Defining Standard Prefixes

The AnzoGraph installation includes a standard prefix file (install_path/etc/standard_prefix.txt) that contains the common prefixes that AnzoGraph automatically recognizes for all load files and queries. Adding prefix definitions to the file enables you to reference those URI abbreviations without having to define them in each load file or query. This topic provides instructions for declaring standard prefixes.

AWS CloudFormation Deployments: SSH access to the AnzoGraph leader server is required for defining prefixes. How do I enable SSH access to AnzoGraph instances?

  1. Log in to the AnzoGraph leader server, and open standard_prefix.txt:
    • For AWS CloudFormation and Docker/Kubernetes deployments, the file is in the /opt/anzograph/etc directory.
    • For RHEL/CentOS deployments, the file is in the install_path/etc directory.
  2. Edit the file to add any prefix declarations that you want the system to recognize. Add one declaration per line in the following format:
    prefix_abbrevation: <URI>

    For example:

    foaf: <>
    rdf:  <>
    rdfs: <>
    xsd:  <>
  3. Save and close the file.

You can now reference in any load file or query the prefix abbreviations that you included in standard_prefix.txt.