Reviewing Anzo Log Files

You can review the Anzo log files to get more detailed information about errors or obtain more granular information about server operations. This topic provides information about viewing Anzo log files.

  1. In the Anzo console, expand the Administration menu and click Logging. The Logging screen displays the existing log packages and logging levels that are configured for the server.

  2. On the Logging screen, click the Log Actions tab:

  3. If you want to download a .zip file that contains all Anzo log files, click the Download All Logs link. If you want to download just the query error logs for AnzoGraph, click Download All GQE Query Errors.

    Note: For information about generating additional AnzoGraph diagnostic files for Cambridge Semantics Support, see Generating Diagnostic Files with the System Manager.

  4. To view the contents of a log file, click the Select drop-down field and select a log from the drop-down list. Major issues are logged in files with the suffix "_error," and other server operational information is logged in files with the suffix "_info."

    When you select a file, Anzo displays the contents of the file onscreen and enables the Refresh and Download File buttons. For example:

    Click Refresh to re-load the display with the latest version of the file in Anzo/Server/logs on the server. Or click Download File to download a copy of the file to your machine.

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