Anzo 5.3 Releases

To view the release notes for an Anzo 5.3 version, select the version from the list below. The release notes for each version describe the product changes from the previous version.

For the best performance, stability, and compatibility with all Anzo features, use a 2.5.0 or later version of AnzoGraph with Anzo Version 5.3.x.

Anzo Version 5.3.13

This section describes the issues that were fixed in Anzo Version 5.3.13.

Selection in Table of Documents Lens did not Update Annotated Document Lens

Version 5.3.13 resolves an issue that caused the Annotated Document lens not to be responsive to the selection made in the Table of Documents lens on a dashboard.

Could not Cancel Changes in the Dashboard Manage Lenses Dialog Box

Version 5.3.13 corrects an issue that caused changes that were made in the Manage Lenses dialog box to be applied to the dashboard even if the user clicked Cancel to revert their changes.

The Bar with the Lowest Value was not Rendered on a Bar Chart Lens

Version 5.3.13 fixes an issue that caused the bar with the lowest value not to be rendered on a Bar Chart lens because the y-axis was configured to begin at the same value.

Invalid Identifier Error for Incremental Database Direct Data Load Query

Version 5.3.13 fixes an issue that prevented users from being able to ingest a database data source incrementally via the Direct Data Load workflow.

This change is implemented in the GDI and requires AnzoGraph Version 2.5.13 or later.

Anzo Version 5.3.12

This section describes the new features, improvements, and issues that were fixed in Anzo Version 5.3.12.

New Features



Patches for Security Vulnerabilities

Added Out-of-the-Box Support for Snowflake and Databricks Data Sources

Version 5.3.12 adds support for connecting to Snowflake and Databricks data sources. Those types of sources are now available from the Add Data Source > Database Data Source menu when adding a source and JDBC drivers are included in the <install_path>/Anzo/Server/plugins directory.

Added the Ability to Show/Hide Filters and Lenses on Dashboards

Like the Manage Columns functionality in the Anzo application and for Table lenses in dashboards, Version 5.3.12 adds a Manage Lenses dialog box to dashboards. As shown in the image below, A Manage Lenses button is available in the left panel in dashboards to manage the items that are displayed in that panel:

In addition, when lenses are arranged in a Vertical List Container, there is also a Manage Lenses button at the top of the list of lenses (shown below).

Clicking Manage Lenses opens a dialog box that enables you to show and hide the items in the list. For example, the image below shows the Manage Lenses dialog box for the left side panel in a dashboard with two filters:

Added the Ability to Export a Query Lens to CSV

Version 5.3.12 adds the option to export the results from a Query lens to a CSV file.

Updated the Hi-Res Analytics Default Theme Colors and Styles

Version 5.3.12 updates the colors and styles used in the default theme for the Hi-Res Analytics application to give it a more neutral look and avoid distracting from the data that is displayed in lenses. To improve usability, scrollbars are now wider and list filter items now display checkboxes rather than just labels. In addition, labels and icons in filters have been revised to clarify their purpose.

Added a Button to Clear Active Filters in Dashboards

In Version 5.3.12, when you open the Active Filters pane in a dashboard, there is an option to clear all active filters at once by clicking Clear Filters (shown below).

Collapsed Dashboard Filter Options into a Menu

To improve the layout and usability of items in the left panel on dashboards, Version 5.3.12 collapses into a menu the items that used to be icons or buttons. The image below shows an example of a filter menu that replaced a number of icons across the top of the filter.

Added the Number of Selected Filter Items to the Filter Heading

For filters that allow multiple selections, Version 5.3.12 adds to the filter heading (in parentheses) the count of items that are selected. The image below shows an example where five items are selected.

Started Saving the State of Show/Hide Selected Filter Values when Dashboard is Saved

In Version 5.3.12, when a dashboard is saved, the state of whether selected filter items in a List filter are shown or hidden is also saved. Previously, selected values were always hidden when a dashboard was opened and users had to click show filters to display them.

Added Support for URIs in the Advanced Formula Builder

In Version 5.3.12, when configuring filters and lenses, the Advanced formula builder now accepts predicate URIs in lieu of selecting properties from the list. URIs can be used in curly braces in the Calculated Value text box. The image below shows an example.

Predicate URIs must be in the class (data type) that is selected for the dashboard.

Reordered the User Management Permissions Table so Default Permissions are on Top

Version 5.3.12 reorders the table of Permissions on the User Management > Permissions screen in the Admin application so that the default permissions are listed at the top of the table.

Added Support for the SPARQL TIMEZONE and TZ Functions

Version 5.3.12 updates the parser to enable support for using the TIMEZONE and TZ functions in SPARQL queries.

Added a Warning if Included Artifacts are Missing from a Migration Package

Version 5.3.12 adds a warning to alert users if they attempt to export a migration package for which one or more of the included artifacts are unreachable, either because they are missing or the user has insufficient permissions.

Sorted the Layer Choices in the Query Builder so they Match the Selected Graphmart

In Version 5.3.12 when choosing the layers to query in the Query Builder, the select list is now sorted so that the layers appear in the same order as they are in the graphmart.

Added the Ability to Configure Groups to Include Default Members

Version 5.3.12 streamlines the ability to assign users default groups by allowing you to edit a group and add default members to it rather than having to edit each user account to add a default group.

Enhanced Processing of View Steps that Contain GDI Queries

In previous versions, if a query was run against a graphmart or layer that contained a View Step with a GDI query that targeted a remote source (i.e., a "virtual" view with a SERVICE <> service clause), that View Step query was processed regardless of whether the request targeted the view's data or not. In Version 5.3.12, to improve performance of graphmarts that contain virtual views, the GDI was enhanced so that a view query is run only when a request targets its data.

This change is implemented in the GDI and requires AnzoGraph Version 2.5.12 or later.

A Dataset Data Profile is Required to Populate Class and Property Counts in the Explore Tab

In Version 5.3.12, when you view a dataset in the Datasets catalog, the class and property counts in the Ontology panel on the Explore tab show (0) unless a data profile exists for the dataset. For information about generating a profile, see Generating a Dataset Data Profile.

Could not Create or Deactivate Graphmarts after Upgrade

After upgrading an environment from 5.3.7 to 5.3.11, graphmarts could not be created or activated because of changes to property range constraints. Version 5.3.12 resolves this issue by revising the constraints.

Could not Edit a Large Model Immediately after Upload

When a model is uploaded, Anzo generates a frame graph for that model. If a model is very large, it can take minutes to generate the frame graph. If a user attempts to edit a model before the frame generation is complete, the UI may hang and display an error. In Version 5.3.12, to prevent users from trying to edit a model whose frame is still generating, models are grayed out in the Working Set until frame generation is complete.

Unable to Upload the Industrial Ontologies Foundry Core Ontology

Version 5.3.12 fixes a class exception that prevented users from being able to upload the Industrial Ontologies Foundry Core ontology.

Ontology Service Caused JVM Memory Usage Spike

Version 5.3.12 resolves an issue where expansive joins in some ontology frame graph generation queries could cause the JVM memory limit to be exceeded and take down Anzo.

Unstructured Pipeline Failed to Extract FLDS

Version 5.3.12 fixes an issue that caused a "Failed to extract FiledBasedLinkedDaset" error to be returned in the Anzo UI after an unstructured pipeline completed.

SSO Login Icons Disappeared after Upgrade

Version 5.3.12 resolves an issue that cause SSO login icons to disappear after Anzo was upgraded.

NPE after Updating an FLDS Path in a Migration Package

Version 5.3.12 corrects an issue that caused a null pointer exception when a user refreshed a migration package after changing the path to an FLDS.

Unable to Import a Migration Package that Included a Deleted Artifact

Version 5.3.12 fixes an issue where if a migration package included an artifact that had been deleted by the sysadmin user on the target environment, that package was unable to be imported to that target, even as the sysadmin user.

Migration Package Included Artifacts Tab Could Fail to Display Artifacts

Version 5.3.12 fixes an issue that could cause the Included Artifacts tab in a Migration Package to remain empty instead of displaying the list of artifacts.

Intermittent Server Error when Exporting Migration Packages

Version 5.3.12 corrects an issue where if a user with both of the migration package permissions (Manage Migration Packages and Perform Migration Package Operations As Sysadmin) created a migration package, a user with only the Manage Migration Packages permission could occasionally get a "Server Error" when trying export that package.

Could not Exclude from a Migration Package a Related Artifact with Multiple Parents

Version 5.3.12 fixes an issue where a child artifact could not be deselected as a related artifact in a migration package when more than one parent artifact referenced the child.

Managed Models were not Included in Dataset and Graphmart Exports

In Version 5.3.12, managed models are listed as included artifacts when datasets and graphmarts are exported.

A Workflow Ran Continuously when a Structured Pipeline Task was Missing a Job

Version 5.3.12 resolves an issue that caused a Workflow to run continuously when it included a structured pipeline task that did not run any jobs.

Class Counts were 0 after Profiling an Unstructured Dataset

Version 5.3.12 corrects an issue that prevented the class counts in the Ontology panel on the Dataset Explore tab from being updated after a Data Profile was generated.

Unable to Ignore Graphmart Permissions Warnings

Version 5.3.12 fixes an issue where selecting the Ignore checkbox for graphmart permissions warnings had no effect and the warnings continued to be displayed on data layers.

DISTINCT was not Applied when Used with SUM

Version 5.3.12 resolves an issue where the DISTINCT keyword was not applied to the results if it was used with the SUM function in a query.

Unable to Save Default Anzo Data Store Configuration

Version 5.3.12 fixes an issue that caused the configuration change not be applied after a user changed the Default Anzo Data Store server setting.

Model Assigned Sysadmin if Admin User Ran Direct Data Load Workflow

Version 5.3.12 corrects an issue where the generated model was incorrectly assigned sysadmin permissions if a user with admin permissions onboarded data with the direct data load workflow.

Error when Editing a Data Range Defined by a Blank Node

Version 5.3.12 resolves an error that prevented users from being able to edit the data range for a model when the range was defined by a blank node.

Could not Select Imported Annotations in a Knowledgebase Annotator

Version 5.3.12 fixes an issue that prevented users from being able to select imported ontology annotations when configuring a Knowledgebase Annotator.

Anzo Version 5.3.11

This section describes the improvements and issues that were fixed in Anzo Version 5.3.11.



Patches for Security Vulnerabilities

Enhanced the Direct Data Load Workflow to Support Incremental Schema Configurations

Version 5.3.11 enhances the Direct Data Load workflow to support the incremental load options that can be configured at the schema level (for database, CSV, and Parquet sources) in the Anzo application. For more information about the options, see Creating an Incremental Schema for databases and Configuring a CSV or Parquet Data Source for Incremental Processing.

Improved Incremental Data Displayed for Steps with Incremental Load Queries

Version 5.3.11 updates the user interface for Direct Load Steps that contain incremental load queries. The Incremental Data tab now shows more context so that users can determine what was processed previously. In addition, the incremental values on the tab can be deleted so that certain files or tables can be reprocessed.

Updated Artifact Imports to Follow Default Access Policies if ACLs are not Included in Import

In Version 5.3.11, artifacts that do not have permissions included in the import will default to using the ACLs that are configured for the artifact's corresponding Default Access Policy.

Added New Permission for Migration Package Operations as Sysadmin

Version 5.3.11 adds a new permission, called Perform Migration Package Operations As Sysadmin, that gives users and groups assigned this permission the ability to modify, export, and import migration packages that include artifacts they may not otherwise have permission to operate on. Now, if a user has only the Manage Migration Packages permission, they cannot modify, export, or import artifacts in packages unless they have the appropriate permissions on the artifacts.

Regarding the new permission, there are two important items to note:

  • If the creator of the migration package does not have the Perform Migration Package Operations As Sysadmin permission, then they are the only user who can modify or export the migration package, even if other users are granted modify permission on the package.
  • If the creator of the migration package does have the Perform Migration Package Operations As Sysadmin permission, no one without that permission can modify or export the package.

Added the Ability to Export a Migration Package from a Remote Server

Version 5.3.11 adds the option to connect to a remote Anzo server and export a migration package from that remote server using the CLI. For example, the following commands export a package from a remote server and import it to the current server:

anzo setup -h <target_anzo_host> -u <username> -w <password>
migrationExport > <migration_package_name>
anzo migrationImport <migration_package_name>

Increased the Default Akka Cluster Integration Service Timeout

Version 5.3.11 increases the default timeout from 5 seconds to 30 seconds in the Anzo Server Akka Cluster Integration service. This timeout affects how long to wait to get a response when attempting to join an Akka cluster and how long to wait to retrieve service data from the Akka cluster. The previous timeout value of 5 seconds was causing some unstructured pipelines to timeout and fail with a "shutting down update listener" error message.

Lenses Arranged in a Portlet Container were Reordered after Editing the Dashboard

Version 5.3.11 corrects an issue that caused dashboard lenses that were arranged in a portlet container to be reordered if any of the dashboard-level settings were edited.

Saving a Dashboard with Collapsed Containers Reset Containers to the Default Size

Version 5.3.11 resolves an issue that caused containers that were modified from the default size to be reset to the default size if the containers were collapsed when the dashboard was saved.

Drill Down Lens did not Function after Migration

Version 5.3.11 resolves an issue that caused drill down lenses to become unclickable after being migrated to a different server.

Direct Data Load Workflow Failed when Multiple Steps was Chosen for CSV with FKs

Version 5.3.11 corrects an issue that caused graphmart activation to fail with a "The referenced source must specify a model" error message when a user onboarded CSV files with foreign keys and Multiple Steps was chosen as the generation strategy in the Direct Data Load workflow.

This fix affects the GDI and requires AnzoGraph Version 2.5.11 or later.

GDI Incorrectly Merged ID Properties for XML Data Source

Version 5.3.11 fixes an issue that caused the Graph Data Interface (GDI) to incorrectly merge two ID values into one ID property for an XML data source.

This fix affects the GDI and requires AnzoGraph Version 2.5.11 or later.

A User without Modify Permission was able to Edit a Migration Package

Version 5.3.11 resolves an issue that enabled a user without modify permission to edit a migration package.

Artifact Name Change not Reflected in Refreshed Migration Package

Version 5.3.11 fixes an issue where if the name of an artifact was changed and that artifact was included in a migration package, the name change was not reflected in the package after the package was refreshed.

Detached Properties from Imported Model were not Available in Dashboards

Version 5.3.11 corrects an issue where properties (such as rdfs:label or dcterms:created) that were imported to a model were not available to select in dashboard lenses that used the parent model.

Could not Run a Subset of Tasks in a Workflow

Version 5.3.11 resolves an issue that prevented users from being able to run a subset of the tasks in a Workflow without running the entire Workflow.

Stop on Failure was Enabled for Workflows but Appeared Disabled in the UI

Version 5.3.11 fixes an issue where Stop on Failure appeared disabled because the checkbox was not selected in the Workflow UI, but the setting was enabled and all Workflows were configured to stop on a failure.

Changes to Workflows did not Take Effect until Services were Restarted

Version 5.3.11 resolves an issue where changes to a Workflow did not take effect unless the semantic service was restarted.

Could not Create Gzipped Version of the Audit Logs

Version 5.3.11 resolves an issue that prevented ttl.gz files from being generated when the com.cambridgesemantics.anzo.auditlog.gzipRdf option was enabled for the Anzo Audit Logging Framework service.

Anzo Version 5.3.10

This section describes the improvements and issues that were fixed in Anzo Version 5.3.10.



Patches for Security Vulnerabilities

Added the Ability to Configure Permissions for Cloud Locations

In Version 5.3.10, a Sharing tab has been added to the Cloud Locations screen in the Administration application so that an administrator can grant users and groups permissions to launch applications for certain Cloud Locations.

Added the Ability to Rename Editions

Version 5.3.10 adds the option to rename existing editions without having to clone a copy.

Added the Ability to Reorder Table Lens Columns During CSV Export

Version 5.3.10 adds the option to reorder columns when you export a Table lens to CSV. The Export screen has been modified to enable you to drag and drop columns to reorder them.

Added the Ability to Change the Series Sort Direction for Stacked Charts

Version 5.3.10 adds the option to change the sort direction when configuring dashboard Chart lenses. The option is called Series Sort Direction and is available in the lens Designer.

Made the Unstructured Pipeline Progress Update Interval Customizable

Version 5.3.10 adds the option to customize the update interval for reporting the progress of unstructured pipelines. A new UI Update Interval setting was added to the Advanced configuration options for unstructured pipelines.

Improved Readability of the Document Throughput Chart on Unstructured Pipeline Progress

Version 5.3.10 improves the readability of the Documents Processed per Minute chart on the unstructured pipeline Progress tab.

Changed Elapsed Time to a Duration Value

Version 5.3.10 updates to a duration type value the Elapsed Time that is shown when Graphmarts are activated and reloaded. Previously the value was relative to the activation start time and may have been significantly inaccurate for Graphmart reloads.

Configured the Shared Data Directory as Globally Accessible by Default

In Version 5.3.10, if the Shared Data Directory that is specified during the Anzo post-installation configuration is set to a location outside of the Anzo installation directory, that File Store will be configured with Globally Accessible Filesystem enabled. If you use an AnzoGraph cluster, this ensures that all servers in the cluster can access load files instead of just the leader server.

Made SSO Configuration Available only for the sysadmin User

In Version 5.3.10, the single sign-on configuration screen, SSO Config, in the Administration application is made available only to the sysadmin user.

Displayed the Generated Insert Clause for Direct Data Load Queries

To make Direct Load Step queries easier to understand and edit, auto-generated queries now show the contents of the INSERT clause. Previously the contents were hidden.

Changed Managed Models to Use User-Defined Foreign Key Labels

In Version 5.3.10, if a data source has user-defined foreign key labels and the Direct Data Load workflow is used to ingest the source, the auto-generated model will use the foreign key labels for object properties rather than using the name of the target class.

Added Anzo System Table Query Data to AnzoGraph Xrays when Generated from Anzo

In Version 5.3.10, the AnzoGraph xray functionality was augmented to include in the xray the query data from the Anzo System tables. The Anzo data is included only when the xray is generated from Anzo.

Unable to Cancel an Unstructured Pipeline

Version 5.3.10 resolves an issue that prevented a user from being able to cancel an unstructured pipeline.

Could not Save Components in an Edition Created from an Export Step

Version 5.3.10 corrects an issue where the components that were added to an edition were not saved when the edition was created in a dataset that was generated from an Export Step.

A Resource Tree Navigator Lens Would not Expand

Version 5.3.10 fixes an issue that caused a Resource Tree Navigator Lens to collapse immediately after a branch was expanded.

Test Connection Ran Continuously when Configuring an LDAP Server

Version 5.3.10 fixes an issue that caused the connection to an LDAP server to be continuously tested while it was being configured. Now, the test will run only when a user clicks the Test Connection button.

Invalid Credentials were Sent to the LDAP Server

Version 5.3.10 resolves an issue that could cause Anzo to send a blank password value to the LDAP server when the connection was tested.

Varying Results for Network Navigator Auto-Expansion

Version 5.3.10 resolves an issue that could cause a Network Navigator view to auto-expand by varying degrees instead of the number of degrees that were configured in the Expansion settings.

Some Relationships were not Rendered when Included in a Network Navigator View

Version 5.3.10 corrects an issue that caused some relationships not to be rendered in a Network Navigator view when there were a large number of well-connected nodes with many instances of the same relation/object property.

Query Context Key Values Could not be Updated

Version 5.3.10 fixes an issue that prevented users from being able to update the key values in an existing query context.

Data Interchange URI Prefix was not Used for Direct Data Load Graphmarts

Version 5.3.10 resolves an issue that prevented the URI Prefix that was set under Data Interchange in Server Settings from being used for Graphmarts that were created from Data Sources using the Direct Data Load workflow.

Page Unresponsive Error when Data Type Selected for Dashboard with a Large Model

Version 5.3.10 resolves an issue that caused a "Page Unresponsive" error when a user tried to select a Data Type for a dashboard where the Graphmart had a very large data model.

Hi-Res Analytics Incorrectly Interpreted Some Strings as URIs

Version 5.3.10 fixes an issue where the Hi-Res Analytics application treated strings as URIs if the values were similar to URIs. This caused values not to be displayed properly in chart lenses.

Subfilter Values were Missing in a Linked Lens

Version 5.3.10 corrects an issue that caused a subfilter to be empty in a lens that was opened via a link from another dashboard.

Custom Ontology URI for Direct Data Load was Ignored when Multiple Steps were Generated

Version 5.3.10 resolves an issue that prevented the user-defined Ontology URI from being used when multiple steps were chosen as the query strategy for the Direct Data Load workflow.

Error for FLDS TriG Generated by Pax Logging SL4j Listener

Version 5.3.10 fixes an issue with the flds.trig file generation for log packages that prevented the file from being able to be imported back into Anzo.

Certain Query Builder Buttons Stopped Working after a Chrome Update

Version 5.3.10 fixes an issue that caused certain buttons in the Query Builder to stop functioning after a Chrome browser update.

Table Lens with Few Rows did not Fully Render Onscreen

Version 5.3.10 corrects a Hi-Res Analytics issue that caused tables to render improperly if they did not have enough rows to span multiple pages.

The Cloud Location Disable Operator Dialog Box was Non-Operational

Version 5.3.10 resolves an issue that prevented users from being able to disable operators for a Cloud Location.

Could not Export a Graphmart that was Previously Imported

Version 5.3.10 resolves an issue that caused an export to fail for a graphmart that had been imported from another server.

Search did not work in Dashboard Filter when Alternate Property Used for Label

Version 5.3.10 corrects an issue that caused no results to be found when searching in a filter that used one property for the filter values and another property for the label.

Anzo Version 5.3.9

This section describes the issues that were fixed in Anzo Version 5.3.9.

Patches for Security Vulnerabilities

Could not Connect to an LDAP Server after its Certificates were Updated

Version 5.3.9 resolves an issue that prevented Anzo from connecting to a directory server after the directory server's certificates were updated.

Inaccurate Elapsed Time was Shown During Graphmart Activation

Version 5.3.9 corrects an issue where the Elapsed Time that was displayed during Graphmart activation was incorrect because it was calculated based on Graphmart creation time rather than the activation start time.

Browser Refresh was Needed to Display Query Builder Find Results

Version 5.3.9 fixes an issue where occasionally a browser refresh was needed to display Query Builder Find results, particularly after exchanging the URI that was searched.

Authorization Error when Creating an Azure Cloud Location

Version 5.3.9 resolves an issue that caused a "Credentials not in valid format" error when a user tried to create a Cloud Location for an Azure-based K8s deployment.

Anzo Version 5.3.8

This section describes the new features, improvements, and issues that were fixed in Anzo Version 5.3.8.

New Features


Other Changes and Fixes

Patches for Security Vulnerabilities

Added the Ability to Connect to the Shared File Store at Install Time

In Version 5.3.8, Anzo no longer creates a default file connection at the root level of the host server. Instead, the location of the shared file system is specified during the initial Anzo configuration. This shared data directory becomes the default file store. For more information, see Installing Anzo.

As shown in the example image below, when browsing files on the File Store, the Current Folder may show as /. In this case, the slash indicates the root of the configured file connection. It is not the root of the host server (unless root was specified as the shared data directory during the initial Anzo setup).

Added the Ability to Set a Custom Key and Trust Store Password

In Version 5.3.8, a custom keystore and trustore password can be specified during the initial Anzo configuration after installation. For more information, see Installing Anzo.

Added the Option to Change the Key and Trust Store Password Any Time

Version 5.3.8 adds to Server Settings the option regenerate a new secret, which changes the key and trust store password. For more information, see Regenerate the Internal Server Secret.

Added the Ability to Configure the HTTP/S Ports at Install Time

In Version 5.3.8, the HTTP and HTTPS ports can be customized during the initial Anzo configuration. Previously the ports defaulted to 80 and 443 and had to be rerouted and changed to non-privileged ports after the installation. For more information, see Installing Anzo.

Added Support for Loading XML, JSON, and SAS Files via the Direct Data Load Workflow

Version 5.3.8 adds support for auto-ingesting data from XML, JSON, and SAS sources using the Direct Data Load workflow. For more information, see Directly Loading Data Sources via Graphmarts.

Added Logging for Find Connections Activity in the Activity Log

Version 5.3.8 adds to the Activity Log information about Find Connections activity.

Added Support for Multiple Max IDs in GDI Incremental Ingestion Queries

Version 5.3.8 adds support for including multiple max ID variables in the same incremental GDI query.

Removed Spark-Related UI Menu Options when Spark is not Installed

In Version 5.3.8, if Spark is not installed, the Spark-related UI menu options are no longer displayed in the Anzo and Administration applications. Previously, the options were included but did not function.

Removed the 500 Result Limit for Service Calls in the Query Builder

Version 5.3.8 removes the 500-result limit that was applied to SERVICE queries that were run via the Query Builder.

Added a Check to Prevent Duplicate Query Context Attributes

In previous versions, a user could create a query context key that had the same name but different value than an existing key. Version 5.3.8 prevents users from creating duplicate keys.

Encrypted the Redirect URL when SSO is Used

Version 5.3.8 ensures that the redirect URL is encrypted when single sign-on is used.

Files Could not be Ingested via Direct Data Load if the File Storage System Required Authentication

Version 5.3.8 updates the GDI to resolve an issue that prevented users from being able to directly load files via Graphmarts if the files were stored on a system that required authentication, such as FTP or WebDAV.

Cloning a Graphmart did not Include Query Contexts

In Version 5.3.8, the associated query contexts are now included when a Graphmart is cloned.

The Manage Migration Packages Permission was Required to Import a Graphmart

Version 5.3.8 resolves an issue that prevented a user with the Import Artifacts permissions from being able to import a Graphmart.

The Connection to AnzoGraph was Lost when the gRPC Token Expired

In previous versions, the connection to AnzoGraph was closed if the AnzoGraph gRPC token expired. In Version 5.3.8, the connection is not closed and Anzo receives a new token.

Layers were Incorrectly Tagged for Refresh after a Graphmart with an Export Step was Reloaded

Version 5.3.8 resolves an issue where some data layers were incorrectly tagged as needing to be refreshed after a Graphmart with an Export Step was reloaded.

Failed to Load the List of Graphmarts on the Graphmarts Screen

Version 5.3.8 fixes an issue that caused the application to fail to load the list of Graphmarts after the server was restarted.

Backup of Original JSON Docs for Multiple Datasets was Inconsistent

Version 5.3.8 corrects an issue that occurred when Backup Original JSON Docs was enabled for a JSON Update Step and more than one dataset was included in the Graphmart. In this case, the documents were backed up inconsistently, with all backups getting saved to one FLDS.

UI Showed Multiple Scrollbars for Long Queries

Version 5.3.8 fixes an issue that could cause multiple scrollbars to be shown when long queries were viewed in data layer steps.

Could not Display a Bubble Chart with String Values for X or Y Axis

Version 5.3.8 resolves an issue where a bubble chart could not be rendered if the X or Y axis value was a string type.

Network Navigator Icons only Showed for the User Who Added Them

Version 5.3.8 fixes an issue where Network Navigator icons were only displayed for the user who uploaded them. Other users with access to the dashboard could not see the icons.

Unstructured Pipeline Progress was not Displayed if Status Updates were not Configured

If an Anzo Unstructured Pipeline was not configured to write status updates to the journal or an FLDS, the Progress screen did not display the pipeline's status. Version 5.3.8 corrects this issue.

Unstructured Pipeline Incorrectly Produced Binary Store Item from HTML

Version 5.3.8 fixes an issue where Anzo Unstructured incorrectly stored an HTML file as a fullBinarystore item because part of the HTML was missing.

Some Connections were Missing from a Network Navigator View

Version 5.3.8 resolves an issue that could cause some connections to be excluded when object properties were specified in the Property Inclusion List in a Network Navigator view.

A Query Lens Excluded Records with Null Values

Version 5.3.8 fixes an issue that prevented records that had NULL values from being returned in a Query Lens.

Anzo Unstructured did not Remove Temporary Files for Failures

Version 5.3.8 resolves an Anzo Unstructured issue where files that were temporarily saved to disk were not removed if reading a document failed, such as if the Image Rich Text Extractor was configured but certain images did not include text.

Admin CLI Command for Exporting Media Failed

Version 5.3.8 corrects an issue where the following Anzo Admin CLI command failed to export the icons for a Network Navigator dashboard:

anzo deploy -export -include b -f media.trig 

Anzo Version 5.3.7

This section describes the issue that was fixed in Anzo Version 5.3.7.

SPARQL Endpoint Request Failed with an Internal Server Error

Version 5.3.7 resolves an issue that caused a cURL request against the SPARQL endpoint to fail with a "500 - Internal Server Error" message. The problem occurred because the spring framework dependency was overly strict and incorrectly flagged the URL-encoded Graphmart URI as a potentially malicious string.

Anzo Version 5.3.6

This section describes the new features, improvements, and issues that were fixed in Anzo Version 5.3.6.

Version 5.3.6 includes security-related enhancements that are not described in the Release Notes below. For more information, contact your Cambridge Semantics Customer Success representative.

New Features


Other Changes and Fixes

Patches for Security Vulnerabilities

Added the Ability to Ingest Data Incrementally with GDI Queries

Version 5.3.6 introduces the ability to ingest data incrementally with a Graph Data Interface (GDI) query. Incremental GDI queries are supported for databases and file-based data sources. For information, see Ingesting Data Incrementally with the GDI.

Known Issue

Data Layers that include a Direct Load Step with an incremental GDI query must include a Load Dataset Step as the first step. In Version 5.3.6, it is a known issue that this Load Dataset Step must be disabled the first time the Graphmart is activated. After the Load Dataset Step, the next step should be the Direct Load Step that runs the incremental query. As the last step in the layer, an Export Step must be configured to create the dataset that the Load Dataset Step will load. After the Direct Load Step and Export Step run successfully upon Graphmart activation, enable the Load Dataset Step so that it loads the exported dataset the next time the Graphmart is reloaded or refreshed.

Added the Ability to Export a Chart Lens as a PDF Document

Version 5.3.6 adds the option to download a Chart lens as a PDF when exporting the lens from a dashboard. There is a new Download PDF document option in the lens Export menu:

Added the Option to Exclude the Spark and Sparkler Components from New Installations

Version 5.3.6 changes the installer to add the option to exclude the Spark and Sparkler components from new Anzo installations. When prompted about which components to install, there are now three options:

Which components should be installed?
1: Server [*1]
2: Client [*2]
3: Spark [*3]
(To show the description of a component, please enter one of *1, *2, *3)
Please enter a comma-separated list of the selected values or [Enter] for the default selection:

Selecting only items 1 and 2 excludes the embedded Spark server and compiler as well as the Sparkler compiler. When these components are not installed, you will not be able to ingest data sources using ETL pipelines. All data onboarding must be done via Direct Data Loading or manually written Graph Data Interface queries.

Added GPG Signing to Artifacts so Authenticity can be Verified

Cambridge Semantics now signs all Anzo artifacts so that their authenticity can be verified.

Added a Sharing Tab to the AnzoGraph Admin UI

Version 5.3.6 adds a Sharing tab to the AnzoGraph configuration screen in the Admin application so that the configuration can be shared with additional users and groups.

Released Updated CData JDBC and ODBC Drivers

Version 5.3.6 includes updated CData JDBC and ODBC drivers that resolve a Visual Studio remote code execution vulnerability. After installing Version 5.3.6, Cambridge Semantics recommends that you upgrade any drivers that are in use. See Downloading the Anzo ODBC and JDBC Drivers for instructions on downloading the drivers.

Made the Direct Load Step Non-Experimental

Version 5.3.6 exposes the Direct Load Step as a standard step. Previously the step was experimental and had to be enabled by an administrator.

Added Support for Using Shorter Syntax in Construct Queries

Version 5.3.6 adds support for running a compact version of a CONSTRUCT query that does not require you to provide a graph and triple template in the CONSTRUCT clause. For example, the following type of CONSTRUCT query is supported:

  ?s ?p ?o

Added Support for the Duration Function in the Query Builder

Version 5.3.6 adds support for including the DURATION function in Query Builder queries.

Improved Support for Adding a Dataset from a ZIP File

Version 5.3.6 improves support for adding a dataset to the Dataset catalog from a .zip file that contains .ttl or ttl.gz files. Previously the import failed if the .zip file included __MACOSX entries. For information about uploading RDF files to the Dataset catalog, see Onboarding RDF Files.

Added Pagination to the Graphmarts Tab on the AnzoGraph Admin Screen

Version 5.3.6 adds pagination options to the Graphmarts tab that is available on the AnzoGraph screen in the Admin application. Previously the screen could only list up to 25 Graphmarts and there was not a way to display additional Graphmarts.

Removed the Provenance Explorer from the Anzo Application

Version 5.3.6 removes the Provenance Explorer from the product as it was affected by Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures (CVEs) but was not being used by customers. The feature was previously available only to the sysadmin user by default.

Removed the Experimental Tableau WDC from Data on Demand

Version 5.3.6 removes the experimental Tableau Web Data Connector support from the Data on Demand service.

Elasticsearch Indexing Step Failed with Parse Exception

Version 5.3.6 resolves an issue that caused an Elasticsearch Indexing Step to fail with a Parse Exception Encountered error.

Rich Text Extractors were not Automatically Added to Unstructured Pipelines

Version 5.3.6 fixes an issue where Anzo failed to add Rich Text Extractors for all common file types to new Unstructured Pipelines by default.

Could not Import Artifacts with Special Characters in the Name

Version 5.3.6 resolves an issue that prevented exported artifacts from being imported if the artifact name included special characters.

The Query Builder Auto-Populated Certain Prefixes in Queries but not in Downloaded Results

Version 5.3.6 changes the behavior of the population of prefixes in the Query Builder. Previously, prefixes like xsd: could be used in a query even though xsd: was not declared in the PREFIX clause. This caused an issue when a user tried to download the results of a query because the prefix was not auto-populated in the results. In Version 5.3.6, the Query Builder will show an error if a prefix is used in a query but not declared in the PREFIX clause.

Admin User Could not Delete a Dashboard in the Hi-Res Analytics Application

Version 5.3.6 fixes an issue that prevented a user with Admin permissions from deleting a dashboard from the Hi-Res Analytics application.

Mapping Validation Failed Because of a Missing Namespace Property

Version 5.3.6 resolves an issue that caused a valid mapping to become invalid due to a missing namespace property on the TargetReferences object.

Could Not Version a Model that had a Short URI

Version 5.3.6 corrects an issue that prevented a version from being created for a model whose URI value did not have characters after the second slash (/), such as <>. In Version 5.3.6, additional characters are added to the version entry URI.

Orchestration Service Failed to Register after an Upgrade

Version 5.3.6 corrects an issue that caused an orchestration service to fail to register after Anzo was upgraded.

Graphs did not Sync Between Servers when a Workflow was Run Remotely

Versoin 5.3.6 resolves an issue that occurred when running a Workflow from a remote server. In this case, the graphs did not appropriately sync from the ingestion server to the orchestration server after the execution.

Error when Two Users Created a Graphmart from the Same Data Source

Version 5.3.6 resolves an issue that prevented a second user from creating a Graphmart from a Data Source that another user previously added to a different Graphmart.

User and Group Search Results on the Sharing Tab were not Filtered Properly

Version 5.3.6 corrects an issue that caused the search results on the Sharing tab to return many user and group names that should have been filtered out.

The UI Became Difficult to Use when an Edition had Many Components

Version 5.3.6 resolves an issue that caused the Anzo application to become difficult to use when a user tried to configure an Edition that contained a very large number of components.

Anzo Version 5.3.5

This section describes the issues that were fixed in Anzo Version 5.3.5.

Import was Slow for an Artifact with Many Versions

Version 5.3.5 significantly improves performance when an artifact with several versions is imported.

Could not Export a Version from the UI Because the Export Button Remained Disabled

Version 5.3.5 corrects an issue where the Related Entities table on the Versions tab could not be displayed. Since the table did not finish loading, the Export button was never enabled on the screen and the user could not export the version.

Could not Version and Export an Ontology

Version 5.3.5 fixes an issue that prevented a valid version from being created for particular ontology. As a result, the ontology could not be exported.

Spark ETL Pipeline Generated Incorrect Values for an Impala Data Source

Version 5.3.5 includes an updated sdi-deployment-utils- file that resolves an issue where incorrect values were output in the target after a Spark pipeline was run to ingest data from an Impala data source.

A User Could not Access a Migration Package That They Created

Version 5.3.5 resolves an issue where a user with the Manage Migration Packages permission was unable to access a migration package that they created earlier.

Unrelated Artifacts were Included in a Migration Package for a Mapping

Version 5.3.5 corrects an issue that caused unrelated entities to be included in a migration package for a mapping artifact.

Anzo Version 5.3.4

This section describes the new features and issues that were fixed in Anzo Version 5.3.4.

New Features and Improvements


Patches for Security Vulnerabilities

Added a Step for Enriching Elasticsearch JSON Documents before Indexing

Version 5.3.4 adds a JSON Update Step that can be used to enrich Elasticsearch JSON documents with data from a Graphmart before the documents are indexed. For more information and instructions on enabling the step, refer to your Cambridge Semantics Customer Success manager.

Removed the "(g)" Suffix from Dashboard Labels

Version 5.3.4 removes the "(g)" suffix from the labels on Graphmart Dashboards since it is no longer necessary to distinguish between dashboard types.

Prevented Debug Messages from Being Displayed in Browser Developer Tools

Version 5.3.4 prevents debug messages from being displayed when browser developer tools are used to inspect the Anzo and Admin applications. In Version 5.3.4, only errors and warnings are displayed in the browser console.

Added Absolute Values to Percentages in Data Profile Results

To make Data Profile results easier to interpret, Version 5.3.4 displays the absolute value next to the percentage value for all metrics that return percentages.

Added Support for Substring Searches on Profiled Data

Version 5.3.4 adds support for searching for substrings in Data Profile results.

Replaced NaN Values with a Message when a Metric is not Applicable for Profiled Data

Version 5.3.4 returns the message "Not an Applicable Metric" in place of "NaN" in Data Profile results if a metric is not applicable for a property.

Made the Data Models Field Optional for Elasticsearch Indexing Steps

Version 5.3.4 changes the Data Models field to an optional field for Elasticsearch Indexing Steps. It was previously required but not needed.

Streamlined the Configuration of Settings with Checkboxes

In previous releases, certain settings, such as the Advanced settings for Unstructured Pipelines, required the user to first make the setting editable, then select or deselect the checkbox, and then save the change. Version 5.3.4 streamlines the configuration of these types of settings by allowing them to be changed with a single click.

Added the Ability to Denormalize All Results for Data on Demand Endpoints

Version 5.3.4 adds the ability to denormalize the results for all multi-valued properties in both Auto-Generated and Custom Data on Demand endpoints. For JSON, XML, and CSV output formats, denormalization expands the multi-valued properties into new rows so that they can be viewed in BI tools that do not support arrays or multi-valued properties. For more information, see Creating Data on Demand Endpoints.

Pipeline Sharing Tab was Read-Only for a User with Modify Permissions

Version 5.3.4 corrects an issue that caused the Pipeline Sharing tab to be read-only for a user even though that user was assigned Modify permissions.

New Regex Annotator Used the Regex Rule from a Preexisting Annotator

When a user added a new Regex Annotator to an Unstructured Pipeline that already included a Regex Annotator, the new annotator contained the Regex Rule from the existing annotator and the rule could not be changed. Version 5.3.4 resolves this issue.

Workflow Manager Ignored the Load Timeout Setting

Version 5.3.4 fixes an issue that caused the Load Timeout setting to be ignored when Workflows were run. Workflows could continue to run longer than the configured timeout value.

No Error Returned when an Elasticsearch Indexing Step Failed

Version 5.3.4 resolves an issue that made an Elasticsearch Indexing Step appear to succeed when in reality the index update failed.

This issue is resolved by an update to the AnzoGraph GDI extension. If you do not upgrade AnzoGraph and require this fix, replace your existing GDI .jar file with the latest version. For more information, see Updating the AnzoGraph Graph Data Interface Extension.

Unexpected Results for Query Step that Modified Data in Another Layer

When a Query Step ran a query to delete data from another layer, the data failed to be deleted even though the step was correctly configured to operate against the other layer. Version 5.3.4 resolves this issue.

Query with OPTIONAL and MINUS Clauses Returned Unexpected Results

Version 5.3.4 corrects an issue where running a query that included an OPTIONAL clause with a MINUS clause returned only the results that were specified in the MINUS clause rather than all results except for the data referenced in the MINUS clause.

Network Navigator Legend Remained Out of View on a Small Screen

Version 5.3.4 resolves an issue where users with small screen sizes were unable to scroll to the legend for a Network View.

Network Navigator Legend did not Show Conditional Nodes

Version 5.3.4 fixes an issue that caused conditional nodes not to be displayed in the Network Navigator legend.

Resized Panels in the User Interface Retained Their Size after Closing

Version 5.3.4 corrects an issue that caused panels in the user interface to take up the same space but remain blank if they were resized before they were closed.

Could not Save the Temporary Edition after Editing the Default Edition

Version 5.3.4 fixes an issue where a user could not save the temporary edition that was created after editing the default edition in a Graphmart.

Refresh Required after Importing New Database Schema

When a user imported a new schema for a database data source, the schema was not displayed in the schema list on the Tables screen until the user refreshed the browser. Version 5.3.4 corrects this issue.

Unable to Update Image Versions in Cloud Locations for AKS Clusters

When using an Azure AKS cluster, a user was unable to update a Cloud Location to change the image versions for the Anzo Agent, Anzo Unstructured operator, Anzo Unstructured Leader, and Anzo Unstructured Worker images. Version 5.3.4 resolves this issue.

Unknown Function Error for Query with xsd:dateTime Function

When a Data Layer query included the xsd:dateTime function instead of the DATETIME function, the query failed with an "Unknown Function" error. Version 5.3.4 resolves this issue so that xsd:dateTime can be used in queries.

The Query Builder did not Recognize the UNBOUND Function

Version 5.3.4 adds support for using the UNBOUND function in Query Builder queries.

Error with RDF Handler when Exporting a Version of a Model

Version 5.3.4 resolves an issue that caused an export of a version of a model to fail with an "Error with RDF Handler" message.

Searching Data Profile Results Returned the Model Name if the Search Value was not Found

Version 5.3.4 corrects an issue that caused the model name to be displayed if a user searched Data Profile results for a value that did not exist. Anzo now returns a "No results found" message.

The Value Present Metric was not Displayed for DateTime Properties in Profiled Data

Version 5.3.4 resolves an issue that prevented the Value Present metric from being displayed in Data Profile results for properties with dateTime data types.

NPE when an Auto-Generated Data on Demand Endpoint was Refreshed

Version 5.3.4 fixes an issue that caused an Auto-Generated Data on Demand Endpoint to return a null pointer exception when it was refreshed.

Failure to Create an OData Schema Resulted in an NPE

Version 5.3.4 corrects an issue that caused OData Schema generation to fail for a Data on Demand endpoint. As a result, a null pointer exception occurred with the endpoint was accessed.

Auto-Generated Data on Demand Endpoint Appeared Disabled after Graphmart Refresh

Version 5.3.4 resolves an issue that caused an Auto-Generated Data on Demand Endpoint to appear offline after the Graphmart was refreshed multiple times.

Data on Demand $expand Results were not Returned when Server Side Paging was Enabled

Version 5.3.4 corrects an issue that prevented expand values from being returned from Data on Demand endpoints if OData server side paging was enabled.

Incorrect Results for OData Query with Nested $expands

Version 5.3.4 resolves an issue that caused incorrect results to be returned for an OData query that included multiple $expands for properties of the same type. Only the values for one of the nested expands was returned.

Detached Properties in a Model were not Selectable in Custom Data on Demand Endpoints

Version 5.3.4 fixes an issue that prevented detached properties from being displayed in Custom Data on Demand endpoints.

Incorrect Data on Demand Results if Multi-Valued Property Values were not Distinct

Version 5.3.4 fixes an issue that caused incorrect results to be returned from a Data on Demand endpoint if the resultset included multi-valued properties for which the values were not distinct.

Sparkler Jobs Failed for Database Sources when AES was Enabled

Version 5.3.4 resolves an issue that caused Sparkler jobs to fail for database data sources when Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) was enabled.

Could not Search for Text when Choosing Formula Values in Custom Data on Demand Endpoints

When creating a Custom Data on Demand endpoint, the property and function selection drop-down list covered the Formula Value field, making it impossible to type search values into the field.

Drill Down Lens Breadcrumbs Rendered Incorrectly if they Included Brackets

Version 5.3.4 corrects an issue that caused breadcrumbs with brackets ([ ]) to render incorrectly in Drill Down lenses in the Hi-Res Analytics application.

The Query Manager Showed Script Errors when used with Network Navigator Dashboards

Version 5.3.4 resolves an issue where the Hi-Res Analytics Query Manager panel showed script errors when it was used with a Network Navigator dashboard.

Subclasses Appeared to be Disabled in Network Navigator Filters

Version 5.3.4 fixes an issue where the classes and subclasses in a Network Navigator dashboard filter were grayed out and appeared as if they could not be selected even though they were enabled.

Dashboard Query Ran Against the Wrong Data Layer

Version 5.3.4 resolves an issue that caused the Hi-Res Analytics application to run queries against the incorrect Data Layer when one layer was selected in the Data Layers panel on a dashboard.

Query-Driven Templated Step with Many Iterations Caused Anzo to Stop Responding

Version 5.3.4 resolves an issue that caused Anzo to become unresponsive when a Query-Driven Templated Step with ~70k iterations was run. The unresponsiveness was caused by the significant amount of logging that was produced during the query iterations.

ASK Queries did not Return Results from the SPARQL Endpoint

Version 5.3.4 resolves an issue that prevented ASK queries from returning a response when they were run against the SPARQL endpoint.

Irrelevant Error Returned for Edition Creation Failure

Version 5.3.4 corrects an issue that caused Anzo to return an "Edition with title <title> already exists" error message if edition creation failed regardless of the real reason the edition could not be created.

Anzo Version 5.3.3

This section describes the new features and issues that were fixed in Anzo Version 5.3.3.

New Features


Added the Ability to Integrate Graph Data with Elasticsearch Indexes

Version 5.3.3 introduces the ability to load classes and properties from knowledge graphs into Elasticsearch indexes. Creating graph-based indexes gives you the scalability and performance to execute free-text and pattern searches on Graphmart data. You can also use graph-based indexes to augment document-based indexes created by unstructured pipelines. For more information, see Creating an Elasticsearch Index from Graphmart Data.

Added Support for AES Encryption Types

Version 5.3.3 adds support for the Advanced Encryption Standard (AES). For more information and instructions on enabling AES, refer to your Cambridge Semantics Customer Success manager.

Could Not Activate a Graphmart after Adding a Data on Demand Endpoint

Version 5.3.3 resolves an issue that prevented a Graphmart from being activated after a Data on Demand Endpoint was created for it.

Incremental ETL Jobs Failed for an Oracle Data Source

Version 5.3.3 resolves an issue where Anzo incorrectly added double quotes around an integer Increment Value in a schema query. The quotes caused an error when run against the data source and the ETL jobs failed.

Anzo Version 5.3.2

This section describes the improvements and issues that were fixed in Anzo Version 5.3.2.


Other Changes and Fixes

Patches for Security Vulnerabilities

Enhanced the Generated Direct Data Loading Queries to Improve Readability

Version 5.3.2 includes improvements to the auto-generated queries that are created when the Direct Data Loading workflow is used to onboard a Data Source. The enhancements include reducing the use of blank nodes and improving the formatting to make the generated queries easier to read by users. For more information about the Direct Data Loading workflow, see Directly Loading Data Sources via Graphmarts.

Improved Usability of Data Profiling Metrics

Version 5.3.2 includes enhancements to the usability and layout of the Metrics that are returned when a Data Source, Dataset, or Graphmart is profiled.

Improved the Error Message Returned if LDAP Authentication Fails

Version 5.3.2 improves the error message that is returned if LDAP authentication fails by making it more specific about the cause of the failure. For example, if an incorrect username or password is entered, Anzo returns a message such as, "Invalid username and password combination."

Added an Alert if a User Attempts to Delete a Data Source that is Directly Loaded in a Graphmart

Version 5.3.2 adds an alert that is returned if a user attempts to delete a Data Source that is being directly loaded in a Graphmart.

Added the Ability to Delete Components from Datasets as well as from Editions

Version 5.3.2 adds the ability to delete Data Components from both the Managed Edition as well as Saved Editions. When browsing an Edition, the menu in the Data Components Actions column has the new options, Remove Component From Edition and Remove Component From Dataset (shown in the image below).

Selecting Remove Component From Edition is similar to the functionality that was introduced in Version 5.3.0. This option deletes the Component from the Edition but it does not remove the Component from the Dataset. Selecting the Remove Component From Dataset option deletes the Component from the Edition and deletes that Component's data from the file system.

Added the Option to Create a Graphmart Load Service Task that Refreshes a Graphmart

Version 5.3.2 adds to the Workflow Manager the ability to create a Graphmart Load Service Task that refreshes a Graphmart rather than reloads it. For information about the Graphmart Load Service Task, see Adding a Task that Refreshes or Reloads a Graphmart.

Added the Ability to Limit the Number of anzo_full Logs and Total Size of all anzo_* Logs

Version 5.3.2 adds maxHistory and totalSizeCap properties to the Pax Logging SLF4j Listener Service. These properties can be set to limit the number of anzo_full.log files that are retained on disk and place a total size limit on all anzo_* logs. For more information, see Limiting the Size and Number of anzo_full Logs.

Improved Usability of the Suggested Keys Tab in Data Sources

Version 5.3.2 improves the layout and usability of the Suggested Keys interface in the Anzo application by moving the Actions buttons into menu items under a menu in the Actions column.

Improved the Formula Selector for Custom Data on Demand Endpoints

Version 5.3.2 improves the formula selector to make it easier to select or type functions when adding a column to a custom Data on Demand endpoint.

Improved Logging for Custom Data on Demand Endpoints

Version 5.3.2 increases logging for Custom Data on Demand Endpoints to aid in debugging when errors are encountered.

Set the Dataset Format to TTL.GZ by Default

Version 5.3.2 automatically sets the Dataset Format to ttl.gz by default. This field is required when creating a Dataset and was previously left blank even though the only valid values are ttl or ttl.gz.

Improved Usability when Directly Loading Multiple Data Sources

Version 5.3.2 adds an explanation to the Ontology URI field under the Advanced options that are available when using the Direct Data Loading workflow to onboard multiple Data Sources at once. The text informs the user that a custom Ontology URI cannot be set when multiple Data Sources are selected.

An Incremental ETL Job Failed on the Second Run

Version 5.3.2 corrects an issue that caused the second run of an incremental job for a database Data Source to fail when the increment Value set for the schema matched the number of columns in the table.

An Incremental ETL Job Failed when the Counter was Manually Changed

Version 5.3.2 resolves an issue where an incremental job failed after the job was edited to change the counter Value.

The Counter Value Failed to Update after an Incremental Job was Run

Version 5.3.2 resolves in issue that caused the counter Value on an incremental job to fail to update after the job was run.

The Change was not Saved after Updating the Increment Value in a Schema Query

Version 5.3.2 fixes an issue that caused the change not to be saved when the Value was updated for an Incremental Schema query.

A Dashboard Dialog Type Hyperlink Failed to Load

Version 5.3.2 resolves an issue that occurred when a Dashboard included a hyperlinked column that was configured to open in a Dialog. In this case, the data would not load when the link was clicked unless the lens Designer was opened first.

Artifacts in a Cloned Graphmart Inherited Permissions from the Original Graphmart

Version 5.3.2 fixes an issue that caused the Data Layers and Steps in a cloned Graphmart to incorrectly inherit their permissions from the original Graphmart instead of the new copy of the Graphmart.

Artifacts in a Cloned Graphmart were Missing Permissions

Version 5.3.2 fixes an issue where the Data Layers and Steps in a cloned Graphmart could be missing permissions instead of inheriting them from the new copy of the Graphmart.

Related Entities were not Displayed after an Artifact was Imported

Version 5.3.2 increases to 400 the maximum number of related entities that can be shown in the Anzo application when importing, exporting, or creating versions of artifacts. Previously the limit was much lower and some users received a "Too many related entities found, unable to show the list" message.

The Create New Folder Option was Missing from the Create Dataset Dialog Box

Version 5.3.2 adds the Create New Folder option to the user interface when a new Dataset is being created.

Roles Created in Anzo were Included in the Groups List

Version 5.3.2 resolves an issue that caused Roles that were created in Anzo to be displayed in the list of Groups in the Anzo application.

A User was Unable to Delete an Edition

Version 5.3.2 corrects an issue where a user was unable to delete a Saved Edition due to an "Invalid Arguments" error.

Could Not Cancel Adding a Column to a Custom Data on Demand Endpoint

Version 5.3.2 corrects an issue where the Cancel button failed to cancel the action after a user clicked Add Column to add a column to a custom Data on Demand endpoint. The browser had to be refreshed in order to cancel the column addition.

A Custom Data on Demand Endpoint Formatted Date Values Differently for CSV Output

Version 5.3.2 fixes an issue that caused a Custom Data on Demand endpoint to format date values differently than other return types. For example, the preview of the values showed "2021-02-01" while CSV output returned "Mon Feb 01 00:00:00 GMT 2021."

The "Results Have Changed" Message Failed to Display for Dashboards

Version 5.3.2 resolves an issue that caused the "Results Have Changed" alert on Hi-Res Analytics Dashboards to be displayed only briefly, rather than remaining onscreen until the user updated the Dashboard.

The Dashboard Graphmart Panel Did Not Display the Graphmart Name

Version 5.3.2 fixes an issue that caused the Hi-Res Analytics application to fail to display the Graphmart name in the Graphmart panel on a Graphmart Dashboard.

A Migration Packages Configuration Field Tooltip Blocked Choosing an Option for the Field

Version 5.3.2 resolves a problem that prevented a tooltip from closing when a user clicked away. The tooltip blocked the user from choosing a value for the field.

A Network Navigator View with Many Resources Did Not Load when Opened From a Table Lens

Version 5.3.2 corrects an issue that caused a Network Navigator View to fail to load when it was opened from a grouped row in a Table lens and a large amount of resources were included.

An Empty Model was Generated when it was Overwritten by the Direct Data Loading Workflow

Version 5.3.2 resolves an issue that caused a Model to become blank after the original Model was overwritten using the Direct Data Loading workflow.

Deleting a Workflow Resulted in Several Exceptions

Version 5.3.2 fixes an issue that caused multiple exceptions to be logged when a Workflow was deleted. Now, Workflows are deregistered when they are deleted, preventing the exceptions.

Anzo Version 5.3.1

This section describes the improvements and issues that were fixed in Anzo Version 5.3.1.

Added Queries from Query-Driven Templated Steps to the Activity Log

In Version 5.3.1, all of the queries that are executed as part of Query-Driven Templated Step processing are now logged in the Activity Log.

Added Support for Elasticsearch Versions 7.11 and 7.12

Version 5.3.1 adds support for Elasticsearch Versions 7.11 and 7.12. Anzo Unstructured now supports Elasticsearch Versions 7.10.2 through 7.12.0.

Added Sparkler Support for Schema Queries with Tab Characters

Version 5.3.1 enhances the Sparkler ETL engine to support Schema queries that include tabs. Previously, the queries failed if the SQL included tabs.

Added Support for Special Characters in Usernames

Version 5.3.1 adds support for including special characters in usernames.

Added Registry Statements Validation on Migration Package Import if Export Included Them

Version 5.3.1 adds validation that will fail a Migration Package import if the export included registry statements and the statements are missing from the import file.

Improved Formula Selector for Custom Data on Demand Endpoints

Version 5.3.1 improves the formula selector to make it easier to select or type functions when adding a column to a custom Data on Demand endpoint.

Modified Migration Import CLI Command to Enforce ACL Validation

Version 5.3.1 modifies the migrationImport Anzo Admin CLI command so that when the -sk (skip validation) option is specified, validation is still performed on ACL templates to ensure that all placeholder ACL values are replaced in the template.

Numeric Values Incorrectly Shown on Chart Axis with String Values

Version 5.3.1 corrects an issue that caused a Chart lens using string values on the Y-Axis to incorrectly display numeric values above and below the range of strings.

Column Name Replaced Instance Data when Column Included CONCAT in Mapping

Version 5.3.1 corrects an issue that could cause the column name to appear in the Dataset in place of the instance data if the column included the CONCAT function in the Mapping and Spark was used to publish the job.

Long Artifact Titles Moved Action Buttons Off Screen

Version 5.3.1 corrects an issue that pushed the action buttons, like Ingest, Create Dashboard, and Profile Data, far to the right of the screen when artifact titles were very long. Long titles are now shortened with ellipses (...).

Unknown or Inaccessible Graphs Error During Graphmart Refresh

Version 5.3.1 resolves an issue that caused Anzo to return an "Unknown or inaccessible graphs included in query..." error when a sysadmin or Admin user refreshed a Graphmart.

Incremental File Ingestion Failed if File Name Had Spaces

Version 5.3.1 corrects an issue that caused a Sparkler job to fail if incremental processing was enabled and the file name had spaces in it.

JavaScript Error when Canceling All Queries from System Query Audit

Version 5.3.1 corrects a JavaScript error that could occur when a user clicked the Cancel All button on the Inflight Queries tab in the System Query Audit log.

Sparkler Did Not Limit Max Output File Size

Version 5.3.1 sets the default maximum file size limit of 100 MB for files that are output by the Sparkler ETL engine. This default matches the default limit for the Spark ETL engine.

LDAP UUID Shown as User Name for New Workflow

Version 5.3.1 corrects an issue that caused the LDAP UUID to be shown as the Creator rather than the username if a user other than the sysadmin user created a new Workflow.

Server Connection Lost when Downloading an X-Ray from the Dynamic Resources Log

Version 5.3.1 resolves an issue that could cause the Administration application to lose the connection to the Anzo server when an X-Ray was downloaded from the Dynamic Resources log.

Graphmart Explore Tab Did Not Show Subclass Connections from Different Model

Version 5.3.1 corrects an issue that caused subclass connections not to be rendered on the Graphmart Explore tab if the connections were to another Model.

Could Not Cancel Adding Column to Custom Data on Demand Endpoint

Version 5.3.1 corrects an issue where the Cancel button failed to cancel the action after a user clicked Add Column to add a column to a custom Data on Demand endpoint. The browser had to be refreshed in order to cancel the column addition.

Sparkler Jobs Seemed to Run Indefinitely When Ingesting Files Incrementally

Version 5.3.1 corrects an issue where Sparkler continued to send job status updates to Anzo after incremental file ingestion jobs completed. As a result, the pipeline seemed to run indefinitely.

Unstructured Pipeline Ran Indefinitely if a Document Errored Out

Version 5.3.1 resolves an error that could cause an Unstructured Pipeline to run indefinitely if one or more documents had an error.

Anzo Version 5.3.0

This section describes the new features and changes to existing components that are introduced in Anzo Version 5.3.0.

New Features

Improvements to Existing Features

Improvements for Kubernetes-Based Deployments

Other Changes and Fixes

Patches for Security Vulnerabilities

Direct Data Load Automated Ingestion Workflow

Version 5.3.0 introduces a new type of automated ingestion workflow that follows the extract, load, and transform (ELT) process. In the ELT workflow, Data Sources are loaded directly to AnzoGraph via Graphmarts. Data Layers are automatically generated to transform and blend the data in memory to an analytics-ready knowledge graph. The AnzoGraph Graph Data Interface (GDI) Java plugin is used to connect to the Data Sources, create a Model, and generate the Data Layer queries. For more information, see Directly Loading Data Sources via Graphmarts.

Incremental Onboarding of CSV and Parquet Files

Version 5.3.0 adds the ability to onboard CSV and Parquet files incrementally. For details about the new feature, see Configuring a CSV or Parquet Data Source for Incremental Processing.

Migration Packages Administrative Tool

Version 5.3.0 introduces the Migration Packages tool for administrators. When migrating artifacts between environments, administrators can now perform a bulk export (and import) by assembling a Migration Package that includes any number and type of artifacts and their related entities. For more information, see Migration Packages.

Workflow Manager Administrative Tool

Version 5.3.0 introduces the Workflow Manager tool for administrators. The Workflow Manager is used to manage tasks such as Structured or Unstructured Pipeline runs and Graphmart loads. Workflows can be triggered from the Anzo Admin CLI, and the CLI call can be automated by setting up cron jobs.

Hi-Res Analytics Query Manager

Version 5.3.0 introduces the Hi-Res Analytics Query Manager. The Query Manager is available from the Help menu on the main toolbar. When selected, the Query Manager panel is displayed on the right side of the screen. The panel has two tabs: an Active Queries tab that lists any queries that are in progress, and a Query History tab that shows completed queries.

The Active Queries tab shows the elapsed time for each query and includes the option to cancel queries. For example:

The Query History tab shows completed queries and statistics such as the total query runtime, start time, and end time. For example:

Added Hi-Res Analytics Features for Improved Multi-User Experience

Version 5.3.0 adds the following new features that improve usability when multiple users view and change the same Hi-Res Analytics Dashboard.

  • Dashboard changes are automatically cached for the entire user session. If a user closes the Hi-Res Analytics application browser tab, their Dashboard changes are preserved as long as they are still logged in to Anzo. Re-opening the browser will show the in-progress changes.
  • If multiple users are viewing a Dashboard and one user saves changes to it, the other users are alerted to the change and have the option to see the changes or continue to view the Dashboard as-is.
  • If a user makes changes to a Dashboard but wants to revert those changes, there is a new Reset to Original Dashboard option in the Dashboard menu on the main toolbar. Selecting that option resets the Dashboard view to the last saved version.

Added the Ability to Show and Hide Columns in Tables Lenses

Version 5.3.0 adds a Manage Columns button to the object toolbar for Table lenses in Hi-res Analytics Dashboards. The Manage Columns dialog box enables users to show or hide columns in the Table without having to use the lens Designer.

Added the Ability to Create Custom Anzo Groups

Version 5.3.0 introduces the ability to add new Groups that are internal to Anzo. Previously Groups could only be synced to Anzo from a directory server.

Added the Ability to Set the Default Anzo Data Store

Version 5.3.0 adds the option to designate the default Anzo Data Store for the server. The new option is available in Server Settings in the Administration application. For more information, see Configure the Default Anzo Data Store.

Added View of System Functions and Extensions in AnzoGraph

Version 5.3.0 introduces the Extensions tab that is available when viewing the AnzoGraph connection configuration in the Administration application. The Extensions tab lists all of the builtin functions and extensions that are available in your version of AnzoGraph.

Added Option to Remove Components from the Managed Edition

In Version 5.3.0, users have the ability to remove components from a Dataset's Managed Edition. When viewing components in the Managed Edition, there is now a Remove option in the Actions column.

Enhanced Export Steps to Automatically Create New Editions

In Version 5.3.0, Export Steps automatically create new Dataset Editions when they are run. A new Do Not Create New Edition in Dataset on Export setting can be enabled to disable the creation of new Editions.

If Do Not Create New Edition in Dataset on Export is enabled and Overwrite FLDS is disabled, Editions will not be created but a new Component will be added to the Managed Edition each time the Export Step is run. To limit the number of Components that can be created when Do Not Create New Edition in Dataset on Export is enabled and Overwrite FLDS is disabled, you can specify the maximum number of Components to create in the Maximum Number of Components in Edition setting.

In addition to the changes described above, Version 5.3.0 also adds the ability to rename the Components that are created by Export Steps.

Added Option to Normalize DNs when Configuring an LDAP Connection

Version 5.3.0 adds a Normalize LDAP DNs setting to the Directory server configuration screen in the Administration application. To ensure that duplicate user accounts are not created in Anzo if an LDAP distinguished name has both a lowercase and uppercase version, you can configure the system to normalize distinguished name strings so that values that differ only in capitalization are treated as the same value.

Added Option to Clear All Search Filters

Version 5.3.0 adds a Clear All Filters button to the search panel in the Anzo and Administration applications so that users can easily clear their filter selections.

Added Support for Listing Multiple Load File Paths in a Single Query

Version 5.3.0 adds support for parallel loading of multiple Dataset Editions in a single LOAD statement. Specify multiple directory location URIs in a space-separated list. For example, the following LOAD query loads the files from two different directories in parallel:

LOAD <dir:/global/nfs/sales/completed_sales.ttl> <dir:/global/nfs/marketing/prospects.ttl> INTO GRAPH <>

This functionality is supported with AnzoGraph Version 2.4.0 or later. When including multiple URIs in a single statement, each URI must have the same scheme, either file: or dir:. All URIs must also have the same file type extension, such as .ttl or.ttl.gz.

Added the Ability to Set a Limit on the Number of Historical Pipeline Runs to Store in the Journal

Version 5.3.0 adds a maxJobExecRecordsToKeep property to the Anzo Server SDI Service. This property is set to unlimited by default but can be modified to limit the number of historical pipeline runs to retain in the system journal.

Added the Ability to Exclude a Data Layer's Data from Graphmart Queries

In Version 5.3.0, the Data Layer Advanced Data Access setting By default, the data outputted by the layer is visible applies to all Graphmart queries, such as from the Query Builder and SPARQL endpoint, as well as Hi-Res Analytics dashboards. When the option is enabled (the default setting) the layer's data is included by default in queries against the Graphmart. When the option is disabled, the layer's data is excluded from Graphmart queries unless the layer URI is specifically mentioned in the query.

Added the Ability to Use Kerberos Authentication with the Sparkler ETL Engine

Version 5.3.0 adds support for configuring the Sparkler ETL Engine to use Kerberos authentication.

Added Environment and Version Tag to the Anzo Application Banner

To help users distinguish between Anzo applications in different environments, Version 5.3.0 adds an <environment> | <version> tag to the top of the Anzo application. For example:

The <environment> tag is the Versioning Environment value that is configured in Server Settings. For more information, see Configure the Versioning Environment.

Improved Usability when Finding Connections in Network Navigator Dashboards

Version 5.3.0 improves the usability of the Find Connections feature in Network Navigator Dashboards by limiting the results to load 100 nodes at a time. After the first 100 nodes are added to the Network View, Anzo presents a dialog box that lists the total number of connections that were found and asks the user if they want load the next 100. This change prevents the dashboard from becoming unresponsive when finding connections for large datasets.

Improved Usability of Query Contexts for Data Layers and Steps

Version 5.3.0 enhances the user interface that is used to configure Query Contexts, which abstract sensitive connection information in queries. Previously, if a user selected an Anzo-generated Context Provider, it was not possible to easily review the variables to use as placeholders for that Context. In Version 5.3.0, selecting an Anzo-generated Context displays the variables onscreen. For more information, see Configuring Query Contexts for Data Source Connections.

Enhanced Data Profile Metrics and Separated Them into Categories

In order to provide a more robust yet streamlined option for generating Data Source, Dataset, and Graphmart Data Profiles, Version 5.3.0 now groups the metrics into Primary and Advanced categories and allows users to choose which category to run.

Added the Ability to Create and Edit Tags on Models

Version 5.3.0 adds the Tags field to the Details tab in the Model editor so that tags can be added to Models.

Added the Ability to Associate a User with Multiple Default Groups

Version 5.3.0 adds the ability to assign multiple Default Groups to a user.

Improved Sorting for Default Access Policy Search Results

Version 5.3.0 improves the sorting of user and group search results for Default Access Policies.

Added Reminder to Re-Log-In when Permissions are Changed

In Version 5.3.0, if an administrator changes permissions, the following alert is displayed to remind the administrator to ask users to log out and back in: "Permissions saved successfully. Users will need to re-login to see changes."

Enabled System Event Logs By Default when Audit Logging is Enabled

Version 5.3.0 logs system events by default when the Audit Logs are enabled. In addition, starting and stopping bundles are now logged as system events. For information about the Audit Logs, see Enabling and Viewing Audit Logs.

Allowed Users with Appropriate Pipeline Permissions to Cancel Running ETL Jobs

Version 5.3.0 enables users to cancel running jobs if they have the appropriate permissions on the Pipeline. Previously only the sysadmin user could cancel running jobs. For more information, see Canceling a Running Job.

Updated the HTTP Client Interface to Support Alternate RDF Serialization Formats

Previously, when Add or Remove client operations were run against the HTTP client servlet, the request needed to be in Anzo's JSON RDF serialization format and headers were not supported. Version 5.3.0 enhances the HTTP client interface to add support for Add and Remove requests in all supported RDF serialization formats. Headers are now supported and specify the format for the request. In addition, a header can be used with Get requests to specify the format of the response.

Enhanced Query Step Types to Suggest URIs Based on Prefixes

In Version 5.3.0, Data Layer Steps that include queries and have Models associated with them have been enhanced to automatically suggest URIs when a user types a prefix.

Improved Performance for Unstructured Pipelines

To improve performance of Unstructured Pipelines, Version 5.3.0 reduces memory usage and increases performance when crawling large document sets. In addition, some of the default values for Pipeline parameters were adjusted to further improve performance.

Added the Option to Increase Logging Verbosity for Unstructured Pipelines

Version 5.3.0 adds a Diagnostic Logging setting for Unstructured Pipelines. Enabling this option runs the Pipeline in diagnostic mode, which captures debug-level logging statements for the duration of the Pipeline.

Improved Performance for Artifact Exports and Imports

Version 5.3.0 includes an improvement that significantly increases the performance of artifact exports and Imports.

Improved Sparkler ETL Engine Performance

Version 5.3.0 includes an enhancement that significantly improves the performance of Sparkler when converting data to RDF format.

Improved Handling of Dataset Upgrades

Version 5.3.0 adds extra validation to ensure that Datasets from earlier Anzo versions are properly upgraded when they are migrated or manually imported to the new version.

Improved the Data on Demand Endpoint Schema Builder

Version 5.3.0 reworks the Data on Demand schema builder to improve how the OData schema is built for the ontologies in the endpoint's Graphmart.

Made the Anzo CLI Register Command Extensible

Version 5.3.0 includes an enhancement that makes the register CLI command more extensible.

Added a Confirmation Message when Server License is Updated

Version 5.3.0 adds a confirmation message that indicates that the server license key was updated and prompts the user to restart the server to apply the change.

Improved the System Monitor Service to Prevent Repetition of Heap Dumps

Version 5.3.0 improves the System Monitor Service so that heap dumps are not repeatedly written for the same error. In Version 5.3.0, when the System Monitor Service is enabled, it will only take a heap dump the first time an error is seen. Subsequent instances of the same error will only produce the stack trace. In addition, to help identify files related to out of memory or connection errors, relevant files are suffixed with _oom or _conn.

Improved Mapping Validation for Classes Split across Models

Version 5.3.0 includes a Mapping enhancement for improved support of classes that are split across Models.

Updated Sparkler to Avoid Uploading Older Library Jar Files

Version 5.3.0 updates Sparkler to use the library .jar files that are set by Sparkler start script. This change avoids uploading older Sparkler library .jar files that are not needed.

Dynamic Resource Log and Preservation of Diagnostic Files for K8s-Based Deployments

Version 5.3.0 adds a Dynamic Resource Log in the Administration application. The log captures details about dynamically deployed applications, including details about all Kubernetes events and diagnostic information, such as AnzoGraph Crashdumps and X-Rays, which are preserved even though the cluster may be de-provisioned.

For new installations, the Dynamic Resource Log is enabled by default. If you are upgrading to Version 5.3.0 from a previous version, the Dynamic Resource Log is not enabled by default. Follow the steps below to enable the log:

  1. In the Administration application, expand the Servers menu and click Advanced Configuration. Click I understand and accept the risk.
  2. Search for the Pax Logging SLF4j Listener bundle and view its details.
  3. Click the Services tab and expand the SLF4j Log Listener service.
  4. Click Add Property. In the Name field, specify, and then set the Value to
  5. Save the new property and then restart Anzo to apply the configuration change.

Added Support for Configuring Multiple NFS Servers

To support clusters in multiple regions, Version 5.3.0 adds support for multiple NFS mount configurations so that each region can mount an NFS server in the same region.

Added the Ability to Save Launch Configurations

In Version 5.3.0, users have the option of saving the launch configuration that is used when activating a Graphmart (and dynamically deploying an AnzoGraph cluster) and when running a Pipeline (and deploying Anzo Unstructured or Spark clusters). When the launch configuration is saved, Anzo remembers the selections so that the user is not prompted to make the same choices the next time they activate a Graphmart or run a Pipeline. In addition, users can also choose which AnzoGraph settings file to use for the deployment. Saved configurations can be cleared by click Clear Launch Configuration under General information in the Overview tab.

Added the Ability to Deploy a Dynamic AnzoGraph Cluster for Multiple Graphmarts

Version 5.3.0 adds the ability to deploy a dynamic AnzoGraph cluster or AnzoGraph plus Elasticsearch cluster from the AnzoGraph screen in the Administration application. If a dynamic AnzoGraph cluster is deployed in advance, it can be used with multiple Graphmarts rather than provisioning a separate cluster each time a Graphmart is activated.

Released Upgraded Versions of the AnzoGraph, Anzo Agent, and Unstructured K8s Operators

Version 5.3.0 adds the option to upgrade the AnzoGraph, Anzo Agent, and Anzo Unstructured Operators that are used in dynamic, Kubernetes-based deployments. The new version, Version 2.0, updates the schema to introduce greater flexibility for being able to change the configuration of a dynamic application, such as to add a volume or change an environment variable, without having to recreate the node pool.

Upgrading the Operators is optional. You can continue to use Version 1.x Operators after upgrading to Anzo 5.3.0. No action is needed. To learn more, your Cambridge Semantics Customer Success manager can provide details and guide you through the updates to your Kubernetes (K8s) infrastructure. If you have multiple Anzo environments that access the same K8s cluster, all environments that use the cluster must use the same version of the Operators.

Changed Query-Driven Template Steps to RDF-Encode Parameters by Default

In Version 5.3.0, Query-Driven Template Steps use RDF encoding for parameters by default. That means a parameter specified as ${param} is translated as ${rdf.param}. If you do not want to use RDF encoding, you can specify plain text by adding text. before the parameter name, for example, ${text.param}.

Limited Permission to Manage Dictionaries to Anzo Admin

Version 5.3.0 limits the Manage Dictionaries permission to the Anzo Admin role by default.

Added the Manage Models Permission to the Data Scientist Role

To prevent errors when a user with the Anzo Data Scientist role ingests a Data Source, Version 5.3.0 adds the Manage Models permission to that role.

Removed Unused Anzo Distributed Unstructured Dependencies

Version 5.3.0 removes several unused dependencies from the Anzo Unstructured software.

Removed the Masking Tab from Data Layers

Version 5.3.0 removes the Masking tab that was available when creating and configuring Data Layers. The tab was not used.

Removed the Clone Permissions Option when Cloning Graphmarts or Layers

Version 5.3.0 removes the Would you like to clone the permissions? option that was presented when cloning a Graphmart or Data Layer. Disabling the option could cause access issues that were not immediately apparent. In Version 5.3.0, the appropriate permission inheritance is applied automatically.

Corrected Sort Icons in Dashboard Filters

Version 5.3.0 corrects the sort icons that are used to order Dashboard Filter results in ascending or descending order. Previously, the arrows in the icons did not match the text.

Changed Schema Instances to Inherit Instead of Copy ACL Configuration

In Version 5.3.0, Schema instances now inherit their ACL configuration from the related Data Source and Schema artifacts. Previously the configuration was copied from the artifacts to the instance.

Removed System Administrator from Default Access Policy Groups

Version 5.3.0 removes "System Administrator" from the list of values that are displayed when searching for Groups or Users to configure Default Access Policy permissions for.

New Aspose.Note for Java License

Version 5.3.0 includes a new license for Aspose.Note for Java version 3.0.

Open Group List Option Missing from Explore Tab

Version 5.3.0 restores the Open Group List button on the Explore tab for Datasets and Graphmarts. Clicking the Open Group List () icon shows the Models for the Graphmart and enables users to show/hide particular Models.

Volume Creator Always Shown as System Administrator

Version 5.3.0 resolves an issue that caused "System Administrator" to be displayed as the creator of all volumes even if another user created a volume.

Unstructured Pipeline Incorrectly Processed All Editions

Version 5.3.0 corrects an issue that caused Unstructured Pipelines to process all Dataset Editions instead of only the Working Edition.

Metadata was Included in Export without Metadata

When a migrationExport command that included -nometa was issued, the resulting export did include the metadata graph. Version 5.3.0 corrects the issue so that the metadata graph is not exported when the -nometa option is specified.

Imported Properties from a Child Model were Unavailable in the Parent Model

Version 5.3.0 corrects an issue that prevented the properties in an imported child model from being reflected in the parent model.

Graphmart Explore Tab Incorrectly Showed Nodes from System Models

Version 5.3.0 resolves an issue that could cause the Graphmart Explore tab to display nodes from system Models that were not included in the Graphmart.

Pipeline History was Cleared when a Data Source was Re-Ingested

Version 5.3.0 resolves an issue that caused Pipeline history to be cleared when a previously ingested Data Source was re-ingested.

Pipeline with Multiple Incremental Jobs Failed

Version 5.3.0 corrects an issue that caused a Pipeline with multiple incremental jobs to fail even though the jobs were successful when run individually.

User was Unable to View Shared Queries

Version 5.3.0 corrects an issue that caused a user to be unable to view the queries that another user shared via the Query Builder.

Could Not Add Statements via the HTTP Client Interface if the Graph Did Not Exist

Version 5.3.0 fixes an issue that caused an anzoclient/add request to fail with an "Import/Export error" if the graph the statements were added to did not pre-exist in the system journal.

Data Inserted via Query Builder Query Did Not Render in the User Interface

Version 5.3.0 fixes an issue where triples and graphs that were created via INSERT DATA queries in the Query Builder were not returned when they were subsequently queried for in the Query Builder. The new data was returned when searched for on the Query Builder Find tab, however.