Date and Time Functions

This topic describes the date, time, and duration functions in Anzo.

Typographical Conventions

This documentation uses the following conventions in function syntax:

  • CAPS: Although SPARQL is case-insensitive, function names and other keywords are written in uppercase for readability.
  • [ argument ]: Brackets are used to indicate optional arguments. Arguments without brackets are required.


  • DATE: Returns an xsd:date value based on the specified year, month, and day.
  • DATEPART: Returns the date part of a literal string, date, long, or dateTime value.
  • DATETIME (or xsd:dateTime): Returns a dateTime value from the given string, long, or dateTime.
  • DAY: Returns the day of the month from the specified date.
  • DAYSFROMDURATION: Returns the days portion of a duration value.
  • DUR_TO_MILLIS: Calculates the time in milliseconds from a duration or numeric value.
  • DURATION: Returns an xsd:duration value from the given numeric or duration value.
  • DURATIONFORMAT: Converts a duration or numeric value to a string in the specified duration format.
  • DURATIONPERIODFORMAT: Calculates the duration between the given start and end values and returns a string in the specified duration format.
  • FORMATDATE: Converts a numeric or date value into a string with the specified date format.
  • HOUR: Returns the hour portion of the given dateTime value.
  • MASKEDDATETIME: Replaces the year, month, day, hour, minute, second, and millisecond values for the given date or dateTime value with the new date and time values that you specify.
  • MILLIS: Calculates the number of milliseconds in the given date or dateTime value.
  • MINUTE: Returns the minutes portion of the given dateTime value.
  • MONTH: Returns the month portion of the given dateTime value.
  • NOW: Returns the current server date and time.
  • NOWMILLIS: Returns the current server date and time in epoch milliseconds.
  • PARSEDATETIME: Attempts to convert the given string or plain literal to a date, time, or dateTime value.
  • SECOND: Returns the seconds portion of the given dateTime value.
  • TIME: Returns an xsd:time value based on the specified hour, minute, and second values.
  • TIMEPART: Returns the time part of a time or dateTime value.
  • TIMEVALUE: Converts the specified RDF term type value to an xsd:time value.
  • TIMEZONE: Returns as a duration the timezone part of a dateTime value.
  • TODAY: Returns today's date based on the server date.
  • TZ: Returns as a string the timezone from a dateTime value.
  • WEEKDAY: Returns the day of the week from a date or dateTime value.
  • WEEKNUM: Returns the week of the year in which the given date or dateTime occurs.
  • xsd:date: Converts the specified string, date, or dateTime value to an xsd:date.
  • YEAR: Returns the year portion of the given dateTime value.
  • YEARMONTH: Returns the year and month (in the format "year-month") from the specified date or dateTime value.


This function returns an xsd:date value based on the specified year, month, and day values.


DATE(year, month, day)
Argument Type Description
year int An integer that represents the year.
month int An integer that represents the month.
day int An integer that represents the day.


Type Description
date The date according to the input values.


This function returns the date part of a literal string, date, long, or dateTime value.


Argument Type Description
value literal string, date, long, or dateTime The literal string, date, long, or dateTime value from which to return the date.


Type Description
date The date part of the input values.

DATETIME (or xsd:dateTime)

This function returns a dateTime value from the given string, long, or dateTime.


Argument Type Description
value string, long, dateTime The string, long, or dateTime value from which to return a dateTime.


Type Description
dateTime The dateTime value.


This function returns the day of the month from the specified date value.


Argument Type Description
value date The date value from which to return the day of the month.


Type Description
int The day of the month.


This function returns the days portion of a duration value.


Argument Type Description
value duration The duration value from which to return the days.


Type Description
long The number of days in the duration.


This function calculates the time in milliseconds from a duration or numeric value.


Argument Type Description
value duration, numeric The duration or numeric value from which to calculate the time in milliseconds.


Type Description
long The number of milliseconds.


This function returns an xsd:duration value from the given numeric or duration value.


Argument Type Description
value duration, numeric The duration or numeric value from which to return an xsd:duration.


Type Description
duration The duration value.


This function converts a duration or numeric value to a string in the specified duration format.


DURATIONFORMAT(value [, format ])
Argument Type Description
value duration, numeric The duration or numeric value to format.
format string An optional value that specifies the format to use for the resulting duration string. Anzo supports Pattern Tokens for defining the format:
  • y for year digits
  • M for months
  • d for days
  • H for hours
  • m for minutes
  • s for seconds
  • S for milliseconds
  • 'text' for arbitrary text content

If format is not specified, H:mm:ss.SSS is used.


Type Description
string The duration as a string.


This function calculates the duration between the given start and end dateTime or numeric values and returns a string in the specified duration format.


DURATIONPERIODFORMAT(start, end [, format ])
Argument Type Description
start dateTime, numeric The dateTime or numeric value that is the start of the duration period.
end dateTime, numeric The dateTime or numeric value that is the end of the duration period.
format string An optional value that specifies the format to use for the resulting duration string. Anzo supports Pattern Tokens for defining the format:
  • y for year digits
  • M for months
  • d for days
  • H for hours
  • m for minutes
  • s for seconds
  • S for milliseconds
  • 'text' for arbitrary text content

If format is not specified, the default is 'P'yyyy'Y'M'M'd'DT'H'H'm'M's.SSS'S'. The default value uses 'text' patterns with Pattern Tokens, which results in a string such as P1Y3M4DT1H4M44.000S.


Type Description
string The duration as a string.


This function converts a numeric or date value into a string with the specified date format.


FORMATDATE(value, format)
Argument Type Description
value date, numeric The date or numeric value to convert to a string in the specified date format.
format string The format to use for the resulting date string. Anzo supports Pattern Tokens for defining the format:
  • y for year digits
  • M for months
  • d for days
  • 'text' for arbitrary text content

For example, "yyyy.MM.dd" or "dd/MM/yyyy".


Type Description
string The date as a string.


This function returns the hour portion of the given dateTime value.


HOUR(value [, timezone ])
Argument Type Description
value dateTime The dateTime value from which to return the hour portion.
timezone string An optional value that specifies the timezone for the value.


Type Description
int The hour.


This function replaces the year, month, day, hour, minute, second, and millisecond values for the given date or dateTime value with the new date and time values that you specify.


MASKEDDATETIME(value, year, month, day, hour, minute, second, milliseconds)
Argument Type Description
value date, dateTime The date or dateTime for which to replace the year, month, date, hour, minute, second, and milliseconds values.
year int The year to include in the resulting dateTime value.
month int The month to include in the resulting dateTime value.
day int The day to include in the resulting dateTime value.
hour int The hour to include in the resulting dateTime value.
minute int The minutes value to include in the resulting dateTime value.
second int The seconds value to include in the resulting dateTime value.
milliseconds int The milliseconds value to include in the resulting dateTime value.


Type Description
dateTime The dateTime value with the specified input values.


This function calculates the number of milliseconds in the given date or dateTime value.


Argument Type Description
value date, dateTime The date or dateTime value for which to calculate the number of milliseconds.


Type Description
long The number of milliseconds.


This function returns the minutes portion of the given dateTime value.


Argument Type Description
value dateTime The dateTime value from which to return the minutes portion.


Type Description
int The minutes portion of the input value.


This function returns the month portion of the given dateTime value.


Argument Type Description
value dateTime The dateTime value from which to return the month portion.


Type Description
int The month number.


This function returns the current server date and time.


NOW([ timezone ])
Argument Type Description
timezone string An optional value that specifies the timezone for which to return the current dateTime.


Type Description
dateTime The current server date and time.


This function returns the current server date and time in epoch milliseconds.




Type Description
long The current server date and time in milliseconds.


This function attempts to convert the given string or plain literal to a date, time, or dateTime value. For values that do not include a timezone, Anzo stores them in GMT. Values that include a timezone are stored as the appropriate value in GMT for that timezone.


PARSEDATETIME(value [, output_type ] [, format ])
Argument Type Description
value string, literal The string or plain literal value to convert to a date, time, or dateTime.
output_type URI An optional URI (xsd:date, xsd:time, or xsd:dateTime) that specifies the type of value to return. If output_type is not specified, dateTime is returned.
format string An optional string that species the format to use for the resulting date, time, or dateTime value. Anzo supports Pattern Tokens for defining the format:
  • y for year digits
  • M for months
  • d for days
  • H for hours
  • m for minutes
  • s for seconds
  • S for milliseconds
  • 'text' for arbitrary text content

For example, "yyyy.MM.dd HH:mm" or "dd/MM/yyyy HH:mm:ss".


Type Description
date, time, or dateTime The conversion of the string to the desired type.


This function returns the seconds portion of the given dateTime value.


Argument Type Description
value dateTime The dateTime value from which to return the seconds portion.


Type Description
int The seconds portion of the input value.


This function returns an xsd:time value based on the specified hour, minute, and second values.


TIME(hour, minute, second)
Argument Type Description
hour int An integer that represents the hour.
minute int An integer that represents the minute.
second int An integer that represents the seconds.


Type Description
time The time according to the input values.


This function returns the time part of a time or dateTime value.


Argument Type Description
value time, dateTime The time or dateTime value from which to return the time portion.


Type Description
time The time portion of the input value.


This function converts the specified RDF term type value to an xsd:time value.


Argument Type Description
value RDF term The literal, URI, or blank node value to convert to a time value.


Type Description
time The conversion of the term to a time value.


This function returns the timezone part of a dateTime value as a duration. An error is returned if the input value does not include the timezone.


Argument Type Description
value dateTime The dateTime value to return the timezone from.


Type Description
duration The timezone in duration format.


This function returns today's date based on the server date.




Type Description
date Today's date according to the server.


This function returns the timezone part of a dateTime value as a string.


Argument Type Description
value dateTime The dateTime value to return the timezone from.


Type Description
string The timezone as a string.


This function returns the day of the week from a date or dateTime value.


WEEKDAY(value [, day_number_start ])
Argument Type Description
value date, dateTime The date or dateTime value from which to return the day of the week.
day_number_start int An optional value of 1, 2, or 3 that defines how the days of the week are represented as numbers.
  • 1 means Sunday is day 1. Saturday is day 7.
  • 2 means Monday is day 1. Sunday is day 7.
  • 3 means Monday is day 0. Sunday is day 6.

If day_number_start is not specified, the default value is 1.


Type Description
int The day of the week from the input values.


This function returns the week of the year in which the given date or dateTime occurs.


WEEKNUM(value [, day_week_begins ])
Argument Type Description
value date, dateTime The date or dateTime value from which to return the week number.
day_week_begins int An optional value of 1 or 2 that defines which day the weeks start on.
  • 1 means a new week starts on Sunday.
  • 2 means a new week starts on Monday.

If day_week_begins is not specified, the default value is 1.


Type Description
int The week of the year the input value falls in.


This function converts the specified string, date, or dateTime value to an xsd:date.


Argument Type Description
value string, date, dateTime The string, date, or dateTime value to convert to an xsd:date.


Type Description
date The input values converted to dates.


This function returns the year portion of the given dateTime value.


Argument Type Description
value dateTime The dateTime value to return the year from.


Type Description
int The year portion of the input values.


This function returns the year and month (in the format "year-month") from the specified date or dateTime value.


Argument Type Description
value literal date or dateTime The value to return the year-month from.


Type Description
gYearMonth The year-month from the input values.