Creating a New Volume

This topic provides instructions for creating new volumes or database instances.

Note The number of volumes that you can create depends on your software license. For more information, contact Cambridge Semantics Support.
  1. In the Anzo console, expand the Administration menu and click Volume Manager. Anzo displays the Volume Manager screen, which lists any existing volumes. For example:

  2. At the top of the screen, click Create. Anzo displays the Create New Volume screen.

  3. In the Title field, type a name for the new volume, and type an optional description in the Description field.
  4. Click in the Path field. Anzo opens the File Location dialog box. For example:

  5. On the left side of the screen, select the file store or storage location where you want to create this volume. On the right side of the screen, select the directory where you want Anzo to save the volume. Then click OK. For instructions on creating a new file store, see Connecting to a File Store.
  6. On the Create New Volume screen, specify whether to enable resets. When reset is enabled, the option to reset the entire contents of the volume becomes available. To enable resets for this volume, select the Reset Enabled checkbox. To disable resets, leave the checkbox clear.
  7. Click Save to create the new volume in the location that you specified.
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