Access the SPARQL and RDF Endpoints

Graph Lakehouse supports the standard W3C SPARQL 1.1 Protocol and SPARQL 1.1 Graph Store HTTP Protocol for sending and receiving SPARQL requests between client applications and Graph Lakehouse. Since Graph Lakehouse adheres to RDF and SPARQL standards, developers do not need to learn a proprietary protocol or query language to incorporate Graph Lakehouse into their existing graph-based infrastructure. There are thousands of available SPARQL client libraries for querying SPARQL and graph store endpoints. In addition, tutorials, such as Bob DuCharme's weblog, provide helpful information about SPARQL HTTP protocol.

Graph Lakehouse also provides Bolt protocol support for execution of Cypher-based queries, either from Graph Lakehouse's Cypher-based CLI (AZGBOLT) or from other Cypher-based applications that use the Bolt protocol. For more information, see Using the Cypher CLI (AZGBOLT) and Using Bolt Protocol.

This topic provides information about the Graph Lakehouse SPARQL and RDF Graph Store endpoints and describes the supported HTTP methods and parameters.

Endpoint Types and HTTP Methods

The table below describes the SPARQL and RDF Graph Store HTTP endpoints. Both of the endpoints can be used to send requests through the Graph Lakehouse front end or directly to the database (back end).

The front end requires that you use Basic Authentication to connect. The back end does not support authentication. When deciding whether to access an endpoint via the front end or back end, consider whether the client application supports authentication. See Authentication and Request Parameters below for more information.

Endpoint Description
SPARQL The SPARQL endpoint accepts HTTP GET and POST methods. Use GET to read data from the endpoint (SELECT, ASK, CONSTRUCT, DESCRIBE queries), and use POST to update data via the endpoint (INSERT, INSERT DATA, CREATE, DELETE, DELETE DATA, DROP queries). Update queries must use the POST method, but read-only queries can be submitted using GET or POST.
RDF Graph Store The RDF graph store endpoint supports create, read, update, and delete (CRUD) operations and enables programmers to work with RDF graphs in a way that is similar to REST-style interfaces. The graph store endpoint supports GET, POST, UPDATE, and DELETE HTTP methods.

Typically, users configure client applications to connect to the SPARQL endpoint as it supports GET operations and update operations via POST. However, to use DELETE and UPDATE methods specifically, connect to the RDF graph store endpoint.

Endpoint Base URLs

This base URL that you use to connect to an Graph Lakehouse endpoint depends on whether you want to connect to the SPARQL endpoint or the RDF Graph Store endpoint. This section provides details about the base URLs for each endpoint:

SPARQL Endpoint Base URL

To connect to the Graph Lakehouse SPARQL endpoint, use the following base URL:


The table below describes each of the base URL components:

Component Description
protocol The protocol to use for the connection: http for HTTP protocol or https for SSL protocol.

SPARQL HTTP or HTTPS protocol can be enabled and disabled via the enable_sparql_protocol and enable_ssl_protocol settings.

hostname The DNS name or IP address of the Graph Lakehouse host server. For clusters, this is the name or IP address of the leader server.
port The port number for the endpoint. The port that you specify depends on the protocol and whether the request is sent to the Graph Lakehouse front end or back end.

The front end requires that you use Basic Authentication to connect. The back end does not support authentication. Consider whether the client application supports authentication when specifying the port.

  • Front end: If the front end ports were mapped to the default HTTP (80) and HTTPS (443) ports on the local host when the front end was deployed, do not specify a port. If the front end ports were mapped to non-default HTTP and HTTPS ports, specify the appropriate port based on the protocol.
  • Back end: The port is either the HTTP sparql_protocol_port or the HTTPS ssl_protocol_port. By default, the HTTP SPARQL protocol port is 7070, and the HTTPS SSL protocol port is 8256.
sparql The path for the SPARQL endpoint.

For example, the following base URLs connect to the front end HTTP and HTTPS SPARQL endpoints. Because the ports for this deployment are mapped to the default HTTP and HTTPS ports on the local host, the port does not need to be specified in the URL:

The example URLs below connect to the back end HTTP and HTTPS SPARQL endpoints. In the examples, Graph Lakehouse is using the default SPARQL protocol and SSL protocol ports:

RDF Graph Store Endpoint Base URL

To connect to the Graph Lakehouse RDF graph store endpoint, use the following base URL:


The table below describes each of the base URL components:

Component Description
protocol The protocol to use for the connection: http for HTTP protocol or https for SSL protocol.

SPARQL HTTP or HTTPS protocol can be enabled and disabled via the enable_sparql_protocol and enable_ssl_protocol settings.

hostname The DNS name or IP address of the Graph Lakehouse host server. For clusters, this is the name or IP address of the leader server.
port The port number for the endpoint. The port that you specify depends on the protocol and whether the request is sent to the Graph Lakehouse front end or back end.

The front end requires that you use Basic Authentication to connect. The back end does not support authentication. Consider whether the client application supports authentication when specifying the port.

  • Front end: If the front end ports were mapped to the default HTTP (80) and HTTPS (443) ports on the local host when the front end was deployed, do not specify a port. If the front end ports were mapped to non-default HTTP and HTTPS ports, specify the appropriate port based on the protocol.
  • Back end: The port is either the HTTP sparql_protocol_port or the HTTPS ssl_protocol_port. By default, the HTTP SPARQL protocol port is 7070, and the HTTPS SSL protocol port is 8256.
endpoint_path The path for the RDF graph store endpoint. The path that you specify depends on whether the request is being sent to the front end or back end:
  • Front end: The front end path is data.
  • Back end: The back end path is rdf-graph-store.

For example, the following base URLs connect to the front end HTTP and HTTPS RDF graph store endpoints. Because the ports for this deployment are mapped to the default HTTP and HTTPS ports on the local host, the port does not need to be specified in the URL:

The example URLs below connect to the back end HTTP and HTTPS RDF graph store endpoints. In the examples, Graph Lakehouse is using the default SPARQL protocol and SSL protocol ports:

Authentication and Request Parameters

The Graph Lakehouse front end SPARQL and RDF Graph Store endpoints require that you use Basic Authentication. The default credentials for the front end are Username:admin and Password:Passw0rd1. The back end does not require user authentication.

For information about the supported HTTP header and request parameters for the SPARQL endpoint, see the SPARQL 1.1 Protocol specification. For information about HTTP parameters for the RDF graph store endpoint, see the SPARQL 1.1 Graph Store HTTP Protocol specification.

CONSTRUCT query results are always returned in RDF format. Accept, Content-Type, and format parameters are ignored.

Example HTTP Requests

This section includes sample HTTP requests using different languages:

cURL Example

The following example, using the curl command, shows how you can specify a SPARQL query using Graph Lakehouse endpoint URLs. To query Graph Lakehouse using cURL, the queries must be URL encoded. The command statement below shows the general syntax you could use to make cURL HTTP requests:

curl base_endpoint_url [ --insecure ] -u username:password [ -H "header_argument" ]
--data-urlencode "query=query_text" | query@file.rq

For example, the following cURL request is sent to the front end SPARQL endpoint and returns 10 triples from the sample Tickit graph. The statement returns results in CSV format:

curl --insecure -u admin:Passw0rd1 -H "Accept: text/csv"
--data-urlencode "query=select ?s ?p ?o from <tickit> where {?s ?p ?o} order by ?p limit 10"

The following cURL request sent to the back end SPARQL endpoint (without the insecure or username options) would return the same result.

curl -H "Accept: application/sparql-results+csv"
--data-urlencode "query=select ?s ?p ?o from <tickit> where {?s ?p ?o} order by ?p limit 10"

This example uses cURL to run a query contained in a file. Since the statement does not include a header argument, Graph Lakehouse returns results in XML format:

curl --insecure -u admin:Passw0rd1 --data-urlencode

Python Example

You can also use the Graph Lakehouse SPARQL endpoint URL to execute SPARQL commands from programs such as Python or Javascript. Graph Lakehouse provides a Python library file,, located in the <install_path>/lib/py_modules directory, to help you get started using Python to run SPARQL queries. You can click the following link to see the contents of the Python library file:

The module includes two functions for executing SPARQL queries:

azg3.run_query(sparql_endpoint, SPARQL_query_string [, format]) 

Runs the specified SPARQL query "query_string" at the SPARQL endpoint host location "sparql_endpoint". By default, this function returns the results as a Python dictionary map in the SPARQL1.1 results format (see To output results using an alternate "raw string" format, you may also specify a different format, with possible format options xml, json, or csv.

azg3.create_dataframe(sparql_endpoint, SPARQL_query_string)

Runs the specified SPARQL query "query_string" on the SPARQL endpoint host "sparql_endpoint". This function returns results as a Pandas data frame object, for example:

df = azg3.create_dataframe("" , "SELECT... ")

To execute SPARQL queries from Python applications, you need to first have installed Python 3, and the NumPy and Pandas libraries on your client machine with network access to a deployed Graph Lakehouse environment. The easiest way to install these packages is to install the Anaconda distribution, which automatically installs Python 3 along with a number of scientific and data analysis packages (including NumPy and Pandas) that may be helpful in performing analytic queries and calculations. (See for information about installing the Anaconda distribution.)

After creating the Python environment on a client machine:

  1. Copy the <install_path>/lib/py_modules directory to your client machine:
  2. Update your PYTHONPATH environment variable to include the Python module location:
    export PYTHONPATH=$HOME/py_modules

    If you already have PYTHONPATH defined on your computer, copy the Python library file there instead.

For Python programs from which you want to run SPARQL queries, you will need to import the library file. You can then use either of the two functions, azg3.run_query or azg3.create_dataframe to specify the SPARQL query to run as well as the location of the Graph Lakehouse server to target, for example, "".

Along with the file, the Graph Lakehouse distribution also includes a demo program, in the <install_path>/lib/py_modules directory, which allows you to execute SPARQL queries against an existing Graph Lakehouse database.