Load Data
AnzoGraph DB supports loading data from RDF and non-RDF files, HTTP/REST endpoints, and relational databases via JDBC connections. The topics in this section describe the ways to load and manage your data.
Instructions on loading Turtle, N-Triple, N-Quad, TriG, or JSON-LD files from a local or remote file storage system.
Loading Non-RDF Data with the GDI
Instructions on loading data from CSV, JSON, Parquet, SAS, or XML files, HTTP/REST endpoints, and relational databases.
Instructions on creating a Query Context to hide sensitive connection and authorization information such as keys, tokens, and user credentials in requests.
Creating Labeled Property Graphs (RDF*)
Information on AnzoGraph DB's Labeled Property Graph (LPG) model for relationship properties and instructions on creating LPGs.
Inferring New Data (RDFS+ Inferencing)
Information on the inference engine and creating new relationships based on the vocabularies in your data.
Instructions on using the COPY command to copy graphs from the database to files on disk.
Scheduling Automated Data Updates
Information on AnzoGraph DB's CRON-like mechanism that enables you to automate and schedule data update operations.