Error Message Reference

This section includes the possible causes and solutions for AnzoGraph DB error messages. Click a message in the list below to view details about that error:

7070: Connection refused

This message indicates that you ran a query against the SPARQL HTTP port (7070) and the port is unavailable. This issue is likely caused by one of the following issues:

Checking the Status of AnzoGraph DB

To check if AnzoGraph DB is running, you can view the status in the AnzoGraph DB Admin Console. For example:

If the server is not started, click the Start () button. When AnzoGraph DB is running, the Admin Console shows the status as online. For example:

If you have secure shell access, you can view the status by running the following command on the leader node:

<install_path>/bin/azgctl -status

The output shows the status of each node. For example:

Node 0 (IP: AnzoGraph is on-line
Node 1 (IP: AnzoGraph is on-line
Node 2 (IP: AnzoGraph is on-line
Node 3 (IP: AnzoGraph is on-line

If the results report that "AnzoGraph is off-line," run the following command to start the database:

<install_path>/bin/azgctl -start

Enabling HTTP Protocol

If HTTP protocol is disabled for your deployment and you want to enable it so that you can post queries to the SPARQL HTTP port (7070), follow the instructions below.

  1. On the AnzoGraph DB leader server, run the following command to stop the database:
    <install_path>/bin/azgctl -stop
  2. Open the AnzoGraph DB settings file install_path/config/settings.conf in an editor. For example:
    vi /opt/anzograph/config/settings.conf
  3. Find the enable_sparql_protocol setting, and change the value from false to true. If necessary, uncomment the line in the file.
  4. Save and close the file, and then run the following command to start the database and submit the configuration change:
    <install_path>/bin/azgctl -start

Once AnzoGraph DB starts, the HTTP protocol is enabled on the sparql_protocol_port (port 7070 by default) and you can send HTTP requests to that port.

Cluster command failed: aws s3 ls bucket_name/directory_name --recursive >/tmp/zzs3dir

This message indicates that you tried to load files from S3 and AnzoGraph DB does not have permission to read the files in the bucket and directory listed in the message. If you SSH to the EC2 instance, you can verify whether the instance has access by running the AWS CLI command aws s3 ls bucket_name/directory_name --recursive. How do I enable SSH access to AnzoGraph DB instances?

To resolve the issue, log in to the AWS S3 Management Console and change the bucket permissions to Public for your account, or choose another option that gives the AnzoGraph DB servers read access to the files in the bucket.

Unsupported functionality: loading files with this extension - URL

This message indicates that the load file directory listed in the error message does not include the load file type extension in its name.

For example, running a query that loads files from the URL s3://csi-sdl-data-tickit/tickit results in this error. Since the tickit directory includes .ttl.gz files, renaming tickit to tickit.ttl.gz resolves the error.

For more information about load requirements, see RDF Load File Requirements.

Exiting: Error - Cannot execute as user 'root'. To override this security protection, set 'enable_root_user=true': Invalid user id

This message indicates that you tried to start AnzoGraph DB as the root user and root access is disabled. You can try the command again as a non-root user, or you can enable root access by adding enable_root_user=true to the AnzoGraph DB settings file. For instructions, see Changing System Settings.

Invalid Certificate

This message indicates that you replaced the default AnzoGraph DB certificates with your own trusted certificates and the certificates are invalid. Certificates can be invalid because they expired or they were generated or signed incorrectly.

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