Cloning an Existing Step or View

Follow the steps below to create a new Step or View by copying an existing one from any Graphmart.

You cannot clone and reuse existing Load Data Steps. For instructions on creating a Step from scratch, see Creating a New Step or View.

  1. In the Anzo application, expand the Blend menu and click Graphmarts. Anzo displays a list of the existing Graphmarts. For example:

  2. Click the name of the Graphmart that you want to add a Step to. The Overview tab for the Graphmart is displayed. Click the Data Layers tab.
  3. Locate the Data Layer for which you want to add a Step or View, and then click the menu icon () for the layer and select Add Step/View. Anzo opens the Add Step/View dialog box.

  4. If you want to clone an existing Step, click the Existing Steps tab, select the Step to clone, and click OK. To clone a View, click the Existing Views tab, select the View to clone, and click OK. Anzo displays the Clone dialog box. For example:

  5. On the Clone dialog box, you have the option to edit the Clone Title and/or Clone Description.
  6. By default, the clone is set to copy the permissions from the original step. If you would not like the cloned version to inherit the same permissions, clear the Would you like to clone the permissions checkbox.
  7. Click Save As to add the cloned Step or View to the Data Layer.

To change the configuration of the copied Step or View, click the menu icon () on the Step or View and click Edit Step. The configuration options differ depending on the type of Step you added. See Configuring Steps and Views for instructions on configuring Steps.

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