Line Chart

There are three types of line charts:

Example Type Description
Line Connects value points with straight lines.
Spline Connects value points with curved lines.
Step Line Connects value points with short horizontal steps. This chart emphasizes the extent of value change by expanding the data points across the X axis.

Line Chart Configuration

In addition to the General Chart Configuration options, the Line Chart Designer includes the following line-chart-specific settings on the Plot tab:

Series Chart Markers: The options in this category enable you to customize the data points on the lines:

  • Enabled: Enables or disables series chart markers.
  • Symbol: Selects a symbol to mark data points.
  • Marker Radius: Defines the marker size in pixels.
  • Fill Color: Defines the marker color.
  • Outline Thickness: Defines the thickness of the marker outline.
  • Outline Color: Defines the color of the marker outline.