Additional Geospatial Functions (Preview)
AnzoGraph offers a preview of two different packages of pre-built geospatial functions that you can use in the same way as other native, built-in analytic functions.
- AnzoGraph GeoSPARQL functions – provides AnzoGraph support of geospatial functions following standard GeoSPARQL naming conventions and syntax compatibility (
- AnzoGraphGeospatial functions – provides support of geospatial operations with an AnzoGraph package implemented using ESRI’s widely-used public domain geometry library of API functions (
Both sets of functions have been developed in compliance with OGC standards (
The spatial features of AnzoGraph offer advanced capabilities to develop large scale location intelligence and geospatial applications to be used along with rich data-analytics using SPARQL/RDF. Regarding inputs of geometry data, geospatial functions can use inputs provided in the following forms:
- WKT String geometry
- WKTLiteral geometry
- GMLLiteral geometry
- AnzoGraph Custom geometry data type (wrapper encapsulation of the OGCGeometry standard data type from the ESRI library)
This additional collection of Preview geospatial functions described here are subject to change based on feedback from users and, in particular, Data Science and Analytics professionals who seek improvement or changes to individual functions, their signatures, or their operation.
AnzoGraph GeoSPARQL Functions
GeoSPARQL is a world-wide geospatial standard ( developed and promoted by the OGC (Open Geospatial Consortium) community to represent geospatial data in RDF format, and query that data using the SPARQL query language.
This section provides a listing of the GeoSPARQL functions supported in AnzoGraph. It also provides a summary of the various geometry shape classes, subclasses, data types, properties, and relationships that GeoSPARQL supports and AnzoGraph GeoSPARQL functions can operate on.
- GeoSPARQL OWL classes and subclasses – The GeoSPARQL OWL specification describes various classes that are supported (for example, geo:SpatialObject and geo:Feature), their subclasses (geo:Geometry), and associated properties and relationships of various geometries (that is, geo:hasGeometry, geo:hasDefaultGeometry, geo:dimension, geo:coordinateDimension, geo:spatialDimension, geo:isEmpty, geo:isSimple, geo:hasSerialization).
GeoSPARQL RDF data must also conform to the OWL representation and implement the features and properties as described in the OGC GeoSPARQL specification.
- GeoSPARQL Data Types – GeoSPARQL uses some custom data-types, namely, ogc:wktLiteral and ogc:gmlLiteral to represent serialized geometry shapes in text form. In AnzoGraph. these literals are represented as RDFLiteral objects, which is a combination of a “text-string” and a data-type URI. All of the geometries are represented in the graph as either WKT (well-known-text format), or in GML (Geometry Markup Language) serialization forms. They may also be represented as objects or regular literal strings.
- GeoSPARQL Relational Properties – GeoSPARQL introduces a set of properties to be used in SPARQL graph patterns. There are mainly three types of relational families - Simple Features (sf), Egenhofer (eh), and RCC8 (rcc8).
- GeoSPARQL Functions – The GeoSPARQL specification defines a list of functions that can be used in SPARQL statements to operate on objects of type geo:Geometry.
The following table provides a description of the GeoSPARQL functions supported in AnzoGraph, their signatures, and return values or objects. Function arguments that specify geometries may pass those objects as wktLiteral or gmlLiteral objects, or even plain literal string values defined in the <> namespace. Units of geometric measurement such as kilometer, meter, mile, degree, and radian are defined in the <> namespace. For more information on the operation of individual functions, see the description of the Geographic Query Language for RDF Data available at
For all the GeoSPARQL function signatures listed in the table, the functions reference the following namespace prefix declarations:
PREFIX ogc: <> PREFIX geof: <> PREFIX xsd: <> PREFIX units: <>
Category/Function |
Non-topological: |
xsd:double geof:distance(geom1: ogc:geomLiteral, geom2: ogc:geomLiteral, units: xsd:anyURI)
The units anyURI argument represents the unitURI in OGC format: <> <> This function takes two geometries as input and computes the shortest distance between them based on the SRID of geom1. The function converts the distance in meters to the specified unit of measure. If no SRID is specified in geomLiteral arguments, the function will assume CRS84 as the default unit of measure and assume coordinates in Long, Lat format. If geom1 and geom2 are specified as WKT strings and no SRID details are provided, the function will compute the Euclidean distance between the two geometries regardless of what unit of measure was provided. If you want to find the spherical distance between two geometries, you can use 4047 as the SRID, which specifies a spherical coordinate system number. The spherical distance gets computed based on Great circle algorithms and Planer geodesics distances are computed using ellipsoidal formulas. |
ogc:geomLiteral geof:buffer(geom1: ogc:geomLiteral, radius: xsd:double, units: xsd:anyURI)
The units anyURI argument represents the unitURI in OGC format: <> <> This function takes geomLiteral and radius argument in given unit of measure and produces polygon of points having distance less than or equal to given radius from a central geomLiteral position. The Input radius is is converted from the source unit of measure based on 1° equal to 111 km and and returns the polygon of points with less than or equal to distance from the geomLiteral position on an XY Plane. |
ogc:geomLiteral geof:convexHull(geom: ogc:geomLiteral)
ogc:geomLiteral geof:intersection(geom1: ogc:geomLiteral, geom2: ogc:geomLiteral)
ogc:geomLiteral geof:union(geom1: ogc:geomLiteral, geom2: ogc:geomLiteral)
ogc:geomLiteral geof:difference(geom1: ogc:geomLiteral, geom2: ogc:geomLiteral)
ogc:geomLiteral geof:symDifference(geom1: ogc:geomLiteral, geom2: ogc:geomLiteral)
ogc:geomLiteral geof:envelope(geom1: ogc:geomLiteral)
ogc:geomLiteral geof:boundary(geom1: ogc:geomLiteral)
xsd:anyURI geof:getSRID(geom: ogc:geomLiteral)
Returns the spatial reference system prefix URI, in string format, for a given geometry. |
xsd:boolean geof:relate(geom1: ogc:geomLiteral, geom2: ogc:geomLiteral, : xsd:String)
Simple Feature Family - Topological: |
xsd:boolean geof:spattern-matrixfEquals(geom1: ogc:geomLiteral, geom2: ogc:geomLiteral)
xsd:boolean geof:sfDisjoint(geom1: ogc:geomLiteral, geom2: ogc:geomLiteral)
xsd:boolean geof:sfIntersects(geom1: ogc:geomLiteral, geom2: ogc:geomLiteral)
xsd:boolean geof:sfTouches(geom1: ogc:geomLiteral, geom2: ogc:geomLiteral)
xsd:boolean geof:sfCrosses(geom1: ogc:geomLiteral, geom2: ogc:geomLiteral)
xsd:boolean geof:sfWithin(geom1: ogc:geomLiteral, geom2: ogc:geomLiteral)
xsd:boolean geof:sfContains(geom1: ogc:geomLiteral, geom2: ogc:geomLiteral)
xsd:boolean geof:sfOverlaps(geom1: ogc:geomLiteral, geom2: ogc:geomLiteral)
Egenhofer Family - Topological: |
xsd:boolean geof:ehEquals(geom1: ogc:geomLiteral, geom2: ogc:geomLiteral)
xsd:boolean geof:ehDisjoint(geom1: ogc:geomLiteral, geom2: ogc:geomLiteral)
xsd:boolean geof:ehMeet(geom1: ogc:geomLiteral, geom2: ogc:geomLiteral)
xsd:boolean geof:ehOverlap(geom1: ogc:geomLiteral, geom2: ogc:geomLiteral)
xsd:boolean geof:ehCovers(geom1: ogc:geomLiteral, geom2: ogc:geomLiteral)
xsd:boolean geof:ehCoveredBy(geom1: ogc:geomLiteral, geom2: ogc:geomLiteral)
xsd:boolean geof:ehInside(geom1: ogc:geomLiteral, geom2: ogc:geomLiteral)
xsd:boolean geof:ehContains(geom1: ogc:geomLiteral, geom2: ogc:geomLiteral)
RCC8 Family - Topological: |
xsd:boolean geof:rcc8eq(geom1: ogc:geomLiteral, geom2: ogc:geomLiteral)
xsd:boolean geof:rcc8dc(geom1: ogc:geomLiteral, geom2: ogc:geomLiteral)
xsd:boolean geof:rcc8ec(geom1: ogc:geomLiteral, geom2: ogc:geomLiteral)
xsd:boolean geof:rcc8po(geom1: ogc:geomLiteral, geom2: ogc:geomLiteral)
xsd:Boolean geof:rcc8tpp(geom1: ogc:geomLiteral, geom2: ogc:geomLiteral)
xsd:boolean geof:rcc8tppi(geom1: ogc:geomLiteral, geom2: ogc:geomLiteral)
xsd:boolean geof:rcc8ntpp(geom1: ogc:geomLiteral, geom2: ogc:geomLiteral)
xsd:boolean geof:rcc8ntppi(geom1: ogc:geomLiteral, geom2: ogc:geomLiteral)
AnzoGraph Geospatial Functions
The AnzoGraph package of geospatial functions, implemented using ESRI’s public domain API geometry library, categorize functions to operate on the following geometric shapes:
- Point– A point shape or geometry that represents a single location in space which has, at a minimum, an x-coordinate and a y-coordinate.
MultiPoint – Ordered collection of points.
- LineString – Shape defined by sequence of points with boundary endpoints.
- MultiLineString – Collection of individual LineStrings.
- Polygon – A multi-sided, two-dimensional shape stored as a sequence of points defining its exterior bounding ring and optionally one or more interior polygon rings.
- MultiPolygon – Collection of polygons, each having one or more interior polygon rings.
- Circle Arc Polygon – Specialized circular arc polygon defined by a radius and an arc/chord length or delta angle.
- Elliptical Arc Polygon – Specialized polygon geometry that describes some portion of an elliptical polygon.
- Circle Polygon – Circular-shaped geometry defined by the circle's center point and its radius.
- Ellipse Polygon – Elliptical shaped geometry constructed from two points that define the center and angle of the ellipse, and two additional points that specify the total length of the major and minor axes respectively.
- Rectangle Polygon – Rectangular-shaped geometry defined by its corner points and corner angles.
- Squircle Polygon – Hybrid-shaped geometry that combines properties of both a square and a circle, for example, a square object with rounded corners.
In addition, the AnzoGraph geospatial functions include the following:
- Functions common to all shapes – Collection of functions providing operations such as conversion, translation, or conditional testing.
- Aggregators – AnzoGraph user-defined aggregate (UDA) extensions that construct new geometric shapes from multiple aggregated geometries.
- Services – AnzoGraph user-defined service (UDS) extensions that extracts various geometric information from various source files such as
, and.json
The AnzoGraph functions follow specific standards for reading and parsing particular geometry values. For GML readers and GML literal values, AnzoGraph functions support GML version 2.0 and, by default, use the CRS 84 coordinate system. The Shape (.shp
) file reader supports version 1000. For WKT geometry parsing, AnzoGraph functions follow the WKT version 1 standard and, by default, use the 4326 coordinate system. The KML reader follows the version 2.2.0 standard.
AnzoGraph Geospatial Functions
The topics in this section provide details about each of the AnzoGraph geospatial functions that are available. You can click on individual function names to view the syntax of each function signature and as well as obtain details about individual function arguments and return values.
Category/Function | Description |
Point Functions: | |
ST_Point | Constructs a Point geometry from a given set of x, y, z, and m coordinates. |
ST_X | Returns the X coordinate of a given Point geometry. |
ST_SetX | Sets the X coordinate of a given Point geometry. |
ST_Y | Returns the Y coordinate of a given Point geometry. |
ST_SetY | Sets the Y coordinate of a given Point geometry. |
ST_Z | Returns the Z coordinate of a given Point geometry. |
ST_SetZ | Sets the Z coordinate of a given Point geometry. |
ST_M | Returns the M coordinate of a given Point geometry. |
ST_SetM | Sets the M coordinate of a given Point geometry. |
ST_Bin | Returns the bin ID of a given Point geometry. |
ST_BinEnvelope | Returns the bin envelope for a given Point geometry or bin ID. |
ST_MultiPoint | Constructs a MultiPoint geometry from a set of x and y coordinate pairs. |
ST_PointN |
Returns a Point that is at the Nth index position in a given MultiPoint. |
LineString and MultiLineString Functions: | |
ST_LineString | Constructs a LineString from a number of Points in an array. |
ST_StartPoint | Returns the start Point of a given line. |
ST_EndPoint | Returns the end Point of a given line. |
ST_IsClosed | Determines whether a given line geometry is a ring. That is, it returns true if a specific line geometry is a ring geometry; otherwise, it returns false. |
ST_IsRing | Determines whether a given geometry is closed. That is, it returns true if a specific geometry is closed; otherwise, it returns false. |
ST_MultiLineString | Returns the MultiLine geometry constructed from a list of individual Line geometries. |
Polygon and Other Geometric Functions: | |
ST_Polygon | Returns a Polygon geometry constructed from multiple point geometries. |
ST_ExteriorRing | Returns the exterior ring of a given polygon geometry. |
ST_NumInteriorRing | Returns the number of interior rings that exist in a given polygon geometry. |
ST_InteriorRingN | Returns the interior ring at the Nth index position in a given polygon geometry. |
ST_MultiPolygon | Returns a MultiPolygon geometry constructed from a list of polygons. |
Other Geometries: | |
ST_Circle |
Returns a Circle Polygon from a given radius, and x, y, and z coordinates. |
ST_CircleArc | Returns a Circle Arc Polygon from a given radius and point geometry. |
ST_Arc | Returns an Arc line from a given start angle and size angle. |
ST_Ellipse | Returns an Ellipse Polygon from a given radius and point geometry. |
ST_EllipticalArc | Returns an Elliptical Arc Polygon from a given radius and point geometry. |
ST_Rectangle | Returns a Rectangle Polygon from a given height, width, and point geometry. |
ST_Squircle | Returns a Squircle Polygon from a given radius and point geometry. |
Construct Geometry from GML, WKB, or WKT(and optionally WKID): | |
ST_GeomFromGML | Returns geometry based on GML specification. |
ST_GeomFromText |
Constructs a text string in a well known text (WKT) representation. |
ST_GeomFromWKB |
Constructs a geometry from a given set of well known binary (WKB) coordinates. |
The following Utility Functions are available across geometric shapes:
Function | Description |
ST_MinX | Returns the minimum value of the X coordinate for a given geometry. |
ST_MaxX | Returns the maximum value of the X coordinate for a given geometry. |
ST_MinY | Returns the minimum value of the Y coordinate for a given geometry. |
ST_MaxY | Returns the maximum value of the Y coordinate for a given geometry. |
ST_MinZ | Returns the minimum value of Z coordinate for a given geometry. |
ST_MaxZ | Returns the maximum value of Z coordinate for a given geometry. |
ST_MinM | Returns the minimum measure value for a given geometry |
ST_MaxM | Returns the maximum measure value for a given geometry. |
Serialization: | |
ST_AsGeoJSON | Returns a GeoJSON representation of a geometric shape. |
ST_AsJSON | Returns a JSON representation of a geometric shape. |
ST_AsBinary | Returns a binary object from a given geometry. |
ST_AsText | Returns a well known text (WKT) representation of a geometric shape. |
ST_AsGML | Returns GML representation of a geometric shape. |
ST_AsWktLiteral | Returns URL string from WKT representation of a given geometry. |
ST_AsGmlLiteral | Returns URL from GML representation of a given geometry.<> |
ST_AsWKB_HEX | Returns hex string from WKB representation of a given geometry. |
Logical, Comparison, and Relational Operations: | |
ST_Is3D | Returns true if a given geometry object is three-dimensional. |
ST_IsEmpty | Returns true if a given geometry object is empty. |
ST_IsMeasured | Returns true if a given geometry object is measured. |
ST_IsSimple | Returns true if a given geometry object is simple. |
ST_Crosses | Returns true if geometry1 crosses geometry2. |
ST_Contains | Returns true if geometry1 contains geometry2. |
ST_Disjoint | Returns true if geometry1 doesn’t have any Points in common with geometry2. |
ST_Equals | Returns true if geometry1 equals geometry2. |
ST_Intersects | Returns true if geometry1 intersects geometry2. |
ST_Overlaps | Returns true if geometry1 overlaps geometry2. |
ST_Touches | Returns true if geometry1 touches geometry2. |
ST_Within | Returns true if geometry1 is within geometry2. |
ST_EnvIntersects | Returns true if the envelopes of geometry1 and geometry2 intersect. |
ST_Relate | Returns true if geometry1 has the specified DE-9IM relationship with geometry2. |
Conversion, Calculation, and Translation: | |
ST_Distance | Returns the distance between two geometry objects. |
ST_Boundary | Returns the boundary of a given geometry. |
ST_Intersection | Returns the intersection of two geometry objects. |
ST_Difference | Returns the difference between two geometry objects. |
ST_SymDifference | Returns the symmetric difference between two geometry objects. |
ST_SRID | Returns the spatial reference ID of a given geometry. |
ST_SetSRID | Sets the spatial reference ID of a given geometry and returns its geometry coordinates. |
ST_Dimension | Returns the spatial dimension of a given geometry. |
ST_Length | Returns the length of a line. |
ST_Area | Returns the area of a Polygon or multiPolygon. |
ST_CoordDim | Returns the count of coordinate components. |
ST_Envelope | Returns the envelope of a given geometry. |
ST_GeometryType | Returns the geometry type of a given geometry. |
ST_Union | Returns the union of one or more geometries. |
ST_NumPoints | Returns the number of Points in a given geometry. |
ST_NumGeometries | Returns the number of geometries in a multi-geometry shape. |
ST_GeometryN | Returns the Nth geometry in a multi-geometry shape. |
ST_Centroid | Returns the centroid of a given geometry. |
ST_Buffer | Returns the geometry buffered by distance. |
ST_ConvexHull | Returns the convex hull of one or more geometries. |
ST_GeodesicLengthWGS84 | Returns the distance (in meters) along a line of a WGS84 spheroid for geographic coordinates. |
ST_GeomFromJSON | Returns the geometry from a JSON representation of any geometric shape. |
ST_GeomFromGeoJSON | Returns the geometry from a GeoJSON representation of any geometric shape. |
ST_LatLonFromDMSToDD | Returns latitude and longitude in decimal degrees. |
ST_GeomFromWktLiteral | Returns geometry object from a WKT representation of a given shape. |
ST_GeomFromGmlLiteral | Returns geometry object from a GML representation of a given shape. |
ST_ConvertCoordinates |
Return coordinates converted from one coordinate system to another. |
ST_IsValidWKT | Validates whether a given WKT representation is correct. |
ST_IsValidGeoJSON | Validates whether a given geoJSON representation is correct. |
ST_Translate |
Transform a geometry with given shift values. |
ST_Scale | Scales a geometry to a new size using the corresponding factor arguments. |
ST_Shear | Shears a geometry around axis using specified shearing arguments. |
ST_Rotate | Rotate geometry around origin using corresponding rotation arguments. |
The following are Aggregator (UDA) Functions:
Aggregator (UDA) Functions | Description |
ST_Aggr_Union | Returns a union of geometries using Aggregator transformation. |
ST_Aggr_LineString | Returns a Line geometry constructed from a number of Point geometries using Aggregator transformation. |
ST_Aggr_MultiLineString | Returns a MultiLine geometry constructed from a number of line geometries using Aggregator transformation. |
ST_Aggr_MultiPoint | Returns a MultiPoint geometry constructed from a number of Point geometries using Aggregator transformation. |
ST_Aggr_Polygon | Returns a Polygon geometry constructed from a number of Point geometries using Aggregate Point geometries and Aggregator transformation. |
ST_Aggr_MultiPolygon | Returns a MultiPolygon geometry constructed from multiple polygon geometries using Aggregator transformation. |
ST_Aggr_ConvexHull | Returns a convex hull for given geometries obtained using Aggregator transformation. |
ST_Aggr_Intersection | Returns intersection of given geometries having same srID obtained using Aggregator transformation. |
The following are Services (UDS) Functions:
Service (UDS) functions | Description |
ST_ReadSHP | Returns geometry objects extracted from a Shapefile shape (SHP) format file. |
ST_ReadKML | Returns geometry objects extracted from a Keyhole Markup Language (KML) file. |
ST_ReadGeoJSON | Returns geometry objects extracted from a JSON format file. |
ST_ReadText | Returns geometry objects extracted from a Well-Known Text (WKT) file. |
ST_ReadGML | Returns geometry objects extracted from a Geography Markup Language (GML) format file. |
ST_ReadWKB | Returns geometry objects extracted from an OpenGIS Well-known Binary (WKB) file. |
The following sections provided additional detail of each available geometric function as well as the syntax or signature of each function call. The description of functions specifies the W3C data types of arguments as well as the datatype of values returned by individual functions.
Data Types and Arguments
Object arguments or return types specified with functions specify transient objects internal to AnzoGraph which may contain arbitrarily long sequences of raw data bytes. Object data cannot be directly persisted or saved in a graph store, however, a Custom object (return value of a function) can be bound to a variable (using a BIND expression), and can be passed to functions as arguments, as appropriate.
The life span of a Custom object handle cannot exceed one query. A Custom object has to be serialized into some form of text string or a URI of a user-defined data type to return as query results or save in a graph store.
Some functions include signature arguments labelled as x, y, and z. These arguments correspond to specification of longitude (x), latitude (y), and height or altitude (z) values in standard geospatial coordinate systems. Coordinates that specify an x,y location in a Cartesian coordinate system or an x,y,z coordinate in a three dimensional system represent locations on the Earth’s surface relative to other locations. In addition to the Cartesian coordinate system, the AnzoGraph geospatial functions support other coordinate systems including Spherical, Cylindrical, and Elliptical.
Representations of function signatures and arguments included in this section use braces ([arg]
) to represent optional arguments. In addition, the convention, [,Object point_N]*
is used to indicate when you may specify multiple arguments, 1 to N. Similarly, for functions that require an index argument entry, for example, ST_PointN, the values you may enter for the index value also range from 1 to N.
Point Functions
Click on individual function names in the table below to view the syntax of each function signature and as well as obtain details about individual function arguments and return values.
Function | Description |
ST_Point | Constructs a Point geometry from a given set of x, y, z, and m coordinates. |
ST_X | Returns the X coordinate of a given Point geometry. |
ST_SetX | Sets the X coordinate of a given Point geometry. |
ST_Y | Returns the Y coordinate of a given Point geometry. |
ST_SetY | Sets the Y coordinate of a given Point geometry. |
ST_Z | Returns the Z coordinate of a given Point geometry. |
ST_SetZ | Sets the Z coordinate of a given Point geometry. |
ST_M | Returns the M coordinate of a given Point geometry. |
ST_SetM | Sets the M coordinate of a given Point geometry. |
ST_Bin | Returns the bin ID of a given Point geometry. |
ST_BinEnvelope | Returns the bin envelope for a given Point geometry or bin ID. |
ST_MultiPoint | Constructs a MultiPoint geometry from a set of x and y coordinate pairs. |
ST_PointN |
Returns a Point that is at the Nth index position in a given MultiPoint. |
Returns a Point as a custom object constructed from a given set of x, y, z, and m coordinates. The general signature for calling the ST_Point function is the following:
PREFIX geof: <> PREFIX xsd: <> Custom geof:ST_Point(xsd:double x, xsd:double y [, xsd:double z [, xsd:double m]])
With this function, you can specify two coordinate arguments(x and y), three coordinate arguments (x, y, and z), or four coordinate arguments (x,y,z,and m).
The function returns a Custom
Argument | Data Type | Description |
x | xsd:double
Required X coordinate of point. |
y | xsd:double
Required Y coordinate of point. |
[z] | xsd:double |
Optional Z coordinate of point. |
[m] | xsd:double |
Optional M coordinate of point. |
Example Query:
PREFIX geof: <> PREFIX xsd: <> select (geof:ST_AsText(geof:ST_SetM(geof:ST_Point(1,2,3),4)) as ?point)
Returns the X coordinate of a given Point geometry. The general signature for calling the ST_X function is the following:
PREFIX geof: <> PREFIX xsd: <> xsd:double geof:ST_X(Object geom)
The function returns a xsd:double
Argument | Data Type | Description |
geom | Object
Point geometry in WKT string format, WKTLiteral, GMLLiteral, or the AnzoGraph Custom OGCGeometry data type. |
Example Query:
PREFIX geof: <> PREFIX xsd: <> select (min(?point_x) as ?3d_min) from <point> where{ ?point a <>; <> ?shape; BIND(geof:ST_GeomFromText(?shape) as ?point_2d) BIND(geof:ST_X(?point_2d) as ?point_x) BIND(geof:ST_Y(?point_2d) as ?point_y) }
Sets the X coordinate of a given Point geometry. The general signature for calling the ST_SetX function is the following:
PREFIX geof: <> PREFIX xsd: <> Custom geof:ST_SetX(Object geom, xsd:double x)
The function returns a Custom
Argument | Data Type | Description |
geom | Object
Point geometry in WKT string format, WKTLiteral, GMLLiteral, or the AnzoGraph Custom OGCGeometry data type. |
x | xsd:double
X coordinate point value to set. |
Example Query:
PREFIX geof: <> PREFIX xsd: <> select (geof:ST_AsText(geof:ST_SetX(geof:ST_Point(1,2),4)) as ?point)
Returns the Y coordinate of a given Point geometry. The general signature for calling the ST_Y function is the following:
PREFIX geof: <> PREFIX xsd: <> Custom geof:ST_Y(Object geom)
The function returns a Custom
Argument | Data Type | Description |
geom | Object
Point geometry in WKT string format, WKTLiteral, GMLLiteral, or the AnzoGraph Custom OGCGeometry data type. |
Example Query:
PREFIX geof: <> PREFIX xsd: <> select (min(?point_x) as ?3d_min) from <point> where{ ?point a <>; <> ?shape; BIND(geof:ST_GeomFromText(?shape) as ?point_2d) BIND(geof:ST_X(?point_2d) as ?point_x) BIND(geof:ST_Y(?point_2d) as ?point_y) }
Sets the Y coordinate of a given Point geometry. The general signature for calling the ST_SetY function is the following:
PREFIX geof: <> PREFIX xsd: <> Custom geof:ST_SetY(Object geom, xsd:double y)
The function returns a Custom
Argument | Data Type | Description |
geom | Object
Point geometry in WKT string format, WKTLiteral, GMLLiteral, or the AnzoGraph Custom OGCGeometry data type. |
y | xsd:double
Y coordinate point value to set. |
Example Query:
PREFIX geof: <> PREFIX xsd: <> select (min(?point_y) as ?3d_min) from <point> where{ ?point a <>; <> ?shape; BIND(geof:ST_GeomFromText(?shape) as ?point_2d) BIND(geof:ST_X(?point_2d) as ?point_x) BIND(geof:ST_Y(?point_2d) as ?point_y) }
Returns the Z coordinate of a given Point geometry. The general signature for calling the ST_Z function is the following:
PREFIX geof: <> PREFIX xsd: <> xsd:double geof:ST_Z(Object geom)
The function returns a xsd:double
Argument | Data Type | Description |
geom | Object
Point geometry in WKT string format, WKTLiteral, GMLLiteral, or the AnzoGraph Custom OGCGeometry data type. |
Example Query:
PREFIX geof: <> PREFIX xsd: <> select (max(geof:ST_Z(geof:ST_Point(?point_x, ?point_y, ?point_z))) as ?3d_max) from <point> where{ ?point a <>; <> ?shape; BIND(geof:ST_GeomFromText(?shape) as ?point_2d) BIND(geof:ST_X(?point_2d) as ?point_x) BIND(geof:ST_Y(?point_2d) as ?point_y) BIND(32 as ?point_z) }
Sets the Z coordinate of a given Point geometry. The general signature for calling the ST_SetZ function is the following:
PREFIX geof: <> PREFIX xsd: <> Custom geof:ST_SetZ(Object geom, xsd:double z)
The function returns a Custom
Argument | Data Type | Description |
geom | Object
Point geometry in WKT string format, WKTLiteral, GMLLiteral, or the AnzoGraph Custom OGCGeometry data type. |
z | xsd:double
Z coordinate point value to set. |
Example Query:
PREFIX geof: <> PREFIX xsd: <> select (geof:ST_AsText(geof:ST_SetZ(geof:ST_Point(1,2),4)) as ?point_with_z_coordinate)
Returns the M coordinate of a given Point geometry. The general signature for calling the ST_M function is the following:
PREFIX geof: <> PREFIX xsd: <> xsd:double geof:ST_M(Object geom)
The function returns a xsd:double
Argument | Data Type | Description |
geom | Object
Point geometry in WKT string format, WKTLiteral, GMLLiteral, or the AnzoGraph Custom OGCGeometry data type. |
Example Query:
PREFIX geof: <> PREFIX xsd: <> select (min(geof:ST_M(geof:ST_Point(?point_x, ?point_y, ?point_z, ?point_m))) as ?result) from <point> where{ ?point a <>; <> ?shape; BIND(geof:ST_GeomFromText(?shape) as ?point_2d) BIND(geof:ST_X(?point_2d) as ?point_x) BIND(geof:ST_Y(?point_2d) as ?point_y) BIND(25 as ?point_z) BIND(30 as ?point_m) }
Sets the M coordinate of a given Point geometry. The general signature for calling the ST_SetM function is the following:
PREFIX geof: <> PREFIX xsd: <> Custom geof:ST_SetM(Object geom, xsd:double m)
The function returns a Custom
Argument | Data Type | Description |
geom | Object
Point geometry in WKT string format, WKTLiteral, GMLLiteral, or the AnzoGraph Custom OGCGeometry data type. |
m | xsd:double
M coordinate point value to set. |
Example Query:
PREFIX geof: <> PREFIX xsd: <> select (geof:ST_AsText(geof:ST_SetM(geof:ST_Point(1,2,3),4)) as ?point)
Returns the binID of a given Point geometry. The general signature for calling the ST_Bin function is the following:
PREFIX geof: <> PREFIX xsd: <> xsd:long geof:ST_Bin(xsd:double binSize, Object geom)
The function returns a xsd:long
Argument | Data Type | Description |
binSize | xsd:double
Bin size. |
geom | Object
Point geometry in WKT string format, WKTLiteral, GMLLiteral, or the AnzoGraph Custom OGCGeometry data type. |
Example Query:
PREFIX geof: <> PREFIX xsd: <> #Read Point from WKT shape #Return Number of points intersections select (geof:ST_Bin(10, ?point_2d) as ?union) from <point> where{ ?point a <>; <> ?shape; <> "0"^^xsd:long. BIND(geof:ST_GeomFromText(?shape) as ?point_2d) }
Returns the bin envelope for a given Point geometry or bin ID. With this function, you can also return the bin envelope for multiple points. The general signature for calling the ST_BinEnvelope function is the following:
PREFIX geof: <> PREFIX xsd: <> Custom geof:ST_BinEnvelope(xsd:double binSize, Object geom)
The function returns a Custom
Argument | Data Type | Description |
binSize | xsd:double |
Bin size. |
geom | Object
Point geometry in WKT string format, WKTLiteral, GMLLiteral, or the AnzoGraph Custom OGCGeometry data type. |
Example Query:
PREFIX geof: <> PREFIX xsd: <> select (geof:ST_AsText(geof:ST_BinEnvelope(10.0, ?point_2d)) as ?union) from <point> where{ ?point a <>; <> ?shape; <> "0"^^xsd:long. BIND(geof:ST_GeomFromText(?shape) as ?point_2d) }
Returns a MultiPoint as a custom object constructed from a set of x and y coordinate pairs. The general signature for calling the ST_MultiPoint function is the following:
PREFIX geof: <> PREFIX xsd: <> Custom geof:ST_MultiPoint((xsd:double x, xsd:double y)[,xsd:double xx, xsd:double yy])
The function returns a Custom
Argument | Data Type | Description |
x | xsd:double
X coordinate value. |
y | xsd:double
X coordinate value. |
[xx] | xsd:double
Additional X coordinate values. |
[yy] | xsd:double
Additional X coordinate values. |
Any number of x and y coordinate values can be provided as input.
Example Query:
PREFIX geof: <> PREFIX xsd: <> select (geof:ST_AsText(geof:ST_MultiPoint(?x,?y,?x1,?y1,?x2,?y2)) as ?multipoint_pairs) where{ values (?x ?y ?x1 ?y1 ?x2 ?y2) {(1.1 7.0 2 3 5 -6.7) (-2 3.4 -7.8 9.3 5.4 -1.0)} }
Returns a Point that is at the Nth index in a given MultiPoint. The general signature for calling the ST_PointN function is the following:
PREFIX geof: <> PREFIX xsd: <> Custom geof:ST_PointN(Object geom, xsd:int index)
The function returns a Custom
Argument | Data Type | Description |
geom | Object
Geometry shape value in WKT string format, WKTLiteral, GMLLiteral, or the AnzoGraph Custom OGCGeometry data type. The input geometry shape can be that of a Point, Multipoint, LineString, MultiLineString, Polygon, Multipolygon, or GeometryCollection. |
index | xsd:int
Index of point to retrieve from given input geometry. |
Example Query:
PREFIX geof: <> PREFIX xsd: <> select (geof:ST_AsText(geof:ST_PointN(geof:ST_GeomFromText(?x) , 2)) as ?envelope) where { values (?x) {('MULTILINESTRING M((10 10 10, 20 20 20, 10 40 30),(40 40 20, 30 30 30, 40 20 10, 30 10 20))') ('MULTILINESTRING M((10 10 20, 20 20 30, -10 -40 -30),(10 40 20, 30 30 30, 10 20 10, 30 10 20))')} }
LineString and MultiLineString Functions
Click on individual function names in the table below to view the syntax of each function signature and as well as obtain details about individual function arguments and return values.
Function | Description |
ST_LineString | Constructs a LineString from a number of Points in an array. |
ST_StartPoint | Returns the start Point of a given line. |
ST_EndPoint | Returns the end Point of a given line. |
ST_IsClosed | Determines whether a given line geometry is a ring. That is, it returns true if a specific line geometry is a ring geometry; otherwise, it returns false. |
ST_IsRing | Determines whether a given geometry is closed. That is, it returns true if a specific geometry is closed; otherwise, it returns false. |
ST_MultiLineString | Returns the MultiLine geometry constructed from a list of individual Line geometries. |
Returns a LineString as a custom object constructed from a number of individual point geometries. The general signature for calling the ST_LineString function is the following:
PREFIX geof: <> PREFIX xsd: <> Custom geof:ST_LineString(Object point1 [,Object point_N]*)
The function returns a Custom
Argument | Data Type | Description |
point1 ... [, point_N]* |
Point geometry in WKT string format, WKTLiteral, GMLLiteral, or the AnzoGraph Custom OGCGeometry data type. |
Any number of point geometries can be passed as input to form a new line.
Example Query:
PREFIX geof: <> PREFIX xsd: <> select (geof:ST_AsText(geof:ST_LineString(geof:ST_GeomFromText(?pt1),geof:ST_GeomFromText(?pt2))) as ?line_from_points) where{ values (?pt1 ?pt2) {('Point(1 1)' 'Point(-1 -2)') ('Point Z(-11 1 4)' 'Point ZM(0 9.2 -1 -2)') } }
Returns the start Point of a given line. The general signature for calling the ST_StartPoint function is the following:
PREFIX geof: <> PREFIX xsd: <> Custom geof:ST_StartPoint(Object line)
The function returns a Custom
Argument | Data Type | Description |
line | Object
LineString geometry in WKT string format, WKTLiteral, GMLLiteral, or the AnzoGraph Custom OGCGeometry data type. |
Example Query:
PREFIX geof: <> PREFIX xsd: <> #Find line string start and point with maximum points #Return start and end points in text format select (geof:ST_AsGeoJSON(geof:ST_StartPoint(geof:ST_GeomFromText(?line_str_wkt))) as ?start_point) (geof:ST_AsGeoJSON(geof:ST_EndPoint(geof:ST_GeomFromText(?line_str_wkt))) as ?end_point) from <linestring> where { ?ln_str_ins a <>; <> ?line_str_wkt; <> ?no_pt_ln. } order by desc(?no_pt_ln) desc(?line_str_wkt) limit 1
Returns the end Point of a given line. The general signature for calling the ST_EndPoint function is the following:
PREFIX geof: <> PREFIX xsd: <> Custom geof:ST_EndPoint(Object line)
The function returns a Custom
Argument | Data Type | Description |
line | Object
LineString geometry in WKT string format, WKTLiteral, GMLLiteral, or the AnzoGraph Custom OGCGeometry data type. |
Example Query:
PREFIX geof: <> PREFIX xsd: <> #Find line string start and point with maximum points #Return start and end points in text format select (geof:ST_AsGeoJSON(geof:ST_StartPoint(geof:ST_GeomFromText(?line_str_wkt))) as ?start_point) (geof:ST_AsGeoJSON(geof:ST_EndPoint(geof:ST_GeomFromText(?line_str_wkt))) as ?end_point) from <linestring> where { ?ln_str_ins a <>; <> ?line_str_wkt; <> ?no_pt_ln. } order by desc(?no_pt_ln) desc(?line_str_wkt) limit 1
Determines whether a given geometry is closed. That is, it returns true if a specific geometry is closed; otherwise, it returns false. The general signature for calling the ST_IsClosed function is the following:
PREFIX geof: <> PREFIX xsd: <> xsd:boolean geof:ST_IsClosed(Object line)
The function returns a xsd:boolean
Argument | Data Type | Description |
line | Object
LineString or MultiLineString geometry in WKT string format, WKTLiteral, GMLLiteral, or the AnzoGraph Custom OGCGeometry data type. |
Example Query:
PREFIX geof: <> PREFIX xsd: <> #Check wither line string is closed or not #Return Boolean whether line string is closed or not select (geof:ST_IsClosed(geof:ST_GeomFromText(?x)) as ?ring) where { values (?x) {('LINESTRING (30 10, 10 10, 40 40, 30 10)')('LINESTRING Z(-30.56 12 45, 10 1 -5, -67 -0.56 68, -30.56 12 45)')} }
Determines whether a given line geometry is a ring. That is, it returns true if a specific line geometry is a ring geometry; otherwise, it returns false. The general signature for calling the ST_IsRing function is the following:
PREFIX geof: <> PREFIX xsd: <> xsd:boolean geof:ST_IsRing(Object line)
The function returns an xsd:boolean
Argument | Data Type | Description |
line | Object
LineString geometry in WKT string format, WKTLiteral, GMLLiteral, or the AnzoGraph Custom OGCGeometry data type. |
Example Query:
PREFIX geof: <> PREFIX xsd: <> #Check wither line string is ring or not #Return Boolean whether line string is ring or not select (geof:ST_IsRing(geof:ST_GeomFromText(?x,0)) as ?ring_simple) where { values (?x) {('LINESTRING (0 0, 1 1, 1 2, 2 1, 1 1, 0 0)')('LINESTRING (0 0, 3 4)')} }
Returns the MultiLine geometry constructed from a list of Line geometries. The general signature for calling the ST_MultiLineString function is the following:
PREFIX geof: <> PREFIX xsd: <> Custom geof:ST_MultiLineString(Object line1 [, Object line_N]*)
The function returns a Custom
Argument | Data Type | Description |
line1 ... [, line_N]* |
LineString geometry in WKT string format, WKTLiteral, GMLLiteral, or the AnzoGraph Custom OGCGeometry data type. |
Any number of line geometries can be passed as input to form a new multiline.
Example Query:
PREFIX geof: <> PREFIX xsd: <> select (geof:ST_AsText(geof:ST_MultiLineString(geof:ST_GeomFromText(?l1),geof:ST_GeomFromText(?l2))) as ?MultiLineString) where{ values (?l1 ?l2) {('LINESTRING (8 7, 7 8)' 'LINESTRING (1 7, 7 8)') ('LINESTRING (18 17, -17 8)' 'LINESTRING (-1 7, 7 -8)')} }
Polygon and Other Geometric Functions
Click on individual function names in the table below to view the syntax of each function signature and as well as obtain details about individual function arguments and return values.
Function | Description |
Polygon and Other Geometric Functions: | |
ST_Polygon | Returns a Polygon geometry constructed from multiple point geometries. |
ST_ExteriorRing | Returns the exterior ring of a given polygon geometry. |
ST_NumInteriorRing | Returns the number of interior rings that exist in a given polygon geometry. |
ST_InteriorRingN | Returns the interior ring at the Nth index position in a given polygon geometry. |
ST_MultiPolygon | Returns a MultiPolygon geometry constructed from a list of polygons. |
Other Geometries: | |
ST_Circle |
Returns a Circle Polygon from a given radius, and x, y, and z coordinates. |
ST_CircleArc | Returns a Circle Arc Polygon from a given radius and point geometry. |
ST_Arc | Returns an Arc line from a given start angle and size angle. |
ST_Ellipse | Returns an Ellipse Polygon from a given radius and point geometry. |
ST_EllipticalArc | Returns an Elliptical Arc Polygon from a given radius and point geometry. |
ST_Rectangle | Returns a Rectangle Polygon from a given height, width, and point geometry. |
ST_Squircle | Returns a Squircle Polygon from a given radius and point geometry. |
Construct Geometry from GML, WKB, or WKT(and optionally WKID): | |
ST_GeomFromGML | Returns geometry based on GML specification. |
ST_GeomFromText |
Constructs a geometry from a given set of well known text (WKT) coordinates |
ST_GeomFromWKB |
Constructs a geometry from a given set of well known binary (WKB) coordinates. |
Returns Polygon geometry constructed from multiple point geometries. The general signature for calling the ST_Polygon function is the following:
PREFIX geof: <> PREFIX xsd: <> Custom geof:ST_Polygon(Object point1 [,Object point_N]*)
The function returns a Custom
Argument | Data Type | Description |
point1 ... [, pointN]* |
Point geometry in WKT string format, WKTLiteral, GMLLiteral, or the AnzoGraph Custom OGCGeometry data type. |
Any number of point geometries can be passed as input to form a new polygon but all points should have the same dimensions. That is, the specified input geometries should all be either 2d point geometries or 3d point geometries.
Example Query:
PREFIX geof: <> PREFIX xsd: <> select (geof:ST_AsText(geof:ST_Polygon(geof:ST_Point(?x,?y),geof:ST_Point(?x1,?y1),geof:ST_Point(?x2,?y2))) as ?line_from_points) where{ values (?x ?y ?x1 ?y1 ?x2 ?y2) {(1.1 7.0 2 3 5 -6.7) (-2 3.4 -7.8 9.3 5.4 -1.0) } }
Returns exterior ring of a given polygon geometry. The general signature for calling the ST_ExteriorRing function is the following:
PREFIX geof: <> PREFIX xsd: <> Custom geof:ST_ExteriorRing(Object polygon)
The function returns a Custom
Argument | Data Type | Description |
polygon | Object
Polygon geometry in WKT string format, WKTLiteral, GMLLiteral, or the AnzoGraph Custom OGCGeometry data type. |
Example Query:
PREFIX geof: <> PREFIX xsd: <> select (geof:ST_AsText(geof:ST_ExteriorRing('POLYGON((0 0,0 3,3 3,3 0,0 0),(1 1,1 2,2 2,2 1,1 1))')) as ?exterior_ring)
Returns the number of interior rings that exist in a given polygon geometry. The general signature for calling the ST_NumInteriorRing function is the following:
PREFIX geof: <> PREFIX xsd: <> xsd:int geof:ST_NumInteriorRing(Object polygon)
The function returns an xsd:int
Argument | Data Type | Description |
polygon | Object | Polygon geometry in WKT string format, WKTLiteral, GMLLiteral, or the AnzoGraph Custom OGCGeometry data type. |
Example Query:
PREFIX geof: <> PREFIX xsd: <> select (geof:ST_NumInteriorRing(geof:ST_GeomFromText(?multi_pt_wkt)) as ?polygon) from <polygon> where { ?multi_pt a <>; <> ?multi_pt_wkt; <> "0"^^xsd:int. }
Returns the interior ring at the Nth index position in a given polygon geometry. The general signature for calling the ST_InteriorRingN function is the following:
PREFIX geof: <> PREFIX xsd: <> Custom geof:ST_InteriorRingN(Object polygon, xsd:int n)
The function returns a Custom
Argument | Data Type | Description |
polygon | Object
Polygon geometry in WKT string format, WKTLiteral, GMLLiteral, or the AnzoGraph Custom OGCGeometry data type. |
n | xsd:int
Index of interior ring to be retrieve from specified Polygon. |
Example Query:
PREFIX geof: <> PREFIX xsd: <> select (geof:ST_AsText(geof:ST_InteriorRingN(geof:ST_GeomFromText(?x),1)) as ?interiorRing) where { values(?x) {('POLYGON((0 0,0 3,3 3,3 0,0 0),(1 1,1 2,2 2,2 1,1 1))') ('POLYGON((2 2, 6 4, 6 10, -2 10, -2 4, 2 2),(1 5, 3 5, 3 7, 1 7))')} }
Returns MultiPolygon geometry constructed from a list of polygons. The general signature for calling the ST_MultiPolygon function is the following:
PREFIX geof: <> PREFIX xsd: <> Custom geof:ST_MultiPolygon(Object polygon1 [,Object polygon_N]*)
The function returns a Custom
Argument | Data Type | Description |
polygon1 ... [, polygon_N]* |
Polygon geometry in WKT string format, WKTLiteral, GMLLiteral, or the AnzoGraph Custom OGCGeometry data type. |
Any number of Polygon geometries can be specified as input.
Example Query:
PREFIX geof: <> PREFIX xsd: <> select (geof:ST_AsText(geof:ST_MultiPolygon(geof:ST_GeomFromText(?p1),geof:ST_GeomFromText(?p2))) as ?agg_multipolygon) where{ values (?p1 ?p2) {('POLYGON ((2 0, 2 3, 3 0))' 'POLYGON ((11 12,-11 -12,11 -12))') ('POLYGON ((1 2,-2 -3,9.2 -4.5))' 'POLYGON ((-1 -2, -4.5 -17, -5.6 -78))')} }
Returns a Circle Polygon from a given radius and point geometry. The general signature for calling the ST_Circle function is the following:
PREFIX geof: <> PREFIX xsd: <> Custom geof:ST_Circle(Object geom, xsd:double radius, xsd:int numOfPoints)
The function returns a Custom
Argument | Data Type | Description |
geom | Object
Point geometry in WKT string format, WKTLiteral, GMLLiteral, or the AnzoGraph Custom OGCGeometry data type. |
radius | xsd:double |
Radius for circle polygon. |
numOfPoints | xsd:int
Number of points representing the new Circle polygon. |
Example Query:
PREFIX geof: <> PREFIX xsd: <> select (geof:ST_AsText(geof:ST_Circle((geof:ST_Point(1,2)),3,10)) as ?circle_polygon)
Returns circular arc polygon given radius parameters and number of point arguments. The general signature for calling the ST_CircleArc function is the following:
PREFIX geof: <> PREFIX xsd: <> Custom geof:ST_CircleArc(Object geom, xsd:double startRad, xsd:double sizeRad, xsd:double radius, xsd:int numOfPoints)
The function returns a Custom
Argument | Data Type | Description |
geom | Object
Point geometry in WKT string format, WKTLiteral, GMLLiteral, or the AnzoGraph Custom OGCGeometry data type. |
startRad | xsd:double
Start angle in radians. |
sizeRad | xsd:double
Size of angle in radians. |
radius | xsd:double |
Radius of new circle arc polygon. |
numOfPoints | xsd:int
Number of points representing new Circle Arc polygon. |
Example Query:
PREFIX geof: <> PREFIX xsd: <> select (geof:ST_AsText(geof:ST_CircleArc((geof:ST_Point(1,2)),5,10,3,10)) as ?circle_arc_polygon)
Returns an Arc given center point, radius, start and size angle, and number of points arguments. The general signature for calling the ST_Arc function is the following:
PREFIX geof: <> PREFIX xsd: <> Custom geof:ST_Arc(xsd:double x, xsd:double y, xsd:double radius, xsd:double startRad, xsd:double sizeRad, xsd:int numOfPoints)
The function returns a Custom
Argument | Data Type | Description |
x |
X coordinate of center used to draw arc. |
y | xsd:double
Y coordinate of center used to draw arc. |
radius | xsd:double |
Radius of arc. |
startRad | xsd:double |
Start angle in radians. |
sizeRad | xsd:double |
Size of angle in radians. |
numOfPoints | xsd:int |
Number of points representing arc. |
Example Query:
PREFIX geof: <> PREFIX xsd: <> select (geof:ST_AsText(geof:ST_Arc(1,2,5,10,20,4)) as ?Arc)
Return an Ellipse Polygon based on a given radius and point geometry. The general signature for calling the ST_Ellipse function is the following:
PREFIX geof: <> PREFIX xsd: <> Custom geof:ST_Ellipse(Object center_pt, xsd:double xRadius, xsd:double yRadius, xsd:int numOfPoints)
The function returns a Custom
Argument | Data Type | Description |
geom | Object
Point geometry in WKT string format, WKTLiteral, GMLLiteral, or the AnzoGraph Custom OGCGeometry data type. |
xRadius | xsd:double |
X radius for ellipse polygon. |
yRadius | xsd:double |
Y radius for ellipse polygon. |
numOfPoints | xsd:int |
Number of points representing an Ellipse polygon. |
Example Query:
PREFIX geof: <> PREFIX xsd: <> select (geof:ST_AsText(geof:ST_Ellipse((geof:ST_Point(1,2)),2,3,10)) as ?ellipse_polygon)
Returns Elliptical Arc Polygon from given radius and point geometry. The general signature for calling the ST_EllipseArc function is the following:
PREFIX geof: <> PREFIX xsd: <> Custom geof:ST_EllipseArc(Object geom, xsd:double startRad, xsd:double sizeRad, xsd:double width, xsd:double height, xsd:int numOfPoints)
The function returns a Custom
Argument | Data Type | Description |
geom | Object
Point geometry in WKT string format, WKTLiteral, GMLLiteral, or the AnzoGraph Custom OGCGeometry data type. |
startRad | xsd:double
Start angle in radians. |
sizeRad | xsd:double
Size of angle in radians. |
width | xsd:double
Width of elliptical arc. |
height | xsd:double
Height of elliptical arc. |
numOfPoints | xsd:int
Number of points representing Elliptical Arc polygon. |
Example Query:
PREFIX geof: <> select (geof:ST_AsText(geof:ST_EllipticalArc((geof:ST_Point(1,2)),5,10,3,10,10)) as ?elliptical_arc_polygon)
Return a Rectangle Polygon from a given height, width, and point geometry.The general signature for calling the ST_Rectangle function is the following:
PREFIX geof: <> PREFIX xsd: <> Custom geof:ST_Rectangle(Object geom, xsd:double width, xsd:double height, xsd:int numOfPoints)
The function returns a Custom
Argument | Data Type | Description |
geom | Object
Point geometry in WKT string format, WKTLiteral, GMLLiteral, or the AnzoGraph Custom OGCGeometry data type. The point is treated as the center of the new rectangle. |
width | xsd:double
Width of rectangle. |
height | xsd:double |
Height of rectangle. |
numOfPoints | xsd:int
Number of points representing Rectangle polygon. |
Example Query:
PREFIX geof: <> PREFIX xsd: <> select (geof:ST_AsText(geof:ST_Rectangle((geof:ST_Point(1,2)),3,2,10)) as ?rectangle_polygon)
Return a Squircle Polygon from a given radius and point geometry. The general signature for calling the ST_Squircle function is the following:
PREFIX geof: <> PREFIX xsd: <> Custom geof:ST_Squircle(Object geom, xsd:double radius, xsd:int numOfPoints)
The function returns a Custom
Argument | Data Type | Description |
geom | Object
Point geometry in WKT string format, WKTLiteral, GMLLiteral, or the AnzoGraph Custom OGCGeometry data type. The point is treated as the center of the new squircle. |
radius | xsd:double |
Radius of Squircle polygon. |
numOfPoints | xsd:int |
Number of points representing Squircle polygon. |
Example Query:
PREFIX geof: <> PREFIX xsd: <> select (geof:ST_AsText(geof:ST_Squircle((geof:ST_Point(1,2)),3,10)) as ?squircle_polygon)
Returns geometry based on GML specification. The general signature for calling the ST_GeomFromGML function is the following:
PREFIX geof: <> PREFIX xsd: <> Custom geof:ST_GeomFromGML(xsd:string gml)
The function returns a Custom
Argument | Data Type | Description |
gml | xsd:string
Input geometry in GMLLiteral format. The geometry shape can be any of the following: Point, Multipoint, LineString, MultiLineString, Polygon, or Multipolygon. |
Example Query:
PREFIX geof: <> PREFIX xsd: <> select (geof:ST_AsText(geof:ST_GeomFromGML(geof:ST_AsGML(geof:ST_GeomFromText('POINT(1 2)')))) as ?geometryGml)
Returns a Point as a custom object constructed from a given set of well known free text (WKT) coordinates. The general signature for calling the ST_GeomFromText function is the following:
PREFIX geof: <> PREFIX xsd: <> Custom geof:ST_GeomFromText(xsd:string wkt [, xsd:int SRID] )
A wkt string is passed as the first function input. You may optionally specify a second SRID argument. (By default, the SRID value is 0.)
The function returns a Custom
Argument | Data Type | Description |
wkt | xsd:string
Input geometry in WKT string format. The geometry shape value can be any of the following: Point, Multipoint, LineString, MultiLineString, Polygon, or Multipolygon. |
[SRID] | xsd:int
Well known reference ID. |
Example Query:
PREFIX geof: <> PREFIX xsd: <> select (geof:ST_AsText(geof:ST_MultiLineString(geof:ST_GeomFromText(?l1),geof:ST_GeomFromText(?l2))) as ?MultiLineString) where{ values (?l1 ?l2) {('LINESTRING (8 7, 7 8)' 'LINESTRING (1 7, 7 8)') ('LINESTRING (18 17, -17 8)' 'LINESTRING (-1 7, 7 -8)')} }
Returns a Point as a custom object constructed from a given set of well known binary (WKB) coordinates. The general signature for calling the ST_GeomFromWKB function is the following:
PREFIX geof: <> PREFIX xsd: <> Custom geof:ST_GeomFromWKB(xsd:string wkb_hexstr [, xsd:int wkid] )
A wkt string is passed as the first function input. You may optionally specify a second wkid argument. (By default, the wkid value is 0.)
The function returns a Custom
Argument | Data Type | Description |
wkb_hexstr | xsd:string
Input geometry in WKB Hex string format. The geometry shape can be any of the following: Point, Multipoint, LineString, MultiLineString, Polygon, or Multipolygon. |
[wkid] | xsd:int
Well known reference ID. |
Example Query:
PREFIX geof: <> PREFIX xsd: <> select (geof:ST_AsText(geof:ST_GeomFromWKB(?val)) as ?geom) where { values (?val) {('000000000140000000000000004010000000000000')} }
Utility Functions
Click on individual function names in the table below to view the syntax of each function signature and as well as obtain details about individual function arguments and return values.
Function | Description |
ST_MinX | Returns the minimum value of the X coordinate for a given geometry. |
ST_MaxX | Returns the maximum value of the X coordinate for a given geometry. |
ST_MinY | Returns the minimum value of the Y coordinate for a given geometry. |
ST_MaxY | Returns the maximum value of the Y coordinate for a given geometry. |
ST_MinZ | Returns the minimum value of Z coordinate for a given geometry. |
ST_MaxZ | Returns the maximum value of Z coordinate for a given geometry. |
ST_MinM | Returns the minimum measure value for a given geometry |
ST_MaxM | Returns the maximum measure value for a given geometry. |
Serialization: | |
ST_AsGeoJSON | Returns a GeoJSON representation of a geometric shape. |
ST_AsJSON | Returns a JSON representation of a geometric shape. |
ST_AsBinary | Returns a binary object from a given geometry. |
ST_AsText | Returns a well known text (WKT) representation of a geometric shape. |
ST_AsGML | Returns geometry from GML representation of geometric shape. |
ST_AsWktLiteral | Returns URL from WKT representation of a given geometry. |
ST_AsGmlLiteral | Returns URL from GML representation of a given geometry. |
ST_AsWKB_HEX | Returns hex string from WKB representation of a given geometry. |
Logical, Comparison, and Relational Operations: | |
ST_Is3D | Returns true if a given geometry object is three-dimensional. |
ST_IsEmpty | Returns true if a given geometry object is empty. |
ST_IsMeasured | Returns true if a given geometry object is measured. |
ST_IsSimple | Returns true if a given geometry object is simple. |
ST_Crosses | Returns true if geometry1 crosses geometry2. |
ST_Contains | Returns true if geometry1 contains geometry2. |
ST_Disjoint | Returns true if geometry1 doesn’t have any Points in common with geometry2. |
ST_Equals | Returns true if geometry1 equals geometry2. |
ST_Intersects | Returns true if geometry1 intersects geometry2. |
ST_Overlaps | Returns true if geometry1 overlaps geometry2. |
ST_Touches | Returns true if geometry1 touches geometry2. |
ST_Within | Returns true if geometry1 is within geometry2. |
ST_EnvIntersects | Returns true if the envelopes of geometry1 and geometry2 intersect. |
ST_Relate | Returns true if geometry1 has the specified DE-9IM relationship with geometry2. |
Conversion, Calculation, and Translation: | |
ST_Distance | Returns the distance between two geometry objects. |
ST_Boundary | Returns the boundary of a given geometry. |
ST_Intersection | Returns the intersection of two geometry objects. |
ST_Difference | Returns the difference between two geometry objects. |
ST_SymDifference | Returns the symmetric difference between two geometry objects. |
ST_SRID | Returns the spatial reference ID of a given geometry. |
ST_SetSRID | Sets the spatial reference ID of a given geometry and returns its geometry coordinates. |
ST_Dimension | Returns the spatial dimension of a given geometry. |
ST_Length | Returns the length of a line. |
ST_Area | Returns the area of a Polygon or multiPolygon. |
ST_CoordDim | Returns the count of coordinate components. |
ST_Envelope | Returns the envelope of a given geometry. |
ST_GeometryType | Returns the geometry type of a given geometry. |
ST_Union | Returns the union of one or more geometries. |
ST_NumPoints | Returns the number of Points in a given geometry. |
ST_NumGeometries | Returns the number of geometries in a multi-geometry shape. |
ST_GeometryN | Returns the Nth geometry in a multi-geometry shape. |
ST_Centroid | Returns the centroid of a given geometry. |
ST_Buffer | Returns the geometry buffered by distance. |
ST_ConvexHull | Returns the convex hull of one or more geometries. |
ST_GeodesicLengthWGS84 | Returns the distance (in meters) along a line of a WGS84 spheroid for geographic coordinates. |
ST_GeomFromJSON | Returns the geometry from a JSON representation of any geometric shape. |
ST_GeomFromGeoJSON | Returns the geometry from a GeoJSON representation of any geometric shape. |
ST_LatLonFromDMSToDD | Returns latitude and longitude in decimal degrees. |
ST_GeomFromWktLiteral | Returns geometry object from a WKT representation of a given shape. |
ST_GeomFromGmlLiteral | Returns geometry object from a GML representation of a given shape. |
ST_ConvertCoordinates |
Return coordinates converted from one coordinate system to another. |
ST_IsValidWKT | Validates whether a given WKT representation is correct. |
ST_IsValidGeoJSON | Validates whether a given geoJSON representation is correct. |
ST_Translate |
Transform a geometry with given shift values. |
ST_Scale | Scales a geometry to a new size using the corresponding factor arguments. |
ST_Shear | Shears a geometry around axis using specified shearing arguments. |
ST_Rotate | Rotate geometry around origin using corresponding rotation arguments. |
Returns the minimum value of X coordinate for a given geometry. The general signature for calling the ST_MinX function is the following:
PREFIX geof: <> PREFIX xsd: <> xsd:double geof:ST_MinX(Object geom)
The function returns an xsd:double
Argument | Data Type | Description |
geom | Object
Geometry shape value in WKT string format, WKTLiteral, GMLLiteral, or the AnzoGraph Custom OGCGeometry data type. The input geometry shape can be that of a Point, Multipoint, LineString, MultiLineString, Polygon, Multipolygon, or GeometryCollection. |
Example Query:
PREFIX geof: <> PREFIX xsd: <> select (geof:ST_MinX(?z1) as ?minX) where { select (geof:ST_Point(?x, ?y, ?z, ?m) as ?z1) where{ values (?x ?y ?z ?m) {(1.1 2.2 3.2 1) (1.2 3.1 1.1 2) (8.2 3.2 9.2 3)} } }
Returns the maximum value of X coordinate for a given geometry. The general signature for calling the ST_MaxX function is the following:
PREFIX geof: <> PREFIX xsd: <> xsd:double geof:ST_MaxX(Object geom)
The function returns an xsd:double
Argument | Data Type | Description |
geom | Object
Geometry shape value in WKT string format, WKTLiteral, GMLLiteral, or the AnzoGraph Custom OGCGeometry data type. The input geometry shape can be that of a Point, Multipoint, LineString, MultiLineString, Polygon, Multipolygon, or GeometryCollection. |
Example Query:
PREFIX geof: <> PREFIX xsd: <> #validate ymax, ymin, xmax, xmin of shape #Return points, ymax, ymin, xmax, xmin select ?no_pt_ln ?xmin ?xmax ?ymin ?ymax from <multipoint> where { ?ln_str_ins a <>; <> ?multi_pt_wkt; <> ?no_pt_ln; BIND(geof:ST_GeomFromText(?multi_pt_wkt) as ?geo_shp) BIND(geof:ST_MinX(?geo_shp) as ?xmin) BIND(geof:ST_MaxX(?geo_shp) as ?xmax) BIND(geof:ST_MinY(?geo_shp) as ?ymin) BIND(geof:ST_MaxY(?geo_shp) as ?ymax) } order by desc(?no_pt_ln) limit 1
Returns the minimum value of Y coordinate for a given geometry. The general signature for calling the ST_MinY function is the following:
PREFIX geof: <> PREFIX xsd: <> xsd:double geof:ST_MinY(Object geom)
The function returns an xsd:double
Argument | Data Type | Description |
geom | Object
Geometry shape value in WKT string format, WKTLiteral, GMLLiteral, or the AnzoGraph Custom OGCGeometry data type. The input geometry shape can be that of a Point, Multipoint, LineString, MultiLineString, Polygon, Multipolygon, or GeometryCollection. |
Example Query:
PREFIX geof: <> PREFIX xsd: <> #validate ymax, ymin, xmax, xmin of shape #Return points, ymax, ymin, xmax, xmin select ?no_pt_ln ?xmin ?xmax ?ymin ?ymax from <multipoint> where { ?ln_str_ins a <>; <> ?multi_pt_wkt; <> ?no_pt_ln; BIND(geof:ST_GeomFromText(?multi_pt_wkt) as ?geo_shp) BIND(geof:ST_MinX(?geo_shp) as ?xmin) BIND(geof:ST_MaxX(?geo_shp) as ?xmax) BIND(geof:ST_MinY(?geo_shp) as ?ymin) BIND(geof:ST_MaxY(?geo_shp) as ?ymax) } order by desc(?no_pt_ln) limit 1
Returns the maximum value of Y coordinate for a given geometry. The general signature for calling the ST_MaxY function is the following:
PREFIX geof: <> PREFIX xsd: <> xsd:double geof:ST_MaxY(Object geom)
The function returns an xsd:double
Argument | Data Type | Description |
geom | Object
Geometry shape value in WKT string format, WKTLiteral, GMLLiteral, or the AnzoGraph Custom OGCGeometry data type. The input geometry shape can be that of a Point, Multipoint, LineString, MultiLineString, Polygon, Multipolygon, or GeometryCollection. |
Example Query:
PREFIX geof: <> PREFIX xsd: <> #validate ymax, ymin, xmax, xmin of shape #Return points, ymax, ymin, xmax, xmin select ?no_pt_ln ?xmin ?xmax ?ymin ?ymax from <multipoint> where { ?ln_str_ins a <>; <> ?multi_pt_wkt; <> ?no_pt_ln; BIND(geof:ST_GeomFromText(?multi_pt_wkt) as ?geo_shp) BIND(geof:ST_MinX(?geo_shp) as ?xmin) BIND(geof:ST_MaxX(?geo_shp) as ?xmax) BIND(geof:ST_MinY(?geo_shp) as ?ymin) BIND(geof:ST_MaxY(?geo_shp) as ?ymax) } order by desc(?no_pt_ln) limit 1
Returns the minimum value of Z coordinate for a given geometry. The general signature for calling the ST_MinZ function is the following:
PREFIX geof: <> PREFIX xsd: <> xsd:double geof:ST_MinZ(Object geom)
The function returns an xsd:double
Argument | Data Type | Description |
geom | Object
Geometry shape value in WKT string format, WKTLiteral, GMLLiteral, or the AnzoGraph Custom OGCGeometry data type. The input geometry shape can be that of a Point, Multipoint, LineString, MultiLineString, Polygon, Multipolygon, or GeometryCollection. |
Example Query:
PREFIX geof: <> select (geof:ST_MinZ(geof:ST_GeomFromText("LINESTRING Z(10 12 1, 22 20 2, 1 40 3)")) as ?minZ)
Returns the maximum value of Z coordinate for a given geometry. The general signature for calling the ST_MaxZ function is the following:
PREFIX geof: <> PREFIX xsd: <> xsd:double geof:ST_MaxZ(Object geom)
The function return an xsd:double
Argument | Data Type | Description |
geom | Object
Geometry shape value in WKT string format, WKTLiteral, GMLLiteral, or the AnzoGraph Custom OGCGeometry data type. The input geometry shape can be that of a Point, Multipoint, LineString, MultiLineString, Polygon, Multipolygon, or GeometryCollection. |
Example Query:
PREFIX geof: <> PREFIX xsd: <> select (geof:ST_MaxZ(geof:ST_GeomFromText("LINESTRING Z(10 12 1, 22 20 2, 1 40 3)")) as ?maxZ)
Returns the minimum value of measure for a given geometry. The general signature for calling the ST_MinM function is the following:
PREFIX geof: <> PREFIX xsd: <> xsd:double geof:ST_MinM(Object geom)
The function returns an xsd:double
Argument | Data Type | Description |
geom | Object
Geometry shape value in WKT string format, WKTLiteral, GMLLiteral, or the AnzoGraph Custom OGCGeometry data type. The input geometry shape can be that of a Point, Multipoint, LineString, MultiLineString, Polygon, Multipolygon, or GeometryCollection. |
Example Query:
PREFIX geof: <> PREFIX xsd: <> select (geof:ST_MinM(geof:ST_GeomFromText("LINESTRING ZM(10 12 1 2.1, 22 20 2 1.2, 1 40 3 4.3)")) as ?maxZ)
Returns the maximum value of measure for a given geometry. The general signature for calling the ST_MaxM function is the following:
PREFIX geof: <> PREFIX xsd: <> xsd:double geof:ST_MaxM(Object geom)
The function returns an xsd:double
Argument | Data Type | Description |
geom | Object
Geometry shape value in WKT string format, WKTLiteral, GMLLiteral, or the AnzoGraph Custom OGCGeometry data type. The input geometry shape can be that of a Point, Multipoint, LineString, MultiLineString, Polygon, Multipolygon, or GeometryCollection. |
Example Query:
PREFIX geof: <> PREFIX xsd: <> select (geof:ST_MaxM(geof:ST_GeomFromText("LINESTRING ZM(10 12 1 2.1, 22 20 2 1.2, 1 40 3 4.3)")) as ?maxZ)
Returns GeoJSON representation of any geometric shape. The general signature for calling the ST_AsGeoJSON function is the following:
PREFIX geof: <> PREFIX xsd: <> xsd:string geof:ST_AsGeoJSON(Object geom)
The function returns an xsd:string
Argument | Data Type | Description |
geom | Object
Geometry shape value in WKT string format, WKTLiteral, GMLLiteral, or the AnzoGraph Custom OGCGeometry data type. The input geometry shape can be that of a Point, Multipoint, LineString, MultiLineString, Polygon, Multipolygon, or GeometryCollection. |
Example Query:
PREFIX geof: <> PREFIX xsd: <> select (geof:ST_IsValidGeoJSON(geof:ST_AsGeoJSON(geof:ST_GeomFromText('LINESTRING(4 6,7 10)'))) as ?is_valid_geojson)
Returns JSON representation of any geometric shape. The general signature for calling the ST_AsJSON function is the following:
PREFIX geof: <> PREFIX xsd: <> xsd:string geof:ST_AsJSON(Object geom)
The function returns an xsd:string
Argument | Data Type | Description |
geom | Object
Geometry shape value in WKT string format, WKTLiteral, GMLLiteral, or the AnzoGraph Custom OGCGeometry data type. The input geometry shape can be that of a Point, Multipoint, LineString, MultiLineString, Polygon, Multipolygon, or GeometryCollection. |
Example Query:
PREFIX geof: <> PREFIX xsd: <> select (geof:ST_AsText(geof:ST_GeomFromJSON(geof:ST_AsJSON(geof:ST_GeomFromText(?x)))) as ?line_from_json) where { values (?x) {('LINESTRING (0 0, 2 2)') ('LINESTRING Z(8 -7 -1, -7 -1 8)')} }
Returns a binary object from a given geometry. The general signature for calling the ST_AsBinary function is the following:
PREFIX geof: <> PREFIX xsd: <> Custom geof:ST_AsBinary(Object geom)
The function returns a Custom
Argument | Data Type | Description |
geom | Object
Geometry shape value in WKT string format, WKTLiteral, GMLLiteral, or the AnzoGraph Custom OGCGeometry data type. The input geometry shape can be that of a Point, Multipoint, LineString, MultiLineString, Polygon, Multipolygon, or GeometryCollection. |
Example Query:
PREFIX geof: <> PREFIX xsd: <> select (geof:ST_AsBinary(geof:ST_GeomFromText(?x)) as ?binary) where { values (?x) {('GeometryCollection(Point(1 1),LineString(2 2, 3 3),Point(4 0))') } }
Returns well known text (WKT) representation of any geometric shape. The general signature for calling the ST_AsText function is the following:
PREFIX geof: <> PREFIX xsd: <> xsd:string geof:ST_AsText(Object geom)
The function returns an xsd:string
Argument | Data Type | Description |
geom | Object
Geometry shape value in WKT string format, WKTLiteral, GMLLiteral, or the AnzoGraph Custom OGCGeometry data type. The input geometry shape can be that of a Point, Multipoint, LineString, MultiLineString, Polygon, Multipolygon, or GeometryCollection. |
Example Query:
PREFIX geof: <> PREFIX xsd: <> select (geof:ST_AsText(geof:ST_Circle((geof:ST_Point(1,2)),3,10)) as ?circle_polygon)
Returns geometry from GML representation of geometric shape. The general signature for calling the ST_AsGML function is the following:
PREFIX geof: <> PREFIX xsd: <> xsd:string geof:ST_AsGML(Object geom)
The function returns an xsd:string
Argument | Data Type | Description |
geom | Object
Geometry shape value in WKT string format, WKTLiteral, GMLLiteral, or the AnzoGraph Custom OGCGeometry data type. The input geometry shape can be that of a Point, Multipoint, LineString, MultiLineString, Polygon, Multipolygon, or GeometryCollection. |
Example Query:
PREFIX geof: <> PREFIX xsd: <> select (geof:ST_AsGML(geof:ST_Point(1.1,-6.7)) as ?point)
Returns URL from well known text (WKT) representation of a geometric shape. The general signature for calling the ST_AsWktLiteral function is the following:
PREFIX geof: <> PREFIX xsd: <> PREFIX geo: <> Custom geo:ST_AsWktLiteral(Object geom)
The function returns a Custom
Argument | Data Type | Description |
geom | Object
Geometry shape value in WKT string format, WKTLiteral, GMLLiteral, or the AnzoGraph Custom OGCGeometry data type. The input geometry shape can be that of a Point, Multipoint, LineString, MultiLineString, Polygon, Multipolygon, or GeometryCollection. |
Example Query:
PREFIX geof: <> PREFIX xsd: < select (geof:sfContains(?x,geof:ST_AsWktLiteral(geof:ST_GeomFromText(?y))) as ?is_contains) where { values (?x ?y) { ('<>POLYGON ((1 1, 1 4, 4 4, 4 1))' 'POLYGON ((1 1, 1 4, 4 4, 4 1))') ('<>POLYGON ((1 1, 1 4, 4 4, 4 1))' 'Point (1 2)') } }
Returns URL from GML representation of a geometric shape. The general signature for calling the ST_AsGmlLiteral function is the following:
PREFIX geof: <> PREFIX xsd: <> PREFIX geo: <> Custom geo:ST_AsGmlLiteral(Object geom)
The function returns a gCustom
Argument | Data Type | Description |
geom | Object
Geometry shape value in WKT string format, WKTLiteral, GMLLiteral, or the AnzoGraph Custom OGCGeometry data type. The input geometry shape can be that of a Point, Multipoint, LineString, MultiLineString, Polygon, Multipolygon, or GeometryCollection. |
Example Query:
PREFIX geof: <> PREFIX xsd: <> select (geof:sfContains(?x,geof:ST_AsGmlLiteral(?y)) as ?is_contains) where { values (?x ?y) { ('<>POLYGON ((1 1, 1 4, 4 4, 4 1))' '<>POLYGON ((1 1, 1 4, 4 4, 4 1))'^^geo:wktLiteral) ('<>POLYGON ((1 1, 1 4, 4 4, 4 1))' '<>Point (1 2)'^^geo:wktLiteral) } }
Returns hex string from WKB representation of a given geometry. The general signature for calling the ST_AsWKB_HEX function is the following:
PREFIX geof: <> PREFIX xsd: <> xsd:string geof:ST_AsWKB_HEX(Object geom)
The function returns an xsd:string
Argument | Data Type | Description |
geom | Object
Geometry shape value in WKT string format, WKTLiteral, GMLLiteral, or the AnzoGraph Custom OGCGeometry data type. The input geometry shape can be that of a Point, Multipoint, LineString, MultiLineString, Polygon, Multipolygon, or GeometryCollection. |
Example Query:
PREFIX geof: <> PREFIX xsd: <> select (geof:ST_AsWKB_HEX(geof:ST_GeomFromText(?x)) as ?is_contains) where { values (?x) { ('POLYGON ((2 0, 2 1, 3 1))') } }
Returns true if a given geometry object is three-dimensional. The general signature for calling the ST_Is3D function is the following:
PREFIX geof: <> PREFIX xsd: <> xsd:boolean geof:ST_Is3D(Object geom)
The function returns an xsd:boolean
Argument | Data Type | Description |
geom | Object
Geometry shape value in WKT string format, WKTLiteral, GMLLiteral, or the AnzoGraph Custom OGCGeometry data type. The input geometry shape can be that of a Point, Multipoint, LineString, MultiLineString, Polygon, Multipolygon, or GeometryCollection. |
Example Query:
PREFIX geof: <> PREFIX xsd: <> #Return: boolean value indicating whether point is 3D or not select (geof:ST_Is3D(geof:ST_Point(?x,?y,?z)) as ?is3DGeometry) where { values (?x ?y ?z) {(1.1 2.2 3.2) (1.2 3.1 -1.1) (-0.6 8.2 3.2)} }
Returns true if a given geometry object is empty. The general signature for calling the ST_IsEmpty function is the following:
PREFIX geof: <> PREFIX xsd: <> xsd:boolean geof:ST_IsEmpty(Object geom)
The function returns an xsd:boolean
Argument | Data Type | Description |
geom | Object
Geometry shape value in WKT string format, WKTLiteral, GMLLiteral, or the AnzoGraph Custom OGCGeometry data type. The input geometry shape can be that of a Point, Multipoint, LineString, MultiLineString, Polygon, Multipolygon, or GeometryCollection. |
Example Query:
PREFIX geof: <> PREFIX xsd: <> # select (geof:ST_IsEmpty(geof:ST_GeomFromText(?x)) as ?empty) where { values (?x) {('point empty')} }
Returns true if a given geometry object is measured. The general signature for calling the ST_IsMeasured function is the following:
PREFIX geof: <> PREFIX xsd: <> xsd:boolean geof:ST_IsMeasured(Object geom)
The function returns an xsd:boolean
Argument | Data Type | Description |
geom | Object
Geometry shape value in WKT string format, WKTLiteral, GMLLiteral, or the AnzoGraph Custom OGCGeometry data type. The input geometry shape can be that of a Point, Multipoint, LineString, MultiLineString, Polygon, Multipolygon, or GeometryCollection. |
Example Query:
PREFIX geof: <> PREFIX xsd: <> # #Check whether shape is measured or not #Return Boolean whether shape is measured or not select (geof:ST_IsMeasured(geof:ST_Point(?x,?y,?z,?m)) as ?measured) where { values (?x ?y ?z ?m) {(1.1 2.2 3.2 3) (1.2 3.1 -1.1 1) (2 -0.6 8.2 3.2)} }
Returns true if a given geometry object is simple. The general signature for calling the ST_IsSimple function is the following:
PREFIX geof: <> PREFIX xsd: <> xsd:boolean geof:ST_IsSimple(Object geom)
The function returns an xsd:boolean
Argument | Data Type | Description |
geom | Object
Geometry shape value in WKT string format, WKTLiteral, GMLLiteral, or the AnzoGraph Custom OGCGeometry data type. The input geometry shape can be that of a Point, Multipoint, LineString, MultiLineString, Polygon, Multipolygon, or GeometryCollection. |
Example Query:
PREFIX geof: <> PREFIX xsd: <> # #Check whether line string is simple or not #Return Boolean whether line string is simple or not select (geof:ST_IsSimple(geof:ST_Point(?x, ?y)) as ?simple) where { values (?x ?y) {(2 3) (-1000 -234234)} }
Returns true if geometry1 crosses geometry2. The general signature for calling the ST_Crosses function is the following:
PREFIX geof: <> PREFIX xsd: <> xsd:boolean geof:ST_Crosses(Object geom1, Object geom2)
The function returns an xsd:boolean
Argument | Data Type | Description |
geom1 | Object
Geometry shape value in WKT string format, WKTLiteral, GMLLiteral, or the AnzoGraph Custom OGCGeometry data type. The input geometry shape can be that of a Point, Multipoint, LineString, MultiLineString, Polygon, Multipolygon, or GeometryCollection. |
geom2 | Object
Geometry shape value in WKT string format, WKTLiteral, GMLLiteral, or the AnzoGraph Custom OGCGeometry data type. The input geometry shape can be that of a Point, Multipoint, LineString, MultiLineString, Polygon, Multipolygon, or GeometryCollection. |
Example Query:
PREFIX geof: <> PREFIX xsd: <> # select (geof:ST_Crosses(geof:ST_GeomFromText(?x),geof:ST_GeomFromText(?y)) as ?crosses) where { values (?x ?y) {('LINESTRING (0 0, 1 1)' 'LINESTRING (1 0, 0 1)') ('LINESTRING (0 2, 0 1)' 'LINESTRING (2 0, 1 0)')} }
Returns true if geometry1 contains geometry2. The general signature for calling the ST_Contains function is the following:
PREFIX geof: <> PREFIX xsd: <> xsd:boolean geof:ST_Contains(Object geom1, Object geom2)
The function returns an xsd:boolean
Argument | Data Type | Description |
geom1 | Object
Geometry shape value in WKT string format, WKTLiteral, GMLLiteral, or the AnzoGraph Custom OGCGeometry data type. The input geometry shape can be that of a Point, Multipoint, LineString, MultiLineString, Polygon, Multipolygon, or GeometryCollection. |
geom2 | Object
Geometry shape value in WKT string format, WKTLiteral, GMLLiteral, or the AnzoGraph Custom OGCGeometry data type. The input geometry shape can be that of a Point, Multipoint, LineString, MultiLineString, Polygon, Multipolygon, or GeometryCollection. |
Example Query:
PREFIX geof: <> PREFIX xsd: <> # select (geof:ST_Contains(geof:ST_GeomFromText(?x),geof:ST_GeomFromText(?y)) as ?contains) where { values (?x ?y) {('POLYGON ((30 10 , 40 40, 20 40, 10 20, 30 10))' 'Point (-106.4453583 39.11775)') ('POLYGON ((1 1, 1 4, 4 4, 4 1))' 'Point (2 3)') ('POLYGON ((1 1, 1 4, 4 4, 4 1))' 'Point (7 8)')} }
Returns true if geometry1 doesn’t have any Points in common with geometry2. The general signature for calling the ST_Disjoint function is the following:
PREFIX geof: <> PREFIX xsd: <> xsd:boolean geof:ST_Disjoint(Object geom1, Object geom2)
The function returns an xsd:boolean
Argument | Data Type | Description |
geom1 | Object
Geometry shape value in WKT string format, WKTLiteral, GMLLiteral, or the AnzoGraph Custom OGCGeometry data type. The input geometry shape can be that of a Point, Multipoint, LineString, MultiLineString, Polygon, Multipolygon, or GeometryCollection. |
geom2 | Object
Geometry shape value in WKT string format, WKTLiteral, GMLLiteral, or the AnzoGraph Custom OGCGeometry data type. The input geometry shape can be that of a Point, Multipoint, LineString, MultiLineString, Polygon, Multipolygon, or GeometryCollection. |
Example Query:
PREFIX geof: <> PREFIX xsd: <> # select (geof:ST_Disjoint(geof:ST_GeomFromText(?x),geof:ST_GeomFromText(?y)) as ?disjoint) where { values (?x ?y) {('LINESTRING (0 0, 0 1)' 'LINESTRING (1 1, 1 0)') ('LINESTRING (0 0, 0 1)' 'LINESTRING (1 0, 0 1)')} }
Returns true if geometry1 equals geometry2. The general signature for calling the ST_Equals function is the following:
PREFIX geof: <> PREFIX xsd: <> xsd:boolean geof:ST_Equals(Object geom1, Object geom2)
The function returns an xsd:boolean
Argument | Data Type | Description |
geom1 | Object
Geometry shape value in WKT string format, WKTLiteral, GMLLiteral, or the AnzoGraph Custom OGCGeometry data type. The input geometry shape can be that of a Point, Multipoint, LineString, MultiLineString, Polygon, Multipolygon, or GeometryCollection. |
geom2 | Object
Geometry shape value in WKT string format, WKTLiteral, GMLLiteral, or the AnzoGraph Custom OGCGeometry data type. The input geometry shape can be that of a Point, Multipoint, LineString, MultiLineString, Polygon, Multipolygon, or GeometryCollection. |
Example Query:
PREFIX geof: <> PREFIX xsd: <> # select (geof:ST_Equals(geof:ST_GeomFromText(?x),geof:ST_GeomFromText(?y)) as ?equals) where { values (?x ?y) {('LINESTRING (0 0, 1 1)' 'LINESTRING (1 1, 0 0)') ('LINESTRING (0 0, 0 1)' 'LINESTRING (1 0, 0 1)')} }
Returns true if geometry1 intersects geometry2. The general signature for calling the ST_Intersects function is the following:
PREFIX geof: <> PREFIX xsd: <> xsd:boolean geof:ST_Intersects(Object geom1, Object geom2)
The function returns an xsd:boolean
Argument | Data Type | Description |
geom1 | Object
Geometry shape value in WKT string format, WKTLiteral, GMLLiteral, or the AnzoGraph Custom OGCGeometry data type. The input geometry shape can be that of a Point, Multipoint, LineString, MultiLineString, Polygon, Multipolygon, or GeometryCollection. |
geom2 | Object
Geometry shape value in WKT string format, WKTLiteral, GMLLiteral, or the AnzoGraph Custom OGCGeometry data type. The input geometry shape can be that of a Point, Multipoint, LineString, MultiLineString, Polygon, Multipolygon, or GeometryCollection. |
Example Query:
PREFIX geof: <> PREFIX xsd: <> # select (geof:ST_Intersects(geof:ST_GeomFromText(?x),geof:ST_GeomFromText(?y)) as ?intersects) where { values (?x ?y) {('LINESTRING (8 7, 7 8)' 'POLYGON ((1 1, 1 4, 4 4, 4 1))') ('LINESTRING (2 0, 2 3)' 'POLYGON ((1 1, 4 1, 4 4, 1 4))')} }
Returns true if geometry1 overlaps geometry2. The general signature for calling the ST_Overlaps function is the following:
PREFIX geof: <> PREFIX xsd: <> xsd:boolean geof:ST_Overlaps(Object geom1, Object geom2)
The function returns an xsd:boolean
Argument | Data Type | Description |
geom1 | Object
Geometry shape value in WKT string format, WKTLiteral, GMLLiteral, or the AnzoGraph Custom OGCGeometry data type. The input geometry shape can be that of a Point, Multipoint, LineString, MultiLineString, Polygon, Multipolygon, or GeometryCollection. |
geom2 | Object
Geometry shape value in WKT string format, WKTLiteral, GMLLiteral, or the AnzoGraph Custom OGCGeometry data type. The input geometry shape can be that of a Point, Multipoint, LineString, MultiLineString, Polygon, Multipolygon, or GeometryCollection. |
Example Query:
PREFIX geof: <> PREFIX xsd: <> # select (geof:ST_Overlaps(geof:ST_GeomFromText(?x),geof:ST_GeomFromText(?y)) as ?overlaps) where { values (?x ?y) {('POLYGON ((2 0, 2 1, 1 3))' 'POLYGON ((1 1, 1 4, 4 4, 4 1))') ('POLYGON ((2 0, 2 1, 3 1))' 'POLYGON ((1 1, 1 4, 4 4, 4 1))') ('POLYGON ((1 1, 1 4, 4 4, 4 1))' 'POLYGON ((2 0, 2 3, 3 0))')} }
Returns true if geometry1 touches geometry2. The general signature for calling the ST_Touches function is the following:
PREFIX geof: <> PREFIX xsd: <> xsd:boolean geof:ST_Touches(Object geom1, Object geom2)
The function returns an xsd:boolean
Argument | Data Type | Description |
geom1 | Object
Geometry shape value in WKT string format, WKTLiteral, GMLLiteral, or the AnzoGraph Custom OGCGeometry data type. The input geometry shape can be that of a Point, Multipoint, LineString, MultiLineString, Polygon, Multipolygon, or GeometryCollection. |
geom2 | Object
Geometry shape value in WKT string format, WKTLiteral, GMLLiteral, or the AnzoGraph Custom OGCGeometry data type. The input geometry shape can be that of a Point, Multipoint, LineString, MultiLineString, Polygon, Multipolygon, or GeometryCollection. |
Example Query:
PREFIX geof: <> PREFIX xsd: <> # select (geof:ST_Touches(geof:ST_GeomFromText(?x),geof:ST_GeomFromText(?y)) as ?touches) where { values (?x ?y) {('POLYGON ((30 10 , 40 40, 20 40, 10 20, 30 10))' 'Point (-106.4453583 39.11775)') ('POLYGON ((1 1, 1 4, 4 4, 4 1))' 'Point (1 2)') ('POLYGON ((1 1, 1 4, 4 4, 4 1))' 'Point (7 8)')} }
Returns true if geometry1 is within geometry2. The general signature for calling the ST_Within function is the following:
PREFIX geof: <> PREFIX xsd: <> xsd:boolean geof:ST_Within(Object geom1, Object geom2)
The function returns an xsd:boolean
Argument | Data Type | Description |
geom1 | Object
Geometry shape value in WKT string format, WKTLiteral, GMLLiteral, or the AnzoGraph Custom OGCGeometry data type. The input geometry shape can be that of a Point, Multipoint, LineString, MultiLineString, Polygon, Multipolygon, or GeometryCollection. |
geom2 | Object
Geometry shape value in WKT string format, WKTLiteral, GMLLiteral, or the AnzoGraph Custom OGCGeometry data type. The input geometry shape can be that of a Point, Multipoint, LineString, MultiLineString, Polygon, Multipolygon, or GeometryCollection. |
Example Query:
PREFIX geof: <> PREFIX xsd: <> # select (geof:ST_Within(geof:ST_GeomFromText(?x),geof:ST_GeomFromText(?y)) as ?is_point_within_polygon) where { values (?x ?y) {('Point (-106.4453583 39.11775)' 'POLYGON ((30 10 , 40 40, 20 40, 10 20, 30 10))') ('Point (2 3)' 'POLYGON ((1 1, 1 4, 4 4, 4 1))' ) ('Point (7 8)' 'POLYGON ((1 1, 1 4, 4 4, 4 1))')} }
Returns true if the envelopes of geometry1 and geometry2 intersect. The general signature for calling the ST_EnvIntersects function is the following:
PREFIX geof: <> PREFIX xsd: <> xsd:boolean geof:ST_EnvIntersects(Object geom1, Object geom2)
The function return an xsd:boolean
Argument | Data Type | Description |
geom1 | Object
Geometry shape value in WKT string format, WKTLiteral, GMLLiteral, or the AnzoGraph Custom OGCGeometry data type. The input geometry shape can be that of a Point, Multipoint, LineString, MultiLineString, Polygon, Multipolygon, or GeometryCollection. |
geom2 | Object
Geometry shape value in WKT string format, WKTLiteral, GMLLiteral, or the AnzoGraph Custom OGCGeometry data type. The input geometry shape can be that of a Point, Multipoint, LineString, MultiLineString, Polygon, Multipolygon, or GeometryCollection. |
Example Query:
PREFIX geof: <> PREFIX xsd: <> # select (geof:ST_EnvIntersects(geof:ST_GeomFromText(?x),geof:ST_GeomFromText(?y)) as ?env_intersects) where { values (?x ?y) {('LINESTRING (0 0, 1 1)' 'LINESTRING (1 3, 2 2)') ('LINESTRING (0 0, 2 2)' 'LINESTRING (1 0, 3 2)')} }
Returns true if geometry1 has the specified DE-9IM relationship with geometry2. The general signature for calling the ST_Relate function is the following:
PREFIX geof: <> PREFIX xsd: <> xsd:boolean geof:ST_Relate(Object geom1, Object geom2)
The function returns an xsd:boolean
Argument | Data Type | Description |
geom1 | Object
Geometry shape value in WKT string format, WKTLiteral, GMLLiteral, or the AnzoGraph Custom OGCGeometry data type. The input geometry shape can be that of a Point, Multipoint, LineString, MultiLineString, Polygon, Multipolygon, or GeometryCollection. |
geom2 | Object
Geometry shape value in WKT string format, WKTLiteral, GMLLiteral, or the AnzoGraph Custom OGCGeometry data type. The input geometry shape can be that of a Point, Multipoint, LineString, MultiLineString, Polygon, Multipolygon, or GeometryCollection. |
Example Query:
PREFIX geof: <> PREFIX xsd: <> # select (geof:ST_Relate(geof:ST_GeomFromText(?x),geof:ST_GeomFromText(?y),?z) as ?relate) where { values (?x ?y ?z) {('LINESTRING (0 0, 3 3)' 'LINESTRING (1 1, 4 4)' 'T********') ('LINESTRING (0 0, 3 3)' 'LINESTRING (1 1, 4 4)' '****T****')} }
Returns the distance between two geometry objects. The general signature for calling the ST_Distance function is the following:
PREFIX geof: <> PREFIX xsd: <> xsd:double geof:ST_Distance(Object geom1, Object geom2 [,xsd:URIunits [,boolean isSpherical]])
Note |
The third and fourth function arguments are optional. The third argument indicates the unit of distance in which output can be expected. The fourth argument returns a true or false boolean value that indicates whether specified geometries are spherical or not. |
The setting of the isSpherical flag allows the ST_Distance function to explicitly control computation of the shortest spherical distance between two geometries. If set to a boolean True value, the function computes the shortest spherical distance between the two geometries using only the geom1 SRID to detect axis order. The function will then perform spherical calculation based on the Earth mean radius (6,371,008.7714).
The function returns an xsd:double
Argument | Data Type | Description |
geom1 | Object
Geometry shape value in WKT string format, WKTLiteral, GMLLiteral, or the AnzoGraph Custom OGCGeometry data type. The input geometry shape can be that of a Point, Multipoint, LineString, MultiLineString, Polygon, Multipolygon, or GeometryCollection. |
geom2 | Object
Geometry shape value in WKT string format, WKTLiteral, GMLLiteral, or the AnzoGraph Custom OGCGeometry data type. The input geometry shape can be that of a Point, Multipoint, LineString, MultiLineString, Polygon, Multipolygon, or GeometryCollection. |
URIunits | xsd:URI
Optional Unit URI having one of the following values: NOTE: The uom prefix is defined as follows: <> |
isSpherical | boolean
Optional Boolean parameter indicating whether distance calculated is spherical. |
Example Query:
PREFIX geof: <> PREFIX xsd: <> # select (geof:ST_Distance(geof:ST_GeomFromText(?x),geof:ST_GeomFromText(?y)) as ?distance) where { values (?x ?y) {('Point (0 0)' 'Point (3 4)') ('Point (0 0)' 'Point (2 3)')} }
Returns the boundary of a given geometry. The general signature for calling the ST_Boundary function is the following:
PREFIX geof: <> PREFIX xsd: <> Custom geof:ST_Boundary(Object geom)
The function returns: a Custom
Argument | Data Type | Description |
geom | Object
Geometry shape value in WKT string format, WKTLiteral, GMLLiteral, or the AnzoGraph Custom OGCGeometry data type. The input geometry shape can be that of a Point, Multipoint, LineString, MultiLineString, Polygon, Multipolygon, or GeometryCollection. |
Example Query:
PREFIX geof: <> PREFIX xsd: <> # select (geof:ST_AsText(geof:ST_Boundary(geof:ST_GeomFromText(?x))) as ?boundary) where { values (?x) {('POLYGON ((30 10 , 40 40, 20 40, 10 20, 30 10))') ('POLYGON ((1 1, 1 4, 4 1))') ('POLYGON ((1 1, 1 4, 4 4, 4 1))')} }
Returns the intersection of two geometry objects. The general signature for calling the ST_Intersection function is the following:
PREFIX geof: <> PREFIX xsd: <> Custom geof:ST_Intersection(Object geom1, Object geom2)
The function returns a Custom
Argument | Data Type | Description |
geom1 | Object
Geometry shape value in WKT string format, WKTLiteral, GMLLiteral, or the AnzoGraph Custom OGCGeometry data type. The input geometry shape can be that of a Point, Multipoint, LineString, MultiLineString, Polygon, Multipolygon, or GeometryCollection. |
geom2 | Object
Geometry shape value in WKT string format, WKTLiteral, GMLLiteral, or the AnzoGraph Custom OGCGeometry data type. The input geometry shape can be that of a Point, Multipoint, LineString, MultiLineString, Polygon, Multipolygon, or GeometryCollection. |
Example Query:
PREFIX geof: <> PREFIX xsd: <> # select (geof:ST_AsText(geof:ST_Intersection(geof:ST_GeomFromText(?x),geof:ST_GeomFromText(?y))) as ?intersection) where { values (?x ?y) {('LINESTRING (8 7, 7 8)' 'LINESTRING (2 0, 2 3)') ('LINESTRING (0 2, 0 0, 2 0)' 'LINESTRING (0 3, 0 1, 1 0, 3 0)')} }
Returns the difference between two geometry objects. The general signature for calling the ST_Difference function is the following:
PREFIX geof: <> PREFIX xsd: <> Custom geof:ST_Difference(Object geom1, Object geom2)
The function returns a Custom
Argument | Data Type | Description |
geom1 | Object
Geometry shape value in WKT string format, WKTLiteral, GMLLiteral, or the AnzoGraph Custom OGCGeometry data type. The input geometry shape can be that of a Point, Multipoint, LineString, MultiLineString, Polygon, Multipolygon, or GeometryCollection. |
geom2 | Object
Geometry shape value in WKT string format, WKTLiteral, GMLLiteral, or the AnzoGraph Custom OGCGeometry data type. The input geometry shape can be that of a Point, Multipoint, LineString, MultiLineString, Polygon, Multipolygon, or GeometryCollection. |
Example Query:
PREFIX geof: <> PREFIX xsd: <> # select (geof:ST_AsText(geof:ST_Difference(geof:ST_GeomFromText(?x),geof:ST_GeomFromText(?y))) as ?difference) where { values (?x ?y) {('POLYGON ((30 10 , 40 40, 20 40, 10 20, 30 10))' 'POLYGON ((30 10 , 40 40, 20 40, 10 20, 30 10))') ('POLYGON ((1 1, 1 4, 4 4, 4 1))' 'POLYGON ((30 10 , 40 40, 20 40, 10 20, 30 10))') ('POLYGON ((0 0, 0 10, 10 10, 10 0))' 'POLYGON ((0 0, 0 5, 5 5, 5 0))') ('POLYGON ((1 1,4 1, 4 4,1 4))' 'POLYGON ((2 0, 2 1, 3 1))')} }
Returns the symmetric difference between two geometry objects. The general signature for calling the ST_SymDifference function is the following:
PREFIX geof: <> PREFIX xsd: <> Custom geof:ST_SymDifference(Object geom1, Object geom2)
The function returns a Custom
Argument | Data Type | Description |
geom1 | Object
Geometry shape value in WKT string format, WKTLiteral, GMLLiteral, or the AnzoGraph Custom OGCGeometry data type. The input geometry shape can be that of a Point, Multipoint, LineString, MultiLineString, Polygon, Multipolygon, or GeometryCollection. |
geom2 | Object
Geometry shape value in WKT string format, WKTLiteral, GMLLiteral, or the AnzoGraph Custom OGCGeometry data type. The input geometry shape can be that of a Point, Multipoint, LineString, MultiLineString, Polygon, Multipolygon, or GeometryCollection. |
Example Query:
PREFIX geof: <> PREFIX xsd: <> # select (geof:ST_AsText(geof:ST_SymDifference(geof:ST_GeomFromText(?x),geof:ST_GeomFromText(?y))) as ?difference) where { values (?x ?y) {('POLYGON ((0 0, 2 0, 2 2, 0 2, 0 0))' 'POLYGON ((1 1, 3 1, 3 3, 1 3, 1 1))') ('POLYGON ((1 1, 1 4, 4 4, 4 1))' 'POLYGON ((30 10 , 40 40, 20 40, 10 20, 30 10))') ('POLYGON ((0 0, 0 10, 10 10, 10 0))' 'POLYGON ((0 0, 0 5, 5 5, 5 0))') ('POLYGON ((1 1,4 1, 4 4,1 4))' 'POLYGON ((2 0, 2 1, 3 1))')} }
Returns the spatial reference ID of a given geometry. The general signature for calling the ST_SRID function is the following:
PREFIX geof: <> PREFIX xsd: <> xsd:int geof:ST_SRID(Object geom)
The function returns an xsd:int
Argument | Data Type | Description |
geom | Object
Geometry shape value in WKT string format, WKTLiteral, GMLLiteral, or the AnzoGraph Custom OGCGeometry data type. The input geometry shape can be that of a Point, Multipoint, LineString, MultiLineString, Polygon, Multipolygon, or GeometryCollection. |
Example Query:
PREFIX geof: <> PREFIX xsd: <> # select (geof:ST_SRID(geof:ST_SetSRID(geof:ST_GeomFromText(?x) , 4326)) as ?SRID) where { values (?x) {('Point (1.5 2.5)') ('Point (23.45 -78.90)') } }
Sets the spatial reference ID of a given geometry and returns its geometry coordinates. The general signature for calling the ST_SetSRID function is the following:
PREFIX geof: <> PREFIX xsd: <> Custom geof:ST_SetSRID(Object geom, xsd:int wkid)
The function returns a Custom
Argument | Data Type | Description |
geom | Object
Geometry shape value in WKT string format, WKTLiteral, GMLLiteral, or the AnzoGraph Custom OGCGeometry data type. The input geometry shape can be that of a Point, Multipoint, LineString, MultiLineString, Polygon, Multipolygon, or GeometryCollection. |
wkid | xsd:int |
Well known reference ID. |
Example Query:
PREFIX geof: <> PREFIX xsd: <> # select (geof:ST_SRID(geof:ST_SetSRID(geof:ST_GeomFromText(?x) , 4326)) as ?SRID) where { values (?x) {('Point (1.5 2.5)') ('Point (23.45 -78.90)') } }
Returns the spatial dimension of a given geometry. The general signature for calling the ST_Dimension function is the following:
PREFIX geof: <> PREFIX xsd: <> xsd:int geof:ST_Dimension(Object geom)
The function returns an xsd:int
Argument | Data Type | Description |
geom | Object
Geometry shape value in WKT string format, WKTLiteral, GMLLiteral, or the AnzoGraph Custom OGCGeometry data type. The input geometry shape can be that of a Point, Multipoint, LineString, MultiLineString, Polygon, or Multipolygon, or GeometryCollection. |
Example Query:
PREFIX geof: <> PREFIX xsd: <> # select (geof:ST_Dimension(geof:ST_GeomFromText(?x)) as ?Dimension) where { values (?x) {('Point (1.5 2.5)') ('Point (23.45 -78.90)') } }
Returns the length of a line. The general signature for calling the ST_Length function is the following:
PREFIX geof: <> PREFIX xsd: <> xsd:double geof:ST_Length(Object geom)
The function returns an xsd:double
Argument | Data Type | Description |
geom | Object
Geometry shape value in WKT string format, WKTLiteral, GMLLiteral, or the AnzoGraph Custom OGCGeometry data type. The input geometry shape can be that of a Point, Multipoint, LineString, MultiLineString, Polygon, Multipolygon, or GeometryCollection. |
Example Query:
PREFIX geof: <> PREFIX xsd: <> # select (geof:ST_Length(geof:ST_GeomFromText(?x)) as ?geometry_length) where { values (?x) {('MULTILINESTRING ((1 1, 1 2),(10 10, 20 10))') ('MULTILINESTRING ((10 30, 20 20, 30 40),(40 20, 30 30, 40 20, 30 10))')} }
Returns the area of a Polygon or multiPolygon. The general signature for calling the ST_Area function is the following:
PREFIX geof: <> PREFIX xsd: <> xsd:double geof:ST_Area(Object geom)
The function returns the area of a geometry as an xsd:double
Argument | Data Type | Description |
geom | Object
Geometry shape value in WKT string format, WKTLiteral, GMLLiteral, or the AnzoGraph Custom OGCGeometry data type. The input geometry shape can be that of a Point, Multipoint, LineString, MultiLineString, Polygon, Multipolygon, or GeometryCollection. |
The function returns the planar area if a geometry is passed without an SRID. The function returns the geodesic area if a geometry is passed with SRID 4326 /CRS84 and returns the spherial area if a geometry is passed with SRID 4047.
Example Query:
PREFIX geof: <> PREFIX xsd: <> # select (geof:ST_Area(geof:ST_GeomFromText(?x)) as ?Area) where { values (?x) {('POLYGON ((0 0, 0 8, 8 0, 0 0), (1 1, 1 5, 5 1, 1 1))') ('multipolygon (((10 40, 20 10, 50 10, 60 40, 50 70, 20 70),(25 20, 45 20, 45 60, 25 60)), ((30 30, 40 30, 35 50)))')} }
Returns the count of coordinate components. The general signature for calling the ST_CoordDim function is the following:
PREFIX geof: <> PREFIX xsd: <> xsd:double geof:ST_CoordDim(Object geom)
The function returns an xsd:double
Argument | Data Type | Description |
geom | Object
Geometry shape value in WKT string format, WKTLiteral, GMLLiteral, or the AnzoGraph Custom OGCGeometry data type. The input geometry shape can be that of a Point, Multipoint, LineString, MultiLineString, Polygon, or Multipolygon. |
Example Query:
PREFIX geof: <> PREFIX xsd: <> # select (geof:ST_CoordDim(geof:ST_GeomFromText(?x)) as ?coordinate_dimension) where { values (?x) {('Point (1.5 2.5)') ('Point Z(23.45 -78.90 3)') } }
Returns the envelope of a given geometry. The general signature for calling the ST_Envelope function is the following:
PREFIX geof: <> PREFIX xsd: <> Custom geof:ST_Envelope(Object geom)
The function returns a Custom
Argument | Data Type | Description |
geom | Object
Geometry shape value in WKT string format, WKTLiteral, GMLLiteral, or the AnzoGraph Custom OGCGeometry data type. The input geometry shape can be that of a Point, Multipoint, LineString, MultiLineString, Polygon, or Multipolygon. |
Example Query:
PREFIX geof: <> PREFIX xsd: <> # select (geof:ST_AsText(geof:ST_Envelope(geof:ST_GeomFromText(?x))) as ?envelope) where { values (?x) {('POLYGON ((2 0, 2 3, 3 0))') ('POLYGON ((2 0, 2 1, 3 1))')} }
Returns the geometry type of a given geometry.The general signature for calling the ST_GeometryType function is the following:
PREFIX geof: <> PREFIX xsd: <> xsd:string geof:ST_GeometryType(Object geom)
The function returns an xsd:string
Argument | Data Type | Description |
geom | Object
Geometry shape value in WKT string format, WKTLiteral, GMLLiteral, or the AnzoGraph Custom OGCGeometry data type. The input geometry shape can be that of a Point, Multipoint, LineString, MultiLineString, Polygon, Multipolygon, or GeometryCollection. |
Example Query:
PREFIX geof: <> PREFIX xsd: <> # select (geof:ST_GeometryType(geof:ST_GeomFromText(?x)) as ?geometry_type) where { values (?x) {('POLYGON ((2 0, 2 3, 3 0))') ('POLYGON ((2 0, 2 1, 3 1))')} }
Returns the union of one or more geometries. The general signature for calling the ST_Union function is the following:
PREFIX geof: <> PREFIX xsd: <> Custom geof:ST_Union(Object geom1 [,Object geom_N]*)
The function returns a Custom
Argument | Data Type | Description |
geom1 ... [, geom_N]* |
Geometry shape value in WKT string format, WKTLiteral, GMLLiteral, or the AnzoGraph Custom OGCGeometry data type. The input geometry shape can be that of a Point, Multipoint, LineString, MultiLineString, Polygon, Multipolygon, or GeometryCollection. |
Any number of geometries can be specified as input.
Example Query:
PREFIX geof: <> PREFIX xsd: <># # select (geof:ST_NumPoints(geof:ST_Union(?point_2d, ?point_2d1)) as ?union) from <point> where{ ?point a <>; <> "0"^^<>; <> ?shape. ?point1 a <>; <> "1"^^<>; <> ?shape1; BIND(geof:ST_GeomFromText(?shape) as ?point_2d) BIND(geof:ST_GeomFromText(?shape1) as ?point_2d1) }
Returns the number of Points in a given geometry. The general signature for calling the ST_NumPoints function is the following:
PREFIX geof: <> PREFIX xsd: <> xsd:int geof:ST_NumPoints(Object geom)
The function returns an xsd:int
Argument | Data Type | Description |
geom | Object
Geometry shape value in WKT string format, WKTLiteral, GMLLiteral, or the AnzoGraph Custom OGCGeometry data type. The input geometry shape can be that of a Point, Multipoint, LineString, MultiLineString, Polygon, Multipolygon, or GeometryCollection. |
Example Query:
PREFIX geof: <> PREFIX xsd: <> # select (geof:ST_NumPoints(geof:ST_Union(?point_2d, ?point_2d1)) as ?union) from <point> where{ ?point a <>; <> "0"^^<>; <> ?shape. ?point1 a <>; <> "1"^^<>; <> ?shape1; BIND(geof:ST_GeomFromText(?shape) as ?point_2d) BIND(geof:ST_GeomFromText(?shape1) as ?point_2d1) }
Returns the number of geometries in a multi-geometry shape. The general signature for calling the ST_NumGeometries function is the following:
PREFIX geof: <> PREFIX xsd: <> xsd:int geof:ST_NumGeometries(Object geom)
The function returns an xsd:int
Argument | Data Type | Description |
geom | Object
Geometry shape value in WKT string format, WKTLiteral, GMLLiteral, or the AnzoGraph Custom OGCGeometry data type. The input geometry shape can be that of a Point, Multipoint, LineString, MultiLineString, Polygon, Multipolygon, or GeometryCollection. |
Example Query:
PREFIX geof: <> PREFIX xsd: <> # select (geof:ST_NumGeometries(geof:ST_GeomFromText(?multi_pt_wkt)) as ?multi_polygon) from <multipolygon> where { ?multi_pt a <>; <> ?multi_pt_wkt; <> "0"^^xsd:int. }
Returns the Nth geometry in a multi-geometry shape. The general signature for calling the ST_GeometryN function is the following:
PREFIX geof: <> PREFIX xsd: <> Custom geof:ST_GeometryN(Object geom, xsd:int index)
The function returns a Custom
Argument | Data Type | Description |
geom | Object
Geometry shape value in WKT string format, WKTLiteral, GMLLiteral, or the AnzoGraph Custom OGCGeometry data type. The input geometry shape can be that of a Point, Multipoint, LineString, MultiLineString, Polygon, Multipolygon, or GeometryCollection. |
index | xsd:int |
Index of geometry to be retrieved. |
Example Query:
PREFIX geof: <> PREFIX xsd: <># # select (geof:ST_AsText(geof:ST_GeometryN(geof:ST_GeomFromText(?multi_pt_wkt), 1)) as ?multi_polygon) from <multipolygon> where { ?multi_pt a <>; <> ?multi_pt_wkt; <> "0"^^xsd:int. }
Returns the centroid of a given geometry. The general signature for calling the ST_Centroid function is the following:
PREFIX geof: <> PREFIX xsd: <> Custom geof:ST_Centroid(Object geom)
The function returns a Custom
Argument | Data Type | Description |
geom | Object
Geometry shape value in WKT string format, WKTLiteral, GMLLiteral, or the AnzoGraph Custom OGCGeometry data type. The input geometry shape can be that of a Point, Multipoint, LineString, MultiLineString, Polygon, or Multipolygon. |
Example Query:
PREFIX geof: <> PREFIX xsd: <> # select (geof:ST_AsText(geof:ST_Centroid(geof:ST_GeomFromText(?multi_pt_wkt))) as ?multi_polygon) from <multipolygon> where { ?multi_pt a <>; <> ?multi_pt_wkt; <> "0"^^xsd:int. }
Returns the geometry buffered by distance. The general signature for calling the ST_Buffer function is the following:
PREFIX geof: <> PREFIX xsd: <> Custom geof:ST_Buffer(Object geom, xsd:double distance)
The function returns a Custom
Argument | Data Type | Description |
geom | Object
Geometry shape value in WKT string format, WKTLiteral, GMLLiteral, or the AnzoGraph Custom OGCGeometry data type. The input geometry shape can be that of a Point, Multipoint, LineString, MultiLineString, Polygon, Multipolygon, or GeometryCollection. |
distance | xsd:double
Distance value used to get buffer of geometry. |
Example Query:
PREFIX geof: <> PREFIX xsd: <> # select (geof:ST_AsText(geof:ST_Buffer(geof:ST_GeomFromText(?multi_pt_wkt), 1)) as ?multi_polygon) from <multipolygon> where { ?multi_pt a <>; <> ?multi_pt_wkt; <> "0"^^xsd:int. }
Returns the convex hull of one or more geometries. The general signature for calling the ST_ConvexHull function is the following:
PREFIX geof: <> PREFIX xsd: <> Custom geof:ST_ConvexHull(Object geom1 [,Object geom_N]*)
The function returns a Custom
Argument | Data Type | Description |
geom1 ... [, geom_N]* |
Geometry shape value in WKT string format, WKTLiteral, GMLLiteral, or the AnzoGraph Custom OGCGeometry data type. The input geometry shape can be that of a Point, Multipoint, LineString, MultiLineString, Polygon, Multipolygon, or GeometryCollection. |
Any number of geometries can be specified as input.
Example Query:
PREFIX geof: <> PREFIX xsd: <> # select (geof:ST_AsText(geof:ST_ConvexHull(geof:ST_GeomFromText('point(0 0)'), geof:ST_GeomFromText('point(0 1)'), geof:ST_GeomFromText('point(1 1)'))) as ?convex_hull)
Returns the distance (in meters) along a line of a WGS84 spheroid for geographic coordinates. The general signature for calling the ST_GeodesicLengthWGS84 function is the following:
PREFIX geof: <> PREFIX xsd: <> xsd:double geof:ST_GeodesicLengthWGS84(Object geom)
The function returns an xsd:double
Argument | Data Type | Description |
geom | Object
Geometry shape value in WKT string format, WKTLiteral, GMLLiteral, or the AnzoGraph Custom OGCGeometry data type. The input geometry shape can be that of a Point, Multipoint, LineString, MultiLineString, Polygon, Multipolygon, or GeometryCollection. |
Example Query:
PREFIX geof: <> PREFIX xsd: <> # select (geof:ST_GeodesicLengthWGS84(geof:ST_GeomFromText(?x)) as ?geodesic_length) where { values (?x) {('<>LineString(0 0, 0.03 0.04)') ('<>MultiLineString((0 80, 0.03 80.04))')} }
Returns geometry from a JSON representation of any geometric shape. The general signature for calling the ST_GeomFromJSON function is the following:
PREFIX geof: <> PREFIX xsd: <> Custom geof:ST_GeomFromJSON(xsd:string json)
The function returns a Custom
Argument | Data Type | Description |
json | xsd:string
Input geometry in JSON string format. The Geometry shape can be that of a Point, Multipoint, LineString, MultiLineString, Polygon, or Multipolygon. |
Example Query:
PREFIX geof: <> PREFIX xsd: <> # select (geof:ST_AsText(geof:ST_GeomFromJSON(geof:ST_AsJSON(geof:ST_GeomFromText(?x)))) as ?line_from_json) where { values (?x) {('LINESTRING (0 0, 2 2)') ('LINESTRING Z(8 -7 -1, -7 -1 8)')} }
Returns geometry from a GeoJSON representation of any geometric shape. The general signature for calling the ST_GeomFromGeoJSON function is the following:
PREFIX geof: <> PREFIX xsd: <> Custom geof:ST_GeomFromGeoJSON(xsd:string geojson)
The function returns a Custom
Argument | Data Type | Description |
geojson | xsd:string
Input geometry in GeoJSON string format. The input geometry shape can be that of a Point, Multipoint, LineString, MultiLineString, Polygon, or Multipolygon. |
Example Query:
PREFIX geof: <> PREFIX xsd: <> # select (geof:ST_AsText(geof:ST_GeomFromGeoJSON(geof:ST_AsGeoJSON(geof:ST_GeomFromText(?x)))) as ?point_from_geojson) where { values (?x) {('POINT(10 40)')('POINT Z(-2 30 -11)')} }
Returns the latitude and longitude in decimal degrees. The general signature for calling the ST_LatLonFromDMSToDD function is the following:
PREFIX geof: <> PREFIX xsd: <> xsd:double geof:ST_LatLonFromDMSToDD(xsd:double degrees, xsd:double minutes, xsd:double seconds, xsd:URI direction)
Here direction represents one of the following string constants: geo:E ,geo:W, geo:N, or geo:S.
The function returns an xsd:double
Argument | Data Type | Description |
degrees | xsd:double
Lattitude and longitude Degree value. |
minutes | xsd:double
Lattitude and longitude Minutes value. |
seconds | xsd:double |
Lattitude and longitude Seconds value. |
direction | xsd:URI
Possible direction values (E/W/S/N) in URI format, that is, geof:E, geof:W, geof:S, or geof:N. NOTE: The geof prefix specifies the following URI location: <> |
Example Query:
PREFIX geof: <> PREFIX xsd: <> # select (geof:ST_LatLonFromDMSToDD(137,24,13,geof:S) as ?longitude_decimal_degree)
Returns a Custom object from a WKT literal string. The general signature for calling the ST_GeomFromWktLiteral function is the following:
PREFIX geo: <http://www.../> PREFIX geof: <> PREFIX xsd: <> Custom geof:ST_GeomFromWktLiteral(geo:wktLiteral)
The function returns a Custom
Argument | Data Type | Description |
Input geometry in WKT literal format. The input geometry shape can be that of a Point, Multipoint, LineString, MultiLineString, Polygon, Multipolygon, or GeometryCollection. |
Example Query:
PREFIX geo: <> PREFIX geof: <> # select (geof:ST_AsText(geof:ST_GeomFromWktLiteral(?x)) as ?is_contains) where { values (?x) { ('<>Point(33.95 -83.38)'^^geo:wktLiteral) } }
Returns a Custom object from a GML literal string. The general signature for calling the ST_GeomFromGmlLiteral function is the following:
PREFIX geo: <http://www.../> PREFIX geof: <> PREFIX xsd: <> Custom geof:ST_GeomFromGmlLiteral(geo:wktLiteral)
The function returns an Custom
Argument | Data Type | Description |
Input geometry shape value in GmlLiteral format. The input geometry shape can be that of a Point, Multipoint, LineString, MultiLineString, Polygon, or Multipolygon. |
Example Query:
PREFIX geo: <> PREFIX geof: <> # select (geof:ST_AsText(geof:ST_GeomFromGmlLiteral(?x)) as ?is_contains) where { values (?x) { ('<gml:LineString gml:id="p21" srsName=""><gml:coordinates>2,0 2,3</gml:coordinates></gml:LineString>'^^geo:gmlLiteral) } }
Return coordinates converted from one coordinate system to another. The general signature for calling the ST_ConvertCoordinates function is the following:
PREFIX geof: <> PREFIX xsd: <> xsd:string geof:ST_ConvertCoordinates(xsd:double x, xsd:double y, xsd:double z, xsd:URI sourceSys, xsd:URI destSys)
SourceSys and destSys arguments are string constants indicating source and destination coordinate systems. The sourceSys and destSys arguments can be passed as constants such as geo:CARTESIAN, geo:SPHERICAL, geo:CYLINDRICAL, and geo:ELLIPTICAL.
The meaning of the first three inputs depends on the conversion performed:
- Cartesian to Spherical Coordinates: x,y,z
- Spherical to Cartesian Coordinates: rad, latitude, longitude
- Cartesian to Elliptical Coordinates: x,y,z
- Elliptical to Cartesian Coordinates: latitude, longitude,height
- Cartesian to Cylindrical Coordinates: x,y,z
- Cylindrical to Cartesian Coordinates: radius, longitude, z
- Cylindrical to Spherical Coordinates: radius, longitude, height
- Spherical to Cylindrical Coordinates: radius, latitude, longitude
The function returns an xsd:string
Argument | Data Type | Description |
x | xsd:double
X Coordinate value. |
y | xsd:double
YCoordinate value. |
z | xsd:double
Z Coordinate value. |
sourceSys | xsd:URI |
Source coordinate system: geof:CARTESIAN, geof:SPHERICAL, geof:ELLIPTICAL, or geof:CYLINDRICAL |
destSys | xsd:URI
Source coordinate system: geof:CARTESIAN, geof:SPHERICAL, geof:ELLIPTICAL, or geof:CYLINDRICAL |
The geof prefix is mapped to <>.
Example Query:
PREFIX geof: <> PREFIX xsd: <> # select (geof:ST_ConvertCoordinates(2,3,8,geof:CARTESIAN,geof:SPHERICAL) as ?transformed_point)
Returns equivalent spherical coordinates for given cylindrical coordinates. The general signature for calling the ST_IsValidWKT function is the following:
PREFIX geof: <> PREFIX xsd: <> xsd:boolean geof:ST_IsValidWKT(xsd:string wkt)
The function returns an xsd:boolean
Argument | Data Type | Description |
wkt | xsd:string
Geometry shape value in WKT string format. The input geometry shape can be that of a Point, Multipoint, LineString, MultiLineString, Polygon, Multipolygon, or GeometryCollection. |
Example Query:
PREFIX geof: <> PREFIX xsd: <> # select (geof:ST_IsValidWKT('LINESTRING(4 6,7 10)') as ?is_valid_wkt)
Validates whether a given geoJSON representation is correct. Returns true if it is a valid geoJSON format, otherwise returns false. The general signature for calling the ST_IsValidGeoJSON function is the following:
PREFIX geof: <> PREFIX xsd: <> xsd:boolean geof:ST_IsValidGeoJSON(xsd:string geojson)
The function returns an xsd:boolean
Argument | Data Type | Description |
geojson | xsd:string
Geometry shape value in GeoJson string format. The input geometry shape can be that of a Point, Multipoint, LineString, MultiLineString, Polygon, Multipolygon, or GeometryCollection. |
Example Query:
PREFIX geof: <> PREFIX xsd: <> # select (geof:ST_IsValidGeoJSON(geof:ST_AsGeoJSON(geof:ST_GeomFromText('LINESTRING(4 6,7 10)'))) as ?is_valid_geojson)
Transform a geometry with given shift values. The general signature for calling the ST_Translate function is the following:
PREFIX geof: <> PREFIX xsd: <> Custom geof:ST_Translate(Object geom, xsd:double x_delta, xsd:double y_delta [, xsd:double z_delta])
The first input argument is a geometric shape in Object format that represents any of the geometries to be transformed. Users can then pass shift values for x, y, and z coordinates. For 2D translations, users would pass x_delta and y_delta arguments, and the z_delta argument would be optional.
The function returns a Custom
Argument | Data Type | Description |
geom | Object
Geometry shape value in WKT string format, WKTLiteral, GMLLiteral, or the AnzoGraph Custom OGCGeometry data type. The input geometry shape can be that of a Point, Multipoint, LineString, MultiLineString, Polygon, Multipolygon, or GeometryCollection. |
x_delta | xsd:double |
Shift value for x coordinate. |
y_delta | xsd:double |
Shift value for y coordinate. |
[z_delta] | xsd:double
Optional shift value for z coordinate. |
Example Query:
PREFIX geof: <> PREFIX xsd: <> # select (geof:ST_AsText(geof:ST_Translate(geof:ST_GeomFromText('POINT Z(14 12 10)'),1.5,2.3, -13.7)) as ?transformed_point)
Returns Point geometry translated with given shift values. The general signature for calling the ST_Scale function is the following:
PREFIX geof: <> PREFIX xsd: <> Custom geof:ST_Scale(Object geom, xsd:double x_sf, xsd:double y_sf [, xsd:double z_sf])
The first input argument is a geometric shape in Object format that represents the geometry to be scaled: point, multipoint, line, multiline, polygon, or multipolygon. Users can then pass scaling values
for x, y, and z coordinates. For 2D scaling, users would pass x_delta and y_delta arguments, and the z_delta argument would be optional. The function returns a Custom
Argument | Data Type | Description |
geom | Object
Geometry shape value in WKT string format, WKTLiteral, GMLLiteral, or the AnzoGraph Custom OGCGeometry data type. The input geometry shape can be that of a Point, Multipoint, LineString, MultiLineString, Polygon, Multipolygon, or GeometryCollection. |
x_sf | xsd:double
Scaling factor for X coordinate in URI string format. |
y_sf | xsd:double |
Scaling factor for Y coordinate in URI string format. |
[z_sf] | xsd:double
Optional scaling factor for Z coordinate in URI string format. |
Example Query:
PREFIX geof: <> PREFIX xsd: <> # select (geof:ST_AsText(geof:ST_Scale(geof:ST_GeomFromText('POINT (14 12)'),2,3)) as ?scaled_point)
Returns Point geometry translated with given shift values. The general signature for calling the ST_Shear function is the following:
PREFIX geof: <> PREFIX xsd: <> Custom geof:ST_Shear(Object geom, double x_shear, double y_shear [, double z_shear])
The first input argument is a geometric shape in Object format that represents the geometry to be sheared: point, multipoint, line, multiline, polygon, or multipolygon. The second input is the axis which represents the X/Y/Z axis , the axis along which shearing is to be done. Value can be passed as string constants like geo:X or geo:Y or geo:Z . Users can pass the shearing factor for x,y,z coordinates, and should be passed in X, Y, and Z order respectively. (The z_shear argument is optional in this case.) The function returns a Custom
Argument | Data Type | Description |
geom | Object
Geometry shape value in WKT string format, WKTLiteral, GMLLiteral, or the AnzoGraph Custom OGCGeometry data type. The input geometry shape can be that of a Point, Multipoint, LineString, MultiLineString, Polygon, Multipolygon, or GeometryCollection. |
x_shear | xsd:double |
Shearing factor for X coordinate. |
y_shear | xsd:double |
Shearing factor for Y coordinate. |
[z_shear] | xsd:double
Shearing factor for Z coordinate for 3D geometries. |
Example Query:
PREFIX geof: <> PREFIX xsd: <> # select (geof:ST_AsText(geof:ST_Shear(geof:ST_GeomFromText('POINT (1 1)'),geof:X,2,2)) as ?scaled_point)
Returns Point geometry translated with given shift values. The general signature for calling the ST_Rotate function is the following:
PREFIX geof: <> Custom geof:ST_Rotate(Object geom, xsd:double angle_rads, xsd:URI axis)
The first input argument is a geometric shape in Object format that represents the geometry to be rotated: point, multipoint, line, multiline, polygon, or multipolygon. The second input argument is the angle in radians that represnts the rotational angle in radians. The third input argument is the axis on which a 2d or 3d rotation is performed, so the axis value input represent the X, Y, or Z axis, based on the axis on which rotation is to be done. Its value can be passed as a String constant like geo:X, geo:Y, or geo:Z. The function returns a Custom
Argument | Data Type | Description |
geom | Object
Geometry shape value in WKT string format, WKTLiteral, GMLLiteral, or the AnzoGraph Custom OGCGeometry data type. The input geometry shape can be that of a Point, Multipoint, LineString, MultiLineString, Polygon, Multipolygon, or GeometryCollection. |
angle_rads | xsd:double
Rotation Angle. |
axis | xsd:URI
X, Y, or Z axis in URI string format |
Example Query:
PREFIX geof: <> PREFIX xsd: <> # select (geof:ST_AsText(geof:ST_Rotate(geof:ST_GeomFromText('POINT Z(1 2 3)'),1.5708,geof:Z)) as ?rotate_point)
Aggregator (UDA) Functions
Click on individual function names in the table below to view the syntax of each function signature and as well as obtain details about individual function arguments and return values.
Function | Description |
ST_Aggr_Union | Returns union of geometries using Aggregator transformation. |
ST_Aggr_LineString | Returns Line geometry constructed from a number of Point geometries using Aggregator transformation. |
ST_Aggr_MultiLineString | Returns MultiLine geometry constructed from a number of line geometries using Aggregator transformation. |
ST_Aggr_MultiPoint | Returns MultiPoint geometry constructed from a number of Point geometries using Aggregator transformation. |
ST_Aggr_Polygon | Returns Polygon geometry constructed from a number of Point geometries using Aggregate Point geometries and Aggregator transformation. |
ST_Aggr_MultiPolygon | Returns MultiPolygon geometry constructed from multiple polygon geometries using Aggregator transformation. |
ST_Aggr_ConvexHull | Returns convex hull for given geometries obtained using Aggregator transformation. |
ST_Aggr_Intersection | Returns intersection of given geometries having same srID obtained using Aggregator transformation. |
Returns union of geometries using Aggregator transformation. The general signature for calling the ST_Aggr_Union function is the following:
PREFIX geof: <> PREFIX xsd: <> Custom geof:ST_Aggr_Union(Object geom1 ...[, geom_N]*)
The function returns a Custom
Argument | Data Type | Description |
geom1 ... [, geom_N]* |
Geometry shape value in WKT string format, WKTLiteral, GMLLiteral, or the AnzoGraph Custom OGCGeometry data type. The input geometry shape can be that of a Point, Multipoint, LineString, MultiLineString, Polygon, Multipolygon, or GeometryCollection. |
Any number of geometries can be passed as input.
Example Query:
PREFIX geof: <> PREFIX xsd: <> # select (geof:ST_NumPoints(geof:ST_Aggr_Union(?point_2d)) as ?union) from <point> where{ ?point a <>; <> ?shape; BIND(geof:ST_GeomFromText(?shape) as ?point_2d) }
Returns Line geometry constructed from a number of Point geometries using Aggregator transformation. The general signature for calling the ST_Aggr_LineString function is the following:
PREFIX geof: <> PREFIX xsd: <> Custom geof:ST_Aggr_LineString(Object geom1 ...[, geom_N]*)
The function returns a Custom
Argument | Data Type | Description |
geom1 ... [, geom_N]* |
Geometry shape values in WKT string format, WKTLiteral, GMLLiteral, or the AnzoGraph Custom OGCGeometry data type. The input geometry shape can be that of a Point or LineString. |
Any number of geometries can be passed as input.
Example Query:
PREFIX geof: <> PREFIX xsd: <> # select (geof:ST_AsText(geof:ST_Aggr_LineString(?point)) as ?ST_Aggr_LineString) where{ select (geof:ST_Point(?x, ?y) as ?point) where{ values (?x ?y) {(1 2)(2 3)(-1 2)(-2 -3)(-2 -1)} } }
Returns MultiLine geometry constructed from a number of line geometries using Aggregator transformation. The general signature for calling the ST_Aggr_MultiLineString function is the following:
PREFIX geof: <> PREFIX xsd: <> Custom geof:ST_Aggr_MultiLineString(Object geom1 ...[, geom_N]*)
The function returns a Custom
Argument | Data Type | Description |
geom1 ... [, geom_N]* |
LineString or MultiLineString geometry shape values in WKT string format, WKTLiteral, GMLLiteral, or the AnzoGraph Custom OGCGeometry data type. |
Any number of geometries can be passed as input.
Example Query:
PREFIX geof: <> PREFIX xsd: <> # select (geof:ST_AsText(geof:ST_Aggr_MultiLineString(?point)) as ?agg_multiline) where{ select (geof:ST_GeomFromText(?x) as ?point) where{ values (?x) {('LINESTRING (8 7, 7 8)')('LINESTRING (1 7, 7 8)')} } }
Returns MultiPoint geometry constructed from a number of Point geometries using Aggregator transformation. The general signature for calling the ST_Aggr_MultiPoint function is the following:
PREFIX geof: <> PREFIX xsd: <> Custom geof:ST_Aggr_MultiPoint(Object geom1 ...[, geom_N]*)
The function returns a Custom
Argument | Data Type | Description |
geom1 ... [, geom_N]* |
Point geometry shape values in WKT string format, WKTLiteral, GMLLiteral, or the AnzoGraph Custom OGCGeometry data type. |
Any number of geometries can be passed as input.
Example Query:
PREFIX geof: <> PREFIX xsd: <> # select (geof:ST_AsText(geof:ST_Aggr_Multipoint(?point)) as ?agg_multipoint) where{ select (geof:ST_Point(?x, ?y) as ?point) where{ values (?x ?y) {(1 2)(2 3)} } }
Returns Polygon geometry constructed from a number of Point geometries using Aggregate Point geometries and Aggregator transformation. The general signature for calling the ST_Aggr_Polygon function is the following:
PREFIX geof: <> PREFIX xsd: <> Custom geof:ST_Aggr_Polygon(Object geom1 ...[, geom_N]*)
The function returns a Custom
Argument | Data Type | Description |
geom1 ... [, geom_N]* |
Point or Polygon geometry shape values in WKT string format, WKTLiteral, GMLLiteral, or the AnzoGraph Custom OGCGeometry data type. |
Any number of geometries can be passed as input.
Example Query:
PREFIX geof: <> PREFIX xsd: <> # select (geof:ST_AsText(geof:ST_Aggr_Polygon(?point)) as ?agg_polygon) where{ select (geof:ST_Point(?x, ?y) as ?point) where{ values (?x ?y) {(1 2)(2 3)(-1 2)(-2 -1)(-2 -3)} } }
Returns MultiPolygon geometry constructed from multiple polygon geometries using Aggregator transformation. The general signature for calling the ST_Aggr_MultiPolygon function is the following:
PREFIX geof: <> PREFIX xsd: <> Custom geof:ST_Aggr_MultiPolygon(Object geom1 ...[, geom_N]*)
The function returns a Custom
Argument | Data Type | Description |
geom1 ... [, geom_N]* |
Polygon geometry shape values in WKT string format, WKTLiteral, GMLLiteral, or the AnzoGraph Custom OGCGeometry data type. |
Any number of geometries can be passed as input.
Example Query:
PREFIX geof: <> PREFIX xsd: <> # select (geof:ST_AsText(geof:ST_Aggr_MultiPolygon(?point)) as ?agg_multipolygon) where{ select (geof:ST_GeomFromText(?x) as ?point) where{ values (?x) {('POLYGON ((2 0, 2 3, 3 0))')('POLYGON ((11 12,-11 -12,11 -12))')} } }
Returns convex hull from specified geometries obtained using Aggregator transformation. The general signature for calling the ST_Aggr_ConvexHull function is the following:
PREFIX geof: <> PREFIX xsd: <> Custom geof:ST_Aggr_ConvexHull(Object geom1 ...[, geom_N]*)
The function returns a Custom
Argument | Data Type | Description |
geom1 ... [, geom_N]* |
Geometry shape values in WKT string format, WKTLiteral, GMLLiteral, or the AnzoGraph Custom OGCGeometry data type. The input geometry shape can be that of a Point, Multipoint, LineString, MultiLineString, Polygon, Multipolygon, or GeometryCollection. |
Any number of geometries can be passed as input.
Example Query:
PREFIX geof: <> PREFIX xsd: <> # #Return Number of points of convex hull # select (geof:ST_NumPoints(geof:ST_Aggr_ConvexHull(?point_2d)) as ?convex_hull) from <point> where{ ?point a <>; <> ?shape; BIND(geof:ST_GeomFromText(?shape) as ?point_2d) }
Returns intersection of given geometries having same srID. The general signature for calling the ST_Aggr_Intersection function is the following:
PREFIX geof: <> PREFIX xsd: <> Custom geof:ST_Aggr_Intersection(Object geom1 ...[, geom_N]*)
The function returns a Custom
Argument | Data Type | Description |
geom1 ... [, geom_N]* |
Geometry shape values in WKT string format, WKTLiteral, GMLLiteral, or the AnzoGraph Custom OGCGeometry data type. The input geometry shape can be that of a Point, Multipoint, LineString, MultiLineString, Polygon, Multipolygon, or GeometryCollection. |
Any number of geometries can be passed as input.
Example Query:
PREFIX geof: <> PREFIX xsd: <> # #Read Point from WKT shape #Return Number of points intersections # select (geof:ST_NumPoints(geof:ST_Aggr_Intersection(?point_2d)) as ?union) from <point> where{ ?point a <>; <> ?shape; BIND(geof:ST_GeomFromText(?shape) as ?point_2d) }
Services (UDS) Functions
Click on individual function names in the table below to view the syntax of each function signature and as well as obtain details about individual function arguments and return values.
Function | Description |
ST_ReadSHP | Returns geometry objects extracted from a Shapefile shape (SHP) format file. |
ST_ReadKML | Returns geometry objects extracted from a Keyhole Markup Language (KML) file. |
ST_ReadGeoJSON | Returns geometry objects extracted from a JSON format file. |
ST_ReadText | Returns geometry objects extracted from a Well-Known Text (WKT) file. |
ST_ReadGML | Returns geometry objects extracted from a Geography Markup Language (GML) format file. |
ST_ReadWKB | Returns geometry objects extracted from an OpenGIS Well-known Binary (WKB) file. |
Returns geometry objects extracted from a .shp file. The general signature for calling the ST_ReadSHP function is the following:
PREFIX geof: <> PREFIX xsd: <> Custom geof:ST_ReadSHP(xsd:string filePath)
The function returns a Custom
Argument | Data Type | Description |
filePath | xsd:string
.wkt format file. |
Example Query:
PREFIX geof: <> PREFIX xsd: <> # #Create query to read Line Strings from shape File #Return line string objects and corresponding ID # CREATE OR REPLACE QUERY <line_table> AS SELECT * WHERE { SERVICE <>('{CURRENT_DIR}/../data/Road_Centerline.shp'){} }
Returns geometry objects and properties extracted from a .kml file. The general signature for calling the ST_ReadKML function is the following:
PREFIX geof: <> PREFIX xsd: <> Custom geof:ST_ReadKML(xsd:string filePath)
The function returns a Custom
Argument | Data Type | Description |
filePath | xsd:string
.json file in geojson format. |
Example Query:
PREFIX geof: <> PREFIX xsd: <> # SELECT * WHERE { SERVICE <>('{CURRENT_DIR}/../data/Snow_Emergency_Routes.kml') {} }
Returns geometry objects and properties extracted from a .json file. The general signature for calling the ST_ReadGeoJSON function is the following:
PREFIX geof: <> PREFIX xsd: <> Custom geof:ST_ReadGeoJSON(xsd:string filePath)
The function returns a Custom
Argument | Data Type | Description |
filePath | xsd:string
.shp format file. |
Example Query:
PREFIX geof: <> PREFIX xsd: <> # SELECT * WHERE{ SERVICE <>('{CURRENT_DIR}/../data/geometry_collection.json') {} }
Returns geometry objects and properties extracted from a .wkt file. The general signature for calling the ST_ReadText function is the following:
PREFIX geof: <> PREFIX xsd: <> Custom geof:ST_ReadText(xsd:string filePath)
The function returns a Custom
Argument | Data Type | Description |
filePath | xsd:string
.wkb format file. |
Example Query:
PREFIX geof: <> PREFIX xsd: <> # SELECT * WHERE{ SERVICE <>('{CURRENT_DIR}/../data/single_geometryWkt.wkt') {} }
Returns geometry objects and properties extracted from a .json file. The general signature for calling the ST_ReadGML function is the following:
PREFIX geof: <> PREFIX xsd: <> Custom geof:ST_ReadGML(xsd:string filePath)
The function returns a Custom
Argument | Data Type | Description |
filePath | xsd:string
.kml format file. |
Example Query:
PREFIX geof: <> PREFIX xsd: <> # SELECT * WHERE{ SERVICE <>('{CURRENT_DIR}/../data/single_geometryGml.gml') {} }
Returns geometry objects and properties extracted from .json file. The general signature for calling the ST_ReadWKB function is the following:
PREFIX geof: <> PREFIX xsd: <> Custom geof:ST_ReadWKB(xsd:string filePath)
The function returns a Custom
Argument | Data Type | Description |
filePath | xsd:string
.gml format file. |
Example Query:
PREFIX geof: <> PREFIX xsd: <> # SELECT * WHERE{ SERVICE <>('{CURRENT_DIR}/../data/single_geometryWkb.wkb') {} }