Permissions Reference

This topic provides reference information for the permissions that are configured in Anzo. The table below lists each of the permissions and describes the pages and menus that are enabled for members of a role where that permission is applied.

Note The permissions described below give access to pages and menus in the Anzo application. Whether members of the role have view or edit access to certain data sets, dashboards, graphmarts, etc. depends on the permissions that are granted at the entity level.
Permission Description
Activate Graphmarts Gives permission to view and activate existing graphmarts and import backup versions of graphmarts into Anzo. Does not give permission to create new graphmarts or delete graphmarts. Must also have the Anzo Application permission to be able to activate graphmarts.
Administer System Setup Gives permission to access the menus and options in the Administration application that are related to system setup, such as creating file store connections, Anzo data stores, ETL engine connections, and user and role management. Does not give permission to view or modify Server Settings.
Anzo Admin Grants access to the Administration menu.
Anzo Application Grants access to the main Anzo application.
Anzo CLI Gives permission to use the administration command line interface.
Anzo for Excel Gives permission to open, edit, and create mappings using the Anzo for Office Excel plugin.
Browse Dashboards Gives permission to view the list of existing dashboards, open the dashboards, and create new dashboards. Must also have the Anzo Application permission to view the Hi-Res Analytics screen in the Anzo application.
Browse Models Gives permission to view existing data models. Applying this permission exposes the Models menu in the Anzo application. Must also have the Anzo Application permission to access the Model manager.
Create Anzo Data Stores Gives permission to create Anzo Data Stores. Must also have the Anzo Admin permission to access the Administration application as well as Administer System Setup so that the Anzo Data Store option is available under the Connections menu in the Administration application.
Create Dashboards Gives permission to create dashboards. Applying this permission exposes the Create Dashboard button on the Graphmarts screens. Must also have the Anzo Application permission to create dashboards from the Graphmarts screens.
Create Data Sources Gives permission to connect to new data sources. Must also have the Anzo Application and Onboard Structured Data permissions to access the Data Sources screen and connect to data sources.
Create Graphmarts Gives permission to create new graphmarts. Applying this permission exposes the Create button on the Graphmarts screen. Must also have the Anzo Application permission to create graphmarts.
Data on Demand Gives permission to create Data on Demand endpoints. Applying this permission enables the Create New Endpoint button on the Data on Demand tab for graphmarts. Must also have the Anzo Application permission to access the application and create endpoints.
Generate Metrics Gives permission to generate metrics on data sources. Applying this permission exposes the Generate Metrics button on the Data Source screens. Must also have the Anzo Application permission to access the application.
Hi-Res Analytics Grants access to the Hi-Res Analytics application.
Manage AnzoGraph Gives permission to view, configure, and create AnzoGraph connections. Must also have the Anzo Admin permission to access the Administration application as well as Administer System Setup so that the AnzoGraph option is available in the Connections menu in the Administration application.
Manage Certificates Gives permission to manage server certificates. Must also have the Anzo Admin permission to access the Administration application as well as Administer System Setup so that the Server Certificates option is available in the Administration menu.
Manage Dictionaries Gives permission to view, edit, and create metadata dictionaries. Applying this permission exposes the Metadata Hub option in the Onboard menu. Must also have the Anzo Application and Onboard Structured Data permissions to expose the Onboard menu.
Manage ETL Engines Gives permission to configure and connect to ETL engines. Must also have the Anzo Admin permission to access the Administration application.
Manage File Stores Gives permission to view and create file store connections. Must also have the Anzo Admin permission to access the Administration application.
Manage Graphmarts Gives permission to view, configure, and create graphmarts. Must also have the Anzo Application permission to access the Graphmarts screens.
Manage Models Gives permission to view, edit, and create data models. Applying this permission exposes the Models menu in the Anzo application. Must also have the Anzo Application permission to access the Model manager.
Manage Query Blacklists Gives permission to manage the Query Blacklist in the System Query Audit Log. Must also have the Anzo Admin permission to access the Administration application as well as Administer System Setup so that the Monitoring & Diagnostics menu is available in the Administration application.
Manage Semantic Services Gives permission to view and manage semantic services. Must also have the Anzo Admin permission to access the Administration application as well as Administer System Setup so that the Monitoring & Diagnostics menu is available in the Administration application.
Manage Users, Groups, and Roles Gives permission to create and manage users, directory groups, and roles. Must also have the Anzo Admin permission to access the Administration application as well as Administer System Setup so that the User Management menu is available.
Onboard Structured Data Gives permission to connect to structured data sources and onboard data. Applying this permission exposes the Onboard > Structured Data menu. Must also have the Anzo Application permission.
Onboard Unstructured Data Gives permission to create pipelines to onboard unstructured data. Applying this permission exposes the Onboard > Unstructured Data menu. Must also have the Anzo Application permission.
Show Query Builder Gives permission to find data and run SPARQL queries using the Query Builder. Applying this permission exposes the Query Builder option in the Access menu. Must also have the Anzo Application permission.
View Activity Logs Gives permission to view the Activity Log. Applying this permission exposes the Activity Log icon in the top menu bar of the Anzo application. Must also have the Anzo Application permission.
View Datasets Gives permission to view the metadata catalog. Applying this permission exposes the Datasets option in the Blend menu in the Anzo application. Must also have the Anzo Application permission.
View Graphmarts Gives permission to view the list of existing graphmarts. Must also have the Anzo Application permission to view the Graphmarts screen in the Anzo application.
View Log Files Gives permission to view logs and configure logging in the Monitoring & Diagnostics menu. Must also have the Anzo Admin permission to access the Administration application.
View Provenance Gives permission to view provenance. Applying this permission exposes the Provenance option in the navigation menu. Must also have the Anzo Application permission.

Permissions Overview Screen

To view an overview of the configured permissions for all Anzo roles, you can view the Permissions screen by selecting System Users, Groups, and Roles in the Administration menu and clicking the Permissions tab. The screen displays a table. The heading row lists each role, and the first column lists each permission. The permissions are grouped into categories, such as Application or Onboarding. For example:

The rows for each role column include checkboxes that control permissions. You can select or clear checkboxes to enable or disable permissions.

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