File Source Format Options

For file sources, you can include the format property to list additional parameters that describe the source. The supported format parameters are described below.

s:format [ 
   s:delimiter "string" ;
   s:headers boolean ;
   s:columns "string" ;
   s:start int ;
   s:skip int ;
   s:comment "string" ;
   s:quote "string" ;
   s:escape "string" ;
   s:maxColumns int ;
   s:segment boolean ;
] ;
Option Type Description
delimiter string This property specifies the string that is used to delimit columns in the file(s). For example, s:delimiter "|".
headers boolean This property indicates whether or not the file(s) include headers. By default the headers value is true (s:headers true). For files that do not have headers, specify s:headers false.
columns string If you want the GDI to target only certain columns in the source file(s), you can include the columns property to list the names of columns to include. The value is a single string that is a comma-separated list. For example, s:columns "employee_id, name, address, start date, title".
start int If the file includes headers that take up more than one row, include the start property to specify the row number where the data starts to exclude headers. For example, s:start 8.
skip int This property can be used to specify the number of rows/records to skip before reading or ingesting the file(s). By default, skip is set to 0 (s:skip 0).
comment string This property specifies the string that is used as the comment character in the file(s). The comment value is set to # by default (s:comment "#").
quote string This property is used to specify the string that is used as the quote character.
escape string This property is used to specify the escape string that is used in the file(s). For example, s:escape "\".
maxColumns int This property can be used to set a limit on the maximum number of columns to read or ingest. The maxColumns property is set to -1 (unlimited) by default (s:maxColumns -1).
segment boolean This property indicates whether or not the file(s) can be segmented. For example, some CSV files that contain embedded newlines cannot be segmented. By default, segment is not set.