SPARQL Language Reference
AnzoGraph implements the standard SPARQL forms and functions described in the W3C SPARQL 1.1 Query Language specification. In addition to supporting the standard SPARQL functions, AnzoGraph includes several SQL-like and Microsoft Excel-like built-in functions. The topics in this section describe the built-in functions and includes usage information and example queries. This section also includes topics on SPARQL best practices and tips and tricks.
For more basic information about SPARQL, the semantic web, or RDF, see the Cambridge Semantics Semantic University.
AnzoGraph places no restrictions on URIs. The only requirement for writing a URI is that you place the text between < > characters, for example, <sales>.
Documentation conventions
The example queries in this section run against the AnzoGraph sample Tickit data set, which captures sales activity for a fictional Tickit website where people buy and sell tickets for sporting events, shows, and concerts. You can load and explore this data set. For more information, see Working with the Tickit Data.
The list below describes the characters or conventions that are used in query syntax:
- CAPS: Though SPARQL is case-insensitive, SPARQL keywords in this section are written in uppercase for readability.
- Italics: Terms in italics are placeholder values that you replace in the query.
- [ ]: Indicates an optional clause.
- |: Means OR. Indicates that you can use one or more of the specified options.
- ^: Means exclusive OR (XOR). Indicates that you can only choose one of the specified options.
For instructions on retrieving a list of all supported SPARQL functions for your AnzoGraph release, see How do I get a list of all AnzoGraph functions?