Anzo 5.4 Releases

To view the release notes for an Anzo 5.4 version, select the version from the list below. The release notes for each version describe the product changes from the previous version.

Anzo Version 5.4.10

This section describes the new features, improvements, and issues that were fixed in Anzo Version 5.4.10.

New Features



Option to Remount Journal in Volume Manager

Version 5.4.10 adds an option to remount a journal in the Volume Manager Admin user interface. The option provides an easy way to recover from journal errors without the need to unmount the journal and fully reload Graphmarts.

Ability to Revert to Default Edition for Dataset Added in Load Step

Version 5.4.10 adds an ability to revert a Load step in the data pipeline back to the default edition after changing it. Users can easily switch back to the default edition for datasets when required using the title dropdown in the Modify Edition screen that allows them to select editions. The feature provides a clear method to ensure that a dataset export automatically reflects the latest edition. It also reduces the risk of data inconsistencies and streamlines workflows where the latest dataset edition is crucial.

Resource Specification Upgraded for Elasticsearch Clients to Use Current EL Operator and Container Versions

For dynamic infrastructure compatibility in Version 5.4.10, custom resource specification for Elastic is upgraded to ensure that Elasticsearch clients employed by Anzo use the most current version of EL operator and containers they are compatible with (Version 8).

Added Support for Join by Resource in Path to Lens

Version 5.4.10 adds a Hi-Res Analytics dashboard feature to allow joining by resource in path to lens for drill down and hyperlink features. The feature 'Enable Hi-res join lenses on values' is now available in the Experimental Features list of the Admin interface.

Ability to Disable Local Filter Caching per Dashboard

Version 5.4.10 adds a new option 'Don't save dashboards locally' in the Settings tab of the Hi-Res Analytics Dashboard designer. If this option is selected, dashboards will be saved back to the server to keep their current state. When the browser is refreshed, the dashboard will revert to its configuration as of the last time it was saved. This ensures that the dashboard always start clean so no queries are run until a required filter value is set.

Crash Dump List is Refreshed when Connecting or Reconnecting to AnzoGraph

Version 5.4.10 improves AnzoGraph diagnostics by adding the ability to get the refreshed list of crash dumps on reloading and after reconnecting AnzoGraph.

Meaningful Names Provided for Components Created in Edition of Dataset

Version 5.4.10 improves the default titles assigned to dataset components in the Modify Edition screen after creating datasets with different editions (Data layers > Dataset > Load Datset > Edit Step > Action).

Deep-dive Filters Not Including Root Node Filters Resulting in Incorrect Result Set

Version 5.4.10 fixes an issue with the deep-dive filters in Hi-Res Analytics where the applied filters are not factoring in the root node, causing an incorrect result set. Specifically, certain entries that should have been filtered out are still appearing in the results.

Cross Products Displayed During Denormalization in Table Lens

Version 5.4.10 fixes an issue where incorrect results such as cross products or duplicates are occasionally displayed for specific product variants and their associated parts when using denormalization results in a Table Lens. The issue is inconsistent, and correct results are achieved when applying a "group by".

Hi-Res Analytics Drill Down Lens Formula Issue

Version 5.4.10 resolves an issue For a certain drill down lens in Hi-Res Analytics, the formula service may generate a bad query.

'Do Not Create New Components' Option Missing in Export Steps after Upgrading to Version 5.4.9

Version 5.4.10 fixes an issue where, after upgrading to Anzo Version 5.4.9, the 'Do Not Create New Components' checkbox was missing in the Export Steps user interface when creating a Graphmart.

Search Filter Time-Picker User Interface Issue in Hi-Res Analytics

Version 5.4.10 fixes a user interface issue in Hi-Res Analytics dashboards where the time picker scrolls too long to pick values towards the bottom.

Unable to Create Folder in NFS Anzoshare when Uploading Files

Version 5.4.10 fixes an issue in Version 5.4.9 where users could upload files to existing folders in NFS Anzoshare but could not create new folders.

Cannot Select Annotation Types for Custom Relationship Annotator

Version 5.4.10 resolves an issue with creating a custom relationship annotator when onboarding unstructured data. The annotation type and property cannot be selected in the Create Custom Relationship Annotator screen.

Generated Model of Onboarded Graphmart Does Not Follow Correct Sharing Options

Version 5.4.10 corrects an issue where, after onboarding a data source and selecting Find Connections to generate models, the Layer model has incorrect permissions for the creator user in the Sharing tab.

Inadequate Syntax Restriction for the 'not' Operator in OData Filtering

Version 5.4.10 corrects an issue where the not operator does not work without the space between the operator and the argument. For example, the request $filter = not(<StringField> eq null) sent against a custom OData endpoint with a String field results in an error.

Wrong Timestamp Reported in Kubernetes Event Logs

Version 5.4.10 corrects a Dynamic Resource Log issue where the events in Kubernetes event logs are reported with the current timestamp instead of the timestamp associated with the event.

Users without Permissions to AnzoGraph Resource can Select It for Graphmart Deployment

Version 5.4.10 resolves a Users & Roles administration issue where configuring permissions in the Sharing tab of the AnzoGraph source affects only the Admin view and not the selection of query engine during Graphmart activation. For example, if a user does not have View access to the static AnzoGraph connection, it still shows up when the user tries to activate a Graphmart.

Date Formatting for Hi-Res Charts Does Not Work Properly in Axes

Version 5.4.10 fixes a user interface issue in Hi-Res Charts where setting a date function does not affect the axis labels.

Query Autocomplete Feature Does Not Work in Anzo Versions 5.4.8 and 5.4.9

Version 5.4.10 resolves an issue where the autocomplete feature of SPARQL queries is not functional in both graphmarts and the query builder of Anzo versions 5.4.8 and 5.4.9.

Anzo Version 5.4.9

This section describes the new features, improvements, and issues that were fixed in Anzo Version 5.4.9.

New Features



Patches for Security Vulnerabilities

Option for Hi-Res Analytics to Display Date/Time in UTC or Local Timezone

Version 5.4.9 adds an option in the dashboard designer settings of the Hi-Res Analytics application to toggle the date/time display modes between UTC and local timezone. Anzo administrator can set this option for all viewers of the dashboard to ensure they all see the dashboard with the times intended by the dashboard designer.

Added Support for OpenShift as Cloud Location

Version 5.4.9 adds support for OpenShift cloud location. The Add Cloud Location dropdown list in the Admin | Cloud Locations page now includes the 'OpenShift Provider Configuration' item.

Audit Trail for High-level Configuration Details during Graphmart Activation/Deactivation

Version 5.4.9 adds support for an audit log trail for Graphmart activation/deactivation where key details of the changes are stored.

Migration to OpenJDK

Version 5.4.9 no longer distributes Oracle JDK, wich is now replaced by OpenJDK version 1.8. See also Anzo 5.4.9 in Patched Vulnerabilities.

Added Support to Manage Custom-text Red Banner in Admin UI

Version 5.4.9 adds a new menu item Admin | Server | Customizations where a custom-text banner can be created and enabled, including a message, background color (hex code), and text color (hex code).

Automatic Deletion of Static Cloud Anzographs when Server is Stopped

In Version 5.4.9, for deployed Cloud Anzograph, clicking 'Stop Anzograph Server' will display the prompt "Anzograph server process will be stopped and anzograph datasouce will be deleted. Are you sure you want to proceed?" Once confirmed, Anzograph is deleted and pods are removed from the backend.

Removed Synonym Expansion Feature in Document Search Lens

Version 5.4.9 removes the Synonym Expansion feature in the QueryExpansionService causing the service to fail to execute the standardSynonyms Method, leading to zero results on search.

Memory Usage Chart Now Shows Licensed Memory Usage Limit

The AnzoGraph memory usage chart in the connection UI now displays the licensed AnzoGraph memory usage limit.

Graphmarts Error Deactivates Graphmart without De-provisioning Clusters

Version 5.4.9 fixes an intermittent error that occurs during Graphmart deactivation: "Graphmart was not deactivated. Cannot find deployment profile for this deployment." The Graphmart will deactivate, but Kubernetes resources remain online.

"Preview Changes" Option Incorrectly Enabled on Lenses for Dashboards in Reporting Mode

Version 5.4.9 corrects an issue in Hi-Res Analytics dashboards where an unintended query execution can be triggered using the "Preview Changes" option on lenses while the Reporting Mode is enabled, potentially resulting in performance issues. In Version 5.4.9, previewing the data is now disabled on all lenses to prevent premature data queries, so the user is only able to refresh the data by clicking "Update" after finalizing all changes.

Migration Packages Contain Only a Subset of Artifacts of a Graphmart

Version 5.4.9 resolves an issue where a migration package would not produce all layers in the export.

Anzo Link Service Failure Caused by Missing New Dependency

Version 5.4.9 resolves an issue where the Anzo link service fails with the following error when attempting to load a spreadsheet: "ErrorCode[3865] Unknown error on server occurred: I/O error while creating workbook Root Cause: Your InputStream was neither an OLE2 stream, nor an OOXML stream or you haven't provide the poi-ooxml*.jar in the classpath/modulepath". The Apache ServiceMix POI bundle dependency was updated to resolve this issue.

Error Retrieving Graphmart Status after Enabling Layers

Version 5.4.9 fixes a Graphmart status API error that occurs when retrieving Graphmart status after enabling layers: "Couldn't serialize response for content type application/json com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.exc.MismatchedInputException: Cannot construct instance of `` "

Issues with Migration Package Access Control Lists

Version 5.4.9 resolves several issues with Migration Package ACLs. Default Access Policy of creator and default creator group of the target environment does not get applied to migrated artifacts. If the user has Data Curator role in the target environment, then the ACLs of the Graphmart do not include the user and their group.

Custom Personality Bundle Causes Runtime Assembler Error after Upgrade

Version 5.4.9 resolves an issue where a Personality bundle causes a Java runtime exception when upgrading from Anzo 5.4.7 to 5.4.8 if the code in the Format.js file is not ES5-compliant.

Data Objects in Graph Ontology Not Available as Starting Points in Data on Demand Endpoint

Version 5.4.9 implements support for Graphmart imports to show classes from parent ontologies. This resolves an issue where Data Objects in the graph ontology are not available as starting points in the data on demand endpoint.

STDEV Function Values Cannot Share Y Axis with Other Series in Scatter Plot

Version 5.4.9 fixes an issue in the Scatter Plot of Hi-Res Analytics dashboard where STDEV function values cannot share the Y axis with other series in the Scatter Plot. The backend service fails to resolve type of the aggregate STDEV and returns no result.

Upgrading Causes LDAP Access Issues

Version 5.4.9 resolves LDAP access issues that occur when upgrading to Anzo 5.4.8..For example, after upgrading Anzo 5.4.6 configured with LDAP to version 5.4.8, enabling SSL and restarting the server, there is an SSL error followed by LDAP search error. User logins are substantially delayed.

Migration Package Does Not Migrate Data for Journal-Based LDS

Version 5.4.9 resolves an issue where the migration package fails to migrate data for Linked Datasets (LDS) when it involves journal-based LDS. While the LDS itself is migrated, the package does not migrate the default named graphs or their respective metadata graphs associated with the LDS.

Data On Demand Custom Endpoint Does not Render Subclass

Version 5.4.9 resolves an issue where a class in the model has two subclasses, but only one of them is accessible when starting from the parent class in the Custom endpoint lens.

Update Edition is Not Working for Imported Datasets in Graphmarts

Version 5.4.9 corrects an issue with updating an Edition in the Details section of the step using the Action icon, where the new value chosen by user is not reflected in the LoadDatasetStep for the one created from imported dataset with editions.

Unable to Import Empty Dataset from Local on Mac

Version 5.4.9 fixes an issue that causes the error "Expected file:flds.trig not found" when the import of Empty Dataset is done from Local on Mac.

Unexpected Unreachable Artifacts in Migration Package

Version 5.4.9 removes an unnecessary statement in expansion-annotations-linkeddataset-ont.trig that causes an Unreachable Artifacts warning for migration packages.

DU Pipeline Fails with S3 Crawler

Version 5.4.9 resolves an issue where a DU Pipeline with Crawler on S3 fails with data store both on Local and S3. When the Data store is on S3 , the Pipeline does not run and fails with the error "S3-Pipeline errored: ErrorCode[5892] Error executing service".

Type Filter is Not Functional in Datasets UI when System Datasets Selected

Version 5.4.9 fixes an issue where the Type filter is empty in Datasets UI when system datasets are selected. The message "No values found" is shown for Types.

Cloning Columns in Table Lens Sometimes Removes Column-Level Added Filters

Version 5.4.9 resolves an issue that occurs in Hi-Res Analytics when cloning columns in the Table Lens: The column-level filters that were manually added sometimes get removed. This leads to an inaccurate view of the data as the cloned column does not retain the applied filters from the original column..

Dataset Versions Remain After Deleting Dataset

Version 5.4.9 resolves an issue where previously created versions of a dataset do not get deleted after deleting the dataset. The versions can still be seen after reloading the deleted dataset.

FLDS Crawler Errors when Local FileConnection is Not Set to '/'

Version 5.4.9 resolves an issue caused by the FLDS Crawler which crawls a dataset with a local Data Location incorrectly assuming that the Base Folder is set to '/', while especially with a NFS this is not necessarily the case. The following errors occur: "Error instantiating crawler","Error initializing StatementStreamFldsCrawler Root Cause: Specified FLDS location doesn't exist, and we can't create it".

Anzo Version 5.4.8

This section describes the new features, improvements, and issues that were fixed in Anzo Version 5.4.8.

New Features



Patches for Security Vulnerabilities

Application-level Banner to Show Customizable Alerts and Information Messages

Version 5.4.8 provides a way for admin users to add an application-level banner to show alerts and information messages with customizable background and font color.

Added Support for JSON-LD and RDF-JSON for CLI Output Formats

Version 5.4.8 adds support for JSON-LD and RDF-JSON to the Anzo client output formats. In addition, UTF-8 (without BOM) is now used as the default encoding for output.

CData Drivers No Longer Distributed

Anzo software installer EOLs the distribution of CData drivers.

Table Denormalization in Hi-Res (Experimental Feature)

Version 5.4.8 adds an option to enable the Denormalize Results option in Table Designer as an experimental feature. When data has 1:n relations, the objects are automatically displayed in a table lens separated by commas unless the lens is grouped on this value. Grouping on all is not possible if there are many columns like that. The function to denormalize tables in Hi-Res performs "grouping on everything", thus causing a scalar product of all values.

New API Properties to Control Options in Hi-Res Analytics Tab of View

Version 5.4.8 updates the API with four new properties: "exposed", "visible", "canExclude", and "defaultSelected", which control options (checkboxes) in the Hi-Res Analytics Tab of View.

Deep Filtering in Hi-Res (Experimental Feature)

Version 5.4.8 adds an option to enable Hi-Res Deep Filtering in Table Designer as an experimental feature. When this option is enabled, an additional filter icon appears wherever paths can be chosen. All filters from the dashboard will apply to this as well as a deep all-along-the-path filter. This feature provides flexibility for how filters manifest for lenses and is particularly useful for controlling many-to-one, one-to-many, and many-to-many relationships. It implements UI support for "Apply root filters as property on result expressions".

'Require Filter' Option Added to All Filters

Version 5.4.8 adds the 'Require Filter' option for all filters except Range Slider. If this option is selected, then no queries are issued by all other lenses on the dashboard unless a filter is checked in the Designer window.

Network Navigator Dashboard No Longer Included

Version 5.4.8 no longer includes Network Navigator as a dashboarding option.

Added GDI Support for Elasticsearch Operator 2.13

In Version 5.4.8, Elasticsearch Operator was upgraded to version 2.13 to provide compatibility with the latest Elasticsearch API and remediate existing vulnerabilities.

Added GDI Support for Elasticsearch API 8.x

Version 5.4.8 adds compatibility with Elasticsearch API version 8.

Improved Support for Various URL Formats Handled by S3 VFS Driver

Version 5.4.8 improves the URL parsing behavior of the S3 VFS Driver ensuring that the URL formatting performed by the driver correctly transforms input URLs into a standard format.

Version Details Include Time as Well as Date

In Version 5.4.8, the Created value displayed for a Version in the user interface now includes time information in addition to the date.

Data Source Context Providers Included as Artifacts when Creating Graphmart Migration Package

Version 5.4.8 adds the capability for Graphmarts to include Data Sources as related assets when creating a migration package. The Included Artifacts tab of Migration Packages view now includes data sources. This allows for onboarding data using a context provider with a related Data Source without manually adding them to the migration package.

'Use Experimental Features' Option Enabled for Application-level Administrators by Default

Version 5.4.8 adds the capability for Graphmarts to include Data Sources as related assets when creating a migration package. The Included Artifacts tab of Migration Packages view now includes data sources. This allows for onboarding data using a context provider with a related Data Source without manually adding them to the migration package.

Feedback Provided via Snackbar upon Clicking 'Sync Directory Groups'

Version 5.4.8 improves the behavior of the Sync Directory Groups feature in the Groups section of User Management by providing the feedback message "Syncing completed" via snackbar upon Clicking the Sync Directory Groups button.

Query Validation Error Caused by Incorrect Unbound Variable Detection

Version 5.4.8 resolves an issue where a valid query results in an unexpected error "The variable is projected but not used in the query" when the BIND and/or OPTIONAL clauses are used.

Incorrect Handling of SPARQL Rules Based on Metadata Graph Statements

Version 5.4.8 corrects an issue where SPARQL rules based only on metadata graph statements are not fully triggered and executed.

Graphmart Activation Failure Caused by Saved Launch Configurations

Version 5.4.8 resolves an issue where activating the migrated Graphmart would cause a null pointer exception because of saved launch configurations not cleared during migration. The second environment tries to reference a non-existent resource upon activation. The workaround is to clear saved launch configuration and retry activating the Graphmart.

GDI Error Parsing XSD with TIMEPART when VIEW is Enabled

Version 5.4.8 fixes a parse error that occurs when the TIMEPART function is used against a layer that has a VIEW step and materialized data uses the dateTime property.

Model Editor Does Not Handle Property Collisions Consistently

Version 5.4.8 resolves an issue where Model Editor's URI generator does not detect duplicates in property labels. When a model has two classes with properties that have the same label but a different URI, this may result in unrelated properties being overwritten.

ActivityAudit Events Incorrectly Logged as AccessAudit in Standard Logs

Version 5.4.8 corrects an issue where ActivityAudit events are incorrectly logged as AccessAudit events in the standard logs when activating Graphmarts.

Dashboard Designer Window Disappears in Certain Cases

Version 5.4.8 resolves an issue where certain actions (for example, clicking to add a data type to the dashboard) may cause the Dashboard Designer dialog to disappear and it becomes impossible to exit the designer view unless you reload the page.

Unable to Fetch All Imported Datasets with GET url/datasets API

Version 5.4.8 resolves an issue where imported datasets are missing from the GET dataset API response after executing the API call, e.g., GET http://<host>:<port>/api/datasets

Failure to Open Table of Documents Lens after Running AU Pipeline

Version 5.4.8 resolves an issue where opening the Table of Documents lens after running an AU pipeline would cause an error "Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'excludeExternalFilters')".

No Type Shown in Admin SSO Config for BearerToken OIDC Provider

Version 5.4.8 resolves an issue where the Admin SSO Config view shows no Type for the BearerToken OIDC provider.

Issues with Component Selection and Title when Selecting Editions to Load from Dataset

Version 5.4.8 fixes a UI issue that occurs when creating a Graphmart for an edition and changing the selection of components and/or switching the selected edition multiple times. Component selection is not consistent with user selection , and the default component title is "Created: <date>" instead of "Unnamed Component".

Label Field Value on Hi-Res Range Slider Filter Is Not Saved

Version 5.4.8 fixes a Graphmart Dashboard UI issue where creating a Filter of Range Slider type, setting and saving the Label Field, and going to Filter Designer results in the Label Field being reset to blank value.

Ontology Search Not Showing All Results

Version 5.4.8 resolves a Graphmarts UI issue where some results are not displayed in the ontology search although the same user can find them in Hi-Res search based on the same Graphmart.

Detached Properties in Restrictions Are Not Detached on Ontology

Version 5.4.8 resolves the following issue: If a property that does not define a domain is in a restriction on a class, then it does not appear as a detached property on the ontology. This is caused by a missing statement

<frame-ont-uri> frame:detachedFrameProperty <detached-frame-prop-uri> <frame-ont-uri>

Error Executing CLI Command Using Anzo Client Installer

Version 5.4.8 resolves an Anzo Client Installer error caused by java.lang.ClassNotFoundException when executing anzo find -sub command on remote machine targeting the Anzo environment using the migration package URI.

Migration Package Error with RDF Handler while Parsing RDF with format:application/x-trig

Version 5.4.8 resolves an intermittent parse error "ErrorCode[4113] Error with RDF Handler while parsing RDF with format:application/x-trig", which occurs when trying to export a migration package. The workaround is to recreate the migraiton package or retry export.

Changing Dataset Location in UI Removes DataLocation Type Triple and Causes API Error

Version 5.4.8 fixes the Rest API error "Could not resolve type id 'PathConnection' as a subtype of ``" that occurs after changing the location of a dataset in the UI, which removes the DataLocation type triple. The root cause is that editing the location of a dataset via Datasets->Overview->Advanced->"Data Location" uses the "File Location" widget, which appears to only create PathConnections and not DataLocations.

Data Toolkit Ontology Not Marked as System Ontology

Version 5.4.8 corrects the filter behavior in the Managed Data Model Working Set dialog where the Data Toolkit ontology is shown even when the filter 'Only show system data' is not applied.

Adding Custom Query Context Fails with Validation Error

Version 5.4.8 resolves an issue that occurs when attempting to add a custom query context to a step/layer in a Graphmart. The operation fails and results in an error message "Title is a required field for Context Attribute." This error occurs despite providing all mandatory inputs for the configuration, blocking the addition of the custom query context.

Anzo Version 5.4.7

This section describes the new features, improvements, and issues that were fixed in Anzo Version 5.4.7.

New Features



Patches for Security Vulnerabilities

Added Non-Admin Role with Permissions to Activate and Manage Dynamic Graphmarts

Version 5.4.7 adds a new non-admin role in the permissions matrix that allows users to provision dynamic graphmarts using Kubernetes Anzograph. With the "Deploy cloud anzograph" permission, a user with the "Data Curator" role and can create and activate a dynamic graphmart.

Added API Support for Creating Views for Layers within Graphmarts

Version 5.4.7 adds API support for creating, updating, replacing, and deleting views for layers within graphmarts.

Added API Support for Graphmart Status Properties

Version 5.4.7 adds API support for the graphmart status properties in the details response. The property "isComplete" is now exposed in the graphmart API response, which enables the user to know through the API whether the graphmart is done refreshing.

Added the Option to Skip New Component Creation for Export Steps

Version 5.4.7 adds a Do Not Create New Components option to Export Steps. This option can be enabled along with the Do Not Create New Edition setting to avoid creating new edition and component directories in the FLDS each time an Export Step is run. When the two options are enabled, the existing managed edition, components, and Elasticsearch index (if included in the export) are updated (overwritten), rather than being added into new timestamped subdirectories under the existing FLDS.

New Cloud Locations Default to AnzoGraph 3.x Compatible Operators

In Version 5.4.7, new Cloud Locations default to using AnzoGraph 3.x compatible operators. If you have existing Cloud Locations and upgrade to 5.4.7, your existing Cloud Location configurations will continue to default to AnzoGraph 2.5.x compatible operators. If you want to upgrade existing Cloud Locations to a 3.x version, you can change the operator in the existing configuration and modify all launch configurations to deploy a 3.x version of AnzoGraph.

Offline Layers Displayed as URIs in Query and Export Steps

When configuring the source layers to include in an Export or Query Step, layers that were offline were displayed as URIs rather than names in the source selection list, making it difficult to determine which layers to select. Version 5.4.7 corrects the issue so that the source list always shows layer names.

Creator was "n/a" for Graphmarts Created via the REST API

Version 5.4.7 resolves an issue where the graphmart creator was not identified when a graphmart was created via an API PUT request.

Internal Server Error when Getting Unstructured Pipeline Status via the API

Version 5.4.7 fixes an issue that could cause users to receive an intermittent 500 Internal Server Error when checking an unstructured pipeline's status via an API GET request.

Error on Progress Screen for Unstructured Pipeline with Status Updates Disabled

Version 5.4.7 corrects an issue where an error was shown on the unstructured pipeline progress screen when a user ran a pipeline that had Write Status Updates to Jnl disabled.

Dynamically Provisioned Resources Are Not Shut Down after Deleting the Associated Graphmart

Version 5.4.7 corrects an issue where deleting a Graphmart with dynamic resources in Anzo with Kubernetes would not automatically shut down the associated Graphmart. The resource remains available in the Admin UI, and the request to stop it results in an error.

Query Lens Fails to Instantiate HTML Variable on Initial Run

Version 5.4.7 fixes a parse error when running a query of a custom query lens after updating it with auditDetails variable and EJS HMTL formula/input with auditDetails in the HTML. The query fails on the initial run, but works fine upon refreshing the dashboard.

HTML Entity Encoding Issue in Headers of Exported CSV Files

Version 5.4.7 fixes an issue with table export to CSV, where special characters in the header labels are not displayed correctly in the exported CSV file.

Invalid Credentials Error when Creating New Connection to Cloud Location in Anzo Server

Version 5.4.7 fixes an issue where Anzo server fails to connect to a cloud location when creating a new connection because it does not use VPC endpoints, resulting in an "Invalid Credentials" error both with default credentials and when passing a credentials json file.

Anzo Version 5.4.6

This section describes the improvements and issues that were fixed in Anzo Version 5.4.6.



Patches for Security Vulnerabilities

Added the Option to Add Tags to Datasets vi the API

Version 5.4.6 updates the REST API to add the ability to add tags to datasets via POST requests.

Added Fuzzy Search Support in Unstructured Document Search Lens

Version 5.4.6 updates the Hi-Res Analytics application to add support for fuzzy matching in unstructured document search lenses.

Reduced the Time it Takes to Save Model Changes

Version 5.4.6 includes an improvement that reduces the time it takes to save changes to models. Previously when saving a model after adding classes or properties, it could take several seconds for the save to complete.

Error Loading Audit Log TTL

Version 5.4.6 corrects an issue where if a user had an unsuccessful login attempt and there was a space in their username, the resulting audit log contained an error and could not be loaded to AnzoGraph.

Excluded Predicates were not Respected on Import

Version 5.4.6 fixes an issue that caused predicate exclusions, such as those specified in a migration template .trig file, to be ignored on import.

Could not Activate a Dynamic Graphmart via the API

Version 5.4.6 corrects an issue with the API where a graphmart could not be activated if it was backed by a dynamic, k8s-based AnzoGraph instance.

Some Services Failed to Start due to Stack Overflow

Version 5.4.6 resolves an issue where some services could fail to start due to a stack overflow issue with the OSGi configuration bundle.

An Export Step Incorrectly Created a Dataset that Required Elasticsearch

Version 5.4.6 resolves an issue that caused a dataset that was created from an Export Step to be incorrectly tagged as requiring Elasticsearch even though the Export Elasticsearch Contents setting was disabled for the step.

Query Result Binding Error with AnzoGraph 3.1

When using AnzoGraph 3.1 with Anzo 5.4.5, there was an issue where some query result bindings did not have values even though they were required. As a result, some queries failed with a "No colon in URI" error. Version 5.4.6 corrects the issue.

Anzo Version 5.4.5

This section describes the new features, improvements, and issues that were fixed in Anzo Version 5.4.5.

New Features



Patches for Security Vulnerabilities

Added Support for RHEL 8 & 9 Operating Systems

Version 5.4.5 adds support for running Anzo on RHEL/Rocky 8 and 9.2+ operating systems. For information about compatibility between Anzo and AnzoGraph versions as well as operating systems, see Anzo & AnzoGraph Version and OS Compatibility.

Added Compatibility with AnzoGraph 3.1.x Releases

Version 5.4.5 adds support for using 3.1.x versions of AnzoGraph. For details about prerequisites and instructions on installing AnzoGraph 3.1, see Deploying AnzoGraph 3.1 (for Anzo 5.4.5+).

Added API Support for Creating a Dataset Component from an RDF File

Version 5.4.5 updates the datasets API endpoint to add a POST request (POST /datasets/<dataset_URI>/components/from-file) for adding a component to a dataset from a TTL, NT, or N3 RDF file.

Upgraded the Operators for K8s Deployments

Version 5.4.5 upgrades the operators that are used for dynamic deployments of platform components. The latest versions for use with Anzo 5.4.5 are listed below.

  • Anzo operator: 2.0.3
  • Distributed Unstructured operator: 2.0.3
  • AnzoGraph operator: 3.0.0

Added an Option to Queue Workflows to Prevent Multiple Runs

Version 5.4.5 adds a Queue Workflow Execution setting to the configuration options for workflows. When this option is enabled and multiple runs of the same workflow are triggered, Anzo queues the processing to ensure that the workflow is run only once.

Improved Logging for the Workflow Manager

Version 5.4.5 improves logging for workflows to give more comprehensive details about workflows and tasks that fail.

Decreased the Delay Between Starting and Executing a Workflow

Version 5.4.5 removes the 15 second delay that occurred between the time a workflow was initiated and it began executing.

Removed Graphmart Selection from Workflow Pause Task Configuration

Version 5.4.5 removes the Target Graphmart field from the Pause task configuration screen. Previously it was required but not used.

FLDS on Disk Could be Out of Sync with Representation in Journal

Version 5.4.5 corrects an issue that could cause an FLDS on disk to become out of sync with the representation of the FLDS in the journal.

Annotations were Missing in Documents Returned by the External Service Annotator

When using the External Service annotator to return multiple annotations per document, some annotations and/or fields were not returned. Version 5.4.5 resolves the issue by ensuring that the each annotation is unique so that it is not overwritten by subsequent annotations.

DU Pipeline Retried Timed-Out Documents when Maximum Request Retries was 0

Version 5.4.5 resolves an issue that caused an unstructured pipeline to retry documents that had timed-out even though Maximum Request Retries was set to 0 for the pipeline.

DU Pipeline did not Finish after Processing all Documents

Version 5.4.5 corrects an issue where an unstructured pipeline did not finish running even after all documents were successfully processed.

API Request for DU Pipeline Status Returned Details of Previous Run Instead of Latest

Version 5.4.5 fixes an issue where requesting the status of an unstructured pipeline with an API call returned information from the second to last run of the pipeline rather than the last run.

API PUT Operations Failed with a "Failed to insert/delete triple" Message

Version 5.4.5 fixes an issue that caused API PUT requests to fail with a "Failed to insert/delete triple because an insert/delete rule for a reserved predicate was not met" error message.

Objects Created with API PUT Requests had Incorrect Permissions

Version 5.4.5 corrects an issue where objects that were created via API PUT requests had incorrect ACLs set because permission inheritance was not applied.

Anzo UI Became Unresponsive Due to Long-Running Data on Demand Requests

Version 5.4.5 resolves an issue that caused the Anzo UI to become unresponsive due to the way denormalization was being processed during serialization of Data on Demand requests.

Disabled Column Included in Custom Data on Demand Endpoint

Version 5.4.5 corrects an issue that caused a disabled custom endpoint column to be included in the endpoint view when it should have been excluded.

Cached Results not Invalidated when Custom Data on Demand Endpoint was Changed

Version 5.4.5 resolves an issue where cached results from custom Data on Demand endpoints were not invalidated when the endpoint was edited.

Minor Model Edit Could Corrupt the Structure

Version 5.4.5 fixes an issue that could, under certain circumstances, cause a model's structure to become corrupted after a change was made in the model editor.

Concurrent VFS Access Could Deadlock the Server

Version 5.4.5 fixes an issue where accessing the VFS concurrently, such as when an unstructured pipeline is running, could deadlock the system.

Anzo Version 5.4.4

This section describes the new features, improvements, and issues that were fixed in Anzo Version 5.4.4.

New Features



Added API Support for Enabling or Disabling all Layers or Steps

Version 5.4.4 updates the graphmarts API endpoint to add PATCH requests for enabling or disabling all layers in a graphmart or all steps in a layer. The list below describes the new requests:

  • PATCH /graphmarts/<graphmart_URI>/enableLayers: Enables all layers in the graphmart or a subset of layers when layer URIs are specified in the request body.
  • PATCH /graphmarts/<graphmart_URI>/disableLayers: Disables all layers in the graphmart or a subset of layers when layer URIs are specified in the request body.
  • PATCH /layers/<layer_URI>/enableSteps: Enables all steps in the layer or a subset of steps when step URIs are specified in the request body.
  • PATCH /layers/<layer_URI>/disableSteps: Disables all steps in the layer or a subset of steps when step URIs are listed in the request body.

Added Reporting Mode for Controlling Dashboard Refresh Behavior

Version 5.4.4 adds the option to change the mode in which dashboards are refreshed. If dashboard performance suffers due to the constant execution of complex dashboard queries, dashboards can be put into reporting mode so that updates are batched and can be run at the user's convenience. For more information, see Configuring a Dashboard to Update in Batch Reporting vs. Interactive Mode.

Improved Performance for Annotated Document Lenses

Version 5.4.4 improves the rendering speed for Annotated Document lenses.

Added an Option to use the General Name for the External Service Annotator Ontology URI

Version 5.4.4 adds a Use General Annotator Name in Ontology URI setting to the External Service Annotator configuration. The setting controls whether to use ExternalServiceAnnotator or the specific annotator name in the ontology URI.

Error when Loading an Empty Dataset in a Graphmart

Version 5.4.4 resolves an issue that caused a null pointer exception when a user tried to load a graphmart that included an empty dataset. This version also fixes an issue where unnecessary components were automatically added to an empty dataset.

Could not Add a Filter to a Cloned Dashboard

Version 5.4.4 corrects an issue that prevented a user from being able to add a filter to a dashboard that was created by saving another dashboard as a new name.

Could not Find Backing Ontology for Local Volume Dataset Crawler

Version 5.4.4 fixes an issue that caused the search feature to fail to find the desired backing ontology when a user configured a Local Volume Dataset Crawler in an unstructured pipeline.

Could not Delete a Step after it was Cloned

Version 5.4.4 resolves an issue that prevented a step from being deleted if it had been cloned.

Incorrect Elasticsearch Component Created when Importing an Old FLDS

Version 5.4.4 fixes an issue that caused the incorrect Elasticsearch snapshot component to be auto-created when a user imported a pre-5.1 FLDS into a newer version of Anzo.

Unable to Make Selections for Knowledgebase Annotator Options

Version 5.4.4 resolves an issue where the drop-down lists for selecting the Backing Ontology, Term Label Property, and Term Identifying Property remained unpopulated when a user tried to configure a Knowledgebase Annotator.

Column Hyperlinks Stopped Working after the First Level in the Hierarchy

When a user created a hierarchy of hyperlinks between lenses in a dashboard, the links stopped working after navigating one level. The issue occurred because filters on the dashboard were filtering out the data for subsequent links. To resolve the issue, Version 5.4.4 adds an Exclude External Filters setting in the Column Hierarchy Configuration dialog box. When this setting is enabled, only filters configured at the lens level are applied and dashboard level filters are ignored.

Anzo Version 5.4.3

This section describes the issues that were fixed in Anzo Version 5.4.3.

An Updated FLDS was not Flagged as Updated in Graphmarts that Loaded the FLDS

Version 5.4.3 fixes an issue where Anzo failed to flag an FLDS as updated when it was changed by an Export Step in a graphmart. Since the FLDS was not flagged, another graphmart that included that FLDS was not marked as needing a refresh to load the updated FLDS.

Workflow Failed when Task 2 Started Before Task 1 Completed

A workflow was set up with two tasks: the first task reloaded a graphmart that included an Export Step, and the second task refreshed another graphmart that included the FLDS that was updated in the first task. When the workflow ran, the second task failed because the refresh of the second graphmart began before there was time to process that the data from the first graphmart changed. To correct the issue, Version 5.4.3 includes a new Pause Load Service task that can be added to pause a workflow between tasks. For instructions on creating a pause task, see Adding a Task that Pauses the Workflow.

Anzo Version 5.4.2

This section describes the new features, improvements, and issues that were fixed in Anzo Version 5.4.2.

New Features


Other Changes and Fixes

Patches for Security Vulnerabilities

Added the Ability to Add Custom Properties to Objects via API Requests

Version 5.4.2 enhances the Anzo REST API to enable users to add custom properties to objects like graphmarts, layers, and steps.

Adding custom properties to a dataset that is being created (POST) is not supported in Version 5.4.2. You can update an existing dataset (PATCH) to add custom properties, however.

Custom properties can be added in POST, PUT, and PATCH requests by including the following property and array of objects in the body of the request:

customProps {
  "property_uri": "value",
  "property2_uri": "value",

For example, the following simple JSON request adds custom properties to a graphmart and layer:

  "type": "Graphmart",
  "title": "Gm 1",
  "loadPriority": 100,
  "customProps": {
    "http://prop1": [ "Value 1", "Value 2" ],
    "http://prop2": 2,
    "http://prop3": "http://value",
    "http://prop4": true
  "layer": [
      "title": "Gm Layer 1",
      "customProps": {
        "http://prop5": false,
        "http://prop6": "Val 6"

To return custom properties in a GET request, include expand as a URL parameter. For example:

... ?expand=customProps(<prop1>,<prop2>,...)

Make sure you URL-encode the property URIs.

Added the Ability to Disable Pricing Information for Cloud Locations

Version 5.4.2 adds the option to disable the retrieval and display of pricing information for Cloud Locations. For instructions on disabling the option, see Disabling Cloud Location Pricing Information.

Added Options to Keep Colors Consistent when Using Drill Down Lenses

Version 5.4.2 enhances the Hi-Res Analytics application to add settings to keep colors consistent based on data labels when using Drill Down lenses. To keep colors consistent when configuring series plot styles for charts, you can select the new Calculated using label option (shown in the image below).

For pie and funnel charts, a similar option, Label Based Colors, is available under the plot style configuration.

Added Managed Model as Default Ontology for Direct Load Steps Created via API

In Version 5.4.2, the managed model is added as the default value for the ontology property when a Direct Load Steps is created with the API. Previously users were required to add ontology: "" to their requests. Adding ontology to the request is now optional.

Improved Validation for API Requests

Version 5.4.2 enhances the validation that is done when API requests are submitted. The types of improvements include checks that all required properties are included, checks for values submitted with incorrect data types, and making sure that optional properties are not treated as required.

Simplified the Schema for Creating Templated Steps via API Requests

When creating a Templated Step with the API, Version 5.4.2 removes the need to specify an identical title and parameterName for each templateParameter. Title is no longer required in the templateParameter list.

Viewing Graphmart Status via API Shows Status of Children by Default

In Version 5.4.2, GET graphmart status API requests now return layer and step status by default, rather than requiring detail=true to be included in order to get the status of child objects.

Added the Option to Specify the Format for PARSEDATETIME Results

In Version 5.4.2, the PARSEDATETIME function now accepts an argument that defines the format to use for the resulting date, time, or dateTime values. For more information, see PARSEDATETIME.

Limiting Dataset Editions also Limits ES Index JSON and Pipeline Run Archives

In Version 5.4.2, setting a maximum limit on the number of editions that are preserved for a dataset also limits the number of Elasticsearch Index JSON and unstructured pipeline run backups that are kept. For more information, see Limiting the Number of Editions in a Dataset.

Added the Option to Reconnect to an Unstructured Cluster from the Administration Application

Version 5.4.2 adds a Connect button to the Configuration tab for Unstructured Clusters in the Administration application. The button can be used to reconnect to an unstructured cluster when the configuration has not changed, such as when the cluster is restarted or if the worker nodes are "Removed."

Added an Indication to Show if Unstructured Pipelines are Running

Version 5.4.2 enhances the Unstructured Pipeline selection screen to show an indication when any of the pipelines are running. The functionality is similar to the graphmart selection screen, which indicates when graphmarts are activating.

Changed the URL for the API Endpoints and Documentation

Version 5.4.2 removes v1 from the path in the URL that you use to access the REST API endpoints (as well as the documentation on your Anzo server). Previously, the URL was https://<hostname>/api/v1/<endpoint>. In 5.4.2, it is https://<hostname>/api/<endpoint>. And the URL to access the documentation on your server is https://<hostname>/api/docs/index.html.

Renamed Role Configs to Group Configs in Directory Server Administration

To more accurately describe the directory server configuration options in the Administration application, Version 5.4.2 renames the Role Configs tab on the Directory screen to Group Configs.

Removed the Anzo Admin Permission

Version 5.4.2 removes the Anzo Admin permission. It was a legacy permission that granted access to the Admin application that existed in pre-5.1 versions of Anzo and no longer controlled access to administrative functions.

Made HTTP Path a Required Field for Databricks Connections

In Version 5.4.2, HTTP Path is now a required field when connecting to a Databricks source.

Load Dataset Steps Required Source when Created via the API

Version 5.4.2 fixes an issue that required Load Dataset Steps to include the source parameter when created via the API even though that field is not available when the step is created via the Anzo application.

Other Users Could not See Steps Created by Sysadmin via the API

Version 5.4.2 corrects an issue that caused steps not to be visible to other users if they were created by the sysadmin user via a PUT request.

Incorrect Results for a Query with Joins within a Union Clause

Version 5.4.2 resolves an issue that could cause incorrect results to be returned if a query included a join in a UNION clause.

Unable to Version a Graphmart that Included a System Dashboard

Version 5.4.2 fixes an issue that prevented a graphmart from being versioned when one of the included artifacts was a predefined system dashboard. In Version 5.4.2, Anzo no longer attempts to version system dashboards.

Graphmart was not Tagged for Refresh when a Context Provider Changed

Version 5.4.2 corrects an issue where a layer was not tagged as needing a refresh even though the Query Context for that layer was changed.

Table Lens Appeared as Active Filter

Version 5.4.2 fixes an issue where a Table lens could intermittently appear as an active filter on a dashboard.

Error when Importing a Migration Package via an API Request

Version 5.4.2 corrects an issue that caused the import of a migration package to fail with an "Import file was not readable" error when the package was imported with a POST request.

The Full Absolute Path was Required when Creating a Volume

Version 5.4.2 fixes an issue that prevented volumes from being accessible unless the user added the absolute path when selecting the volume's file system location in the Administration application.

Blank Values were not Displayed when Show Counts was Disabled in a Filter

Version 5.4.2 corrects an intermittent issue that could cause blank values not to be displayed on a dashboard when a filter was configured so that Show Blanks was enabled but Show Counts was disabled.

Validation Error when Crawling a Local Volume Dataset that was not in the System Journal

Version 5.4.2 fixes an issue where an unstructured pipeline failed with a validation error when a Local Volume Dataset Crawler was configured to crawl a non-system volume.

Number of Documents Processed by Unstructured Pipeline did not Match Count in Dashboard

Version 5.4.2 resolves an issue that could cause a discrepancy between the number of documents processed by an unstructured pipeline and the document count that was displayed on a dashboard.

Server Locked Up when Graphmart Details were Retrieved with an API Request

Version 5.4.2 fixes an issue that caused the maximum memory to be used and the server to lock up when graphmart status was retrieved via an API request that included detail=true.

Unstructured Cluster Worker Nodes Reported as Removed While Pipeline was Processing

Version 5.4.2 corrects an issue that caused the Cluster Nodes screen for an unstructured pipeline to show worker nodes as "Removed" even though the pipeline was still processing documents.

Poor Throughput when Processing Unstructured Pipeline with 10M Documents

Version 5.4.2 resolves an issue that caused throughput to slow down when running an unstructured pipeline with a Graphmart Crawler that processed about 10 million documents.

Ontology Frame Graph Generation did not Support Multi-Domain Properties

Version 5.4.2 corrects an issue that caused the resulting ontology graph to be incorrect when the ontology included multi-domain properties.

Anzo Version 5.4.1

This section describes the new features, improvements, and issues that were fixed in Anzo Version 5.4.1.

New Features


Other Changes and Fixes

Patches for Security Vulnerabilities

Added API Support for Migration Package, AnzoGraph, and Launch Configuration Operations

Version 5.4.1 introduces support for performing the following operations via the Anzo REST API:

  • Importing and exporting migration packages.
  • Retrieving a list of the static AnzoGraph connections.
  • Retrieving a list of the dynamic AnzoGraph and Elasticsearch configurations.

Added API Support for Retrieving and Downloading Models

Version 5.4.1 adds support for retrieving a list of models as well as downloading models via the Anzo REST API.

Added API Support for Creating Datasets from ZIP Files

Version 5.4.1 adds support for creating a dataset from either a .zip file that contains an FLDS or a .zip file that contains an rdf.<file_type> directory.

Added Out-of-the-Box Support for Snowflake and Databricks Data Sources

Version 5.4.1 adds support for connecting to Snowflake and Databricks data sources. Those types of sources are now available from the Add Data Source > Database Data Source menu when adding a source and JDBC drivers are included in the <install_path>/Anzo/Server/plugins directory.

Added HTTP and SPARQL Endpoint Data Source Connections

Version 5.4.1 adds the ability to configure connections to HTTP and SPARQL endpoint data sources. Configuring the connections to endpoints adds those sources as Context Providers so that you can reference context keys in Graph Data Interface (GDI) queries against the endpoints. For instructions on connecting to an HTTP or SPARQL source, see Add an HTTP or SPARQL Data Source.

Added the Ability to Show/Hide Filters and Lenses on Dashboards

Like the Manage Columns functionality in the Anzo application and for Table lenses in dashboards, Version 5.4.1 adds a Manage Lenses dialog box to dashboards. As shown in the image below, A Manage Lenses button is available in the left panel in dashboards to manage the items that are displayed in that panel:

In addition, when lenses are arranged in a Vertical List Container, there is also a Manage Lenses button at the top of the list of lenses (shown below).

Clicking Manage Lenses opens a dialog box that enables you to show and hide the items in the list. For example, the image below shows the Manage Lenses dialog box for the left side panel in a dashboard with two filters:

Added the Ability to Export a Query Lens to CSV

Version 5.4.1 adds the option to export the results from a Query lens to a CSV file.

Added the Ability to Write to a Linked Dataset from a Table Lens

Version 5.4.1 adds the option to configure a Table lens with an empty column that you can use to write comments in the rows. Those comments can be saved to a Linked Dataset in the Anzo journal, and the dataset can be loaded to a graphmart so that the comments are visible to all users who have access to the dashboard. For more information, see Capturing User-Defined Values in Dashboards.

Added the Option to Set the Maximum Number of Editions for Datasets

Version 5.4.1 adds a Maximum Number of Archives setting for datasets so that you can limit the number of editions that are written by unstructured pipelines and Export Steps. Setting Maximum Number of Archives configures Anzo to age-off and remove older editions to preserve disk space. The setting is available under Advanced on the dataset Overview tab.

Added Activity Logs for Dataset and Graphmart Profiles

Version 5.4.1 adds to the Activity Log logs that provide information about the data profile execution.

Added API Support for Deleting Components from Disk

Version 5.4.1 adds URL parameters to the components endpoint that enable users to delete components from disk, with the option to force the deletion even if the component is used in an edition.

Updated the Hi-Res Analytics Default Theme Colors and Styles

Version 5.4.1 updates the colors and styles used in the default theme for the Hi-Res Analytics application to give it a more neutral look and avoid distracting from the data that is displayed in lenses. To improve usability, scrollbars are now wider and list filter items now display checkboxes rather than just labels. In addition, labels and icons in filters have been revised to clarify their purpose.

Added a Button to Clear Active Filters in Dashboards

In Version 5.4.1, when you open the Active Filters pane in a dashboard, there is an option to clear all active filters at once by clicking Clear Filters (shown below).

Collapsed Dashboard Filter Options into a Menu

To improve the layout and usability of items in the left panel on dashboards, Version 5.4.1 collapses into a menu the items that used to be icons or buttons. The image below shows an example of a filter menu that replaced a number of icons across the top of the filter.

Added the Number of Selected Filter Items to the Filter Heading

For filters that allow multiple selections, Version 5.4.1 adds to the filter heading (in parentheses) the count of items that are selected. The image below shows an example where five items are selected.

Started Saving the State of Show/Hide Selected Filter Values when Dashboard is Saved

In Version 5.4.1, when a dashboard is saved, the state of whether selected filter items in a List filter are shown or hidden is also saved. Previously, selected values were always hidden when a dashboard was opened and users had to click show filters to display them.

Added Support for URIs in the Advanced Formula Builder

In Version 5.4.1, when configuring filters and lenses, the Advanced formula builder now accepts predicate URIs in lieu of selecting properties from the list. URIs can be used in curly braces in the Calculated Value text box. The image below shows an example.

Predicate URIs must be in the class (data type) that is selected for the dashboard.

Added Support for DISTINCT with Aggregates in the Advanced Formula Builder

Version 5.4.1 adds support for including the DISTINCT keyword when building formulas with aggregates in dashboards.

Improved Dashboard Performance by Excluding Query if Filter Selection did not Change

In Version 5.4.1, if the selection in a filter does not change and the filter is collapsed, the query for that filter is not rerun when other objects on the dashboard are changed.

Added Support for the SPARQL TIMEZONE and TZ Functions

Version 5.4.1 updates the parser to enable support for using the TIMEZONE and TZ functions in SPARQL queries.

Reordered the User Management Permissions Table so Default Permissions are on Top

Version 5.4.1 reorders the table of Permissions on the User Management > Permissions screen in the Admin application so that the default permissions are listed at the top of the table.

Sorted the Layer Choices in the Query Builder so they Match the Selected Graphmart

In Version 5.4.1 when choosing the layers to query in the Query Builder, the select list is now sorted so that the layers appear in the same order as they are in the graphmart.

Added the Ability to Configure Groups to Include Default Members

Version 5.4.1 streamlines the ability to assign users default groups by allowing you to edit a group and add default members to it rather than having to edit each user account to add a default group.

Improved Root Element Handling for JSON and XML Sources

To aid users in increasing load performance and decreasing memory usage for large XML and JSON files with many repeating elements, Version 5.4.1 re-purposes the Root Element Name property on the Overview tab for JSON and XML data sources. The field can now be used to designate the element to treat as the root node so that the entire file does not need to be onboarded. Instead, only the desired elements and hierarchies can be loaded. For more information, see Adding a JSON Data Source and Adding an XML Data Source.

Added Anzo System Table Data to AnzoGraph X-Rays

To provide additional information to use when troubleshooting issues, Version 5.4.1 adds data from the Anzo system tables to AnzoGraph x-rays.

The API does not Support Creating View Steps

In Version 5.4.1, you cannot create a View Step using the Anzo REST API. Use the Anzo application to create that step type. Support for creating View steps via the API will be added in a later release.

A Dataset Data Profile is Required to Populate Class and Property Counts in the Explore Tab

In Version 5.4.1, when you view a dataset in the Datasets catalog, the class and property counts in the Ontology panel on the Explore tab show (0) unless a data profile exists for the dataset. For information about generating a profile, see Generate a Dataset Data Profile.

Cloud Location Registry Must be Added to NFS Configuration for K8s Deployments

For K8s deployments with Version 5.4.1, the NFS configuration file now needs to specify cloud location registry information. The following lines need to be added to the NFS configuration .trig file. For more information, see Importing the NFS Configuration.

reg:CloudLocation {
   reg:CloudLocation anzo:defaultNamedGraph :nfsMountConfig1

Managed Models were not Included in Dataset and Graphmart Exports

In Version 5.4.1, managed models are listed as included artifacts when datasets and graphmarts are exported.

Unable to Ignore Graphmart Permissions Warnings

Version 5.4.1 fixes an issue where selecting the Ignore checkbox for graphmart permissions warnings had no effect and the warnings continued to be displayed on data layers.

Cloning a Graphmart did not Clone Dataset Edition Configuration

Version 5.4.1 resolves in issue where the dataset edition choices for a graphmart were different when a new graphmart was created by cloning the existing graphmart.

Could not Create or Deactivate Graphmarts after Upgrade

After upgrading an environment, graphmarts could not be created or activated because of changes to property range constraints. Version 5.4.1 resolves this issue by revising the constraints.

Selection in Table of Documents Lens did not Update Annotated Document Lens

Version 5.4.1 resolves an issue that caused the Annotated Document lens not to be responsive to the selection made in the Table of Documents lens on a dashboard.

Unable to Upload the Industrial Ontologies Foundry Core Ontology

Version 5.4.1 fixes a class exception that prevented users from being able to upload the Industrial Ontologies Foundry Core ontology.

NPE when Saving Ontologies

Version 5.4.1 resolves an issue that caused null pointer exceptions to be thrown during frame graph generation when users tried to save certain ontologies.

Ontology Service Caused JVM Memory Usage Spike

Version 5.4.1 resolves an issue where expansive joins in some ontology frame graph generation queries could cause the JVM memory limit to be exceeded and take down Anzo.

Unable to Save Default Anzo Data Store Configuration

Version 5.4.1 fixes an issue that caused the configuration change not be applied after a user changed the Default Anzo Data Store server setting.

Annotated Document Lens was Slow to Render Billions of Triples

Version 5.4.1 improves the performance of rendering documents in the Annotated Document lens when the dataset includes several billion triples.

SSO SAML Failed if Keystore Password was Changed from Default

Version 5.4.1 fixes an issue that caused SSO SAML not to work if the keystore password was set during the Anzo installation.

Graphmarts Created by the Automated Direct Load Workflow did not Set Default Settings

Version 5.4.1 resolves an issue where graphmarts that were generated via the direct load workflow did not have the appropriate default values for the graphmart's configuration settings.

The Bar with the Lowest Value was not Rendered on a Bar Chart Lens

Version 5.4.1 fixes an issue that caused the bar with the lowest value not to be rendered on a Bar Chart lens because the y-axis was configured to begin at the same value.

Predicate List Incorrect for Multiple Select Filter on Load Dataset Step

Version 5.4.1 corrects an issue that caused many system-level predicates to be displayed when selecting predicates to filter out from a Load Dataset Step rather than only the predicates in the dataset's ontology.

SSO Login Icons Disappeared after Upgrade

Version 5.4.1 resolves an issue that cause SSO login icons to disappear after Anzo was upgraded.

Workflow Continued to Load after Task Completed

Version 5.4.1 fixes an intermittent issue where a workflow could continue to run even though the unstructured pipeline task in the workflow completed successfully.

A Workflow Ran Continuously when a Structured Pipeline Task was Missing a Job

Version 5.4.1 resolves an issue that caused a Workflow to run continuously when it included a structured pipeline task that did not run any jobs.

Could not Select Imported Annotations in a Knowledgebase Annotator

Version 5.4.1 fixes an issue that prevented users from being able to select imported ontology annotations when configuring a Knowledgebase Annotator.

Unable to Import a Migration Package that Included a Deleted Artifact

Version 5.4.1 fixes an issue where if a migration package included an artifact that had been deleted by the sysadmin user on the target environment, that package was unable to be imported to that target, even as the sysadmin user.

Could not Exclude from a Migration Package a Related Artifact with Multiple Parents

Version 5.4.1 fixes an issue where a child artifact could not be deselected as a related artifact in a migration package when more than one parent artifact referenced the child.

NPE after Updating an FLDS Path in a Migration Package

Version 5.4.1 corrects an issue that caused a null pointer exception when a user refreshed a migration package after changing the path to an FLDS.

Error when Editing a Data Range Defined by a Blank Node

Version 5.4.1 resolves an error that prevented users from being able to edit the data range for a model when the range was defined by a blank node.

DISTINCT was not Applied when Used with SUM

Version 5.4.1 resolves an issue where the DISTINCT keyword was not applied to the results if it was used with the SUM function in a query.

Query was not Saved for Query Step Created via API

Version 5.4.1 fixes an issue where the query submitted in a Query Step that was created using the API was not saved to the Anzo journal.

Links Between Dashboards did not Work after Upgrade

Version 5.4.1 resolves an issue that caused links between existing dashboards to fail after Anzo was upgraded.

A User Could Remove a Filter from a Read-Only Dashboard

Version 5.4.1 corrects an issue where a user with read-only access to a dashboard was able to remove a filter after making changes in the Manage Lenses dialog box.

Anzo Version 5.4.0

This section describes the new features, improvements, and issues that were fixed in Anzo Version 5.4.0.

New Features


Other Changes and Fixes

Added a REST API

Version 5.4.0 introduces the Anzo REST API for use when developing applications or automation tasks. The API supports create, read, update, and delete operations on datasets, graphmarts, data layers, and steps. The interface also supports read and update operations for artifact access control lists, upload and delete operations for models, and run and cancel operations for unstructured pipelines. Access to the API is controlled by the new Rest API permission. For more information and instructions on viewing the documentation, see Anzo REST API.

Removed Spark and Related Dependencies and Applications

Version 5.4.0 removes from Anzo Spark and all related dependencies and applications. Mappings and structured pipelines are removed as well as the Anzo for Office plugin. All structured and semi-structured data is now onboarded with the Graph Data Interface via the Direct Data Load workflow or manually written queries. For information, see Onboard Structured Data.

Added the Option to Generate a cURL Request from a Query in the Query Builder

In the Query Builder in version 5.4.0, when the target data source is a graphmart and a valid query is written, an option is provided to create a cURL request from the query. The resulting request can be run against the SPARQL endpoint. To generate a cURL request from a query, click the More button and select Copy CURL Command.

Added the Ability to Reorder Table Lens Columns During CSV Export

Version 5.4.0 adds the option to reorder columns when you export a Table lens to CSV. The Export screen has been modified to enable you to drag and drop columns to reorder them.

Added the Ability to Change the Series Sort Direction for Stacked Charts

Version 5.4.0 adds the option to change the sort direction when configuring dashboard Chart lenses. The option is called Series Sort Direction and is available in the lens Designer.

Added the Ability to Export a Migration Package from a Remote Server

Version 5.4.0 adds the option to connect to a remote Anzo server and export a migration package from that remote server using the CLI. For example, the following commands export a package from a remote server and import it to the current server:

anzo setup -h <target_anzo_host> -u <username> -w <password>
migrationExport > <migration_package_name>
anzo migrationImport <migration_package_name>

Added the Ability to Navigate to Included Artifacts from a Migration Package

In Version 5.4.0, the titles of the artifacts that are included in a migration package are hyperlinks that link to the artifact in the Anzo application.

Added the Ability to Configure Permissions for Cloud Locations

In Version 5.4.0, a Sharing tab has been added to the Cloud Locations screen in the Administration application so that an administrator can grant users and groups permissions to launch applications for certain Cloud Locations.

Added Support for Advanced Aggregate Grouping Sets in SPARQL Queries

Version 5.4.0 adds support for advanced analytics using the CUBE, ROLLUP, GROUPING SETS, and GROUPING grouping set extensions in the SPARQL GROUP BY clause.

Added a New Permission for Migration Package Operations as Sysadmin

Version 5.4.0 adds a new permission, called Perform Migration Package Operations As Sysadmin, that gives users and groups assigned this permission the ability to modify, export, and import migration packages that include artifacts they may not otherwise have permission to operate on. Now, if a user has only the Manage Migration Packages permission, they cannot modify, export, or import artifacts in packages unless they have the appropriate permissions on the artifacts.

Regarding the new permission, there are two important items to note:

  • If the creator of the migration package does not have the Perform Migration Package Operations As Sysadmin permission, then they are the only user who can modify or export the migration package, even if other users are granted modify permission on the package.
  • If the creator of the migration package does have the Perform Migration Package Operations As Sysadmin permission, no one without that permission can modify or export the package.

Added the Ability to Copy the AnzoGraph Log Files to the Anzo Logs Directory

Version 5.4.0 adds the option to copy the AnzoGraph log files to the Anzo/Server/logs/gqe directory so that they can be viewed from the Administration application or from the Anzo filesystem. The new option, Log Snapshot to Directory, is on the AnzoGraph Diagnostics tab. When the logs are captured, a new logs_snapshot_<timestamp> directory is created in Anzo/Server/logs/gqe.

Added the Ability to Rename Editions

Version 5.4.0 adds the option to rename existing editions without having to clone a copy.

Enhanced the Direct Data Load Workflow to Support Incremental Schema Configurations

Version 5.4.0 enhances the Direct Data Load workflow to support the incremental load options that can be configured at the schema level (for database, CSV, and Parquet sources) in the Anzo application. For more information about the options, see Create an Incremental Schema for databases and Configuring a CSV or Parquet Data Source for Incremental Processing.

Improved Incremental Data Displayed for Steps with Incremental Load Queries

Version 5.4.0 updates the user interface for Direct Load Steps that contain incremental load queries. The Incremental Data tab now shows more context so that users can determine what was processed previously. In addition, the incremental values on the tab can be deleted so that certain files or tables can be reprocessed.

Made Data Model Selection Optional for Steps

Version 5.4.0 removes the requirement to select a data model when configuring steps. A warning is now displayed on the Explore tab or in dashboards if a model is not associated with the data that is being viewed.

Made the Unstructured Pipeline Progress Update Interval Customizable

Version 5.4.0 adds the option to customize the update interval for reporting the progress of unstructured pipelines. A new UI Update Interval setting was added to the Advanced configuration options for unstructured pipelines. For information about the advanced settings, see Pipeline Settings Reference.

Improved Readability of the Document Throughput Chart on Unstructured Pipeline Progress

Version 5.4.0 improves the readability of the Documents Processed per Minute chart on the unstructured pipeline Progress tab.

Increased the Default Akka Cluster Integration Service Timeout

Version 5.4.0 increases the default timeout from 5 seconds to 30 seconds in the Anzo Server Akka Cluster Integration service. This timeout affects how long to wait to get a response when attempting to join an Akka cluster and how long to wait to retrieve service data from the Akka cluster. The previous timeout value of 5 seconds was causing some unstructured pipelines to timeout and fail with a "shutting down update listener" error message.

Configured the Shared Data Directory as Globally Accessible by Default

In Version 5.4.0, if the Shared Data Directory that is specified during the Anzo post-installation configuration is set to a location outside of the Anzo installation directory, that File Store will be configured with Globally Accessible Filesystem enabled. If you use an AnzoGraph cluster, this ensures that all servers in the cluster can access load files instead of just the leader server.

Changed Elapsed Time to a Duration Value

Version 5.4.0 updates to a duration type value the Elapsed Time that is shown when graphmarts are activated and reloaded. Previously the value was relative to the activation start time and may have been significantly inaccurate for graphmart reloads.

Updated Artifact Imports to Follow Default Access Policies if ACLs are not Included in Import

In Version 5.4.0, artifacts that do not have permissions included in the import will default to using the ACLs that are configured for the artifact's corresponding Default Access Policy.

Changed Managed Models to Use User-Defined Foreign Key Labels

In Version 5.4.0, if a data source has user-defined foreign key labels and the Direct Data Load workflow is used to ingest the source, the auto-generated model will use the foreign key labels for object properties rather than using the name of the target class.

Added a Warning to Alert User if Included Artifacts are Missing from a Migration Package

Version 5.4.0 adds a warning to alert users if they attempt to export a migration package for which one or more of the included artifacts are unreachable, either because they are missing or the user has insufficient permissions.

Server Restart is no Longer Required after Changing HTTP/S Ports

Version 5.4.0 enables you to change the Anzo application ports without having to restart the server.

A Dataset Data Profile is Required to Populate Class and Property Counts in the Explore Tab

In Version 5.4.0, when you view a dataset in the Datasets catalog, the class and property counts in the Ontology panel on the Explore tab show (0) unless a data profile exists for the dataset. For information about generating a profile, see Generating a Dataset Data Profile.

Removed the Option to Generate a Data Source Data Profile

Version 5.4.0 removes the option to generate a Data Profile for data sources.

Made SSO Configuration Available only for the sysadmin User

In Version 5.4.0, the single sign-on configuration screen, SSO Config, in the Administration application is made available only to the sysadmin user.

Direct Data Load Workflow Failed when Multiple Steps was Chosen for CSV with FKs

Version 5.4.0 corrects an issue that caused graphmart activation to fail with a "The referenced source must specify a model" error message when a user onboarded CSV files with foreign keys and Multiple Steps was chosen as the generation strategy in the Direct Data Load workflow.

This fix affects the GDI and requires AnzoGraph Version 2.5.11 or later.

Artifact Name Change was not Reflected in Refreshed Migration Package

Version 5.4.0 fixes an issue where if the name of an artifact was changed and that artifact was included in a migration package, the name change was not reflected in the package after the package was refreshed.

A User without Modify Permission was able to Edit a Migration Package

Version 5.4.0 resolves an issue that enabled a user without modify permission to edit a migration package.

Detached Properties from an Imported Model were not Available in Dashboards

Version 5.4.0 corrects an issue where properties (such as rdfs:label or dcterms:created) that were imported to a model were not available to select in dashboard lenses that used the parent model.

Page Unresponsive Error when Data Type Selected for Dashboard with a Large Model

Version 5.4.0 resolves an issue that caused a "Page Unresponsive" error when a user tried to select a Data Type for a dashboard where the graphmart had a very large data model.

Could not Edit a Large Model

Version 5.4.0 fixes an issue that caused users to be unable to edit a very large model (3,000+ classes) in the Model editor.

Could not Run a Subset of Tasks in a Workflow

Version 5.4.0 resolves an issue that prevented users from being able to run a subset of the tasks in a Workflow without running the entire Workflow.

Changes to Workflows did not Take Effect until Services were Restarted

Version 5.4.0 resolves an issue where changes to a Workflow did not take effect unless the semantic service was restarted.

Stop on Failure was Enabled for Workflows but Appeared Disabled in the UI

Version 5.4.0 fixes an issue where Stop on Failure appeared disabled because the checkbox was not selected in the Workflow UI, but the setting was enabled and all Workflows were configured to stop on a failure.

Saving a Dashboard with Collapsed Containers Reset Containers to the Default Size

Version 5.4.0 resolves an issue that caused containers that were modified from the default size to be reset to the default size if the containers were collapsed when the dashboard was saved.

Lenses Arranged in a Portlet Container were Reordered after Editing the Dashboard

Version 5.4.0 corrects an issue that caused dashboard lenses that were arranged in a portlet container to be reordered if any of the dashboard-level settings were edited.

Hi-Res Analytics Incorrectly Interpreted Some Strings as URIs

Version 5.4.0 fixes an issue where the Hi-Res Analytics application treated strings as URIs if the values were similar to URIs. This caused values not to be displayed properly in chart lenses.

Table Lens with Few Rows did not Fully Render Onscreen

Version 5.4.0 corrects a Hi-Res Analytics issue that caused tables to render improperly if they did not have enough rows to span multiple pages.

A Resource Tree Navigator Lens Would not Expand

Version 5.4.0 fixes an issue that caused a Resource Tree Navigator Lens to collapse immediately after a branch was expanded.

Varying Results for Network Navigator Auto-Expansion

Version 5.4.0 resolves an issue that could cause a Network Navigator view to auto-expand by varying degrees instead of the number of degrees that were configured in the Expansion settings.

Some Relationships were not Rendered when Included in a Network Navigator View

Version 5.4.0 corrects an issue that caused some relationships not to be rendered in a Network Navigator view when there were a large number of well-connected nodes with many instances of the same relation/object property.

Subfilter Values were Missing in a Linked Lens

Version 5.4.0 corrects an issue that caused a subfilter to be empty in a lens that was opened via a link from another dashboard.

Search did not work in Dashboard Filter when Alternate Property Used for Label

Version 5.4.0 corrects an issue that caused no results to be found when searching in a filter that used one property for the filter values and another property for the label.

Could not Import flds.trig Created by the Pax Logging SL4j Listener

Version 5.4.0 resolves an issue that prevented the flds.trig file for a log file FLDS from being imported to Anzo.

Could not Create a Gzipped Version of the Audit Logs

Version 5.4.0 resolves an issue that prevented ttl.gz files from being generated when the com.cambridgesemantics.anzo.auditlog.gzipRdf option was enabled for the Anzo Audit Logging Framework service.

Test Connection Ran Continuously when Configuring an LDAP Server

Version 5.4.0 fixes an issue that caused the connection to an LDAP server to be continuously tested while it was being configured. Now, the test will run only when a user clicks the Test Connection button.

Invalid Credentials were Sent to the LDAP Server

Version 5.4.0 resolves an issue that could cause Anzo to send a blank password value to the LDAP server when the connection was tested.

Query Context Key Values Could not be Updated

Version 5.4.0 fixes an issue that prevented users from being able to update the key values in an existing query context.

Certain Query Builder Buttons Stopped Working after a Chrome Update

Version 5.4.0 fixes an issue that caused certain buttons in the Query Builder to stop functioning after a Chrome browser update.

Could not Export a Graphmart that was Previously Imported

Version 5.4.0 resolves an issue that caused an export to fail for a graphmart that had been imported from another server.