Creating and Restoring Versions of Artifacts

Before making changes to Data Sources, Schemas, Mappings, Pipelines, Models, Graphmarts, etc., users can take a snapshot of the current version of that artifact. When a backup is created, Anzo automatically creates a backup version of each entity that is related to that artifact. For example, backing up a Pipeline backs up the same version of any related Models, Mappings, Schemas, and so on. In addition, Anzo backs up the metadata graphs for all of the entities. Metadata graphs store information about the artifacts such as the creator and creation date and the permissions configuration. Changed artifacts can be reverted at any time to any of the saved versions. If an artifact is restored to a previous version, Anzo automatically saves a version of the current state of the artifact and its related entities and metadata. Follow the appropriate instructions create or restore a backup version of an artifact.