a79b-42f6-94a7-1ef9dfb1e65c> a ld:ClearWorkingEditionRequest ;
        ld:fldsToClear <> ;
        ld:typesToClear <temp://value_to_fill_in_0> .
    <> a ld:FileBasedLinkedDataSet .
  6. Comment out the ld:typesToClear <temp://value_to_fill_in_0> line. For example:
    <http://serviceRequesta9e72cca-a79b-42f6-94a7-1ef9dfb1e65c> {
      <http://serviceRequesta9e72cca-a79b-42f6-94a7-1ef9dfb1e65c> a ld:ClearWorkingEditionRequest ;
        ld:fldsToClear <> ;
      # ld:typesToClear <temp://value_to_fill_in_0> .
    <> a ld:FileBasedLinkedDataSet .
  7. Click the Run Service button to clear the edition. Anzo returns a response such as the following example when the request is processed:
    @prefix n-1060687345: <> .
    @prefix rdf: <> .
    @prefix ld: <> .
    @prefix ss: <> .
    n-1060687345:effbda5b-ce9c-4190-abb1-6f6efd07f5d8 {
      n-1060687345:effbda5b-ce9c-4190-abb1-6f6efd07f5d8 ld:wasWorkingEditionCleared 
        "true"^^<> .
      n-1060687345:effbda5b-ce9c-4190-abb1-6f6efd07f5d8 rdf:type ld:ClearWorkingEditionResponse .
      n-1060687345:effbda5b-ce9c-4190-abb1-6f6efd07f5d8 rdf:type ss:ServiceResponse

Now, if you browse the Managed Edition for the dataset, you will see that the edition does not contain any data components.