Sample Data, Tutorials, and Benchmarks

The topics in this section describe the AnzoGraph sample data and provide a couple different tutorials to help familiarize you with AnzoGraph and the SPARQL and Cypher query languages. The Working with the Tickit Data and Working with the TPCH Data topics detail the data sets and include load and analytic queries that you can copy and run using the AnzoGraph Query Console (if available with your solution), command line interface, or another interface. The Working with Cypher and the Movies Graph topic details the data set commonly used in the Neo4j sandbox environment and demonstrates use of Cypher queries with AnzoGraph. The Benchmarking AnzoGraph Performance topic provides information about running benchmark tests that measure the performance of AnzoGraph running a variety of different queries against databases of different sizes.

Sample Data Summary

AnzoGraph includes the following sample data sets:

  • Tickit: This simple data set captures sales activity for a fictional Tickit website where people buy and sell tickets for sporting events, shows, and concerts. The example queries for this data set include detailed explanations of the query syntax. The goal is to help guide you through learning about the SPARQL language and concepts as well as demonstrate different analytic use cases.
  • TPCH: This complex data set represents the SQL TPC-H Decision Support data, which Cambridge Semantics converted to the RDF graph model. The data set captures activities for wholesale suppliers where vendors purchase parts from suppliers and sell them to customers. The example queries in this data set include less detailed desciptions and target more experienced SPARQL users. Since this data set originated as SQL test data, it also demonstrates AnzoGraph performance and the ability to use RDF/SPARQL to accomplish anything that you can do with SQL.
  • Movies: This data set is based on the graph database provided in the Neo4j sandbox environment. For users already familiar with Cypher, using this data set previews current AnzoGraph support of the Cypher language, so you can execute many of the same Cypher commands and queries as you would in other environments that support Cypher.
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