Heat Map

Heat maps display data in tabular format within defined value ranges, such as low, medium, or high. Data points are rendered as a block of color depending on where they fall in the range.

Heat Map Chart Configuration

In addition to the General Chart Configuration options, the Heat Map Chart Designer includes the following heat-map-chart-specific settings on the Data tab:

  • X: Selects the X axis values.
  • Y: Selects the Y axis values.
  • Value: Selects the property to use for the value range.

The Heat Map Designer also includes a Color Axis tab that enables you to customize the value range block colors and axis labels and styles.

  • Minimum color: The color to use for values in the minimum range.
  • Maximum color: The color to use for values in the maximum range.
  • Axis Labels: Enables you to customize the styles of the labels on the X and Y axes.
  • Axis Style: Enables you to customize axis styles such as grid and tick lines.