Error Message Reference

This section includes the possible causes and solutions for AnzoGraph DB error messages. Click a message in the list below to view details about that error:

Cannot execute as user 'root'. To override this security protection, set 'enable_root_user=true': Invalid user id

This message indicates that you tried to start AnzoGraph DB as the root user and root access is disabled. You can try the command again as a non-root user, or you can enable root access by adding enable_root_user=true to the AnzoGraph DB settings file. For instructions, see Change System Settings.

std::exception - locale::facet::_S_create_c_locale name not valid

This message indicates that your operating system does not include the glibc-langpack dependency and it needs to be installed. To resolve the issue, follow the steps below:

  1. Run the following command to install the dependency:
    dnf install glibc-langpack-en
  2. Set the locale for your server. For example, running the following command sets it to en_US:
    localectl set-locale LANG=en_US.UTF-8
  3. Restart the azgmgrd and anzograph services.

stg: Cannot allocate memory - heap is exhausted

This message indicates that all of the memory that is available to AnzoGraph DB is in use and there is not enough left to run queries. The solution is to free memory by restarting AnzoGraph DB. Then either adjust your workload to reduce the amount of data that is loaded or increase the amount of RAM on the host server(s).

Unsupported functionality: loading files with this extension - <URL>

This message indicates that the load file directory listed in the error message does not include the load file type extension in its name. For example, running a query that loads files from the URL s3://csi-sdl-data-tickit/tickit results in this error. Since the tickit directory includes .ttl.gz files, renaming tickit to tickit.ttl.gz resolves the error. For more information about load requirements, see RDF Load File Requirements.

Invalid Certificate

This message indicates that you replaced the default AnzoGraph DB certificates with your own trusted certificates and the certificates are invalid. Certificates can be invalid because they expired or they were generated or signed incorrectly. For information about replacing certificates, see Replace the Default Self-Signed Certificates with Trusted Certificates.

Fatal Error. Caught Signal 15

This error indicates that a process external to AnzoGraph DB stopped the AnzoGraph processes, such as if the host machine was shut down while AnzoGraph was running. Restart AnzoGraph DB to proceed with normal usage.