Anzo 4.x Installation and Upgrade Notes

This topic highlights changes to the installation or upgrade process for the most recent release of Anzo Version 4.x.

To view installation and upgrade instructions for Anzo servers, see Installing Anzo in the Anzo Deployment and User Guide.

If you are upgrading to Anzo Version 4.4.2 from Version 4.3.x or earlier, see Important Upgrade Notes below.

Important Upgrade Notes

Upgrade SSO Provider Access

If your existing Anzo deployment has SSO access configured and you are upgrading from a pre-4.4.0 release to Version 4.4.2, Cambridge Semantics recommends that you delete the existing SSO configuration before upgrading to Version 4.4.2. After the upgrade, use the Anzo user interface to re-configure the SSO provider. For more information, see SSO Provider Configuration in the User Interface.

If you are upgrading from Version 4.4.0 or 4.4.1 and have SSO access configured, you do not need to remove the configuration before upgrading or change the configuration after upgrading.

Upgrade Anzo for Office Mapping Tool

Pre-4.4.0 versions of Anzo for Office (AFO) are incompatible with Anzo 4.4.2. In Anzo 4.4.0, the server's default access control list format was changed, and the AFO client was modified to read the new format from the server. If you use a 4.3.x or earlier version of the AFO mapping tool with Anzo Version 4.4.2, mappings will be read-only. If you are upgrading to Version 4.4.2 from a pre-4.4.0 release, upgrade AFO to the latest version included with your installation. For instructions, see Installing the Anzo for Excel and Office Plugins in the Anzo Deployment and User Guide.

If you are upgrading from Anzo 4.4.0 or 4.4.1 you do not need to upgrade AFO after the upgrade.

Anzo Unstructured Requires AnzoGraph Version 2.0.1

The Elasticsearch improvements in this release include changes to AnzoGraph. If you use Elasticsearch and the Anzo Unstructured infrastructure, you must install AnzoGraph Version 2.0.1 or later.

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