Updating or Uninstalling AnzoGraph DB

This topic provides instructions for uninstalling and updating AnzoGraph DB.

Upgrading AnzoGraph DB

A key area of growth in AnzoGraph DB is the development and support of custom, user-managed extensions, such as the Graph Data Interface for virtualization. Most AnzoGraph DB releases include revisions to the API and prepackaged extensions. Because of the frequency of AnzoGraph DB updates and because the extensions directory (<install_path>/lib/udx) is user-managed rather than AnzoGraph DB- or installer-controlled, you must uninstall the existing version of AnzoGraph DB and then install the new version. In-place upgrades are not supported.

Follow the instructions below to back up any custom files and remove the installation directory before installing the new version.

  1. First, run the following commands to stop the database and the system management daemon. On a cluster, run these commands on the leader node:
    sudo systemctl stop anzograph
    sudo systemctl stop azgmgrd
  2. Next, if you have custom files, such as certificates in <install_path>/config or JDBC drivers in the <install_path>/lib/udx directory, make a backup copy of those files. Make sure that you choose a backup location that is outside of the AnzoGraph DB installation path. After installing the new version of AnzoGraph DB, you can place the custom files back into the appropriate directories.

    If you have modified the settings file, <install_path>/config/settings.conf, Cambridge Semantics, Inc. recommends that you make a backup copy of the file on the leader server so that you can refer to it when configuring the new deployment. As a best practice, however, do not overwrite settings.conf in the new version of AnzoGraph DB with the backup copy from the previous version. Instead, Cambridge Semantics recommends that you apply all changes to the new file. Since new releases may add or remove settings or change the default value of certain settings, it is important to use the version of the file that was installed with the release.

  3. Remove the AnzoGraph DB installation directory from the file system. You can remove the software by deleting the installation directory or by running the <install_path>/uninstall script as described below in Uninstalling AnzoGraph DB. On a cluster, uninstall AnzoGraph DB on all nodes.
  4. Now that AnzoGraph DB is uninstalled, follow the instructions in Installing AnzoGraph DB to install the new version.

Uninstalling AnzoGraph DB

This section provides instructions for uninstalling AnzoGraph DB. On clusters, complete steps 2 through 4 below on each server in the cluster.

  1. First, make sure the database and system management daemon processes are stopped. Run the following commands to stop the services. On a cluster, run these commands on the leader server:
    sudo systemctl stop anzograph
    sudo systemctl stop azgmgrd
  2. Next, if you have custom files, such as JDBC drivers or user-defined extensions in the <install_path>/lib/udx directory, make a backup copy of those files on the leader node. Make sure that you choose a backup location that is outside of the AnzoGraph DB installation path.

    If you install a new version of AnzoGraph DB, you can place the custom files back into the appropriate directory on the leader node.

  3. Run the following command to begin the uninstall process:
    sudo ./<install_path>/uninstall

    The script asks if you want to proceed:

    Do you want to proceed with AnzoGraph DB installation?
    OK [o, Enter], Cancel [c]
  4. Press Enter to confirm that you want to uninstall AnzoGraph DB.

    The wizard asks if you want to clear the installation directory and user and configuration files:

    Are you sure you want to completely remove AnzoGraph DB and all of its components?
    Yes [y, Enter], No [n]
  5. Cambridge Semantics recommends that you remove all installation and configuration files. Press Enter to remove the entire installation directory as well as all configuration and user files.

The wizard uninstalls AnzoGraph DB.

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