Performance Considerations for Database Pipelines

This topic highlights performance-related information that is helpful to consider when setting up an onboarding pipeline for a database data source.

Take Advantage of the Source Database

Onboarding data from a database involves two systems, the source database and the Spark infrastructure. The way that you configure the pipeline's schema and mappings controls which system performs some of the time-consuming operations such as joining and filtering the data. In short, schema operations are processed by the source database, and mapping transformations are processed by Spark. Maximizing the use of the source database to join and filter data can have a significant impact on the overall performance of the ETL pipeline.

Use Schema Queries to Join and Filter Data

When defining the schema for a database source, you have the option to write SQL queries to create the schema tables. If join and/or filter operations are required, consider writing schema queries that perform those operations (see Creating a Schema from an SQL Query for more information). Since the source database runs the schema queries and then sends the filtered result set to Spark, Spark has fewer operations to perform when publishing the ETL pipeline.

Alternatively, if the schema selects all of the source data and joins or filters are configured at the mapping level, the source database sends the entire result set to Spark and Spark performs the join and filter operations when publishing the pipeline.

In general, databases perform join and filter operations much faster than Spark. And Cambridge Semantics recommends that you incorporate joins and filters in schema queries when possible, rather than transforming the data downstream in the mappings that Spark processes.

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