Arithmetic Operators and Functions
The topics in this section describe the arithmetic operators and built-in SPARQL functions that operate on numeric (integer, decimal, float, and double) values.
Note: AnzoGraph automatically treats decimal values as doubles.
- + for addition
- - for subtraction
- * for multiplication
- / for division
To view example queries that incorporate arithmetic operators, see Arithmetic Operator Examples.
- ABS: Returns the absolute value of the specified expression.
- ADD: Returns the sum of the specified expressions.
- BASE: Converts a number into the specified base and returns a text representation of the calculated value.
- CEIL: Returns the ceiling value or next whole number up from the resulting value if the value has a fractional part.
- COS: Calculates the cosine of the specified angle.
- FLOOR: Returns the next whole number down from the resulting value if the value has a fractional part.
- HAMMING_DIST: Calculates the hamming distance between two values.
- HAVERSINE_DIST: Computes the haversine distance between two latitude and longitude values.
- LN: Calculates the natural logarithm of numeric values.
- LOG2: Returns the base two logarithm of a numeric value.
- MOD: Returns the modulo or remainder of the division between two numeric values.
- POWER: Raises a numeric value to the power of another numeric value.
- RADIANS: Converts degrees into radians.
- RAND: Returns a random double-precision number between 0 and 1, including 0 and excluding 1.
- ROUND: Rounds the value up or down to the closest whole integer.
- ROUNDDOWN: Rounds a numeric value down by the specified number of digits.
- ROUNDUP: Rounds a numeric value up by the specified number of digits.
- TAN: Calculates the tangent of the specified angle.
- VAR: Calculates the variance for a group of numbers, i.e., how widely the values vary from the average of the values.
- VARP: Calculates the variance for a sample group of numbers, i.e., how widely the values vary from the average of the values.