Graph Data Storage Architecture

This topic describes the way onboarded graph data is shared between and stored in the Anzo and AnzoGraph graph stores.

The onboarding process generates different types of graph data artifacts. Storage of the artifacts differs based on the type of data that is being stored and the purpose of the data. The list below describes the artifacts and storage methods:

  • The metadata, such as data models, data source configuration details, catalog entries, registries, mappings and access control definitions, are stored in Anzo's embedded graph store. The Anzo graph store is a transaction-oriented store that is built for processing many updates to small amounts of data. Data is persisted to disk in a journal, also known as a volume. For more information, see Journal or Volume.
  • The instance data and copies of the data models are written to a File-Based Linked Data Set (FLDS) on the shared file store. Each FLDS is represented as a data set in Anzo's metadata catalog.
  • When a data set from the catalog is added to a graphmart and the graphmart is activated, Anzo loads the data from the FLDS into the AnzoGraph graph store. AnzoGraph is an in-memory graph OLAP store that is built for processing complex analytics on large amounts of data. Once the instance data is in memory, the rest of the graphmart's data layer steps are executed by AnzoGraph (known as the ELT process). Each data layer becomes a graph in AnzoGraph, and each layer graph includes the instance data created by that layer as well as the related data models.
  • Anzo system ontologies and metadata remain in Anzo's graph store, the system data source, and are not loaded to AnzoGraph unless the system data is added to a graphmart and the graphmart is activated.

As an example, an Anzo instance has two active graphmarts. Each graphmart has two data layers, one for loading data sets into memory and another for creating views and running ELT queries. When the following query is run against AnzoGraph to return a list of all distinct graphs, the results show that there are five graphs:

  GRAPH ?graph {
    ?s ?p ?o
5 rows

The first four graphs are the data layers for the two graphmarts. The graph URIs match the data layer URIs in Anzo. How do I find the graph URI for a layer in a graphmart?

Note AnzoGraph does not have a "graphmart" construct, and graphmart URIs do not exist in the database. Though a graphmart acts as a container for data layers and its metadata can be queried in Anzo's embedded graph store, it does not include instance data that is needed by AnzoGraph.

The last graph in the results above is the AnzoGraph data source graph. This graph contains one triple that records a timestamp for the last time the data source was updated. If Anzo loses the connection to AnzoGraph, it checks this timestamp when it reconnects. The last updated time is used to determine whether the Anzo and AnzoGraph graph stores are in sync or if the graphmarts need to be reloaded to AnzoGraph.

Typically organizations manage all data with Anzo, i.e., data is onboarded to Anzo through pipelines or it is dynamically blended into data layers from remote endpoints. Users then use Anzo to load data to AnzoGraph for analytics. When data is loaded to AnzoGraph through Anzo, Anzo automatically manages the reloading of data if AnzoGraph is restarted. Though users can load data and create named graphs directly in AnzoGraph, AnzoGraph is not configured by default to persist the data in memory to disk. Graphs that do not originate in Anzo must be reloaded manually any time AnzoGraph is restarted. If you want to work with named graphs directly in AnzoGraph, consider configuring AnzoGraph to save data to disk. For more information, see Enabling AnzoGraph Persistence.

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