Creating Dashboards

Once your Datasets have been added to a Graphmart and the Graphmart is active, there are two types of dashboards that you can create to explore and analyze the Graphmart's knowledge graphs: a Graphmart Dashboard that offers several choices of lens and filter types, and a Network Navigator Dashboard, which is an interactive graph visualization tool for exploring the relationships in a graph.

The Network Navigator Dashboard is available as a Preview release. Features are considered "Preview" when the implementation has recently been completed but is not yet thoroughly tested and could be unstable. By default, the only user who has permission to create a Network Navigator Dashboard is the sysadmin user. However, the sysadmin user can share created dashboards with other users and groups (see Sharing Access to a Dashboard or Lens). This feature is available for trial usage, but Cambridge Semantics recommends that you do not rely on Preview features in production environments.

The topics in this section provide instructions for creating both types of dashboards:

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