Adding Logs for New Components

This topic provides instructions for configuring the Anzo server to produce log files for additional Anzo components.

  1. In the Anzo console, expand the Administration menu and click Logging. Anzo displays the Logging screen, which lists the existing log packages and logging levels that are configured for the server.

  2. On the Logging screen, click the Edit button. Anzo displays the Edit Log Packages dialog box.

  3. Click Add Package to open the package drop-down list. You can scroll through the list or start typing a keyword to search for a package.

  4. Click a package to select it. Anzo adds the package to the list of packages on the Log Actions screen.
  5. Click the drop-down list next to the new package to set the logging level. The log level that you choose specifies the type and amount of information that Anzo logs for the component:
    • Off: Turns logging off for the component.
    • Trace: Logs finer-grained error information than Debug.
    • Debug: Logs fine-grained error messages that are intended to help debug an application.
    • Info: Logs course-grained information that highlights the progress of the application.
    • Warn: Logs information about potentially problematic situations.
    • Error: Logs errors that usually allow the application to continue running.
    • Fatal: Logs severe errors that prevent the application from running.
  6. Click Save to submit the new logging configuration.
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