Importing the NFS Configuration

Before creating a Cloud Location in the Administration application, the configuration details for the NFS server need to be imported into Anzo. This is a one-time procedure; the configuration that you import is used for all Cloud Locations. Anzo will automatically mount this NFS server to any nodes that are provisioned when applications are deployed.

For information about the NFS requirements, see NFS Guidelines.

Create the NFS Configuration File

The NFS configuration details need to be specified in TriG format. The TriG file is imported to Anzo using the Anzo Admin CLI. Use the following contents as a template to create a .trig file on the Anzo server. The objects to supply values for are described below:

@prefix : <> .
@prefix nfsmountconfig: <> .
@prefix deployment: <> .
@prefix anzo: <> .
@prefix int:  <> .
@prefix role: <> .

  :nfsMountConfig1 a deployment:NFSMountConfiguration, deployment:MountConfiguration;
    nfsmountconfig:NFSfqdn "NFSfqdn" ;
    nfsmountconfig:NFSMountDir "NFSMountDir" ;
    nfsmountconfig:NFSMountOptions "NFSMountOptions" ;
    nfsmountconfig:NFSSharedDir "NFSSharedDir" .


The IP address for the NFS server.


The NFS mount location on the Anzo server. The same mount location will be used to mount the NFS when dynamic resources are provisioned.


The mount options to use when mounting the NFS.


The NFS directory to share between Anzo and the dynamic resources.

For example:

# nfs-config.trig
@prefix : <> .
@prefix nfsmountconfig: <> .
@prefix deployment: <> .
@prefix anzo: <> .
@prefix int:  <> .
@prefix role: <> .

  :nfsMountConfig1 a deployment:NFSMountConfiguration, deployment:MountConfiguration;
    nfsmountconfig:isTransferFiles false ;
    nfsmountconfig:NFSfqdn "" ;
    nfsmountconfig:NFSMountDir "/private/var/nfsshare_dev" ;
    nfsmountconfig:NFSMountOptions "hard,nfsvers=4.1" ;
    nfsmountconfig:NFSSharedDir "/global/nfs/data" .

Import the NFS Configuration to Anzo

Once the NFS configuration file is created, run the following command to import the file to Anzo with the Anzo Admin CLI:

<install_path>/Client/anzo <file_path>/<filename>.trig -u sysadmin --useModes

For example:

/opt/Anzo/Client/anzo import nfs-config.trig -u sysadmin --useModes

When the NFS configuration details have been imported to Anzo, see Creating a Cloud Location for instructions on creating a Cloud Location.

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